stimulus check 2: when ?

the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy
Fact is we pay more than we get and red states take more than they pay. Fact.

And the poor Democrats in these states are the reason why.
Why doesn’t Mitch cut them off in Ky? I’ll tell you why. Because they vote for him.

It is widely accepted and known that if you want handouts and "free" stuff, vote for Democrats. Not sure what you don't understand about this.
Stimulus checks never stimulate the economy. Just run up the debt.

Just remember when that incompetent asshole Obama handed out trillions in stimulus and all it did was feed the kitty for his filthy special interest groups? During the asshole's presidency poverty increased, family income decreased, we had dismal economic growth and the sonofabitch added ten trillion to the debt.
Republicans here make LOTS of claims, but NOT one has provided anything to back up thier claims.

Not one... Where are your "facts" Republicans?
Probably never:

The White House, apparently isn't plush enough. Each American could get $1,000,000.00 but instead the blob wants to spend $377M in "stimulus" money to remodel his house.
Where you upset with Obama's fried chicken wing?

In your absence did you fall on your head? You've sounded brain damaged in the few posts I've read of yours since you've been back.
Stimulus checks never stimulate the economy. Just run up the debt.

Just remember when that incompetent asshole Obama handed out trillions in stimulus and all it did was feed the kitty for his filthy special interest groups? During the asshole's presidency poverty increased, family income decreased, we had dismal economic growth and the sonofabitch added ten trillion to the debt.

Lies and bullshit.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy
Fact is we pay more than we get and red states take more than they pay. Fact.

And the poor Democrats in these states are the reason why.
Why doesn’t Mitch cut them off in Ky? I’ll tell you why. Because they vote for him.

It is widely accepted and known that if you want handouts and "free" stuff, vote for Democrats. Not sure what you don't understand about this.
Is social security and Medicare considered free stuff? Because everyone gets those things when they retire no matter how little they made working. I mean you had to pay in and work but almost everyone gets these things when they retire.

I like these things. I don’t consider them free stuff.

You want to fight wars, have paved roads, etc. but you don’t want to pay for them. Paying taxes is patriotic.

We don’t want free things. We want everyone to pay their fair share and we want social programs and social safety nets.

You don’t seem to mind the pentagon takes over half of our taxes to feed the military industrial complex.

You want corporations to pay no taxes and to shift the burden more onto the middle class and poor.

we want labor laws, a clean environment.

What free stuff do I want? Keep in mind I probably make more than you
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy
Fact is we pay more than we get and red states take more than they pay. Fact.

And the poor Democrats in these states are the reason why.
Why doesn’t Mitch cut them off in Ky? I’ll tell you why. Because they vote for him.

It is widely accepted and known that if you want handouts and "free" stuff, vote for Democrats. Not sure what you don't understand about this.
Is social security and Medicare considered free stuff? Because everyone gets those things when they retire no matter how little they made working. I mean you had to pay in and work but almost everyone gets these things when they retire.

I like these things. I don’t consider them free stuff.

You want to fight wars, have paved roads, etc. but you don’t want to pay for them. Paying taxes is patriotic.

We don’t want free things. We want everyone to pay their fair share and we want social programs and social safety nets.

You don’t seem to mind the pentagon takes over half of our taxes to feed the military industrial complex.

You want corporations to pay no taxes and to shift the burden more onto the middle class and poor.

we want labor laws, a clean environment.

What free stuff do I want? Keep in mind I probably make more than you
Who decides the tax rate, you?
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy
Fact is we pay more than we get and red states take more than they pay. Fact.
really what is California and New York how many Billions of dollars do they get in 1 Month or have they Threown thier Democrate Govenors out yet?
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.
ok are you working I am, CNN reported that 58 million people are not and 48 million people are retired so 1 out of 3 Americans should live on the street or welfare, back to the Joe Biden Obama days I do not believe that is how the 2020 electric will vote Democrat or Republican
1. I'm retired
2. There are 17.8 million unemployed. The UE rate is 11.1%, high but not outrageous considering the severity of the pandemic. Here is the real employment data site. CNN is garbage.
"The labor force participation rate increased by 0.7 percentage point in June to 61.5
percent, but is 1.9 percentage points below its February level. Total employment, as
measured by the household survey, rose by 4.9 million to 142.2 million in June. The
employment-population ratio, at 54.6 percent, rose by 1.8 percentage points over the
month but is 6.5 percentage points lower than in February."

3. I hope people don't need to live on welfare. But some industries will not recover soon.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.

They're stuck; they keep giving huge bailouts to stockholders in big corporations who never deserved them and instead should have been put in jail, and now that everyone is hurting they're suddenly all hard ass when it come to a little bridge cash for workers they've already screwed over for decades and have little or no residual wealth or equity left. You either subsidize everybody or nobody; can't have it both ways.
1. What huge bailouts to large corporations? They are loans.
2. I agree they need to be fair to workers, that's why I support extended unemployment checks, but not "stimulus" for retirees and those who are working.
Republicans here make LOTS of claims, but NOT one has provided anything to back up thier claims.

Not one... Where are your "facts" Republicans?
What "facts" are you disputing? Why don't you post your "facts" instead of whining.
Indiana taxpayers shouldn't have to bail out California and NY

of course we should help americans in need, but not by wasting money

to get the economy going, we need jobs. to get jobs, we need to stop paying people NOT to work, my friends
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy
Fact is we pay more than we get and red states take more than they pay. Fact.

And the poor Democrats in these states are the reason why.
Why doesn’t Mitch cut them off in Ky? I’ll tell you why. Because they vote for him.

It is widely accepted and known that if you want handouts and "free" stuff, vote for Democrats. Not sure what you don't understand about this.
Is social security and Medicare considered free stuff? Because everyone gets those things when they retire no matter how little they made working. I mean you had to pay in and work but almost everyone gets these things when they retire.

I like these things. I don’t consider them free stuff.

You want to fight wars, have paved roads, etc. but you don’t want to pay for them. Paying taxes is patriotic.

We don’t want free things. We want everyone to pay their fair share and we want social programs and social safety nets.

You don’t seem to mind the pentagon takes over half of our taxes to feed the military industrial complex.

You want corporations to pay no taxes and to shift the burden more onto the middle class and poor.

we want labor laws, a clean environment.

What free stuff do I want? Keep in mind I probably make more than you
Who decides the tax rate, you?
It used to be we the people now the rich tell us what the tax rate is. Idiots Like you elected a billionaire
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy
Fact is we pay more than we get and red states take more than they pay. Fact.

And the poor Democrats in these states are the reason why.
Why doesn’t Mitch cut them off in Ky? I’ll tell you why. Because they vote for him.

It is widely accepted and known that if you want handouts and "free" stuff, vote for Democrats. Not sure what you don't understand about this.
Is social security and Medicare considered free stuff? Because everyone gets those things when they retire no matter how little they made working. I mean you had to pay in and work but almost everyone gets these things when they retire.

I like these things. I don’t consider them free stuff.

You want to fight wars, have paved roads, etc. but you don’t want to pay for them. Paying taxes is patriotic.

We don’t want free things. We want everyone to pay their fair share and we want social programs and social safety nets.

You don’t seem to mind the pentagon takes over half of our taxes to feed the military industrial complex.

You want corporations to pay no taxes and to shift the burden more onto the middle class and poor.

we want labor laws, a clean environment.

What free stuff do I want? Keep in mind I probably make more than you
Who decides the tax rate, you?
You know all those companies like GE who pay zero taxes? Corporations like that say what we pay and what they don’t pay.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy
Fact is we pay more than we get and red states take more than they pay. Fact.
really what is California and New York how many Billions of dollars do they get in 1 Month or have they Threown thier Democrate Govenors out yet?
I believe California and ny pay more federal tax dollars than they take in.
Republicans here make LOTS of claims, but NOT one has provided anything to back up thier claims.

Not one... Where are your "facts" Republicans?
What "facts" are you disputing? Why don't you post your "facts" instead of whining.

If you don't know, they you don't have the attention span to debate anything here... LOL
My posts all have credible links.
You are a simple partisan liar. See the difference?
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.

They're stuck; they keep giving huge bailouts to stockholders in big corporations who never deserved them and instead should have been put in jail, and now that everyone is hurting they're suddenly all hard ass when it come to a little bridge cash for workers they've already screwed over for decades and have little or no residual wealth or equity left. You either subsidize everybody or nobody; can't have it both ways.
1. What huge bailouts to large corporations? They are loans.
2. I agree they need to be fair to workers, that's why I support extended unemployment checks, but not "stimulus" for retirees and those who are working.
Im Still working but not making what I was before the pandemic. Before corona I sold $150,000 a month. Last month I only sold $100k.

Even still I agree I shouldn’t have got a check.

Based on my income last year they sent me $950. I did not need that money.

My dad is retired they sent him $1200. Why? His life hasn’t changed one bit.
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy
Fact is we pay more than we get and red states take more than they pay. Fact.

And the poor Democrats in these states are the reason why.
Why doesn’t Mitch cut them off in Ky? I’ll tell you why. Because they vote for him.

It is widely accepted and known that if you want handouts and "free" stuff, vote for Democrats. Not sure what you don't understand about this.
No thats what you’ve been told to think by Fox and rush
the funds should come directly from the pockets of all democrat Mayors and governors
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get. Red states take more than they pay in. The hypocrisy

Blue state vote themselves more pork, and give big business a lot more subsidies to locate in their states, like California's tax code that heavily favors the rich while taxing the crap out of working people, as does New York. So no, the states don't pay more in Federal taxes, working stiffs do. The subsidies for Silicon Valley and places like Beverly Hills and Pelosi's rich neighbors aren't paying shit in taxes to anybody.
"...only little people pay taxes" was a major gaffe. She actually told the truth.

p.s. I prefer if they extend unemployment and cancel stimulus for retirees and those who are working.

They're stuck; they keep giving huge bailouts to stockholders in big corporations who never deserved them and instead should have been put in jail, and now that everyone is hurting they're suddenly all hard ass when it come to a little bridge cash for workers they've already screwed over for decades and have little or no residual wealth or equity left. You either subsidize everybody or nobody; can't have it both ways.
1. What huge bailouts to large corporations? They are loans.
2. I agree they need to be fair to workers, that's why I support extended unemployment checks, but not "stimulus" for retirees and those who are working.

1. The bailouts under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama, and now Trump, those bailouts. 'Defense' contracts and other pork go to states with the largest numbers of Congressional seats in general. That includes companies who might have factories i other states, and wealthy people whose tax breaks aren't counted in with the direct pork, as they should be. Remember Feinstein's billionaire hubby, for instance? Throw in California's subsidies for criminal illegal aliens, Hollywood, etc.

2. The point was to stimulate spending, so no reason to exclude anybody from a one shot check, large enough to buy a refrigerator or something. The problem is most of that stuff isn't made here, so it isn't much of a 'stimulus'. It was aimed at increasing consumption, not savings, which supposedly keeps people employed, but it was the kind of idea that sounded good to executives and govt, clerks, but never actually does much in real life. I haven't spent mine yet, since I don't need anything, so I'm giving it to a local church's food bank, whre it actually does feed somebody and their kids. If it were my choice that's where I would have distributed it all in the first place, with strings attached that no criminal illegal aliens get anything, and screw the whining from commies and faggot deviants and the their phony 'separation of church and state' hypocrisies.
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