Still think that FAUX Nooze tells the truth? What about Hannity?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Seems that FAUX Nooze and their unfortunate little sheep are still telling lies.

Hannity interviewed 3 couples from Montana to tell everyone how bad Obamacare is.

One said he had to fire people because of it (it was a business that only employed 4 other people, the limit for Obamacare is 50 or more).

Another said that it cost them money, but they were too firmly entrenched in the GOP bullshit to check to see if it would save them money (it would).

Read the rest on the link provided.........................

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -
I'm pissed that there were 3 couples from the place that I call home (Montana) who were willing to sell their souls to support the bullshit coming from FAUX Nooze.
Hannity is opinion you idiot. Not hard news. Jeeze.

Cool....................if Hannity is opinion, then why does FAUX Nooze tout them as a "real" news anchor?

Sorry..................but if you listen to FAUX Nooze, you're a really low information type. At least 40 percent of what they tell you is bullshit, but you believe it as if it's gospel.

Same with those that listen to Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh........................
They don't. Anyone with half a brain knows that Maddow, Hannity,Mathews, O'Reilly and others are all opinion. Not hard news.

Oh wait. I forgot. Some folks think Stewart is hard news. Never mind.
They don't. Anyone with half a brain knows that Maddow, Hannity,Mathews, O'Reilly and others are all opinion. Not hard news.

Oh wait. I forgot. Some folks think Stewart is hard news. Never mind.

Actually..................all those that you've named (including Jon Stewart) are more correct than what FAUX Nooze ever thought about being.

At least when The Daily Show makes fun of something, they start it off in fact. FAUX Nooze only reports those who agree with them, even if they have to lie.

Sorry, but Hannity is a bullshit show, and I hope that everyone sees it.
They don't. Anyone with half a brain knows that Maddow, Hannity,Mathews, O'Reilly and others are all opinion. Not hard news.

Oh wait. I forgot. Some folks think Stewart is hard news. Never mind.

You are making excuses.

How many people do you think watched that Hannity episode?

Of that number, what percentage do you think came away believing the three stories?

There is no excuse for intentionally misleading people. Why are you trying to make one?

By this time, anyone who doesn't realize that advocacy journalism has completely polluted and distorted what "the media" produces is either terribly naive or in intense denial. Especially the cable "news" networks.

Hannity's appeal is absolutely a mystery to me, but not much more than that of any of the other transparent, intellectually dishonest partisan blabbers, especially on Fox and MSNBC. He's just (even) more simplistic and sloppy than his peers.

These people are hurting us by exercising their financial incentives to keep us angry and divided. Why their "fans" don't see that is another mystery to me.

Net 10PM P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
FOXN Hannity 1475 220 514
CNN AC360 LATER 362 93 169
MSNB Last Word W/ L. ODONNELL 807 172 367
Net 10PM P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
FOXN Hannity 1475 220 514
CNN AC360 LATER 362 93 169
MSNB Last Word W/ L. ODONNELL 807 172 367

Indeed, in a country of +/-315 million people, there are about 2 million to 5 million hardcore, committed, active conservatives who have located the one (1) cable news network that caters to their opinions and agenda. So somewhere around 1% of the population is watching this network at any given time. That sounds about right.

And that 1% (as compared to the much higher percentage who are far more concerned with the lives of Kim Kardashian and Honey Boo Boo) has been very successful in harnessing their passion and energy, getting their favorite politicians elected in small and specific geographic pockets of the country. No doubt.

Outside of that, they have isolated that end of the party and helped the Democrats natonally. They have made it incredibly easy for the GOP to be mocked and marginalized by the Dems (not coincidentally, the same has happened to Fox). So I'm not sure how the ratings help all that much. It could be argued that they have been a net negative.

Last edited:
Net 10PM P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
FOXN Hannity 1475 220 514
CNN AC360 LATER 362 93 169
MSNB Last Word W/ L. ODONNELL 807 172 367

Interesting...................because they have more viewers makes them more "right"?

Sorry, but if you have a lot of people following you off of the cliff, means you've convinced a lot of people to follow you off the cliff.

Same thing with spouting lies. If you can get enough people to spout your lies, that must make it truth. Only problem is, it's still a lie.

I thought that God (who the conservatives state is their one true truth) said "thou shalt not bear false witness".

Sorry, but the GOP (as well as FAUX Nooze) spreads a lot of false witness (meaning lies).

I hope that their Karma returns to them.
Interesting...................because they have more viewers makes them more "right"?

No, stupid fuck. They're so fucked up/inaccurate (according to you) that no one would be stupid enough to watch/take them as a credible news organization.

And Sean Hannity isn't a news reporter - dumb fuck - he's an on-air "personality," much like that Bill Maher guy you jerk off to on a regular basis.

Don't get your panties in a wad when some "personality" on television says/does something you don't agree with.

Just change the channel - or hop in bed with your blow-up doll, asswipe.
They don't. Anyone with half a brain knows that Maddow, Hannity,Mathews, O'Reilly and others are all opinion. Not hard news.

Oh wait. I forgot. Some folks think Stewart is hard news. Never mind.

You are making excuses.

How many people do you think watched that Hannity episode?

Of that number, what percentage do you think came away believing the three stories?

There is no excuse for intentionally misleading people. Why are you trying to make one?

I'm not. Anyone who believes what an opinion guy says wants to believe it. What he or she says is something they truly believe. They sure won't look for anything that conflicts with what their "guy or gal" has to say.

Nothing you or anyone says will change their mind. They are people who want to believe whats said.

That goes for liberals and conservatives.
Hannity is opinion you idiot. Not hard news. Jeeze.

Cool....................if Hannity is opinion, then why does FAUX Nooze tout them as a "real" news anchor?

Sorry..................but if you listen to FAUX Nooze, you're a really low information type. At least 40 percent of what they tell you is bullshit, but you believe it as if it's gospel.

Same with those that listen to Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh........................

Fox News has never touted Hannity as a news anchor. Hannity does not report the news.
Interesting...................because they have more viewers makes them more "right"?

No, stupid fuck. They're so fucked up/inaccurate (according to you) that no one would be stupid enough to watch/take them as a credible news organization.

And Sean Hannity isn't a news reporter - dumb fuck - he's an on-air "personality," much like that Bill Maher guy you jerk off to on a regular basis.

Don't get your panties in a wad when some "personality" on television says/does something you don't agree with.

Just change the channel - or hop in bed with your blow-up doll, asswipe. don't think that Hannity is a news reporter, yet you and your ilk treat everything he says as gospel.

I think the only one being fucked by plastic people (like Hannity) is you.

BTW asshole................neg rep returned. I only neg those that neg me first, and yeah...........if you complain that it's been a neg in less than 48 hours, I'd recommend that the mods look at your track record and mine.

I only return what I get.

BTW...................You're not a warrior, you're just a whore.
The left has ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, Al Jazeera, the NY Times, The Washington Post and a host of other news outlets including tax exempt propaganda sources like Media Matters and Move-On. What in the world would prompt rational Americans to rail against a single media source like Fox? Mass insanity?

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