Stock Markets Thumb Noses At ISIS & "Rambo" National Committee Photo Op Types


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The S&P 500 increased by 1.41%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained almost 1.14% and Nasdaq rose 1.09% breaking the sixth straight down day for the index. (And that was just Nov 16!)
The stock markets, including more or less worldwide, actually thumbed their collective noses at ISIS, degrading the weekend event to a JV League atrocity, of no apparent international concern or threat. Appalling it was, and silence was noted. The President of the United States reminded everyone of the current approach. Contain & Curtail, get rid of the leadership purveyors, and remind all peoples of the Civil Libertarian approach of the premier Western Democracies, and the Greater Socialist Democracies.

Following along Donald Trump, Senators Cruz and Rubio, Bush and all the rest: Mainly maybe Republican wannabe, Sarah Palin, would be aroused by the visions of the suggested Rambos, invading a few square miles of dust, for some photo ops: And then go home. Mainly Russian Vlad on horseback, may or may not be allowed back home. . .after his own premier. . .events. Those can be seen from probably Alaskan front porches.

So business followed along the usual routines, and the mainstream Rambo National Committee, presidential hopefuls, were relegated to their relative unimportance and standing--even among prominent Republicans. Seems that Conservatives would like to have someone in office who actually has some government experience and background--given these kinds of events.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Many White Eyes want mainly invasion of Syria, not too much caring about Belgium, Paris and Turkey from where the Paris attacks were actually planned and launched.)

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