Stewardess: Air Dartmouth


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A little ode to the stewardess I was inspired to generate, inspired by my travels and writings in college and Europe!


My name's Isaac Satan and this is a profile of the great contribution to humanity that have been made by the airline stewardess. The airline industry has facilitated the globalization of nations and the diorama of world traffic and tourism. The stewardess is the female emissary and diplomat of this experience and therefore speaks to human focus on the hospitality involved with great advances in Earth activity. The stewardess ensures that your flight is comfortable and cool. I consider myself in this thread a basic aesthetics critic but with a democratic intentionality!


Man is no longer Hermes, Marathon, or Zeus. He's now more like Aquaman or the Fairy-King, using electronic grids and global seas to traverse great lengths to achieve matrix-like efficiency and orchestrated weavings. Man is now a witness of species macro-behaviors such as world travel and flight. He's an angel of the matrix now and no longer just a god of materials.


As a man, I seek to offer my views on the symbolic contributions made by the airline stewardess to the modern era. The stewardess is beautiful, handsome, uniformed, professional, courteous, charming, sexy, attractive, delicious, worldly, trained, and hospitable. She's the right-hand of civilization and the diplomat of globalization traffic, because airplanes are totems of civilized globalization and travel. The stewardess must look and feel therefore like an angel of evolution itself. The best uniformed and attractive stewardesses hail arguably from Aeroflot, Air France, and Kingfisher. These three companies offer us stewardesses that remind us that while 'classic beauty' is dead, nouveau-beauty is all about the flair for design!


Kingfisher is an Indian airline and its stewardesses are shockingly professional, prepared, and very pretty. For fellas not familiar with exotic or Asian-Indian beauty or hospitality, you might discover that India boasts some of the world's most lauded and awarded/reviewed luxury hotels. Perhaps this explains the level of investment made by Kingfisher to offer us symbolic diplomats for air-travel that showcase the opportunity to mix hospitality...with demeanor!


France is a country of cuisine and fashion and pageantry. Needless to say therefore that Air France offers us in-flight service and stewardesses to match! These French maidens are trained to offer us the highest-quality of travel experience. This is shocking, since the French are notorious for being snobs. Nevertheless, Air France stewardesses are devilish etiquette perfected. How lovely...and sexy too!


Whether you meet a great stewardess on Aeroflot, Air France, of Kingfisher, you'll be likely to remember the experience as something that reminded you of the simple joy of air-travel. In this age of terrorism, the airline stewardess has quickly and seriously become a diplomat of traffic resilience and courage. These lovely dolls of the sky are there to be our hostesses for a global experience in modern times that could have perhaps been forever darkened after 9/11, right?


As an amateur photographer, I find great intellectual and manly stimulation in taking symbolic photos and collecting images of stewardesses around the world and across time (20th-21st Century). These are images of traffic and the matrix which remind us how men have changed and what women have done to complement and enhance and support and facilitate this change. I personally think stewardesses from numerous airlines are excellent --- Lufthansa, Aer Lingus, KLM, Swiss Air, Korean Air, etc. Why hasn't there been a serious film focusing on the demeanor of the airline stewardess?


We all remember Karen Black portraying the life-saving stewardess in the film Airport 1975 (Charlton Heston). However, I'd like to see a modern film-maker offer us a compelling portrait of the special place in history occupied by the airline stewardess who's not quite a waitress, not quite a nurse, not quite a seamstress, not quite a sorceress, not quite a ballerina, not quite a goddess, but perhaps certainly something of a social fortune-teller! There's unexplored diarism here, folks.


So consider the wisdom of writing a gratitude-essay about how the airline stewardess has enhanced our experience of modernism and perhaps appreciate why and how she's replaced the 'classic beauty' and become the nouveau-doctor!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


  • fly5.jpg
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Yeah, the days of hot stewardesses are gone.
Aw geez, I still have an Eastern pin given me by the Ken pilot dude with the super hot Swedish wife, that gave me a key to their house so I could go out back and fish on their lake.
Yeah, she did stir some hormones, but they were hardly ever there. I never did take their windsurfer out like he wanted me to. I did do some fishing and caught some bream, though.
I thank them to this day! She was drop dead fine and then some!

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