Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy​

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

Dont see anything in there about being patriotic as an excuse, dipshit.
Hi retard. I didn’t say it was an excuse. But it could serve to negate an element.

All this remains far beyond your meager ability to comprehend.
Wrong. His burden remains. No doubt. But you still assume the burden by offering a specific factual denial.

What is the basis for your denial? Do you have any access to FBI records, you imbecile?

Didn’t think so.
Are you actually asking me to provide evidence this clown WASNT a FBI undercover agent? What am I supposed to pull, the file with the list of all US citizens that were never undercover agents? god, you're fucking stupid.

My basis for denial is that nobody has shown me proof he WAS an FBI undercover informant. So until somebody does that, I can fucking say whatever I want, numbskull.
This is a frame up. FBI, John Sullivan, Antifa.


Reporting the news?
Whatever Sullivan did, doesn't out weigh or cancel out ALLLLLLL the illegal activity from the RWI's, "Oath Keepers". "Proud Boys". 3 %er's

Some fine groups ^^^^^^^^ right there. The KKK may be dead, but these fuckers have stepped in nicely, for the RWI.
Over and over again, people have challenged posters here with the clarion call, "No charges of sedition or insurrection" stemming from the Jan. 6th storming of the Capital.
Now here you have it--bona-fide charges of sedition.

The seditious conspiracy indictment handed up against Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and 10 others stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol shows prosecutors are upping the ante in the sprawling probe, legal experts said Thursday.
“Good to see DOJ moving up the ladder, but going after the crime that can be established without proof of force or violence — the failed conspiracy to get officials like the VP to overturn the electoral vote count — needn’t start on the lower rungs,” tweeted Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law professor.
Asha Rangappa, an attorney and former FBI agent who teaches at Yale’s Jackson Institute, tweeted that the seditious conspiracy charges were long overdue. Hundreds of people who participated in the Capitol attack have been hit with lesser counts.
“Finally,” Rangappa wrote. “An indictment for seditious conspiracy, the closest crime we have to treason. Let the games begin.”
Over and over again, people have challenged posters here with the clarion call, "No charges of sedition or insurrection" stemming from the Jan. 6th storming of the Capital.
Now here you have it--bona-fide charges of sedition.

The seditious conspiracy indictment handed up against Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and 10 others stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol shows prosecutors are upping the ante in the sprawling probe, legal experts said Thursday.
“Good to see DOJ moving up the ladder, but going after the crime that can be established without proof of force or violence — the failed conspiracy to get officials like the VP to overturn the electoral vote count — needn’t start on the lower rungs,” tweeted Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law professor.
Asha Rangappa, an attorney and former FBI agent who teaches at Yale’s Jackson Institute, tweeted that the seditious conspiracy charges were long overdue. Hundreds of people who participated in the Capitol attack have been hit with lesser counts.
“Finally,” Rangappa wrote. “An indictment for seditious conspiracy, the closest crime we have to treason. Let the games begin.”
Unfortunately, the max they can get is 20 years. But I guess that is better than nothing.

I've said all along just wait for the bigger charges because obviously those would take longer because the charges are more difficult to prove than say trespassing. And I was right.
Are you actually asking me to provide evidence this clown WASNT a FBI undercover agent? What am I supposed to pull, the file with the list of all US citizens that were never undercover agents? god, you're fucking stupid.

My basis for denial is that nobody has shown me proof he WAS an FBI undercover informant. So until somebody does that, I can fucking say whatever I want, numbskull.
No, you asshole. I’m trying to get you to admit that you shouldn’t DENY an asserted fact if you don’t have a solid factual basis to make that denial.

You are tragically retarded.
Lesson: Do not start an organization urging soldiers to take their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously.

Declaration Of Orders We Will Not Obey​

Recognizing that we each swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and affirming that we are guardians of the Republic, of the principles in our Declaration of Independence, and of the rights of our people, we affirm and declare the following:

1. We will NOT obey any order to disarm the American people.
The attempt to disarm the people on April 19, 1775 was the spark of open conflict in the American Revolution. That vile attempt was an act of war, and the American people fought back in justified, righteous self-defense of their natural rights. Any such order today would also be an act of war against the American people, and thus an act of treason. We will not make war on our own people, and we will not commit treason by obeying any such treasonous order.Nor will we assist, or support any such attempt to disarm the people by other government entities, either state or federal.
In addition, we affirm that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military power of the people so that they will, in the last resort, have effective final recourse to arms and to the God of Hosts in the face of tyranny. Accordingly, we oppose any and all further infringements on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. In particular we oppose a renewal of the misnamed “assault-weapons” ban or the enactment of H.R. 45 (which would register and track gun owners like convicted pedophiles).
2. We will NOT obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects – such as warrantless house-to house searches for weapons or persons.
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the use of “writs of assistance,” which were essentially warrantless searches because there was no requirement of a showing of probable cause to a judge, and the first fiery embers of American resistance were born in opposition to those infamous writs. The Founders considered all warrantless searches to be unreasonable and egregious. It was to prevent a repeat of such violations of the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects that the Fourth Amendment was written.
We expect that sweeping warrantless searches of homes and vehicles, under some pretext, will be the means used to attempt to disarm the people.
3. We will NOT obey any order to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunal.
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the denial of the right to jury trial, the use of admiralty courts (military tribunals) instead, and the application of the laws of war to the colonists. After that experience, and being well aware of the infamous Star Chamber in English history, the Founders ensured that the international laws of war would apply only to foreign enemies, not to the American people. Thus, the Article III Treason Clause establishes the only constitutional form of trial for an American, not serving in the military, who is accused of making war on his own nation. Such a trial for treason must be before a civilian jury, not a tribunal.
The international laws of war do not trump our Bill of Rights. We reject as illegitimate any such claimed power, as did the Supreme Court in Ex Parte Milligan (1865). Any attempt to apply the laws of war to American civilians, under any pretext, such as against domestic “militia” groups the government brands “domestic terrorists,” is an act of war and an act of treason.
4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state, or to enter with force into a state, without the express consent and invitation of that state’s legislature and governor.
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the attempt “to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power” by disbanding the Massachusetts legislature and appointing General Gage as “military governor.” The attempt to disarm the people of Massachusetts during that martial law sparked our Revolution. Accordingly, the power to impose martial law – the absolute rule over the people by a military officer with his will alone being law – is nowhere enumerated in our Constitution.
Further, it is the militia of a state and of the several states that the Constitution contemplates being used in any context, during any emergency within a state, not the standing army.
The imposition of martial law by the national government over a state and its people, treating them as an occupied enemy nation, is an act of war. Such an attempted suspension of the Constitution and Bill of Rights voids the compact with the states and with the people.
5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that state entered the Union.
In response to the obscene growth of federal power and to the absurdly totalitarian claimed powers of the Executive, upwards of 20 states are considering, have considered, or have passed courageous resolutions affirming states rights and sovereignty.
Those resolutions follow in the honored and revered footsteps of Jefferson and Madison in their Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, and likewise seek to enforce the Constitution by affirming the very same principles of our Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights that we Oath Keepers recognize and affirm.
Chief among those principles is that ours is a dual sovereignty system, with the people of each state retaining all powers not granted to the national government they created, and thus the people of each state reserved to themselves the right to judge when the national government they created has voided the compact between the states by asserting powers never granted.
Upon the declaration by a state that such a breach has occurred, we will not obey orders to force that state to submit to the national government.
6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the blockade of Boston, and the occupying of that city by the British military, under martial law. Once hostilities began, the people of Boston were tricked into turning in their arms in exchange for safe passage, but were then forbidden to leave. That confinement of the residents of an entire city was an act of war.
Such tactics were repeated by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto, and by the Imperial Japanese in Nanking, turning entire cities into death camps. Any such order to disarm and confine the people of an American city will be an act of war and thus an act of treason.
7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.
Mass, forced internment into concentration camps was a hallmark of every fascist and communist dictatorship in the 20th Century. Such internment was unfortunately even used against American citizens of Japanese descent during World War II. Whenever a government interns its own people, it treats them like an occupied enemy population. Oppressive governments often use the internment of women and children to break the will of the men fighting for their liberty – as was done to the Boers, to the Jewish resisters in the Warsaw Ghetto, and to the Chechens, for example.
Such a vile order to forcibly intern Americans without charges or trial would be an act of war against the American people, and thus an act of treason, regardless of the pretext used. We will not commit treason, nor will we facilitate or support it. “NOT on Our Watch!”
8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control” during any emergency, or under any other pretext. We will consider such use of foreign troops against our people to be an invasion and an act of war.
During the American Revolution, the British government enlisted the aid of Hessian mercenaries in an attempt to subjugate the rebellious American people. Throughout history, repressive regimes have enlisted the aid of foreign troops and mercenaries who have no bonds with the people.
Accordingly, as the militia of the several states are the only military force contemplated by the Constitution, in Article I, Section 8, for domestic keeping of the peace, and as the use of even our own standing army for such purposes is without such constitutional support, the use of foreign troops and mercenaries against the people is wildly unconstitutional, egregious, and an act of war.
We will oppose such troops as enemies of the people and we will treat all who request, invite, and aid those foreign troops as the traitors they are.
9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies, under any emergency pretext whatsoever.
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the seizure and forfeiture of American ships, goods, and supplies, along with the seizure of American timber for the Royal Navy, all in violation of the people’s natural right to their property and to the fruits of their labor. The final spark of the Revolution was the attempt by the government to seize powder and cannon stores at Concord.
Deprivation of food has long been a weapon of war and oppression, with millions intentionally starved to death by fascist and communist governments in the 20th Century alone.
Accordingly, we will not obey or facilitate orders to confiscate food and other essential supplies from the people, and we will consider all those who issue or carry out such orders to be the enemies of the people.
10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.
There would have been no American Revolution without fiery speakers and writers such as James Otis, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, and Sam Adams “setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

Stewart Rhodes explains Oath Keepers on Chris Matthews
As I said, you would not comprehend it.

Factually , of course, you’re wrong anyway. There was evidence of electoral improprieties. But that’s entirely beside the point. The issue is whether the participants of the now alleged seditious conspiracy were seeking to interfere with the operation of the government or part thereof. And that’s where their belief (again, whether accurate or not) comes to bear.

Assuming they did believe that the election had been stolen, then their behavior came via a very different intent. It was not to interfere with government but to protect the legitimate government of our Republic.
Being stupid isn’t a defense.
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