Stewart Destroys Obama Over IRS Scandal

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Wow he's as clumsy as he is stupid

[ame=]e10-Clumsy as he is - YouTube[/ame]
Gads! obama lost Bill Maher AND Jon Stewart!

He is really in trouble.

That's ok... obama will always have his little brain dead robots like some here to lick his ass. He could shoot their own mother in the face and they'd say, "thank you my messiah."

But the thing is, people have known all along that obama is the most liberal president ever, and was senator as well, but now they're finding out that he is the most RADICAL and EXTREME as well, and is POWER DRUNK, and evidently has a bad case of 'you can't touch me I'm above the law.' Well, now it's becoming very apparent, and anyone, left or right, conservative or liberal, that possess a functioning brain is beginning to see just HOW radical, extreme and power drunk obama is, and they DON'T LIKE IT. Time for obama to get a REALITY CHECK.
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Sad that he always just believes what he is fed rather than actually delve deep into it. The only reason he is admitting to these is because the 'press' says so.
I'm glad this is all starting to come out.

It was only a matter of time before this administration started to show its true colors.
If you would watch Stewart you would know he goes after government incompetence right or left. It just so happens the right has had a monopoly on it up until now.

The left does slam Obama when he is wrong, take your blinders off.


No one has ever even heard one of you MOONBATS say the word wrong and Obama in the same sentence much less held him accountable! NOT ONE OF YOU MORONS ever held your god to account for the shit he's done.. It's why he thought he could get away with ANYTHING.. You azz smoochers rolled over and sucked his entire nutsack with one wink of his eye!

The left does slam Obama when he is wrong, take your blinders off.


No one has ever even heard one of you MOONBATS say the word wrong and Obama in the same sentence much less held him accountable! NOT ONE OF YOU MORONS ever held your god to account for the shit he's done.. It's why he thought he could get away with ANYTHING.. You azz smoochers rolled over and sucked his entire nutsack with one wink of his eye!

The Obama Administration MADE MISTAKES with Libya. They SHOULD HAVE BEEN prepared on the 9/11 anniversary. They NEED TO learn from those mistakes. But...mistakes are NOT lies. There........feel better?
If you would watch Stewart you would know he goes after government incompetence right or left. It just so happens the right has had a monopoly on it up until now.

The Daily Show is a comedy show on "Comedy Central". Stewart knows his audience. He spends most of his time making fun of the right, mostly because it's easy and popular. Every once in awhile he gets fed up and says something.

I've always said the Obama needs the support of most of the media. Without them he would be toast. They could destroy him in little or no time if they wanted to or felt they wouldn't face persecution.

Now some of you right wingers might begin understand why so many Americans (especially NON partisans) absolutely LOVE John Stewart.

Fair and balanced mockery of the arrogance of government regardless of what party is being arrogant and over-reaching IS what many of us EXPECT from our political pundits.

IF it can be shown that the IRS was being ordered (by the White House) to focus undue and unwarranted attention on the tax filings of right leaning organizations?

A while lot of nonpartisans are going to be calling for heads to roll.

Now I ask you boys who hate Obama...

If the shoe was on the other foot, if Obama was doing the same thing to left leaning organziations would you be as upset?

I think most of you would not be too upset by that.

Some of you here, would, of that I am sure.

But most of you right wingers?

Fair and balanced application of the law is a completely alien concept to far too many here, I fear.

The left does slam Obama when he is wrong, take your blinders off.


No one has ever even heard one of you MOONBATS say the word wrong and Obama in the same sentence much less held him accountable! NOT ONE OF YOU MORONS ever held your god to account for the shit he's done.. It's why he thought he could get away with ANYTHING.. You azz smoochers rolled over and sucked his entire nutsack with one wink of his eye!

This is because you cannot read and just reply to posts without knowing the content.
The left does slam Obama when he is wrong, take your blinders off.


No one has ever even heard one of you MOONBATS say the word wrong and Obama in the same sentence much less held him accountable! NOT ONE OF YOU MORONS ever held your god to account for the shit he's done.. It's why he thought he could get away with ANYTHING.. You azz smoochers rolled over and sucked his entire nutsack with one wink of his eye!

The Obama Administration MADE MISTAKES with Libya. They SHOULD HAVE BEEN prepared on the 9/11 anniversary. They NEED TO learn from those mistakes. But...mistakes are NOT lies. There........feel better?

Whoopsie. We fucked up!!!!

Do you understand the difference between gross negligence and a "Mistake".

Reminds me of the "Docs" in Socks" incident. Sandy Burgeler was just sloppy.

No one has ever even heard one of you MOONBATS say the word wrong and Obama in the same sentence much less held him accountable! NOT ONE OF YOU MORONS ever held your god to account for the shit he's done.. It's why he thought he could get away with ANYTHING.. You azz smoochers rolled over and sucked his entire nutsack with one wink of his eye!

The Obama Administration MADE MISTAKES with Libya. They SHOULD HAVE BEEN prepared on the 9/11 anniversary. They NEED TO learn from those mistakes. But...mistakes are NOT lies. There........feel better?

Whoopsie. We fucked up!!!!

Do you understand the difference between gross negligence and a "Mistake".

Reminds me of the "Docs" in Socks" incident. Sandy Burgeler was just sloppy.

Gross Negligence? Ok....tell us that line between Mistakes and Gross Negligence. Make it very clear and detailed. TIA
He slammed the admin quite well. A great piece of humor.....

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