Stolen Elections

And the video demonstrates that what you say doesn't mean shit. Because you're a liar and a conman.

Which might explain you ilk's perfect record of failure in court.
I told you what the courts did has been explained. No evidence was heard. They would not allow it. FACT.
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Just one?

No, FruitLoops, there were others. Here's another...

Screenshot_20230828_153139_Samsung Internet.jpg

And have you zoomed in on the label? Let's see the label.

Get real, FruitLoops. This is surveillance video, not 4K TV.
I told you what the courts did has been explained. No evidence was heard. They would not allow it. FACT.

And you've been shown that's a lie too. I myself showed you a case in Nevada where the judge asked for evidence to support the plaintiffs claims and how the judge threw the case out because their "evidence" didn't offer actual proof of their claims. That dismal was upheld by all 6 justices in appellate court.

You just can't stop lying because reality doesn't support your bullshit.
And another video shows ballots run through 3 or 4 times by multiple people. Also the SOS had a report on his desk that the Fulton county election was a joke. His own man submitted that report and he ignored it. Why?

And you've been shown that was investigated and determined stacks sometimes had to be straightened out and put back in the tabulator because of jamming.

And you've been shown had the actually counted ballots more than once, there woukd have been more votes than voters; and that didn't happen. As was verified in their recount. Then verified again in a second recount.

You just can't stop lying because reality doesn't support your bullshit.

By far the most important and defining issue of the day, the mention of which causes Party insiders to instantly scamper for the tall grass, is the stolen Presidential Election of 2020. Regardless of how GOP elites attempt to spin it and dissemble from it, the fact remains that a vast web of vote fraud, perpetrated in the wee hours of the morning of November 4, turned what was obviously a comfortable Trump victory into a supposed “razor thin” win by the mentally incompetent and feeble Joe Biden.

Everybody saw the steal. But the sheer brazenness of leftist ballot stuffing and vote manipulation carried its own “shock and awe” factor, stunning many on the Right into questioning what they had just witnessed. Yet that act was actually exceeded by the ferocity of condemnation blasted against anyone who dared speak the obvious. Within days, even Conservative stalwarts were intimidated by the enormity of the leftist counterattack, and were backtracking with insipid terms such as “possible voting irregularities” in a futile effort to avoid becoming targets of leftist Democrat wrath.

Now, as the 2024 Presidential Election cycle intensifies, RINO sellouts share a common goal with the Democrats, which is to simply pretend the 2020 Election theft never happened. In textbook Alinsky fashion, the “conventional wisdom” is being pronounced with a professed degree of assurance and moral authority we may not have seen since Moses came down from Mount Sinai with those stone tablets. Anyone who dares treat the 2020 cycle of treason as anything less than “the most secure election in American history” is deemed the worst of heretics, and an imminent threat to “democracy.”

which tells you RIGHT THERE.....They stole it.

Another telling fact about stolen 2020 is the persecution of Trump. They know they can't beat 65%-70% support so they will have to cheat even more. That is too hard. If they can Trump up some crimes......claim he is not eligible? IF they can stop his rallies? Make him miss debates.

That right there shows they know they can't come close to winning fairly. They know what they had to do to steal 2020. So they will go full out to try and eliminate him.
Another telling fact about stolen 2020 is the persecution of Trump. They know they can't beat 65%-70% support so they will have to cheat even more. That is too hard. If they can Trump up some crimes......claim he is not eligible? IF they can stop his rallies? Make him miss debates.

That right there shows they know they can't come close to winning fairly. They know what they had to do to steal 2020. So they will go full out to try and eliminate him.

You nutcase. Trump's favorability rating is about 38%. His odds of winning the general are not very good.
You won't find truth in that video. Those were not suitcases pulled out from under a table, they were official GA ballot boxes with official GA seals. And they were not placed under a table early in the morning, they were placed there about 30 minutes before being pulled back out so they could resume counting.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Sealed but hidden. then pulled out. opened. ran and re-ran. Then re-sealed and put back. you have no explanation. Proof is overwhelming. Just because you don't "like it" does not make it false. Numbers and stats don't lie. Leftists Criminals lie.

Had I said it, you'd have been able to quote me.

Now you're reduced to lying again since you can't quote me as I never said it.
Lot of posts to look through and you are just a troll. So I choose not to. But you said the labels were official seals. Let's see them.
Retard, who the fuck cares why that table had a tablecloth?? There's video of the ballots being stowed under there, in secure official GA ballot boxes, at 10pm.

Working ballots were brought from secure storage on an as-needed basis. Not until only BLM counters remained. Then they suddenly had to run only those ballots? huh? what about the ones already in progress when the flood came and startled them to run home?

It don't even pass the smell test you dumb spinning lying OX.
Sealed but hidden. then pulled out. opened. ran and re-ran. Then re-sealed and put back. you have no explanation. Proof is overwhelming. Just because you don't "like it" does not make it false. Numbers and stats don't lie. Leftists Criminals lie.

Total bullshit.

They were not hidden. They were placed under a table, in front of observers and press, in official GA ballot boxes and sealed to secure them until they could be counted the next day. They were pulled back out an hour later when they were told to keep counting.

And stacks that were placed in scanners mote than once were because the protocol for jammed ballots is to remove the stack, straighten it out, then try scanning again.

Had ballots been counted more than once, there would have been more votes than voters and there weren't; as confirmed by the 3 state-wide counts performed.

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