Stolen Elections


Gregg Phillips, the guy who started the rumor in 2016 that there were more than 3 million votes casted by illegal aliens -- but then couldn't prove it.

Real <sarcasm>trustworthy</sarcasm> sources you lean on to spread your bullshit.

Was he given the chance to prove it? Tell the whole story Assflap.
Thanks for adding nothing but more lies.


It's no lie. He never proved his bullshit claim. You just confirmed it when you asked me to show when he even tried to prove it. I can't find any such instance.

All he did was tweet more than 3 million illegal aliens voted in the 2016 election. No doubt, you believe him anyway despite him not proving it. Hell, you could tweet such utter nonsense and it would be as veracious as his claim; which is not at all.

You certainly do have an insanely low bar for needing proof for what you believe in.

It's no lie. He never proved his bullshit claim. You just confirmed it when you asked me to show when he even tried to prove it. I can't find any such instance.

All he did was tweet more than 3 million illegal aliens voted in the 2016 election. No doubt, you believe him anyway despite him not proving it. Hell, you could tweet such utter nonsense and it would be as veracious as his claim; which is not at all.

You certainly do have an insanely low bar for needing proof for what you believe in.
My bar is low? All you have is the word of proven liars.
It is also funny the same people who lied about Russia and spying on Trump are the people you believe.


Imbecile, I never fell for that Russia nonsense. You crack me up how consistently wrong you are.
You have the memory of a goldfish.


I’ve seen no evidence to date that trump colluded with Russia in regards to them hacking Democrats. So no, I have not made any such accusation. Like most others, I’m waiting for Mueller to release his report on the matter before I render a judgement on it.
I’ve said all along that I couldn’t say whether or not Trump colluded with Russia until Mueller’s report came out. It’s out and it proves Trump did not collude with Russia. I’ve always had faith in Mueller to conduct a full and fair investigation into the matter and I abide by his findings.
So? I've said all along I would wait until Mueller's report came out before rendering a judgement of guilt or innocence and I posted Mueller's report exonerated trump after it was released.
When Stacey Abraham loses an election bid, it was all about election fraud and voter suppression.

But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after crystal clear evidence suggesting massive voting fraud of various types,

youre the only one who it was crystal clear to because the gop funded audit found none. Perhaps you can produce that evidence or shut your mouth.
any claim of a stolen election is just kook “conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections.

Imagine the Dim clamor had Trump won! Imagine that the Dims and their handmaiden apparatchik media claimed that the GOP had constructed an elaborate set of election frauds in the swing states (as is now alleged against the Dims).

There would already have been a third impeachment circus. The media cacophony would be loud, endlessly looped and more screechy than Hillary’s cackles.
youre the only one who it was crystal clear to because the gop funded audit found none. Perhaps you can produce that evidence or shut your mouth.
Perhaps you can go fuck yourself and then shut your idiot trap anyway!

You only comment now, in fucking late March, about a post I posted in December? You need a hobby suitable to your cognitive skills: coloring books maybe.

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