Stop Lying Republicans, The Majority of The American People Are IN Favor of Obamacare

He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

All of the polls show they are against it.
The people were polled just last month, so even though they voted for Obama, does not mean they are for the New Health Care Law.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

None of the polls have moved much one way or the other.
the vast majority are against it.

Notice the CNN Poll to questions 8 & 9 on pg. 2 if they wanted more
800 people is nnot a good sampling. the questions appear to be worded to elicit a predetermined response was. the best part is the poll did not accomplish what the pollster set out to do. that is to make it appear as though the respondents supported obama care
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He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

All of the polls show they are against it.
The people were polled just last month, so even though they voted for Obama, does not mean they are for the New Health Care Law.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

None of the polls have moved much one way or the other.
the vast majority are against it.

Notice the CNN Poll to questions 8 & 9 on pg. 2 if they wanted more
800 people is nnot a good sampling. the questions appear to be worded to elicit a predetermined response was. the best part is the poll did not accomplish what the pollster set out to do. that is to make it appear as though the respondents supported obama care

It is all of the polls all across the board, whether they are left leaning polls or right leaning polls and you can read all of them at the first site posted.
The Majority of the people want the law changed or repealed. They don't like it the way it is.
The Dems stance is it is the law of the land and only President Obama can make the changes or delays. This is not how Democracy works as a law.
All of the polls show they are against it.
The people were polled just last month, so even though they voted for Obama, does not mean they are for the New Health Care Law.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

None of the polls have moved much one way or the other.
the vast majority are against it.

Notice the CNN Poll to questions 8 & 9 on pg. 2 if they wanted more
800 people is nnot a good sampling. the questions appear to be worded to elicit a predetermined response was. the best part is the poll did not accomplish what the pollster set out to do. that is to make it appear as though the respondents supported obama care

It is all of the polls all across the board, whether they are left leaning polls or right leaning polls and you can read all of them at the first site posted.
The Majority of the people want the law changed or repealed. They don't like it the way it is.
The Dems stance is it is the law of the land and only President Obama can make the changes or delays. This is not how Democracy works as a law.

And they certainly didn't think President Bush should have HIS way when he was president. The hypocrisy and inconsistencies of the Left, and also sometimes of the right, is positively mind numbing at times. I just wonder if the hyper partisan parrots that keep repeating the same worn out lies and assigned talking points over and over even care how stupid they look to people who see things as they are, and not through ideological and/or partisan blinders?
Look I dunno what the fuss is about. 4.7 million rushed to the site to sign up. Ok well they didn't sign up up...but they looked. And I am sure the other 200 million will be along shortly.
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Yes he is lying.
The Majority of the People want it changed or repealed.

The Republicans who have the Majority of the House, who represent their people who wanted the Health Care Bill repealed, tried and it was not accepted by the Senate.
They compromised again to defund the bill for a year, also not accepted by the Senator Harry Reid, who would not even bring up the bill for discussion on an up or down vote.

Then they compromised once again and offered the bill to be delayed for one year so that things could be changed in the bill. It also would have given them time to work out the bugs in the software of the Health Care Web Site. The Software can't even figure up the tax subsidies that the people need. They said this might take 6 or more months to get that part worked out.
The Republicans listened to the next largest majority of people who wanted the bill changed. This group is the people who vote for the Dem's and are also Independents.
Senator Reid would not compromise and did not listen to their majority who want the bill changed.

Senator Reid will not allow their constituents voices to be heard.
President Obama is changing the bill as he wants to and is not letting the majority of Democrat and Independent voters who want changes made in the bill to have their Representatives in the House and Senate to make changes.

The Dem's are not listening to their own constituents voices by not allowing the delaying of the bill for a year in order to get their changes that they want.
The Dem's in the House right now are trying the get a clean bill passed, what the Senate wants and are not hearing the voices of their own representatives who want to change the bill.

Yet the Republicans are getting blamed instead of the Dem's who refuse to listen to the majority of their own people, to let changes be made in the bill.
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All of the polls show they are against it.
The people were polled just last month, so even though they voted for Obama, does not mean they are for the New Health Care Law.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

None of the polls have moved much one way or the other.
the vast majority are against it.

Notice the CNN Poll to questions 8 & 9 on pg. 2 if they wanted more
800 people is nnot a good sampling. the questions appear to be worded to elicit a predetermined response was. the best part is the poll did not accomplish what the pollster set out to do. that is to make it appear as though the respondents supported obama care

It is all of the polls all across the board, whether they are left leaning polls or right leaning polls and you can read all of them at the first site posted.
The Majority of the people want the law changed or repealed. They don't like it the way it is.
The Dems stance is it is the law of the land and only President Obama can make the changes or delays. This is not how Democracy works as a law.
Of course not.
However, we have these Obama followers who have this irrational belief that Obama is the supreme leader of the United States. That he is not to be questioned nor his agenda criticized.
They also have this belief that because a bill has been passed and signed into law, that law is set in stone and should never be questioned or challenged.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

If Obamacare is so great why does it have to be forced on the American people?

Logic would dictate that if it was truly something good every American would happily sign up. But that's not the case now is it?

As one poster earlier noted, that some programs cannot have an opt out because they should be mandatory. That there should not be a minority that can escape from participating..

And THAT is the primary objection, for many...

That they must 'escape'...

Nobody should be forced to buy healthcare if they do not want to...


Never mind trying to find ways to 'escape'...

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