Stewart Destroys Obama Over IRS Scandal

The left does slam Obama when he is wrong, take your blinders off.


No one has ever even heard one of you MOONBATS say the word wrong and Obama in the same sentence much less held him accountable! NOT ONE OF YOU MORONS ever held your god to account for the shit he's done.. It's why he thought he could get away with ANYTHING.. You azz smoochers rolled over and sucked his entire nutsack with one wink of his eye!

The Obama Administration MADE MISTAKES with Libya. They SHOULD HAVE BEEN prepared on the 9/11 anniversary. They NEED TO learn from those mistakes. But...mistakes are NOT lies. There........feel better?

Ahh, so do you feel Bush "made mistakes" with Iraq and that he should have learned some lessons? I thought you might talk about the whole expansion of the patriot act, mass tax credits while running record deficts, or spending trillions every year on the stock market just to create some "good news." Or of course starting bullshit wars like Libya and not calling actions in doing that illegal war "mistakes." But whatever, great criticism of the great Obama.
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No one has ever even heard one of you MOONBATS say the word wrong and Obama in the same sentence much less held him accountable! NOT ONE OF YOU MORONS ever held your god to account for the shit he's done.. It's why he thought he could get away with ANYTHING.. You azz smoochers rolled over and sucked his entire nutsack with one wink of his eye!

The Obama Administration MADE MISTAKES with Libya. They SHOULD HAVE BEEN prepared on the 9/11 anniversary. They NEED TO learn from those mistakes. But...mistakes are NOT lies. There........feel better?

Ahh, so do you feel Bush "made mistakes" with Iraq and that he should have learned some lessons? I thought you might talk about the whole expansion of the patriot act, mass tax credits while running record deficts, or spending trillions every year on the stock market just to create some "good news." Or of course starting bullshit wars like Libya and not calling actions in doing that illegal war "mistakes." But whatever, great criticism of the great Obama.

Yes Bush DID make mistakes in Iraq....and as he was told "you break it, you buy it". It took how many years to try to correct that mistake? As opposed to how many years to correct the Benghazi mistake?
The Obama Administration MADE MISTAKES with Libya. They SHOULD HAVE BEEN prepared on the 9/11 anniversary. They NEED TO learn from those mistakes. But...mistakes are NOT lies. There........feel better?

Ahh, so do you feel Bush "made mistakes" with Iraq and that he should have learned some lessons? I thought you might talk about the whole expansion of the patriot act, mass tax credits while running record deficts, or spending trillions every year on the stock market just to create some "good news." Or of course starting bullshit wars like Libya and not calling actions in doing that illegal war "mistakes." But whatever, great criticism of the great Obama.

Yes Bush DID make mistakes in Iraq....and as he was told "you break it, you buy it". It took how many years to try to correct that mistake? As opposed to how many years to correct the Benghazi mistake?

Is Libya fixed that I don't know about? How about Egypt? Or when Dems kill people and destroy a country is it somehow better?
is the Executive any more responsible than Congressional oversite for the present misbehavior ?

afterall, were any applications turned down ? no - Tempest in a Tea Pot.
The Obama Administration MADE MISTAKES with Libya. They SHOULD HAVE BEEN prepared on the 9/11 anniversary. They NEED TO learn from those mistakes. But...mistakes are NOT lies. There........feel better?

Whoopsie. We fucked up!!!!

Do you understand the difference between gross negligence and a "Mistake".

Reminds me of the "Docs" in Socks" incident. Sandy Burgeler was just sloppy.

Gross Negligence? Ok....tell us that line between Mistakes and Gross Negligence. Make it very clear and detailed. TIA

I have a better idea......try Bing.

I'm not in school anymore, you aren't my boss, and I don't feel like explaining the obvious.
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The Obama Administration MADE MISTAKES with Libya. They SHOULD HAVE BEEN prepared on the 9/11 anniversary. They NEED TO learn from those mistakes. But...mistakes are NOT lies. There........feel better?

Ahh, so do you feel Bush "made mistakes" with Iraq and that he should have learned some lessons? I thought you might talk about the whole expansion of the patriot act, mass tax credits while running record deficts, or spending trillions every year on the stock market just to create some "good news." Or of course starting bullshit wars like Libya and not calling actions in doing that illegal war "mistakes." But whatever, great criticism of the great Obama.

Yes Bush DID make mistakes in Iraq....and as he was told "you break it, you buy it". It took how many years to try to correct that mistake? As opposed to how many years to correct the Benghazi mistake?

Why talk about Bush?

Mistakes dont kill people. a Mistake is a typo.

Why do you guys not want to learn about this? or do you still believe the video did it.
The Obama Administration MADE MISTAKES with Libya. They SHOULD HAVE BEEN prepared on the 9/11 anniversary. They NEED TO learn from those mistakes. But...mistakes are NOT lies. There........feel better?

Ahh, so do you feel Bush "made mistakes" with Iraq and that he should have learned some lessons? I thought you might talk about the whole expansion of the patriot act, mass tax credits while running record deficts, or spending trillions every year on the stock market just to create some "good news." Or of course starting bullshit wars like Libya and not calling actions in doing that illegal war "mistakes." But whatever, great criticism of the great Obama.

Yes Bush DID make mistakes in Iraq....and as he was told "you break it, you buy it". It took how many years to try to correct that mistake? As opposed to how many years to correct the Benghazi mistake?

Iraq hasn't been fixed. It has just been taken out of the news. People are dying there but you wouldn't know it.

Benghazi is just part of the problem in the ME. The WMDs the left loves to bring up are currently in Syria being used on rebel forces, so the Iraqi problem has simply shifted to another country. Saddam and his sons are still swimming in Hades in a lake of fire. So that's a good thing.
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Ahh, so do you feel Bush "made mistakes" with Iraq and that he should have learned some lessons? I thought you might talk about the whole expansion of the patriot act, mass tax credits while running record deficts, or spending trillions every year on the stock market just to create some "good news." Or of course starting bullshit wars like Libya and not calling actions in doing that illegal war "mistakes." But whatever, great criticism of the great Obama.

Yes Bush DID make mistakes in Iraq....and as he was told "you break it, you buy it". It took how many years to try to correct that mistake? As opposed to how many years to correct the Benghazi mistake?

Is Libya fixed that I don't know about? How about Egypt? Or when Dems kill people and destroy a country is it somehow better? our country still making mistakes in Libya, Egypt, Syria? Or are we LEARNING to butt out?
He slammed the admin quite well. A great piece of humor.....

Did you see the time he interviewed Obama on the Daily Show, he grilled him pretty good.

Yes, he did ask some harder questions. Stewart regularly asks better questions than ANY of the "journalists" on any of the MSM outlets. I watch him and Colbert almost every night.

The left does slam Obama when he is wrong, take your blinders off.

You sure can't tell from this forum.

From this forum, it appears that the right does not believe that Obama does anything good. It appears that he was not born in the US. It appears that Obama is a Muslim. It appears that he is a communist who hates the US.
The left does slam Obama when he is wrong, take your blinders off.

You sure can't tell from this forum.

From this forum, it appears that the right does not believe that Obama does anything good. It appears that he was not born in the US. It appears that Obama is a Muslim. It appears that he is a communist who hates the US.

Please No Nukes, every leftwinger on here is a dishonest robot. They NEVER crticize OAbma, hell I criticizes Romney during the primaries, general and post election.....not a peep from the LW

and if you mean off this board, please give us some examples before this week

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