Stocks do 9 times better with a Democrat in the White House

Oh.....the stock market is up thanks to Quantitative Easing.

Volumes are down but profits are up.

Strange isn't it????

The money supply is way up, which causes inflation, and it looks like people are making money hand over fist......but that is not exactly the whole picture.

Record profits do not show that the rich are getting richer if the value of their profits is less than it was before QE1, QE2, and QE3.

The IMF states that the policies also contributed to the improvements in market confidence and the bottoming out of the recession in the G-7 economies in the second half of 2009.[58]

Economist Martin Feldstein argues that QE2 led to a rise in the stock-market in the second half of 2010, which in turn contributed to increasing consumption and the strong performance of the US economy in late-2010.[59]

In November 2010, a group of conservative Republican economists and political activists released an open letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke questioning the efficacy of the Fed's QE program. The Fed responded that their actions reflected the economic environment of high unemployment and low inflation.

What is the risk of all of this?

Higher inflation, if too much money is pushed into the economy. Lower interest rates are used to drive down inflation.

So banks don't lend because yields go down.......and if they stop lending the purpose of Quantitative Easing falls apart.
I prefer to think of it as Democrats benefiting from the efforts of Republicans.

Yea so the economy doing better under democrts is because of republicans.
Its odd how right wingers get into such deniual. They’d rather be poor because they are so apthedic they can accept that their polciies fail

What is the risk of all of this?

Higher inflation, if too much money is pushed into the economy. Lower interest rates are used to drive down inflation.

So banks don't lend because yields go down.......and if they stop lending the purpose of Quantitative Easing falls apart.

You’ve been warning us about inflation for the past 4 years its yet to happen.

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