Stop Lying Republicans, The Majority of The American People Are IN Favor of Obamacare

He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Well, I'm not exactly a radical, yet every indication I get is that people are opposed to Obamacare. Maybe some who oppose Obamacare don't understand it or have heard things about it that aren't true. :dunno:
I'm 100% for healthcare reform, this country can't afford the spiraling costs and neither can the US economy. But forcing people to get insurance ala the mandate goes against my beliefs. This is America, right?
In the 80's the Heritage Foundation pushed the idea of Single Payer and that's the direction I favor even though I think the Heritage Foundation was for it before they were against it. :confused: Ah,,, ideologues.
On your first point, most people don't understand it. Hell, the idiots who rammed this legislation through don't even understand it. How many 1000's of pages was it again? How could anyone understand the convoluted mess they created?
I am with you on the mandate issue and I am pissed about the exemptions the POTUS granted. Apparently this isn't America anymore.
The system needed reform, not a government takeover.
I want the Republicans to embrace it. 100%..... But make the Democrats own it and follow it; to the letter.

No exemptions, no extensions. implement it as planned and watch the votes on the left melt away.....

That's not how such a comprehensive law works. But, I agree, let it go forth and fix what's wrong. Remember, a bill is not a horse, it's a camel.

If I thought for even one second that they would take the time and effort to fix it, I might support it. I don't have that high of an opinion of my government.

But there's a strong possibility that the very concept is flawed. There's no fixing it in that case.
Because we own a business we pay over $30.000 a year plus a $5000 deductible.
It is worth it because of the costs of getting sick may put you on the street for having 0 insurance.

Same reason we have car, and home insurance so you don't loose everything if your diagnosed with something.

If I can pay that every year out of pocket , why can't others take responsibility for themselves?

Obama care is making it affordable for those who can not pay and are dying without health care.


Obamacare Guarantees Higher Health Insurance Premiums -- $3,000+ Higher - Forbes
Bullshit!!! I just stated that I want no government plan. Please pay attention. I would rather see a repeal of the private markets to where I could shop for insurance across state lines which is now illegal in MN among other states, before and after the so-called affordable health care act. More competition equals lower prices, Econ 101.

Even if premiums weren't highly sensitive to local costs and conditions and thus prices could be imported from other states, I'm not sure a Minnesotan would be interested in doing so.

MNsure health insurance rates will be lowest in nation | Star Tribune
Minnesota’s health insurance exchange will offer the lowest premiums of any in the nation, according to a new federal analysis of offerings around the country.


Affordable Care Act: Most get insurance $100/month or less
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 (UPI) -- Nearly 6-in-10 uninsured U.S. adults could get low-cost, high-value health insurance for less than $100 per month under healthcare reform, officials say.

Under the Affordable Care Act's Health Insurance Marketplace, those uninsured or underinsured might be able to buy health insurance for the first time or buy it at a lower cost than they are currently paying.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Obama never ran on health care, he ran on not being Bush.


Affordable Care Act: Most get insurance $100/month or less
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 (UPI) -- Nearly 6-in-10 uninsured U.S. adults could get low-cost, high-value health insurance for less than $100 per month under healthcare reform, officials say.

Under the Affordable Care Act's Health Insurance Marketplace, those uninsured or underinsured might be able to buy health insurance for the first time or buy it at a lower cost than they are currently paying.

And what will Congressmen pay?


Affordable Care Act: Most get insurance $100/month or less
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 (UPI) -- Nearly 6-in-10 uninsured U.S. adults could get low-cost, high-value health insurance for less than $100 per month under healthcare reform, officials say.

Under the Affordable Care Act's Health Insurance Marketplace, those uninsured or underinsured might be able to buy health insurance for the first time or buy it at a lower cost than they are currently paying.

Um no.

Despite gov't assurances, some could see insurance costs soar under ObamaCare | Fox News

Double Down: Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women - Forbes

Obamacare's average monthly cost across U.S.: $328

The promise here was affordable for all, not affordable for some. Now what? Still gonna spout that lie?
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The latest RCP polling data based on the question: Do you support or oppose Obamacare?

CBS News/NY Times 9/19-23 For 39% Oppose 51%
Rasmussen Reports 9/14-15 For 43% Oppose 53%
ABC News/Wash Post 9/12-15 For 42% Oppose 52%
CNN Opinion Research 9/6-8 For 39% Oppose 57%
Fox News 9/6-8 For 35% Oppose 54%
NBC News/WSJ For 31% Oppose 44%
USA Today/Pew Research 9/4-8 For 42% Oppose 53%

If you ask the same group if they approve shutting down the government, a majority or plurality oppose that. But that is because they oppose Congress doing that instead of doing their jobs. But the media has distorted that data to indicate an opposition to defunding Obamacare which is a bald faced lie.

If you ask the same group if they approve temporarily shutting down the government in order to delay, postpone, or abolish Obamacare, you get approximately the same number of 'for' and 'oppose' as you do when the question is whether they support Obamacare.

The public is increasingly opposed to this turkey and only the most die hard Obama worshippers are hanging in there with him. So long as THEY don't have to be subject to Obamacare.

polls don't count now.....its not going their way;). Maybe obama needs to clone slick willy since obama thinks hes the 'The Secretary Of Explaining Stuff' ....since well, you know, obama cannot explain it himself.

It must drive the left mad that the public sees this thing for what it is....see, in their minds, people are blocks of wood that move around and do what they tell them either by bribing them or appealing to them on a baser instinct. This time, it doesn't appear to be working....
Bullshit!!! I just stated that I want no government plan. Please pay attention. I would rather see a repeal of the private markets to where I could shop for insurance across state lines which is now illegal in MN among other states, before and after the so-called affordable health care act. More competition equals lower prices, Econ 101.

Even if premiums weren't highly sensitive to local costs and conditions and thus prices could be imported from other states, I'm not sure a Minnesotan would be interested in doing so.

MNsure health insurance rates will be lowest in nation | Star Tribune
Minnesota’s health insurance exchange will offer the lowest premiums of any in the nation, according to a new federal analysis of offerings around the country.

C'mon. You're really going to quote the biased Star/Tribune? That rag is as reliable as the Washington Post in it's complete support of the Administration. How can people state that we can't know the full effect of a law that has yet to be implemented but at the same time state how much we will all save on a law that has yet to be implemented? Can't have it both ways. Who is exactly saving? Not the taxpayers. Not the financial situation of the Federal Government.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Obama never ran on health care, he ran on not being Bush.

I am sure if Bush had this plan going Ted Cruz, and the gang would be happy dancing around it..:lol:
The promise here was affordable for all, not affordable for some. Now what? Still gonna spout that lie?

What "lie"? That the majority of people buying in exchanges next year will be paying less than $100/month for their coverage? That a fact is inconvenient for you doesn't make it a lie.

C'mon. You're really going to quote the biased Star/Tribune? That rag is as reliable as the Washington Post in it's complete support of the Administration. How can people state that we can't know the full effect of a law that has yet to be implemented but at the same time state how much we will all save on a law that has yet to be implemented? Can't have it both ways. Who is exactly saving? Not the taxpayers. Not the financial situation of the Federal Government.

This isn't rocket science: next year's premiums are now known (in fact, you can start buying the plans in four days). And Minnesota's are the lowest of any state in the nation. Which is why it was amusing to see someone essentially saying "if only Minnesotans could buy plans from other states!"
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Well, I'm not exactly a radical, yet every indication I get is that people are opposed to Obamacare. Maybe some who oppose Obamacare don't understand it or have heard things about it that aren't true. :dunno:
I'm 100% for healthcare reform, this country can't afford the spiraling costs and neither can the US economy. But forcing people to get insurance ala the mandate goes against my beliefs. This is America, right?
In the 80's the Heritage Foundation pushed the idea of Single Payer and that's the direction I favor even though I think the Heritage Foundation was for it before they were against it. :confused: Ah,,, ideologues.

The Heritage Foundation (or any foundation) pushing ideas and influencing politics is part of the problem we have. The very wealthy put money in foundations to influence how the country is run, and they get a tax subsidy to boot. I didn't hear Darryl Issa or repubs complain about this a couple months ago during IRS scandal. And Heritage is right wing, make no doubts about that. Former repub senator de mint now makes several times what his senate income was at good old Koch funded Heritage. Any guesses how he earned this cozy retirement gift?
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Look in the mirror to see the REAL liar! Obama won due to a fawning MSM, his racism, and his playing Santa Claus, not on Obamacare.:mad:
The promise here was affordable for all, not affordable for some. Now what? Still gonna spout that lie?

What "lie"? That the majority of people buying in exchanges next year will be paying less than $100/month for their coverage? That a fact is inconvenient for you doesn't make it a lie.

C'mon. You're really going to quote the biased Star/Tribune? That rag is as reliable as the Washington Post in it's complete support of the Administration. How can people state that we can't know the full effect of a law that has yet to be implemented but at the same time state how much we will all save on a law that has yet to be implemented? Can't have it both ways. Who is exactly saving? Not the taxpayers. Not the financial situation of the Federal Government.

This isn't rocket science: next year's premiums are now known (in fact, you can start buying the plans in four days). And Minnesota's are the lowest of any state in the nation. Which is why it was amusing to see someone essentially saying "if only Minnesotans could buy plans from other states!"

What part of no government in my healthcare do you people not understand? What part of reform the private market do you not understand? Yes, some may see lower premiums while others will see major increases or cancellations of their existing plans. You can't have something for nothing. Someone has to pay and in reality it will be all of us, not just the wealthy. In fact MN is one of the highest taxed states in the nation which is why the subsidies can be higher. As the costs go beyond the estimates the taxes will go higher so those lower premiums will not last long when the full reality of the law sets in.

Maybe I would get a cheaper premium, at what cost? I will tell you the cost. A government more entrenched in my life than it is now, run by agencies known for being inept.

Question. Do you really have no problem with the exemptions illegally granted by the POTUS to Congress and his staffers along with the Unions? Do you really believe that the government can control price without affecting quality. I sure as hell don't. Government fucks up literally every thing it sets its' fat grubby paws on.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

What a load of crap. O'Bummer won what was a close election and not a mandate to shove poor legislation that the government can't afford up the American public's ass. The Republicans are only doing exactly what the Constitution allows in protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

Now the Republicans are taking the correct course by introducing an amendment to reverse the exemptions that O'Bummer illegally enacted for Congress and White House staff. If this BummerCare is so great, why does he feel that those in Washington need exemptions from the law he is forcing upon Americans. Congress must follow the laws it imposes upon the people. The Republicans are willing to go under this plan. We will see if the Dems. follow suit or show what hypocrites they really are. I am betting on the latter.

This from a poster who needs affordable care, but does not want the government and the IRS between me and my doctor.
There were two (2) STRAIGHT years of debate on Obamacare. Stop lying you Republican!
Then please explain the following.

Unions come out Against Obamacare | PolitiSite

Obama claims 'no widespread evidence' health law hurts jobs, …
Obama claims 'no widespread evidence' health law hurts jobs, amid cutbacks | Fox News
President Obama claimed Thursday there's no widespread evidence the health care law is hurting jobs, despite widespread reports …

Sep 26, 2013 · President Obama claimed Thursday there's no widespread evidence the health care law is hurting jobs, despite widespread reports …

I must admit that ObamaCare created 100,000 jobs in the field of explaining ObamaCare.

The promise here was affordable for all, not affordable for some. Now what? Still gonna spout that lie?

What "lie"? That the majority of people buying in exchanges next year will be paying less than $100/month for their coverage? That a fact is inconvenient for you doesn't make it a lie.

C'mon. You're really going to quote the biased Star/Tribune? That rag is as reliable as the Washington Post in it's complete support of the Administration. How can people state that we can't know the full effect of a law that has yet to be implemented but at the same time state how much we will all save on a law that has yet to be implemented? Can't have it both ways. Who is exactly saving? Not the taxpayers. Not the financial situation of the Federal Government.

This isn't rocket science: next year's premiums are now known (in fact, you can start buying the plans in four days). And Minnesota's are the lowest of any state in the nation. Which is why it was amusing to see someone essentially saying "if only Minnesotans could buy plans from other states!"

That is not what your story said, is it. It actually says that a government official says that it is possible that 60% of single adults could, not will, get it for that price. Given the track record of the government, I would say they are wrong.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

What a load of crap. O'Bummer won what was a close election and not a mandate to shove poor legislation that the government can't afford up the American public's ass. The Republicans are only doing exactly what the Constitution allows in protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

Now the Republicans are taking the correct course by introducing an amendment to reverse the exemptions that O'Bummer illegally enacted for Congress and White House staff. If this BummerCare is so great, why does he feel that those in Washington need exemptions from the law he is forcing upon Americans. Congress must follow the laws it imposes upon the people. The Republicans are willing to go under this plan. We will see if the Dems. follow suit or show what hypocrites they really are. I am betting on the latter.

This from a poster who needs affordable care, but does not want the government and the IRS between me and my doctor.
There were two (2) STRAIGHT years of debate on Obamacare. Stop lying you Republican!

Did anyone listen to the debate?

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