Stolen Elections

Your posts show you truly are retarded. That’s also not a compliment. I doubt you have the ability to divine my character from my positions on these topics, retard. You’re not bright enough to read a direction with a compass. But back ON topic?

I don’t know that the election was stolen. I do know that there were fraudulent votes cast. Your denial of that shows that you are pitifully ignorant or a lie. TTFN
You spewing garbage and insults is a true sign of your inability to have a civil conversation.
You spewing garbage and insults is a true sign of your inability to have a civil conversation.
Your whining is a true sign that you have no substance. I place a lot of stock in your opinion, of course. 🤣😂🤣😂

tell ya what. Fuck civility. Try to be merely coherent. 👍
Oddone: you still make loud noises when you flip around like a trout.

it’s ok. Everyone recognized that you’ve got nothing. It shows.
15 years out of school and still looking for a Toga party.

Dems have long known the advantage of having democrats in the positions of vote counters. AMERICANS see this. THIS Is why Americans are so angry. LYING thieving democrats have brazenly stolen an election, stolen the legitimate second term of President Trump and you put a moron in the White House who has us deciding between gas, food or medicines and at the doorstep of war with Russia> AWESOME choice there dimbulbs.
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When Stacey Abraham loses an election bid, it was all about election fraud and voter suppression.

But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after crystal clear evidence suggesting massive voting fraud of various types, any claim of a stolen election is just kook “conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections.

Imagine the Dim clamor had Trump won! Imagine that the Dims and their handmaiden apparatchik media claimed that the GOP had constructed an elaborate set of election frauds in the swing states (as is now alleged against the Dims).

There would already have been a third impeachment circus. The media cacophony would be loud, endlessly looped and more screechy than Hillary’s cackles.
Only an IDIOT like you would think this has Credibility.

NO ONE but Trump would even try to claim "Voter Fraud" when he as down Double Digits in the polls!

He was Always down big in the polls and approval rating.

NBC/WSJ had Trump down 14 after Debate 1.
Fox down 10 points with 30 days to go.

Fox Poll Oct 30/near election eve had Trump DOWN 8 Points.

He only lost by 4 points.
It would be a Miracle (and indeed suspicious) if he had won.
No one else would try such a riDICKulous fraud and have his IDIOT believers like you buy it
NEVER made sense.

Of course, Trump also claimed voter fraud in 2016
even tho he won because Hillary won the pop vote by 3 million votes.
So he HAND PICKED his own commission to uncover it.
They DISBANDED having found NOTHING.
Not a vote.

You are a ******* Idiot.

Only an IDIOT like you would think this has Credibility.

NO ONE but Trump would even try to claim "Voter Fraud" when he as down Double Digits in the polls!

He was Always down big in the polls and approval rating.

NBC/WSJ had Trump down 14 after Debate 1.
Fox down 10 points with 30 days to go.

Fox Poll Oct 30/near election eve had Trump DOWN 8 Points.

He only lost by 4 points.
It would be a Miracle (and indeed suspicious) if he had won.
No one else would try such a riDICKulous fraud and have his IDIOT believers like you buy it
NEVER made sense.

Of course, Trump also claimed voter fraud in 2016
even tho he won because Hillary won the pop vote by 3 million votes.
So he HAND PICKED his own commission to uncover it.
They DISBANDED having found NOTHING.
Not a vote.

You are a ******* Idiot.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Only an IDIOT like you would think this has Credibility.

NO ONE but Trump would even try to claim "Voter Fraud" when he as down Double Digits in the polls!

He was Always down big in the polls and approval rating.

NBC/WSJ had Trump down 14 after Debate 1.
Fox down 10 points with 30 days to go.

Fox Poll Oct 30/near election eve had Trump DOWN 8 Points.

He only lost by 4 points.
It would be a Miracle (and indeed suspicious) if he had won.
No one else would try such a riDICKulous fraud and have his IDIOT believers like you buy it
NEVER made sense.

Of course, Trump also claimed voter fraud in 2016
even tho he won because Hillary won the pop vote by 3 million votes.
So he HAND PICKED his own commission to uncover it.
They DISBANDED having found NOTHING.
Not a vote.

You are a ******* Idiot.

Your complete lack of intelligence is evident in your very long-winded yet erroneous post.

Here’s a helpful hint for you, babu: words have meaning. Maybe not when you cobble them together. But, they’re supposed to. It would help if you had any honesty. Work on that, you simpleton.
Babu is a retard but he’s also a liar and quite unhinged.
Babu disagrees. Lol. The retard doesn’t grasp that he is retarded. He knows he’s a liar, so his disagreement is merely another lie. And his drooling confirms that he is unhinged.

0 for 3, babu.

Dems have long known the advantage of having democrats in the positions of vote counters. AMERICANS see this. THIS Is why Americans are so angry. LYING thieving democrats have brazenly stolen an election, stolen the legitimate second term of President Trump and you put a moron in the White House who has us deciding between gas, food or medicines and at the doorstep of war with Russia> AWESOME choice there dimbulbs.
Awww, you poor little sycophant.

You need an orange whip?
Don't want to see it do ya. LOLOL we all know it was stolen. Even you know it was stolen. The whole world knows. it was stolen.

so you gonna sit there and tell me all Joe is doing is just fine and dandy with you. yes...go on. Answer that. So we can all know you're as demented as Joe.
Don't want to see it do ya. LOLOL we all know it was stolen. Even you know it was stolen. The whole world knows. it was stolen.

so you gonna sit there and tell me all Joe is doing is just fine and dandy with you. yes...go on. Answer that. So we can all know you're as demented as Joe.
Nobody with a fucking brain thinks the 2020 elections was stolen.

And yes, I firmly believe that as a nation we are better off President Biden.

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