STFU Jack Kingston

i.e. you cannot debate the actual issue and can only throw ad homs around. Why is this not surprising to me? Get back to me when you have some education and skills.

The issue isnt what you want it to be. My issue is that you see work as a good thing only for the less fortunate.

Please change your avatar. It's absolutely embarrassing given your inability to articulate and defend a view.

You want me to defend your view? You're an asshole...thats why you think that way.

The issue isnt what you want it to be. My issue is that you see work as a good thing only for the less fortunate.

Please change your avatar. It's absolutely embarrassing given your inability to articulate and defend a view.

You want me to defend your view? You're an asshole...thats why you think that way.


Just total embarrassment. You should be sued for misrepresentation, fraud and theft your posts are so bad.
I see no problem with having a system that helps teach that there is no such thing is a "free" lunch.

Well, the place to start isn't with the already traumatized children.

There are plenty of other fixes which need to be done.

How about the farm subsidies congress members and their families rake in?

You think being poor and/or taking free lunches is traumatizing? Really?

Being impoverished is traumatizing, yes. Being homeless is traumatizing. School should be a safe place. A refuge. Somewhere they want to come back to.

The work of children is to learn.

Well-to-do parents tell their kids that all the time -- "your job is to go to school and do well".

If children are willing to commit to going to school and doing well, that increases their chances of not being a drain on society.

Are you going to pay the kids for the work they do? If you put them on a work detail and they don't see any cash from it, then you're teaching them to look for other opportunities to get money -- things which would pay a kid better -- like doing errands for criminals and then breaking in to the bigtime -- or getting pregnant and dropping out.

We can afford to feed children. And their job is to be a kid and learn and play.
College students are also there to study. But if I understand the US correctly many of those students who do not have rich parents work, either in the college or nearby. And no one finds this in the least demeaning. So what exactly is the difference?

You don't see the difference between organizing a work detail of impoverished 6-year-olds versus an adult who is voluntarily going to college voluntarily working to pay for his education?

Who's talking about work details for impoverished 6 yr olds? Only you.

Well, I didn't hear how old Kingston thought the kids needed to be before they were put to work. But some here have indicated that six is not too young to start forcing the kids to work through recess while the well-off kids are out playing.
Well, the place to start isn't with the already traumatized children.

There are plenty of other fixes which need to be done.

How about the farm subsidies congress members and their families rake in?

You think being poor and/or taking free lunches is traumatizing? Really?

Being impoverished is traumatizing, yes. Being homeless is traumatizing. School should be a safe place. A refuge. Somewhere they want to come back to.

The work of children is to learn.

Well-to-do parents tell their kids that all the time -- "your job is to go to school and do well".

If children are willing to commit to going to school and doing well, that increases their chances of not being a drain on society.

Are you going to pay the kids for the work they do? If you put them on a work detail and they don't see any cash from it, then you're teaching them to look for other opportunities to get money -- things which would pay a kid better -- like doing errands for criminals and then breaking in to the bigtime -- or getting pregnant and dropping out.

We can afford to feed children. And their job is to be a kid and learn and play.

So now all people getting assistence are homeless? You keep shifting the focus here. Do you think working is not learning? Do you think getting free shit is not learning something?
You think being poor and/or taking free lunches is traumatizing? Really?

Being impoverished is traumatizing, yes. Being homeless is traumatizing. School should be a safe place. A refuge. Somewhere they want to come back to.

The work of children is to learn.

Well-to-do parents tell their kids that all the time -- "your job is to go to school and do well".

If children are willing to commit to going to school and doing well, that increases their chances of not being a drain on society.

Are you going to pay the kids for the work they do? If you put them on a work detail and they don't see any cash from it, then you're teaching them to look for other opportunities to get money -- things which would pay a kid better -- like doing errands for criminals and then breaking in to the bigtime -- or getting pregnant and dropping out.

We can afford to feed children. And their job is to be a kid and learn and play.

So now all people getting assistence are homeless? You keep shifting the focus here. Do you think working is not learning? Do you think getting free shit is not learning something?

Some of the children getting free lunch are homeless and going to school is a challenge for them and you and Kingston want to make it harder.

Some of the children getting free lunch live in apartments with vermin and bad plumbing and going to school is a challenge for them and you and Kingston want to make it harder.

School should be a safe haven. Period.

After you stop rich people from getting free stuff from the government, get back with me about making kids have to decide everyday whether going to school to pick up scraps rich kids knocked on the floor is a better deal than finding something they can make quick cash with.
What was the actual question again? When did I stop beating my wife?

Why don't you think the rich kids should have to work at school just like the poor kids?
Please point out which post of mine said that. I'll wait.

You can't separate what I actually wrote from what you claim I wrote. How can anyone take you seriously?


Rabbi thinks poor kids should work while rich kids should learn to live off the labor of others
Why don't you think the rich kids should have to work at school just like the poor kids?
Please point out which post of mine said that. I'll wait.

You can't separate what I actually wrote from what you claim I wrote. How can anyone take you seriously?


Rabbi thinks poor kids should work while rich kids should learn to live off the labor of others

So you make yp stuff to cover your lies. How does anyone take you seriously? Answer: they dont.
Being impoverished is traumatizing, yes. Being homeless is traumatizing. School should be a safe place. A refuge. Somewhere they want to come back to.

The work of children is to learn.

Well-to-do parents tell their kids that all the time -- "your job is to go to school and do well".

If children are willing to commit to going to school and doing well, that increases their chances of not being a drain on society.

Are you going to pay the kids for the work they do? If you put them on a work detail and they don't see any cash from it, then you're teaching them to look for other opportunities to get money -- things which would pay a kid better -- like doing errands for criminals and then breaking in to the bigtime -- or getting pregnant and dropping out.

We can afford to feed children. And their job is to be a kid and learn and play.

So now all people getting assistence are homeless? You keep shifting the focus here. Do you think working is not learning? Do you think getting free shit is not learning something?

Some of the children getting free lunch are homeless and going to school is a challenge for them and you and Kingston want to make it harder.

Some of the children getting free lunch live in apartments with vermin and bad plumbing and going to school is a challenge for them and you and Kingston want to make it harder.

School should be a safe haven. Period.

After you stop rich people from getting free stuff from the government, get back with me about making kids have to decide everyday whether going to school to pick up scraps rich kids knocked on the floor is a better deal than finding something they can make quick cash with.

A few children might be in those situations. Many more are not. Painting with a broad brush much>
Do you think working under adult supervision is somehow unsafe? I'd like to hear some explanation of that one.
A few children might be in those situations. Many more are not. Painting with a broad brush much>
Do you think working under adult supervision is somehow unsafe? I'd like to hear some explanation of that one.

I think children mucking about in waste is unsafe. And I think the situation of having school employees in charge of a work force full of poor elementary school children is rife with the potential for abuse.

These are children who already tend to have fewer caring and competent people advocating for them. Where abuse occurs it would be likely to be worse and go unnoticed longer.
Please point out which post of mine said that. I'll wait.

You can't separate what I actually wrote from what you claim I wrote. How can anyone take you seriously?


Rabbi thinks poor kids should work while rich kids should learn to live off the labor of others

So you make yp stuff to cover your lies. How does anyone take you seriously? Answer: they dont.

Yet again you prove you're a hypocrite
A few children might be in those situations. Many more are not. Painting with a broad brush much>
Do you think working under adult supervision is somehow unsafe? I'd like to hear some explanation of that one.

I think children mucking about in waste is unsafe. And I think the situation of having school employees in charge of a work force full of poor elementary school children is rife with the potential for abuse.

These are children who already tend to have fewer caring and competent people advocating for them. Where abuse occurs it would be likely to be worse and go unnoticed longer.
Who is talking about children mucking about in waste?

You seem to be unable to stick to the basic issue. You constantly want to repaint the issues and redefine what is being discussed. I dont know if you actually know you are doing this, and thus lying, or you are unconsciously doing this and merely delusional.
A few children might be in those situations. Many more are not. Painting with a broad brush much>
Do you think working under adult supervision is somehow unsafe? I'd like to hear some explanation of that one.

I think children mucking about in waste is unsafe. And I think the situation of having school employees in charge of a work force full of poor elementary school children is rife with the potential for abuse.

These are children who already tend to have fewer caring and competent people advocating for them. Where abuse occurs it would be likely to be worse and go unnoticed longer.
Who is talking about children mucking about in waste?

You seem to be unable to stick to the basic issue. You constantly want to repaint the issues and redefine what is being discussed. I dont know if you actually know you are doing this, and thus lying, or you are unconsciously doing this and merely delusional.

We're talking about poor children cleaning up after well-to-do children.

At least I was. I'm not any more. Not with you. I am done talking to you about it.

I am thankful that the kind of "reforms" Kingston would push and you would defend will not happen. But I am sad at the kind of reverberation which pushing this kind of misbegotten idea will have in preventing the implementation of the kinds of reforms you and I would agree with.

I hope that Republicans will stop saying this kind of thing because I don't want six more years of Democratic control of the Senate and Democrats having free rein with judicial appointments.

In another thread I'm defending the idea of homeschooling. There are many reasons to keep a child out of public schools if at all possible. It does not square that people who would shun public schools would be comfortable with the kind of things the workers at those schools could do if ordered to oversee the forced labor of elementary school students.

And that's all I have to say to you. I'm not leaving my thread. Just leaving the discussion with you because you seem indefatigable in your defense of the worst of conservatism, without any willingness to acknowledge that maybe there are other governmental freebies which should be stopped before you start forcing poor children to clean up after rich children for the privilege of being fed.

I think children mucking about in waste is unsafe. And I think the situation of having school employees in charge of a work force full of poor elementary school children is rife with the potential for abuse.

These are children who already tend to have fewer caring and competent people advocating for them. Where abuse occurs it would be likely to be worse and go unnoticed longer.
Who is talking about children mucking about in waste?

You seem to be unable to stick to the basic issue. You constantly want to repaint the issues and redefine what is being discussed. I dont know if you actually know you are doing this, and thus lying, or you are unconsciously doing this and merely delusional.

We're talking about poor children cleaning up after well-to-do children.

At least I was. I'm not any more. Not with you. I am done talking to you about it.

I am thankful that the kind of "reforms" Kingston would push and you would defend will not happen. But I am sad at the kind of reverberation which pushing this kind of misbegotten idea will have in preventing the implementation of the kinds of reforms you and I would agree with.

I hope that Republicans will stop saying this kind of thing because I don't want six more years of Democratic control of the Senate and Democrats having free rein with judicial appointments.

In another thread I'm defending the idea of homeschooling. There are many reasons to keep a child out of public schools if at all possible. It does not square that people who would shun public schools would be comfortable with the kind of things the workers at those schools could do if ordered to oversee the forced labor of elementary school students.

And that's all I have to say to you. I'm not leaving my thread. Just leaving the discussion with you because you seem indefatigable in your defense of the worst of conservatism, without any willingness to acknowledge that maybe there are other governmental freebies which should be stopped before you start forcing poor children to clean up after rich children for the privilege of being fed.

Who is talking about poor children cleaning up after rich children?
It is impossible to ahve a conversation with soemone who makes up crap with every post. No wonder you're done. Every post of yours is filled with garbage and strawmen you've made up out of thin air. You've failed to explain how teachign the idea that there is no free lunch is bad.
People like Kingston are doing their best to help this headline be true:

Georgia turning blue, Democrats and Republicans agree

If you sound like an ogre, you're not going to get a chance to turn your ideas into laws.

Read your own link. Georgia is turning blue not because people reject conservativism but because of the fast growing population of blacks and Hispanics, flunkies of the Democrat Party.
If they had a program that free meals would be given to students meeting certain educational standards, that might make some parents more responsible for their children's academic performance.
If they had a program that free meals would be given to students meeting certain educational standards, that might make some parents more responsible for their children's academic performance.

Tennessee tried to do exactly this. It wanted to set very very minimal standards for some very non essential benefits. The libs screamed it would irreperably harm poor children and of course it died.
The truth is libs hate children, especially the poor ones. This is why they agitate against programs and polciies that might actually help them.

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