Stolen Elections

And you've been shown that's a lie too. I myself showed you a case in Nevada where the judge asked for evidence to support the plaintiffs claims and how the judge threw the case out because their "evidence" didn't offer actual proof of their claims. That dismal was upheld by all 6 justices in appellate court.

You just can't stop lying because reality doesn't support your bullshit.
Cases are dismissed because that makes them ineligible for an evidentiary hearings. See how that works? Now stop your lies about evidence being presented because it was never allowed.
Cases are dismissed because that makes them ineligible for an evidentiary hearings. See how that works? Now stop your lies about evidence being presented because it was never allowed.

As with that Nevada case, you've been shown that's not true. All you do is lie.
Total bullshit.

They were not hidden. They were placed under a table, in front of observers and press, in official GA ballot boxes and sealed to secure them until they could be counted the next day. They were pulled back out an hour later when they were told to keep counting.

And stacks that were placed in scanners mote than once were because the protocol for jammed ballots is to remove the stack, straighten it out, then try scanning again.

Had ballots been counted more than once, there would have been more votes than voters and there weren't; as confirmed by the 3 state-wide counts performed.
How many times can illegal ballots be counted?
As many times as you want.
You nutcase. Trump's favorability rating is about 38%. His odds of winning the general are not very good.

Right. according to CNN.

Do you really think Blacks voted 99.99% for the corpse in CHI? but right across the border in Gary Indiana those Blacks only voted 67% for the corpse? Same out West. COL stolen for Biden but whites just across the border (clean state) vote 65% Trump?

Those stats (ladies and gentlemen) are signatures of massive fraud. Ballot harvesting and stuffing the box. Buying ballots, re-running ballots, hacking the machine,, whatever. When an election is "more clean" results ten to follow a statistical pattern.
Working ballots were brought from secure storage on an as-needed basis. Not until only BLM counters remained. Then they suddenly had to run only those ballots? huh? what about the ones already in progress when the flood came and startled them to run home?

It don't even pass the smell test you dumb spinning lying OX.

Retard, those ballots they pulled out to count were uncounted ballots at 10pm when they were told to pack up for the night. They were then told to keep counting. At 11pm, they pulled them out and resumed counting.

This will all be repeated for you in the trial. Will you learn? No. But you'll hear it again.
Got another stalker. Is this MiketX brother?


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Right. according to CNN.

Do you really think Blacks voted 99.99% for the corpse in CHI? but right across the border in Gary Indiana those Blacks only voted 67% for the corpse? Same out West. COL stolen for Biden but whites just across the border (clean state) vote 65% Trump?

Those stats (ladies and gentlemen) are signatures of massive fraud. Ballot harvesting and stuffing the box. Buying ballots, re-running ballots, hacking the machine,, whatever. When an election is "more clean" results ten to follow a statistical pattern.

You have a link to a verifiable site about Biden getting 99.99% of the black vote in Chicago...?
I was a buyer for a wholesale corporation. There are always drawbacks to buying from the cheapest source, mostly in quality, serviceability and effectiveness to meet needs. At least one of trump's lawyers, is basically out of the lawyer business, now, due to his skills, actions and abilities representing Donny's bid to change the election vote. I'm surprised Donny hasn't sued his ass. He's sued people gobs of times to save or recoup money poorly spent.
That's strange. My understanding is that Trump only wants votes that were either taken from him or were one person sending in thousands of votes for Biden and assorted Congresscritters with other people's names on them, like Minne Mouse, Donald Duck, Elmer Fudd... with no identification whatever.
You are lying and you know it. I do not care if you cannot prove a thing you say. You should, troll.


It's so easy to prove you're lying, FruitLoops. Here's every utterance of mine with the word, "label." This proves I never discussed those labels until you falsely accused me if doing so...

Like I always say, you're fucked in the head.

It's so easy to prove you're lying, FruitLoops. Here's every utterance of mine with the word, "label." This proves I never discussed those labels...

Like I always say, you're fucked in the head.
Unreliable source. You are deflecting from the obvious fraud. Not working trolly.
So fucking what? Corrupt is corrupt.


Great, then let's see you prove what those attorneys couldn't... they claimed thousands of dead people voted in Nevada... when asked for evidence, they presented voter rolls to the judge. They fell silent when the judge asked them for proof that names of dead people on voter rolls were used to vote in the election. Case dismissed due to lack of merit.

So g'head, FruitLoops... post proof that those names of dead people on the Nevada voter rolls were used to vote in the election....
Unreliable source. You are deflecting from the obvious fraud. Not working trolly.


My own words are not a reliable source of what I've said??

Like I always say, FruitLoops... you're fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
They got away with it. Courts won't allow any look into it. State R are OK with it as-is...too hard for them to look into it.

Again, States that did not allow the fraud (or DEM Commee did not try to steal them?) showed Trump support off the charts 65%-68%. Bark all you want but a Black living in DET is no different than Blacks living in Cleve. People in Spokane are not 30% different than those living across the border into Idaho. Portland to Vancouver. It don't pass basic smell test.

There was not a 3AM dump in Cleveland (like discovered in DET) of 148K for the corpse but only 5K for DJT. Other 4 big counties same thing. No I won't provide links. It is all explained in the video you won't watch. We have posted links and you disgusting animals run off to other threads to scream, "but you have no proof, Courts denied your evidence".

Even CA and CONN heavy Dem districts don't show any numbers like that. Especially all simultaneously dumped in after shutdown 12P-3AM when everybody went home but special counters like Claire in WISC, Ruby and daughter in ATL, they stayed on to "help out".

Enjoy your crime and lies. I can sleep at night. you can't lol!

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