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Stop Blaming Israel For the Gaza War

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The gas chambers are a hoax, the biggest in history. That is not to say many didn't die and die and some even shot, but a mass plan at extermination , no. Sorry you only have one side of the story and believe it, you obviously have not researched it.

I am probably older than are you------I read that which you call "RESEARCH"----when I was
a child. Your islamo Nazi literature was all over my Nazi town even before I was born----
LONG AGO It was because I read that which you call "research" when I was a child---
that I recognized you as soon as you began to post. I read the stuff written in a place
-----that I did not know as a child------"SYRIA" Syria was a place of refuge for Nazi war
criminals in 1945----they went to work writing the stuff you read and call "research"---
some did their writing in Egypt

so according to you-----my Austrian cousins are still alive------oh gee---how nice----
I DO HAVE COUSINS---by now I must have hundreds

I have physically examined persons who were the sole survivors in their familes of the filth
enacted by your fellow islamo Nazis------I forgot to tell them it never happened which seems to
mean-----they did not exist either

In fact----I even examined a lady ----long ago who was the sole survivor in her family---
of the Armenian genocide of 1915 I did not spit in her face and tell her "HOAX"

Of all people in the world-----you came to the wrong person to sell your obscene "hoax"
story. I know you so well

You did say your father served in world war iI-----so I assumed you were born in the USA---
I could be wrong----there are lots of Nazis still in the USA and ----of course----lots of non
usa served in world war II As for the holocaust denial literature-----that is part of the
grammar school curriculum in Islamic nations. I find it MOST interesting----that the
information that is so well known to inebriated "white supremacists" in
the USA is precisely the same stuff taught in grammar schools in Pakistan I did not
"research" that fact------I got it from the inebriated white supremacists and from
Pakistanis------in person,

now tell the truth------did you ALSO believe that the footage of the world trade
center being struck by two planes was ----an ANIMATED CARTOON?

None of my Austrian relatives died in a place called "NORDHAUSEN" -----they all died---my grandfathers
six brother and all of their entire families seem to have died in Auschwitz---except one brother who

What did they die of?????

We know the cold war started immediately and the American nor the Britain's were allowed in to see the Auschwitz labor camps. Now if there was abuse at those camps then it was wrong of course, but we have to know that most of the people who died once again were the diseased and sick. As the Soviets moved it Germany moved the people out, as most would rather be with the Germans than at the hands of the Soviets.

Germany has had to live with the myth of the mass gas chamber hoax for years now. No doubt there were some bad Germans, but mass gassings no. It has come to light and admitted by Soviets that Katelyn massacre was done by Soviets , firstly blamed on the Germans, and also the Ponary massacre was Lithuanians, mainly Jews who volunteered.

they will not be able to carry and lean on the holocaust for too many more years as the evidence does not add up, or even the lack of evidence I should say.

Now isn;'t that strange that on a German message board, those who were born in Germany admit what happened; and all those other posters who were denying it were called anti-Semites by these Christian Germanys.

Yeah, I think Penelope would have loved that job deciding where those mobile gas killing machines were to go next. Of course, Isla Koch, the Bitch of Buchenwald, would have helped her decide.
I am probably older than are you------I read that which you call "RESEARCH"----when I was
a child. Your islamo Nazi literature was all over my Nazi town even before I was born----
LONG AGO It was because I read that which you call "research" when I was a child---
that I recognized you as soon as you began to post. I read the stuff written in a place
-----that I did not know as a child------"SYRIA" Syria was a place of refuge for Nazi war
criminals in 1945----they went to work writing the stuff you read and call "research"---
some did their writing in Egypt

so according to you-----my Austrian cousins are still alive------oh gee---how nice----
I DO HAVE COUSINS---by now I must have hundreds

I have physically examined persons who were the sole survivors in their familes of the filth
enacted by your fellow islamo Nazis------I forgot to tell them it never happened which seems to
mean-----they did not exist either

In fact----I even examined a lady ----long ago who was the sole survivor in her family---
of the Armenian genocide of 1915 I did not spit in her face and tell her "HOAX"

Of all people in the world-----you came to the wrong person to sell your obscene "hoax"
story. I know you so well

You did say your father served in world war iI-----so I assumed you were born in the USA---
I could be wrong----there are lots of Nazis still in the USA and ----of course----lots of non
usa served in world war II As for the holocaust denial literature-----that is part of the
grammar school curriculum in Islamic nations. I find it MOST interesting----that the
information that is so well known to inebriated "white supremacists" in
the USA is precisely the same stuff taught in grammar schools in Pakistan I did not
"research" that fact------I got it from the inebriated white supremacists and from
Pakistanis------in person,

now tell the truth------did you ALSO believe that the footage of the world trade
center being struck by two planes was ----an ANIMATED CARTOON?

None of my Austrian relatives died in a place called "NORDHAUSEN" -----they all died---my grandfathers
six brother and all of their entire families seem to have died in Auschwitz---except one brother who

What did they die of?????

We know the cold war started immediately and the American nor the Britain's were allowed in to see the Auschwitz labor camps. Now if there was abuse at those camps then it was wrong of course, but we have to know that most of the people who died once again were the diseased and sick. As the Soviets moved it Germany moved the people out, as most would rather be with the Germans than at the hands of the Soviets.

Germany has had to live with the myth of the mass gas chamber hoax for years now. No doubt there were some bad Germans, but mass gassings no. It has come to light and admitted by Soviets that Katelyn massacre was done by Soviets , firstly blamed on the Germans, and also the Ponary massacre was Lithuanians, mainly Jews who volunteered.

they will not be able to carry and lean on the holocaust for too many more years as the evidence does not add up, or even the lack of evidence I should say.

Now isn;'t that strange that on a German message board, those who were born in Germany admit what happened; and all those other posters who were denying it were called anti-Semites by these Christian Germanys.

Yeah, I think Penelope would have loved that job deciding where those mobile gas killing machines were to go next. Of course, Isla Koch, the Bitch of Buchenwald, would have helped her decide.

Yes I often find when people do not answer questions but resort to calling names and accusations that one is simple ignorant of the topic at hand.
None of my Austrian relatives died in a place called "NORDHAUSEN" -----they all died---my grandfathers
six brother and all of their entire families seem to have died in Auschwitz---except one brother who

What did they die of?????

We know the cold war started immediately and the American nor the Britain's were allowed in to see the Auschwitz labor camps. Now if there was abuse at those camps then it was wrong of course, but we have to know that most of the people who died once again were the diseased and sick. As the Soviets moved it Germany moved the people out, as most would rather be with the Germans than at the hands of the Soviets.

Germany has had to live with the myth of the mass gas chamber hoax for years now. No doubt there were some bad Germans, but mass gassings no. It has come to light and admitted by Soviets that Katelyn massacre was done by Soviets , firstly blamed on the Germans, and also the Ponary massacre was Lithuanians, mainly Jews who volunteered.

they will not be able to carry and lean on the holocaust for too many more years as the evidence does not add up, or even the lack of evidence I should say.

Now isn;'t that strange that on a German message board, those who were born in Germany admit what happened; and all those other posters who were denying it were called anti-Semites by these Christian Germanys.

Yeah, I think Penelope would have loved that job deciding where those mobile gas killing machines were to go next. Of course, Isla Koch, the Bitch of Buchenwald, would have helped her decide.

Yes I often find when people do not answer questions but resort to calling names and accusations that one is simple ignorant of the topic at hand.

When someone calls the gas chambers a hoax when people have seen others shoved in them and Nazi guards relate that they have seen them, anyone like you deserves to be called names. Now go sew another swastika on your blouse.
Now isn;'t that strange that on a German message board, those who were born in Germany admit what happened; and all those other posters who were denying it were called anti-Semites by these Christian Germanys.

Yeah, I think Penelope would have loved that job deciding where those mobile gas killing machines were to go next. Of course, Isla Koch, the Bitch of Buchenwald, would have helped her decide.

sally-----why bother? shit like penelope exist all over the world---they are generally the
products of an abusive, depraved environment. They are the
ones who had no motivation to overcome the depravity
in which they lived and continue to live.

when I was a kid----the places where the little pamphlets were blowing
around in the fields were always near brothels and seedy bars----out there
in the "sticks" Living in semi rural areas has its advantages----they
contain all three---the good, the bad, and the ugly. A walk in the woods--
could bring me to a garden and a stream----or to a pile
of perverted inebriates doing "god-knows-what" in the mud and
scattered dog excrement..... walk a bit further----and there might even
be a tiny white church---with a steeple----then --again the perverts-----
but they might be busy doing their things under old neglected but
bearing ---apple tree.
A way people worship, huh ? By slaughtering 270 million people around the world, for 1400 years ? By killing millions of innocent animals every year on Eid al Adha. By husbands beating their wives ( and scores of other misogynies), by raping, by committing pedophila, by enslaving people, by torturing, by mutilating. You call that "worship" ? In America, we have another name for it. We call it LUNACY. We also call it CRIME.
So is making up lies to invade sovereign nations.

Yeah. Like Hamas invading Israel (with tunnels and rockets)
...It requires no cleverness to...
Lucky for you, eh? Given that you exhausted your supply of 'clever' quite some time ago.

Now, do you have anything substantive to contribute to the conversation, or have you been reduced to nothing more than a mere anti-Israeli spam-bot? A parrot can do what you do.
What is it you imagine you bring to this board, other than comic relief?
And of course the usual knee-jerk subservience to all things Jew.
You can't handle substance, Sissy, stick to your pathic prose.
...It requires no cleverness to...
Lucky for you, eh? Given that you exhausted your supply of 'clever' quite some time ago.

Now, do you have anything substantive to contribute to the conversation, or have you been reduced to nothing more than a mere anti-Israeli spam-bot? A parrot can do what you do.
What is it you imagine you bring to this board, other than comic relief?
And of course the usual knee-jerk subservience to all things Jew.
You can't handle substance, Sissy, stick to your pathic prose.
Gee what you wrote applies double to you, you ignorant jew hating piece of shit.
Zionism is about the same as extremism in Islam or any other group.

The same ??? Marauding Muslims have killed 270 million people around the world, over 1400 years. No nation, religion, cult, or ideology even comes close to that horrific figure.

You got a source for that, otherwise this is just an unsubstantiated assertion, drawing numbers out of thin air?

You must be new to this subject. The 270 million figure (120 million Africans, 80 million Hindus, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddhists) and source for it has been around for quite some time.

Political Islam // Articles // Tears of Jihad

270 Million Victims of Jihad? Maybe More | Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs



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I am aware of that, and I feel bad your Dad had to see that, my Dad was also in WWII.

Was that before or after the allies bombed the area. Here is the survivors story. Its obvious most died of illness and starvation, and bombings. Some who joined resistant groups were killed outright by the Germans, (pretty much what Israel is doing with Hamas now, right) If your fighting in a WW you do try and put POW's in camps when able but when not they get killed.

I never read anything about a gas chamber here. The allied bombing also killed many as well, as many civilians are dead in Palestine.

I never said many Jews did not die, but millions in gas chambers , NO!

Holocaust History - Holocaust Nordhausen Survivor

None of my Austrian relatives died in a place called "NORDHAUSEN" -----they all died---my grandfathers
six brother and all of their entire families seem to have died in Auschwitz---except one brother who
died trying to get to Palestine NORDHAUSEN?? do I have to read the citation?

thanks for the insight Penelope into your background, Penelope. I grew up in a town
populated by people like you-------in North east USA-----my playmates were as ignorant as
are you. I was a ----very small child in the 1950s------when little kids who went to church
on Sunday never even heard of anyone named "hitler" Even my friends from Yugoslavia---
never heard of hitler------they knew that their relatives back there battled----?? communists.
They were serbs (as I later ascertained) they hated everyone-----catholics, jews,
muslims you name it-------they had a reason (??) Of course they were a bit "outside"
of things too Like me they did not go to church on sunday------the greek orthodox cburch
was in another state. I read all of your literature as a child------little pamphlets and small
magazine type things-----ALL ABOUT JEWS and the "fact" that the concentration camps ---
the reason I have no cousins-------is all a "LIE" Interestingly that "lie" was called
a "lie" as far back as the 1930s. People in my town----way back then -----claimed
they NEVER heard of anything like concentration camps I was inspired to ask my mom (born
in the USA) when she knew about concentration camps. She told me about a specific
incident she remembered that happened when she was 15-----1935. Its not your fault---
there are lots of people in the USA like you Were you around for the Biafran genocide?----
the east Pakistani genocide? Cambodia? There are people in the USA who never heard
of those either.

The gas chambers are a hoax, the biggest in history. That is not to say many didn't die and die and some even shot, but a mass plan at extermination , no. Sorry you only have one side of the story and believe it, you obviously have not researched it.
You're an idiot.
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Holocaust deniers are simply sickos. Since the Holocaust is the best attested event in history, and they deny the existing evidence, almost be definition they cannot be persuaded. That puts their belief in the category of mental illness. They need cure, not reason.
"'We don’t have power at the moment. We don’t have water,' physician Dr. Mona El-Farra told The Electronic Intifada from Gaza today.

"Dr. El-Farra works with the Palestine Red Crescent Society and is the director of Gaza projects at the Middle East Children’s Alliance.

“'We receive every day an increasing number of patients coming from the schools, people who took shelter in the schools or with their relatives,' she added.

"In Gaza today, the bodies of at least twenty Palestinians were pulled from the rubble after an Israeli airstrike hit a United Nations school in Jabaliya refugee camp.

"Approximately 3,300 displaced people were taking refuge in the school. Among the victims were children 'killed as they slept next to their parents on the floor of a classroom,' according to the UN agency UNRWA, which administers the school.

"Later in the day, Israeli forces shelled an open market in the Shujaiya neighborhood of eastern Gaza City, the site of a grisly massacre last week, killing at least seventeen."

"We have no power and no water," warns Gaza physician Dr. Mona El-Farra | The Electronic Intifada

The Zionist Dream continues...

So if you're upset about all this, then what is your proposal to stop Hamas from causing it ?
...Would your reaction be rational?...
Of course not. I would grab a rifle and put a bullet through the head of the first Hamas commander I laid my eyes on, for putting my child in harms' way like that, by hiding behind the skirts of my wife and child.
After planting a big wet kiss on the butt of the first Jew you met.:cuckoo:

That is a stupid and irresponsible response. You should apologize.
I am aware of that, and I feel bad your Dad had to see that, my Dad was also in WWII.

Was that before or after the allies bombed the area. Here is the survivors story. Its obvious most died of illness and starvation, and bombings. Some who joined resistant groups were killed outright by the Germans, (pretty much what Israel is doing with Hamas now, right) If your fighting in a WW you do try and put POW's in camps when able but when not they get killed.

I never read anything about a gas chamber here. The allied bombing also killed many as well, as many civilians are dead in Palestine.

I never said many Jews did not die, but millions in gas chambers , NO!

Holocaust History - Holocaust Nordhausen Survivor

None of my Austrian relatives died in a place called "NORDHAUSEN" -----they all died---my grandfathers
six brother and all of their entire families seem to have died in Auschwitz---except one brother who
died trying to get to Palestine NORDHAUSEN?? do I have to read the citation?

thanks for the insight Penelope into your background, Penelope. I grew up in a town
populated by people like you-------in North east USA-----my playmates were as ignorant as
are you. I was a ----very small child in the 1950s------when little kids who went to church
on Sunday never even heard of anyone named "hitler" Even my friends from Yugoslavia---
never heard of hitler------they knew that their relatives back there battled----?? communists.
They were serbs (as I later ascertained) they hated everyone-----catholics, jews,
muslims you name it-------they had a reason (??) Of course they were a bit "outside"
of things too Like me they did not go to church on sunday------the greek orthodox cburch
was in another state. I read all of your literature as a child------little pamphlets and small
magazine type things-----ALL ABOUT JEWS and the "fact" that the concentration camps ---
the reason I have no cousins-------is all a "LIE" Interestingly that "lie" was called
a "lie" as far back as the 1930s. People in my town----way back then -----claimed
they NEVER heard of anything like concentration camps I was inspired to ask my mom (born
in the USA) when she knew about concentration camps. She told me about a specific
incident she remembered that happened when she was 15-----1935. Its not your fault---
there are lots of people in the USA like you Were you around for the Biafran genocide?----
the east Pakistani genocide? Cambodia? There are people in the USA who never heard
of those either.

The gas chambers are a hoax, the biggest in history. That is not to say many didn't die and die and some even shot, but a mass plan at extermination , no. Sorry you only have one side of the story and believe it, you obviously have not researched it.

I'm sick of all this holocaust yes, holocaust no, yammering. It's all OFF TOPIC and in violation of forum rules. Stop it, and post only to the topic. :eusa_hand:
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The gas chambers are a hoax, the biggest in history. That is not to say many didn't die and die and some even shot, but a mass plan at extermination , no. Sorry you only have one side of the story and believe it, you obviously have not researched it.

I am probably older than are you------I read that which you call "RESEARCH"----when I was
a child. Your islamo Nazi literature was all over my Nazi town even before I was born----
LONG AGO It was because I read that which you call "research" when I was a child---
that I recognized you as soon as you began to post. I read the stuff written in a place
-----that I did not know as a child------"SYRIA" Syria was a place of refuge for Nazi war
criminals in 1945----they went to work writing the stuff you read and call "research"---
some did their writing in Egypt

so according to you-----my Austrian cousins are still alive------oh gee---how nice----
I DO HAVE COUSINS---by now I must have hundreds

I have physically examined persons who were the sole survivors in their familes of the filth
enacted by your fellow islamo Nazis------I forgot to tell them it never happened which seems to
mean-----they did not exist either

In fact----I even examined a lady ----long ago who was the sole survivor in her family---
of the Armenian genocide of 1915 I did not spit in her face and tell her "HOAX"

Of all people in the world-----you came to the wrong person to sell your obscene "hoax"
story. I know you so well

You did say your father served in world war iI-----so I assumed you were born in the USA---
I could be wrong----there are lots of Nazis still in the USA and ----of course----lots of non
usa served in world war II As for the holocaust denial literature-----that is part of the
grammar school curriculum in Islamic nations. I find it MOST interesting----that the
information that is so well known to inebriated "white supremacists" in
the USA is precisely the same stuff taught in grammar schools in Pakistan I did not
"research" that fact------I got it from the inebriated white supremacists and from
Pakistanis------in person,

now tell the truth------did you ALSO believe that the footage of the world trade
center being struck by two planes was ----an ANIMATED CARTOON?

None of my Austrian relatives died in a place called "NORDHAUSEN" -----they all died---my grandfathers
six brother and all of their entire families seem to have died in Auschwitz---except one brother who

What did they die of?????

We know the cold war started immediately and the American nor the Britain's were allowed in to see the Auschwitz labor camps. Now if there was abuse at those camps then it was wrong of course, but we have to know that most of the people who died once again were the diseased and sick. As the Soviets moved it Germany moved the people out, as most would rather be with the Germans than at the hands of the Soviets.

Germany has had to live with the myth of the mass gas chamber hoax for years now. No doubt there were some bad Germans, but mass gassings no. It has come to light and admitted by Soviets that Katelyn massacre was done by Soviets , firstly blamed on the Germans, and also the Ponary massacre was Lithuanians, mainly Jews who volunteered.

they will not be able to carry and lean on the holocaust for too many more years as the evidence does not add up, or even the lack of evidence I should say.

OFF TOPIC!! This is a thread about Israel and Hamas in 2014, in the Middle East forum, not European history.
Of course not. I would grab a rifle and put a bullet through the head of the first Hamas commander I laid my eyes on, for putting my child in harms' way like that, by hiding behind the skirts of my wife and child.
After planting a big wet kiss on the butt of the first Jew you met.:cuckoo:

That is a stupid and irresponsible response. You should apologize.
Did you see the image K3 and I were responding to?
Warning: Graphic Content
Don't try to be clever George... that never ends well for you.
It requires no cleverness to recognize a kosher dick lick like you.
Maybe you should stop shilling for greedy Jews in Palestine?:eusa_boohoo:

Maybe you should stop trolling and start addressing the TOPIC.
Putting aside the obvious lie in the OP about a "war" in Gaza, the hawks in Israel are now openly floating balloons suggesting (temporary) concentration camps in the Sinai for hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

Should such a vision come to pass, would you blame the Jews?

"Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters'
Moshe Feiglin is Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset..."

Moshe Feiglin calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'conquest of Gaza Strip' | Mail Online
After planting a big wet kiss on the butt of the first Jew you met.:cuckoo:

That is a stupid and irresponsible response. You should apologize.
Did you see the image K3 and I were responding to?
Warning: Graphic Content

Perhaps you douchebags should TEACH your children NOT to be legitimate military targets!

That is a stupid and irresponsible response. You should apologize.
Did you see the image K3 and I were responding to?
Warning: Graphic Content

Perhaps you douchebags should TEACH your children NOT to be legitimate military targets!

Except there is nothing legitimate about your illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza; it is the Israeli occupation that's responsible for the war crimes in Gaza.:lol:
Did you see the image K3 and I were responding to?
Warning: Graphic Content

Perhaps you douchebags should TEACH your children NOT to be legitimate military targets!

Except there is nothing legitimate about your illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza; it is the Israeli occupation that's responsible for the war crimes in Gaza.:lol:

Didn't Israel GIVE GAZA to you fucking dogs in exchange for PEACE in 2005, and YOU pond scum broke the agreement! .... you lying cock sucker!
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