Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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Of course not, the defendants would have the ability to have them sanctioned for misconduct.

That hasn’t happened because your accusations are bullshit.
No, its how a rigged banana republic operates
Your abject level of imbecility is difficult to measure. We’d need an electron scanning microscope to even find your IQ. You are so far dumber than you can even imagine, there’s no way you’ll ever comprehend any of this.

Again, for you hard of thinking retards: since the gubmint brought the charges, they have the burden of proving the elements. Thus, they will need to prove intent. And because of the defendants’ respective more Patriotic motives, I believe the gubmint may have a bit of a problem establishing their alleged criminal intent. But, we shall see, eventually.
So that makes what they did legal? I dont think so. The DOJ needs to prove the Oath Keeper gang INTENDED to do an act prohibited by law. I think you've got the intent thing mixed up in your fucked up brain. Just because these domestic terrorists were being "patriotic" in their intent doesnt excuse them from breaking laws you fucking mentally challenged fuck up.

And what does the outcome matter to the likes of you anyway? If your side loses, you'll just call the entire US court system an organization run by communists or some such nonsense. For traitors like yourself that have no respect for rule of law, thats the way you operate.
The person I responded to said he was working undercover for the FBI. It's on them to prove it. I cant prove a negative you fucking idiot. Do you even understand basic logic?
You denied it. You assumed the burden. You completely clueless retard.

YOU might have said, instead, “oh really? Show me. Assume your burden.”

but instead you made a denial. Now that’s your burden. You have heard the word “logic,” but you are unable to comprehend it.
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So that makes what they did legal? I dont think so. The DOJ needs to prove the Oath Keeper gang INTENDED to do an act prohibited by law. I think you've got the intent thing mixed up in your fucked up brain. Just because these domestic terrorists were being "patriotic" in their intent doesnt excuse them from breaking laws you fucking mentally challenged fuck up.
I don’t recall saying it was legal. In fact, what I have said is that for the crimes they did apparently commit (trespass, criminal mischief and assaults) they should be prosecuted. But there’s no valid reason to charge them with crimes they likely didn’t commit.

look. I get it. You’re retarded. You can’t comprehend things. But still, the gubmint has to prove each and every element of a charged crime. I suspect that will have grave difficulties proving intent. If that’s the case then the verdict should be “not guilty” on the charge of seditious conspiracy.
You denied it. You assumed the burden. You completely clueless retard.

YIU might have said, instead, “oh really? Show me. Assume your burden.”

but instead you made a denial. Now that’s your burden. You have heard the word logic but you are unable to comprehend it.
Actually the burden still resides with him. You're attempting to shift the burden, but one cant shift the burden. I cant prove something didnt happen you dumb fucker. I've talked to idiots on here like you before about this and I'm not going to waste any more time discussing this with you.
This is a frame up. FBI, John Sullivan, Antifa.



N o evidence Sullivan ever had anything to do with ANTIFA and his association with BLM ended when they cut ties with him MONTHS prior to 1/6 because of his suspicious activities.

His BROTHER is a Proud Boy.
What a Liability we've got here. :heehee:
boredtoseeya imagines that it’s clever and cute and precious because it knows and uses my former username. She gets ever lamer as time goes by. I’m guessing her lameness grows proportionately to her massive and ever-expanding girth.

N o evidence Sullivan ever had anything to do with ANTIFA and his association with BLM ended when they cut ties with him MONTHS prior to 1/6 because of his suspicious activities.

His BROTHER is a Proud Boy.
We may find out if Sullivan planned some of this with the folks in the orange orbit. That could be interesting, and a good little potential plea deal.
I don’t recall saying it was legal. In fact, what I have said is that for the crimes they did apparently commit (trespass, criminal mischief and assaults) they should be prosecuted. But there’s no valid reason to charge them with crimes they likely didn’t commit.

look. I get it. You’re retarded. You can’t comprehend things. But still, the gubmint has to prove each and every element of a charged crime. I suspect that will have grave difficulties proving intent. If that’s the case then the verdict should be “not guilty” on the charge of seditious conspiracy.

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy​

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

Dont see anything in there about being patriotic as an excuse, dipshit.
Actually the burden still resides with him. You're attempting to shift the burden, but one cant shift the burden. I cant prove something didnt happen you dumb fucker. I've talked to idiots on here like you before about this and I'm not going to waste any more time discussing this with you.
Wrong. His burden remains. No doubt. But you still assume the burden by offering a specific factual denial.

What is the basis for your denial? Do you have any access to FBI records, you imbecile?

Didn’t think so.
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