Stolen Elections

Just one little county of many as GBI was operating in 20 states creating fake names to flood ballots out.

Just this week: go read it on your own. This is minor stuff to what WE know really happened. It as millions of fraudulent votes dumped into many many states in this once-great Nation being destroyed for the Communist takeover.

The whistleblower who contacted us explained that they do not want to be identified over fears of retribution by elected officials in Michigan. They confirmed for us that the details of the police report were accurate but explained there was much more to this story than ONE city clerk receiving boxes of suspicious voter registrations; in fact, clerks across the state of Michigan received boxes and priority mail envelopes stuffed with registrations, many of them with the same signatures, the same last four numbers of their social security number, fake names and fake addresses.
WE did. WE had all going in the right direction, GOOD for all.
No. You really didn't. You may think Trump is the bees knees, but half the country thinks he's reprehensible. That's NOT a good candidate. A good candidate is someone who, if they win, can unite the country, or at least persuade their opponents to play along until the next election. The two-party shitshow has broken that. Uttering the phrase "Elections have consequences" was one of the worst things Obama did. And the mindset it represents is killing the nation.
1. Yes, it was reasonable to think that rigging by some Dem election workers threw the election to the Distinguished Former Senator and Vice President Joseph Biden. (After all, some scholars feel the 1960 presidential election had been rigged.)

2. But President Trump and his supporters went about the matter all wrong.

3. He should have put on a broad smile and invited the president-elect and his lovely wife to the White House; he should have ridden to the Capitol with the president-elect; and he should have sat at the Capitol with a wide grin as the 46th president was sworn in.

4. Then during the last four years, he and his supporters should have quietly set about finding definite proof.

5. Sadly, President Trump did not realize the depth of Democratic viciousness if anyone dared question the honesty of the election.

6. Supposedly, there is this saying among politicians in Argentina:

"Everything for our friends; the law for our enemies."

The Democrats are using the law to crush to smithereens President Trump and his supporters.
WE did. WE had all going in the right direction, GOOD for all. Then the Communists' acted (Fauchi Flu, Stolen Election 2020). Now everything is chaos and going the wrong direction (10 million unvetted Border crossers, $6 gas, $5 bread etc.)

Just one little county of many as GBI was operating in 20 states creating fake names to flood ballots out.

Just this week: go read it on your own. This is minor stuff to what WE know really happened. It as millions of fraudulent votes dumped into many many states in this once-great Nation being destroyed for the Communist takeover.

The whistleblower who contacted us explained that they do not want to be identified over fears of retribution by elected officials in Michigan. They confirmed for us that the details of the police report were accurate but explained there was much more to this story than ONE city clerk receiving boxes of suspicious voter registrations; in fact, clerks across the state of Michigan received boxes and priority mail envelopes stuffed with registrations, many of them with the same signatures, the same last four numbers of their social security number, fake names and fake addresses.

Ah, fake news gatewaypundit. No wonder you didn't want to cite your source.

Did fake news gatewaypundit also inform you this was investigated by 3 different departments and nothing illegal was found and no one was arrested?

iranian mulluh elites pocketting millions thanks to Bribem regime. Thanks Sniffy.
But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after crystal clear evidence suggesting massive voting fraud of various types, any claim of a stolen election is just kook “conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
No. You really didn't. You may think Trump is the bees knees, but half the country thinks he's reprehensible. That's NOT a good candidate. A good candidate is someone who, if they win, can unite the country, or at least persuade their opponents to play along until the next election. The two-party shitshow has broken that. Uttering the phrase "Elections have consequences" was one of the worst things Obama did. And the mindset it represents is killing the nation.
Results matter I notice you can’t deny the facts yet you’re still post on with your TDS Phony closeted OBiden support. You can keep hoping for some third-party miracle, but at this time President Trump is the only option they only one that could save this Nation as it needs a quick fix. We are heading for collapse. He did it once all alone, he can do it again. Sure, he may not be perfect but tell me how perfect OBiden Regime is. Voice text as I’m getting very lazy wading through left wing pablum.

That said, with election fraud in any big city that they need to swing a state, it’s unlikely the world of people will be reflected again as in 2020
Results matter I notice you can’t deny the facts yet you’re still post on with your TDS Phony closeted OBiden support. You can keep hoping for some third-party miracle, but at this time President Trump is the only option they only one that could save this Nation as it needs a quick fix. We are heading for collapse. He did it once all alone, he can do it again. Sure, he may not be perfect but tell me how perfect OBiden Regime is. Voice text as I’m getting very lazy wading through left wing pablum.

That said, with election fraud in any big city that they need to swing a state, it’s unlikely the world of people will be reflected again as in 2020

Had he actually saved it, it wouldn't need saving.
Results matter I notice you can’t deny the facts yet you’re still post on with your TDS Phony closeted OBiden support.
You can keep hoping for some third-party miracle ...
Actually, what I'm hoping for is that one, or the other, of the two parties will nominate someone decent. But they won't bother if we keep supporting crappy candidates because we're scared.

Actually, what I'm hoping for is that one, or the other, of the two parties will nominate someone decent. But they won't bother if we keep supporting crappy candidates because we're scared.

With the ability to run unlimited Election Fraud (ATL PHI DET CHI LA NYC) it matters not third or even fourth party. They communist-deepState will load the box and count till they win. Or they hack in and change the count depending where needed perhaps? Without a valid system of Audit an “Election” becomes a Selection**
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