Stolen Elections

They got away with it. Courts won't allow any look into it. State R are OK with it as-is...too hard for them to look into it.

Again, States that did not allow the fraud (or DEM Commee did not try to steal them?) showed Trump support off the charts 65%-68%. Bark all you want but a Black living in DET is no different than Blacks living in Cleve. People in Spokane are not 30% different than those living across the border into Idaho. Portland to Vancouver. It don't pass basic smell test.

There was not a 3AM dump in Cleveland (like discovered in DET) of 148K for the corpse but only 5K for DJT. Other 4 big counties same thing. No I won't provide links. It is all explained in the video you won't watch. We have posted links and you disgusting animals run off to other threads to scream, "but you have no proof, Courts denied your evidence".

Even CA and CONN heavy Dem districts don't show any numbers like that. Especially all simultaneously dumped in after shutdown 12P-3AM when everybody went home but special counters like Claire in WISC, Ruby and daughter in ATL, they stayed on to "help out".

Enjoy your crime and lies. I can sleep at night. you can't lol!

How come I'm still waiting for you to post proof that 99.99% of black voters in Chicago voted for Biden?

btw, I sleep great.
That's strange. My understanding is that Trump only wants votes that were either taken from him or were one person sending in thousands of votes for Biden and assorted Congresscritters with other people's names on them, like Minne Mouse, Donald Duck, Elmer Fudd... with no identification whatever.
No. He wanted people disenfranchised. He wanted votes he did not receive simply because they refused to vote for him, yet he wanted to win in spite of losing the vote. His republican lawyers tried to help make that happen, without resorting to evidence, but simply bringing frivolous suits, where they talked it up big on TV and even on the steps of courthouses, yet in front of a judge, brought no evidence, sometimes after charging fraud out front of the courthouse, when asked by Trump appointed judge, declined to make the charge.
How come I'm still waiting for you to post proof that 99.99% of black voters in Chicago voted for Biden?

btw, I sleep great.

You ignorant OX, it was a generalization. Due to Election Fraud and selling of ballots to harvesters, to printing of Ballots and sending to wrong addresses (returned for re-use) no one is sure of any vote count anywhere. Especially in big corrupted cities.

You so desperate for any links you ignore and run off to post your crap in other it yourself you commee POS.
The Democrat party is built on a foundation of lies.

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Stolen Elections have consequences:

The Afghanistan withdrawal is considered one of the biggest U.S. military failures in history.
You ignorant OX, it was a generalization. Due to Election Fraud and selling of ballots to harvesters, to printing of Ballots and sending to wrong addresses (returned for re-use) no one is sure of any vote count anywhere. Especially in big corrupted cities.

You so desperate for any links you ignore and run off to post your crap in other it yourself you commee POS.

With the exception of one person who harvested ballots illegally, none of that happened. You Qult freaks are hallucinating idiots.
Wouldn't it be nice if one - or both! - parties gave up on trying to win via the courts and just focused on nominating a good candidate for a change?
Pretty much. Despite your delusions, and the frantic carping of "you tube personalities", the election wasn't "stolen". You're just a bunch of whining losers.
Yeah, there are no degrees from YouTube university.

Sidney Powell admitted in court documents that no reasonable person would accept her Big Lie claims as factual.

Rudy Gulliani admitted in court documents that he lied about election fraud.

And their 'video' is of two election workers doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing: securing votes. Says who? Says the election workers (both trained in how to properly handle votes), and the Election Manager of Georgia.

But some random dude on the internet who knows shit about elections says otherwise?

No wonder these poor fools have a perfect record of failure in court.
Wouldn't it be nice if one - or both! - parties gave up on trying to win via the courts and just focused on nominating a good candidate for a change?

WE did. WE had all going in the right direction, GOOD for all. Then the Communists' acted (Fauchi Flu, Stolen Election 2020). Now everything is chaos and going the wrong direction (10 million unvetted Border crossers, $6 gas, $5 bread etc.)

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