Stop Lying Republicans, The Majority of The American People Are IN Favor of Obamacare


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?
The majority are not in favor of defunding it that is true polls bear that what however what the polls also bear out is a majority are dissatisfied with the law and feel they will be worse off under it. Half truths are also lies so feel free to stop with them anytime.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

They can't; doing so would subject them to cognitive dissonance (at least those who actually are cognitive).
The majority are not in favor of defunding it that is true polls bear that what however what the polls also bear out is a majority are dissatisfied with the law and feel they will be worse off under it. Half truths are also lies so feel free to stop with them anytime.

Since you brought forth "half truths" it would seem important for you to elaborate on why so many (as you state) feel they will be worse under the new law.

My guess, those not employed in the hospital/insurance/pharmaceutical complex, feels it didn't go far enough. I also suppose the millions of uninsured who sign up with an exchange will convince the insurance industry that the ACA is good for business.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

How can anyone be "for" something that nobody read before they past it? Has anybody read the thing?
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

How can anyone be "for" something that nobody read before they past it? Has anybody read the thing?
Using that same logic, how can anyone say with certainty that something failed and is a massive failure, that hasn't been implemented as yet?
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

How can anyone be "for" something that nobody read before they past it? Has anybody read the thing?
Using that same logic, how can anyone say with certainty that something failed and is a massive failure, that hasn't been implemented as yet?

In other couldn't answer her question. Thanks....
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

How can anyone be "for" something that nobody read before they past it? Has anybody read the thing?

Have you? Have you read any bill presented to the President after it had gone to conference committee and comported it to the bill before the CC modified it?

I'm for it; health care in America needed reform. If problems exist now that the ACA is law they can be fixed over time. Those intent on killing the law do so out of self interest, not because they give a damn about our country or our people.
The majority are not in favor of defunding it that is true polls bear that what however what the polls also bear out is a majority are dissatisfied with the law and feel they will be worse off under it. Half truths are also lies so feel free to stop with them anytime.

Since you brought forth "half truths" it would seem important for you to elaborate on why so many (as you state) feel they will be worse under the new law.

My guess, those not employed in the hospital/insurance/pharmaceutical complex, feels it didn't go far enough. I also suppose the millions of uninsured who sign up with an exchange will convince the insurance industry that the ACA is good for business.

I'm citing what the polls on Obamacare are saying as for why people feel that way the polls don't give that type of information as you very well know if you want me to speculate my guess would be because for than a few companies have announced they are cutting back hours or employees or both in response to Obamacare and some people are now discovering their rates will go up when Obamacare starts in some cases rather drastically.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

What a load of crap. O'Bummer won what was a close election and not a mandate to shove poor legislation that the government can't afford up the American public's ass. The Republicans are only doing exactly what the Constitution allows in protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

Now the Republicans are taking the correct course by introducing an amendment to reverse the exemptions that O'Bummer illegally enacted for Congress and White House staff. If this BummerCare is so great, why does he feel that those in Washington need exemptions from the law he is forcing upon Americans. Congress must follow the laws it imposes upon the people. The Republicans are willing to go under this plan. We will see if the Dems. follow suit or show what hypocrites they really are. I am betting on the latter.

This from a poster who needs affordable care, but does not want the government and the IRS between me and my doctor.
I want the Republicans to embrace it. 100%..... But make the Democrats own it and follow it; to the letter.

No exemptions, no extensions. implement it as planned and watch the votes on the left melt away.....
The majority are not in favor of defunding it that is true polls bear that what however what the polls also bear out is a majority are dissatisfied with the law and feel they will be worse off under it. Half truths are also lies so feel free to stop with them anytime.

Since you brought forth "half truths" it would seem important for you to elaborate on why so many (as you state) feel they will be worse under the new law.

My guess, those not employed in the hospital/insurance/pharmaceutical complex, feels it didn't go far enough. I also suppose the millions of uninsured who sign up with an exchange will convince the insurance industry that the ACA is good for business.

I'm citing what the polls on Obamacare are saying as for why people feel that way the polls don't give that type of information as you very well know if you want me to speculate my guess would be because for than a few companies have announced they are cutting back hours or employees or both in response to Obamacare and some people are now discovering their rates will go up when Obamacare starts in some cases rather drastically.

Wow. What polls, what questions were asked and what were the demographics?

What companies and how does their policy change impact both the business and the employees?

Some people may experience a raise in rates, but what about co-pays and service provided. Health care is complicated and an evaluation of the ACA requires real facts, real figures and real scenarios. All of which is missing in the debate on the ACA.
All I want is my constitutional right to not be forced to buy something. Obama, the SC and congress failed in upholding the constitution and instead gave themselves more power... shocking, I know.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

They also don’t want it ‘defunded.’

And the right’s opposition to the ACA is purely partisan, having nothing to do with the merits of the Act.

Even more reprehensible than the lies told by conservatives concerning the ACA is their refusal to propose a viable, actual plan of their own, allowing millions of Americans to needlessly suffer absent access to affordable healthcare.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

The American people want honesty in medical treatment and cost. The American people want people held accountable for their own lifestyle choices. Companies that get governmental grants for medical research, should not be racking American consumers over the coals. If someone is going to smoke, the smoker should pay higher premiums and expect to get cancer. If a person is going to sleep around with whomever, that individual should pay higher premiums and expect to get HIV and other venirial diseases. They should not expect everyone else to chip in and pay for their blatant selfish behavior patterns. People that overeat should pay higher premiums. They should expect to get diabetes and heart disease. Romney is a Mormon and involved in Bain Capital with Mormon connections. McCain is a progressive government expansionist. The election had NOTHING to do with Obamacare. Some minorities voted for Obama because he was half black as did some whites.
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The latest RCP polling data based on the question: Do you support or oppose Obamacare?

CBS News/NY Times 9/19-23 For 39% Oppose 51%
Rasmussen Reports 9/14-15 For 43% Oppose 53%
ABC News/Wash Post 9/12-15 For 42% Oppose 52%
CNN Opinion Research 9/6-8 For 39% Oppose 57%
Fox News 9/6-8 For 35% Oppose 54%
NBC News/WSJ For 31% Oppose 44%
USA Today/Pew Research 9/4-8 For 42% Oppose 53%

If you ask the same group if they approve shutting down the government, a majority or plurality oppose that. But that is because they oppose Congress doing that instead of doing their jobs. But the media has distorted that data to indicate an opposition to defunding Obamacare which is a bald faced lie.

If you ask the same group if they approve temporarily shutting down the government in order to delay, postpone, or abolish Obamacare, you get approximately the same number of 'for' and 'oppose' as you do when the question is whether they support Obamacare.

The public is increasingly opposed to this turkey and only the most die hard Obama worshippers are hanging in there with him. So long as THEY don't have to be subject to Obamacare.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

What a load of crap. O'Bummer won what was a close election and not a mandate to shove poor legislation that the government can't afford up the American public's ass. The Republicans are only doing exactly what the Constitution allows in protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

Now the Republicans are taking the correct course by introducing an amendment to reverse the exemptions that O'Bummer illegally enacted for Congress and White House staff. If this BummerCare is so great, why does he feel that those in Washington need exemptions from the law he is forcing upon Americans. Congress must follow the laws it imposes upon the people. The Republicans are willing to go under this plan. We will see if the Dems. follow suit or show what hypocrites they really are. I am betting on the latter.

This from a poster who needs affordable care, but does not want the government and the IRS between me and my doctor.

Well then, you'll love ObamaCare.
Since you brought forth "half truths" it would seem important for you to elaborate on why so many (as you state) feel they will be worse under the new law.

My guess, those not employed in the hospital/insurance/pharmaceutical complex, feels it didn't go far enough. I also suppose the millions of uninsured who sign up with an exchange will convince the insurance industry that the ACA is good for business.

I'm citing what the polls on Obamacare are saying as for why people feel that way the polls don't give that type of information as you very well know if you want me to speculate my guess would be because for than a few companies have announced they are cutting back hours or employees or both in response to Obamacare and some people are now discovering their rates will go up when Obamacare starts in some cases rather drastically.

Wow. What polls, what questions were asked and what were the demographics?

What companies and how does their policy change impact both the business and the employees?

Some people may experience a raise in rates, but what about co-pays and service provided. Health care is complicated and an evaluation of the ACA requires real facts, real figures and real scenarios. All of which is missing in the debate on the ACA.
The same polls that say the majority don't agree with trying to defund Obamacare which is also the part of the polls you seem to have no issue with or questions about.

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