Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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Sounds like a bullshit charge that Garland was pushed into making by rabid Marxists in the Democrat party. This is like some drunk guy saying "someone should take that guy out" and then getting charged with conspiracy to commit murder. In the end, it's just contrived bullshit designed to hurt any chance Trump may have of getting elected President in 2024. And you can bet Pelosi's granny bloomers are plenty wet over this.
Of course you think it's a BS charge. Because you're a traitor just like them.
Let the games begin!

"In a major move Thursday, the Justice Department charged a member of the Oath Keepers and 10 others with seditious conspiracy. While many activists have called the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol an example of a "coup" or sedition, this is the first time that the DOJ has officially acknowledged that the incident is legally an attack on the U.S. government."

"It is a conspiracy because more than one person was coordinating together, as Los Angeles Times legal affairs columnist Harry Litman explained."

If the indictment is truly unreasonable then it’s prosecutorial misconduct and able to be sanctioned.
Do you think the lib lawyers are going to tirn themselves in like Otis on the Andy Griffith show?

no, they will just keep on truckin’ as if nothing happened
Do you think the lib lawyers are going to tirn themselves in like Otis on the Andy Griffith show?

no, they will just keep on truckin’ as if nothing happened
Of course not, the defendants would have the ability to have them sanctioned for misconduct.

That hasn’t happened because your accusations are bullshit.
Let the games begin!

"In a major move Thursday, the Justice Department charged a member of the Oath Keepers and 10 others with seditious conspiracy. While many activists have called the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol an example of a "coup" or sedition, this is the first time that the DOJ has officially acknowledged that the incident is legally an attack on the U.S. government."

"It is a conspiracy because more than one person was coordinating together, as Los Angeles Times legal affairs columnist Harry Litman explained."

From reading what little is available so far, it seems pretty cut and dried. The dummies even had an encrypted chat on Signal titled "DC OP: Jan 6 21". You cant fix stupid. Seems like they'll probably plead out because the evidence seems pretty overwhelming against them ie how it was planned from the top down to perform a military type operation to break into the Capitol coordinating several groups of lol "Oath Keepers".

There terrorists are gonna be able to think about it for a while in their jail cells. The good guys win again!
From reading what little is available so far, it seems pretty cut and dried. The dummies even had an encrypted chat on Signal titled "DC OP: Jan 6 21". You cant fix stupid. Seems like they'll probably plead out because the evidence seems pretty overwhelming against them ie how it was planned from the top down to perform a military type operation to break into the Capitol coordinating several groups of lol "Oath Keepers".

There terrorists are gonna be able to think about it for a while in their jail cells. The good guys win again!
Maybe this will even motivate Evan McMullin to run again, eh Jake?
And appropriately so.

This is an important step to combat the right's efforts to destroy America.

An indictment is nothing more than an accusation. A highly politicized DOJ effort to go after any of the participants of the illegal entry at the Capitol on 1/6/2021 has zero relationship to your mindless accusation that anyone on the conservative side is making efforts to destroy America.

If some of the protestors committed crimes like trespass, criminal mischief and assaults, they deserve to be prosecuted — for THOSE alleged crimes. But where (as here) there was no sedition and no conspiracy to commit sedition, these new charges are clearly just politicized propaganda.
From reading what little is available so far, it seems pretty cut and dried. The dummies even had an encrypted chat on Signal titled "DC OP: Jan 6 21". You cant fix stupid. Seems like they'll probably plead out because the evidence seems pretty overwhelming against them ie how it was planned from the top down to perform a military type operation to break into the Capitol coordinating several groups of lol "Oath Keepers".

There terrorists are gonna be able to think about it for a while in their jail cells. The good guys win again!
Going to be hard for them to squirm out of this one. What the muck denialists around here don't understand is the spooks will uncover damn near anything.

An indictment is nothing more than an accusation. A highly politicized DOJ effort to go after any of the participants of the illegal entry at the Capitol on 1/6/2021 has zero relationship to your mindless accusation that anyone on the conservative side is making efforts to destroy America.

If some of the protestors committed crimes like trespass, criminal mischief and assaults, they deserve to be prosecuted — for THOSE alleged crimes. But where (as here) there was no sedition and no conspiracy to commit sedition, these new charges are clearly just politicized propaganda.
You havent read anything about this, have you? It shows.
Oh come, now, Fakey. Unlike you, I not only read it but I understood it. You don’t grasp much of anything.

It shows.
Then you know the DOJ only makes arrests when it has a strong case.
Youd also know that the Oath Keepers, from the top down, were caught conspiring to invade the Capitol and stop the process of electing Biden.
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