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Stop Blaming Israel For the Gaza War

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I have every right to be concerned with what is happening in the middle east. Right now its Gaza and Israel. Israel needs to answer for war crimes.
No, but Hamas sure does.
The war crimes that Hamas commits take place in the context of resisting an illegal occupation by Israel.
Israel's crimes are much more extensive and they take place in the context of inflicting an illegal occupation for the purpose of stealing even more Arab land and water.
When Jews give up on their goal of possessing all of Palestine, the Arab resistance will stop.
Wrong, and you know it. But good luck with the genocide of the Jews...People have been trying it for millennia.
I have every right to be concerned with what is happening in the middle east. Right now its Gaza and Israel. Israel needs to answer for war crimes.
No, but Hamas sure does.
The war crimes that Hamas commits take place in the context of resisting an illegal occupation by Israel.
Israel's crimes are much more extensive and they take place in the context of inflicting an illegal occupation for the purpose of stealing even more Arab land and water.
When Jews give up on their goal of possessing all of Palestine, the Arab resistance will stop.

Georgie----it is not nice that you insist that arabs and muslims in general are
STINKING LIARS------now back in may 1967------one arab and even non arab muslims
stood up one after the other and INSISTED that they would NOT TOLERATE
THE "ZIONIST ENTITY" (aka jews) in---the MUSLIM MIDDLE EAST----now who
was demanding ALL THE LAND-------then Nasser head of the UAR (united arab
republic) announced that he was dedicated to the DESTRUCTION OF
"THE ZIONIST ENTITY"------the land of which is "MUSLIM LAND" -----now who
was demanding all the land?------Then Nasser dismissed peace keeping
UN guys and arrayed his entire army on the border of Israel AND he closed
up the straits of Tiran etc etc------Now who wanted it all??? the rest is history
Hamas numbers about 15,000 fighters.
If you murdered all of them, twice as many would rise.
Jews control three of the four land borders with Gaza, and their allies control the fourth.
Jews control the airspace and coastal waters of Gaza.
Jews man sniper towers in the concrete walls that ring Gaza.
Jews control the electromagnetic sphere and population registry of Gaza.
That's called occupation, and it is being done by Jews to rule all the land between the River and the sea.

ISIS murders almost 200,000 Muslims so 400,000 Muslims will arise to murder members of ISIS.
So what should a SMART ISIS do?
Completley eradicate non-ISIS Muslims.
And that's EXACTLY what they're doing?
Does that bother you?
Of course not, because ISIS ain't JOOOS!
What does IS have to do with the occupation Jews inflict upon Palestine?
Hasbara bothers me because it constantly deflects from the crimes against humanity Israel inflicts upon the occupied territories.
Why do you support JOOO terror?

Do you have the LEAST amount of ability to abstract?
No, you don't.
You are one of the stupidest posters here.
It's a good thing everybody else is able to extrapolate one idea from another.

And it's ISIS, not IS.
ISIS murders almost 200,000 Muslims so 400,000 Muslims will arise to murder members of ISIS. So what should a SMART ISIS do? Completley eradicate non-ISIS Muslims. And that's EXACTLY what they're doing? Does that bother you? Of course not, because ISIS ain't JOOOS!
What does IS have to do with the occupation Jews inflict upon Palestine? Hasbara bothers me because it constantly deflects from the crimes against humanity Israel inflicts upon the occupied territories. Why do you support JOOO terror?

Do you have the LEAST amount of ability to abstract? No, you don't. You are one of the stupidest posters here. It's a good thing everybody else is able to extrapolate one idea from another. Idiot. And it's ISIS, not IS.
You're dealing with a Propaganda Parrot. It makes a lot of noise, but not interactively, and never says anything new, or outside its propagandist role. Basically, it just squawks and covers the bottom of the cage with shit.
Considering that Israel is surrounded by enemies determined for her destruction - that she is outnumbered 40 - 1 was the ratio I heard today - concerning the populations of said surrounding nations vs. her own population - these surrounding nations in the middle east are determined for her destruction - she is fighting for her very life. I find it astonishing that people cannot see who the victim is here! It is Israel!
Hamas numbers about 15,000 fighters.
If you murdered all of them, twice as many would rise.
Jews control three of the four land borders with Gaza, and their allies control the fourth.
Jews control the airspace and coastal waters of Gaza.
Jews man sniper towers in the concrete walls that ring Gaza.
Jews control the electromagnetic sphere and population registry of Gaza.
That's called occupation, and it is being done by Jews to rule all the land between the River and the sea.

ISIS murders almost 200,000 Muslims so 400,000 Muslims will arise to murder members of ISIS.
So what should a SMART ISIS do?
Completley eradicate non-ISIS Muslims.
And that's EXACTLY what they're doing?
Does that bother you?
Of course not, because ISIS ain't JOOOS!
What does IS have to do with the occupation Jews inflict upon Palestine?
Hasbara bothers me because it constantly deflects from the crimes against humanity Israel inflicts upon the occupied territories.Does that bother you?
Of course not, because ISIS ain't
Why do you support JOOO terror?

The question is, what does this "occupation" you imagine, have to do with Hamas attacks inflicted upon Israel ?
MSNBC and CNN bother me because they constantly deflect from the crimes against humanity that Hamas inflicts upon Israel.
Why do you support Muslim terror ?
Considering that Israel is surrounded by enemies determined for her destruction - that she is outnumbered 40 - 1 was the ratio I heard today - concerning the populations of said surrounding nations vs. her own population - these surrounding nations in the middle east are determined for her destruction - she is fighting for her very life. I find it astonishing that people cannot see who the victim is here! It is Israel!

They can see it. They don't care. They're Islamists, looking for a world Islamic caliphate, starting with the destruction of Israel.
An outdoor prison where the Hamas leaders drive luxury cars such as Mercedez Benz and BMW's, have maids to clean their homes, and dine in fancy restaurants. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Penelope stating that the Hamas Imam calling for the extermination of the Jews worldwide was nuts? Perhaps she salivates over the thought of that.

By the way, Penelope, since you have now crawled over to the Middle East forum, have you anything to say about the over 150,000 people murdered in Syria, the thousands and thousands wounded, and the over 2 million refugees. Perhaps kindhearted you will take one or two families into your own place. How about Iraq. Have you anything to say about the innocent Shiites and Christians who have been murdered by your friends?

I have every right to be concerned with what is happening in the middle east. Right now its Gaza and Israel. Israel needs to answer for war crimes.
No, but Hamas sure does.

And they ARE answering for them. Right now. By getting their teeth kicked in.
In normal times I believe you would be correct; however, in revolutionary times, ideas that would never be considered sometimes become the obvious choice.

Jaffa in 1948 for example:

"It was 46 years ago, on May 13, 1948—the day before Israel's creation—that the all-Arab seaside city of Jaffa surrendered to Jewish forces. It was the largest Arab city in Palestine and, under the U.N. Partition Plan, was to have been part of a Palestinian state. But Menachem Begin's terrorist Irgun group began bombarding civilian sectors of the city on April 25, terrifying the inhabitants into panicky flight.

"At the time, the city's normal population of around 75,000 was already down to 55,000. On the day of surrender less than three weeks later, only about 4,500 remained. The rest of Jaffa's citizens had fled their homes in terror, becoming part of the 726,000 Palestinian refugees created by the war."

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs - Arab Jaffa Seized Before Israel's Creation in 1948

I wonder if Gaza George would be kind enough to tell us who started this Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA). Wasn't his name Ali something or other?

Would you feel better if it was Ari?
Feel free to refute any of the content, if you can.
Of course, we all know you can't.:D

If the one who started this was named Ari and he didn't go along with bashing your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, you would never have used that site.

Tell you what, Gaza George, why don't you pull up something from a regular encyclopedia for once or even something from the history department of a major university and then compare the two different versions of history. Moreover, I think it is a riot that you still think you are fooling the other posters plus the viewers that you actually care about the Arabs. I think many are smart enough to realize you just use them as pawns in your fight against your scapegoats..
I have every right to be concerned with what is happening in the middle east. Right now its Gaza and Israel. Israel needs to answer for war crimes.
No, but Hamas sure does.
The war crimes that Hamas commits take place in the context of resisting an illegal occupation by Israel.
Israel's crimes are much more extensive and they take place in the context of inflicting an illegal occupation for the purpose of stealing even more Arab land and water.
When Jews give up on their goal of possessing all of Palestine, the Arab resistance will stop.

This is PURE >>


And while we're at it. Here's the solution >>

Please show us a 1945 map of Israel.

Will one from 1919 do you, the one drawn by the LoN that showed the lane destined to become the new Israel. Or do you want one based on the history of Samaria and Judea from before the diaspora. In all my research I have never come across a map of the nation of Palestine inhabited and owned by arab muslims.

Here you are a pre 1948 map of Israel

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Please show us a 1945 map of Israel.

The fact that you want to show us that map shows me a lot more about you than the map shows me.

In fact, yo can't because there was no Israel in 1945.
You moan about defence, totally ignoring your invasion.

Nor was there a nation of Palestine owned and ruled by arab muslims. There was never a nation of Palestine, but there was a nation of Israel ruled by Jewish kings and with its own currency and laws.

So how about you produce a map of the nation of Palestine from 1945 ?
Wow 3brain dead joo-haters all in one thread. What is it about Israel that brings out the hate in people?
The shit things Israel does.

Like kidnap young boys and murder them, eat the liver of their enemies, hack of the heads of those that cross them, gang rape females of all ages, roast babies alive and then serve them to the mothers on a bed of rice. Hold on that is the muslims way of doing things isn't it.
Those who hate jews, also hate Israel.
Wrong. Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism.

Strange how Zionism is based on the simpest of Judaic principles, the rebirth of Israel as the JEWISH NATIONAL HOME and the right of the Jews to live in peace behind secure borders.

Or do you believe in the ISLAMONAZI definition of ZIONISM ? ( which defines islam perfectly )
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