STOP calling the leaker a whistle-blower. He is NOT a whistle-blower

No matter what he is, or what his motives were, I am predicting that he will be "suicided" in the jailhouse.
If so, it is because Progs are the real authoritarians on a national scale. Everything no matter how small, is comparatively bullhorned into the loudest sounds ever. There is only so long this can go on. To me, let's just get it over with. the resistance from the other side seems localized.
How did this young gamer boy get a Top Security Clearance in the first place, let alone get a job at the Pentagon where he has access to the highest Top Secret documents??
Is he Trans or something?? Was he some kind of Affirmative action hire??
What the hell??
The Biden Administration is a clusterfuck.
He's not a Chinese loyalist. Therefore a traitor. Are you a traitor or a Chinese loyalist? As between this guy and fuckwad Biden, who has their hand out for Chinese money?

So, since Biden is dirty it is ok for this guy to steal classified documents.

You people are truly dumber than a box of rocks.
How did this young gamer boy get a Top Security Clearance in the first place, let alone get a job at the Pentagon where he has access to the highest Top Secret documents??
Is he Trans or something?? Was he some kind of Affirmative action hire??
What the hell??
I was stunned when it was reported that 1.2 million people in the US have a top security clearance.
I've heard that three men can keep a secret when two of them are dead. A flake, or three, is likely to show up in a group that large.
Defending this guy as a whistle blower is bullshit.

Some INCEL trying to show off and hundreds of classified documents get released. He needs to be in Leavenworth for the rest of his life.
That would be seriously missing the point.

The point is, that if this young kid can do it, ANYONE can do it.

Including the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, and Iranians...

“He is NOT a whistle-blower …”​

I think he is just a naive dumb-fuck who was trying to impress his equally dumb rightwing chat room buddies.

Like the Jan. 6 rioters, or Trump when he arrogantly refused to return “top secret” papers to the National Archives, he probably thought it was “no big deal” because after all he is a “patriot” and “Real American.” The sense of entitlement shown here is palpable. He will probably pay a high price for his stupidity and treason.

I’m not surprised in the least that some Trump fanatics are determined to make him a “national hero.”

On the other hand, I haven’t been either surprised or impressed by the supposed “revelations” exposed in secret documents he circulated to impress his friends.

Here is my view on the underlying issues and the complex challenges the Biden Administration faces in its effort to both prevent a wider war and stop Putin’s aggression:

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So, since Biden is dirty it is ok for this guy to steal classified documents.

You people are truly dumber than a box of rocks.
At what point will the 4th estate start doing its real work and stop being the spokes people for Progressive Socialism? The documents have proven huge lies which many people figured out before they were released.
That would be seriously missing the point.

The point is, that if this young kid can do it, ANYONE can do it.

Including the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, and Iranians...

The kid had a super high security clearance and worked in the intell branch at the Pentagon. Unless the Russians, Chinese, N. Koreans and Iranians can get that clearance and get hired in Intell.......
So, since Biden is dirty it is ok for this guy to steal classified documents.

You people are truly dumber than a box of rocks.
Technically he didn't steal anything. He came by the information through his employment. Law school answer would be conversion.

That he made this information public is what makes him a hero. It is the American public, the people, that this feckless government is dragging toward a war with two nuclear powers and no allies. Sending American bodies to war is our business and we should know. At the very least, bottom line, congress should know and have given their approval. That's the way the Constitution works. What was done was the actions of a dictator who need not concern himself with the opinion of plebes. Biden isn't cogent enough. Who is running the nation and making these decisions?
I sorta feel sorry for the young whistle-blower. Just a kid being a kid and exposing more government meddling in another country's affairs. Hope he gets a good talkin' to and sent home to think about things.
He posted this shit in an attempt to impress kids on a damn gaming forum.

He should be tried and convicted.

Stealing Classified.
Mishandling classified.
Illegally transporting clasdified.
Illegal storage of classified, etc...
Dishonorable Discharge
UCMJ Charges
Federal Charges

He'll be lucky to be able to get a job at McDonalds after this.
Technically he didn't steal anything. He came by the information through his employment. Law school answer would be conversion.

He took it from his work, that is stealing.

If I come across a new Lexus through my employment and I take it, guess what...I stole the fucking car

That he made this information public is what makes him a hero. It is the American public, the people, that this feckless government is dragging toward a war with two nuclear powers and no allies.

No, it makes him a traitor that needs to be shot in the head.

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