Stop Lying Republicans, The Majority of The American People Are IN Favor of Obamacare

Where were all you so-called Libertarians during the Bush Regime when you were really needed?!?!

I wonder what will become of you so-called Libertarians whenever the next Republican holds Office? How much you wanna bet that it will be an EXACT repeat of Bush II?

all the fake ones will fall back in line as proud out-of-the-closet Republicans, and all the real ones will be ignored and ridiculed...except it will be much worse the next time around.

How much you wanna bet it will go down exactly as I laid it out?
Maybe you need to get over your hatred of Bush? Christ, you won two elections, you are the biggest sore winners i have ever seen. Get over the Bush thing already.:eusa_boohoo:

My reality... My life was way better financially during the Bush years, so I have no real problem with him.
My life was better financially during the Clinton years and not-so-much during the Bush years.

He's been PROVEN, at this point, beyond the shadow of a doubt, to be an ABYSMAL failure as a US President. The entire world knows that.

I don't hate the man, I hate what he stood for, and I hate his Presidency with a burning passion that will never die. I almost wept when he stole both elections, and I danced like a madman the day he left Office. I hope this country NEVER puts such a Dunce in Office ever again. That was a bad, bad, bad mistake.

BTW, what you're experiencing now as decline in your financial status is the result of the Bush II Regime. Chickens coming home to roost.

The fact that you're so lackadaisical and almost praising of Bush II lets me know that you're one of those fake Republicans, not a true Libertarian by any means whatsoever.

Come out of the closet!

Again BULLSHIT. This is all Obama's mess now. I would rate Obama as the second worst President just behind Jimmy Carter. So this country did elect another Dunce, Twice. Our current president.
I will agree that Clinton was the last good President as he was the only from either party to get a balanced budget passed. I didn't praise Bush, merely stated I had no problem with him, but I see you like to make assumptions about others views. Pay a little more attention next time.
If I were a House member, I would reject the Senate bill and offer an amendment making it so that Congress cannot be exempt from Obamacare. We'll see how much the dems actually really like Obamacare or if it's all just a political game.

100% agree here.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

The American people want honesty in medical treatment and cost. The American people want people held accountable for their own lifestyle choices. Companies that get governmental grants for medical research, should not be racking American consumers over the coals. If someone is going to smoke, the smoker should pay higher premiums and expect to get cancer. If a person is going to sleep around with whomever, that individual should pay higher premiums and expect to get HIV and other venirial diseases. They should not expect everyone else to chip in and pay for their blatant selfish behavior patterns. People that overeat should pay higher premiums. They should expect to get diabetes and heart disease. Romney is a Mormon and involved in Bain Capital with Mormon connections. McCain is a progressive government expansionist. The election had NOTHING to do with Obamacare. Some minorities voted for Obama because he was half black as did some whites.
Will you stop LYING you GD Repbulican!?!?

BOTH of Obama's election campaigned HEAVILY on Obamacare.

How do you explain Obama spending practically ALL his political capital on it when he first got into Office?

Stopy lying jackass! It's unbecoming.

I want more
1. Innovation
2. Doctors
3. Cheaper care that is just as good as today.

If Obamacare can do this = I support it. If Not then it needs worked on.
Do you really? If that's try then you shouldn't be for REPEALING it, but for IMPROVING it.

However, that's not what your party is, nor has been, spewing all this time.

Either you, or them, are out of step.

When you say Obama campaigned heavily on Obamacare I'm just wondering which Obamacare you are referring to. I still remember when Obama bashed Hillary Clinton for promoting mandatory healthcare. Can't we just all admit that Obama is a liar and move on from there?
[ame=]Obama on mandates - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]MSNBC. Ohio debate/Obama, Hillary on health care - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Obama against the individual mandate to buy insurance - YouTube[/ame]
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All I want is my constitutional right to not be forced to buy something. Obama, the SC and congress failed in upholding the constitution and instead gave themselves more power... shocking, I know.

They could have made this very simple and easy. All they had to do is allow people to opt out if they wanted to, with the stipulation that anyone opting out would not receive treatment in an emergency if they do not have the ability to pay at the time of service. In other words, if you come into the emergency room and are having a heart attack, you must be able to pay for your services right then. If not, they let you go home and take some aspirin.
When you say Obama campaigned heavily on Obamacare I'm just wondering which Obamacare you are referring to.

Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Health Care

“We now face an opportunity — and an obligation — to turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday's health care debates… My plan begins by covering every American. If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less. If you are one of the 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance, you will have it after this plan becomes law. No one will be turned away because of a preexisting condition or illness.”
— Barack Obama, Speech in Iowa City, IA, May 29, 2007
All I want is my constitutional right to not be forced to buy something. Obama, the SC and congress failed in upholding the constitution and instead gave themselves more power... shocking, I know.

They could have made this very simple and easy. All they had to do is allow people to opt out if they wanted to, with the stipulation that anyone opting out would not receive treatment in an emergency if they do not have the ability to pay at the time of service. In other words, if you come into the emergency room and are having a heart attack, you must be able to pay for your services right then. If not, they let you go home and take some aspirin.

Same for undocumented immigrants, right?
There were two (2) STRAIGHT years of debate on Obamacare. Stop lying you Republican!

The first inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009.

First inauguration of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),[1] commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare,[2][3] is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010.

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The American people want honesty in medical treatment and cost. The American people want people held accountable for their own lifestyle choices. Companies that get governmental grants for medical research, should not be racking American consumers over the coals. If someone is going to smoke, the smoker should pay higher premiums and expect to get cancer. If a person is going to sleep around with whomever, that individual should pay higher premiums and expect to get HIV and other venirial diseases. They should not expect everyone else to chip in and pay for their blatant selfish behavior patterns. People that overeat should pay higher premiums. They should expect to get diabetes and heart disease. Romney is a Mormon and involved in Bain Capital with Mormon connections. McCain is a progressive government expansionist. The election had NOTHING to do with Obamacare. Some minorities voted for Obama because he was half black as did some whites.
Will you stop LYING you GD Repbulican!?!?

BOTH of Obama's election campaigned HEAVILY on Obamacare.

How do you explain Obama spending practically ALL his political capital on it when he first got into Office?

Stopy lying jackass! It's unbecoming.

I want more
1. Innovation
2. Doctors
3. Cheaper care that is just as good as today.

If Obamacare can do this = I support it. If Not then it needs worked on.
Do you really? If that's try then you shouldn't be for REPEALING it, but for IMPROVING it.

However, that's not what your party is, nor has been, spewing all this time.

Either you, or them, are out of step.

When you say Obama campaigned heavily on Obamacare I'm just wondering which Obamacare you are referring to. I still remember when Obama bashed Hillary Clinton for promoting mandatory healthcare. Can't we just all admit that Obama is a liar and move on from there?
[ame=]Obama on mandates - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]MSNBC. Ohio debate/Obama, Hillary on health care - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Obama against the individual mandate to buy insurance - YouTube[/ame]

You evidently have no idea how politics work.
All I want is my constitutional right to not be forced to buy something. Obama, the SC and congress failed in upholding the constitution and instead gave themselves more power... shocking, I know.

They could have made this very simple and easy. All they had to do is allow people to opt out if they wanted to, with the stipulation that anyone opting out would not receive treatment in an emergency if they do not have the ability to pay at the time of service. In other words, if you come into the emergency room and are having a heart attack, you must be able to pay for your services right then. If not, they let you go home and take some aspirin.

I hate paying auto insurance, house insurance but what you gonna do?
Will you stop LYING you GD Repbulican!?!?

BOTH of Obama's election campaigned HEAVILY on Obamacare.

How do you explain Obama spending practically ALL his political capital on it when he first got into Office?

Stopy lying jackass! It's unbecoming.

Do you really? If that's try then you shouldn't be for REPEALING it, but for IMPROVING it.

However, that's not what your party is, nor has been, spewing all this time.

Either you, or them, are out of step.

When you say Obama campaigned heavily on Obamacare I'm just wondering which Obamacare you are referring to. I still remember when Obama bashed Hillary Clinton for promoting mandatory healthcare. Can't we just all admit that Obama is a liar and move on from there?
[ame=]Obama on mandates - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]MSNBC. Ohio debate/Obama, Hillary on health care - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Obama against the individual mandate to buy insurance - YouTube[/ame]

You evidently have no idea how politics work.

Seriously people? This is the retort? I get a link to Obama's propaganda page and accused of not knowing how politics work? This is it? I give you clips of Obama expressing his views against mandatory healthcare (before he was for it) and this is your rebuttal? Honestly? At least show some imagination and accuse me of arson, anarchy, racism, xenophobia, holding the american people hostage, raging a war on women, blackmail and all the other rhetoric the left has come up with. You guys aren't even trying though. Get on the ball!
All I want is my constitutional right to not be forced to buy something. Obama, the SC and congress failed in upholding the constitution and instead gave themselves more power... shocking, I know.

They could have made this very simple and easy. All they had to do is allow people to opt out if they wanted to, with the stipulation that anyone opting out would not receive treatment in an emergency if they do not have the ability to pay at the time of service. In other words, if you come into the emergency room and are having a heart attack, you must be able to pay for your services right then. If not, they let you go home and take some aspirin.

I hate paying auto insurance, house insurance but what you gonna do?

Rent an apartment and take a bus.
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He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

How can anyone be "for" something that nobody read before they past it? Has anybody read the thing?

It's been in effect now for three and a half years. I'm sure someone's read it by now.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

How can anyone be "for" something that nobody read before they passed it? Has anybody read the thing?

It's been in effect now for three and a half years. I'm sure someone's read it by now.

As lazy as our politicians are, there's no way in hell they've read it.
How can anyone be "for" something that nobody read before they passed it? Has anybody read the thing?

It's been in effect now for three and a half years. I'm sure someone's read it by now.

As lazy as our politicians are, there's no way in hell they've read it.

I wasn't particularly referring to politicians but I would certainly expect a whole shitload of economists and financial analysts to pore over it before, during and after the vote.
It's been in effect now for three and a half years. I'm sure someone's read it by now.

As lazy as our politicians are, there's no way in hell they've read it.

I wasn't particularly referring to politicians but I would certainly expect a whole shitload of economists and financial analysts to pore over it before, during and after the vote.

We know opponents of the ACA haven’t read the legislation based on the contrived, incorrect information they relate concerning the Act. Or if they have read it they’re clearly lying as to its provisions.
The majority are not in favor of defunding it that is true polls bear that what however what the polls also bear out is a majority are dissatisfied with the law and feel they will be worse off under it. Half truths are also lies so feel free to stop with them anytime.

You're right.

Half truths are lies.

Most of the people not happy with the law, feel it didn't go far enough.
When you say Obama campaigned heavily on Obamacare I'm just wondering which Obamacare you are referring to. I still remember when Obama bashed Hillary Clinton for promoting mandatory healthcare. Can't we just all admit that Obama is a liar and move on from there?
Obama on mandates - YouTube
MSNBC. Ohio debate/Obama, Hillary on health care - YouTube
Obama against the individual mandate to buy insurance - YouTube

You evidently have no idea how politics work.

Seriously people? This is the retort? I get a link to Obama's propaganda page and accused of not knowing how politics work? This is it? I give you clips of Obama expressing his views against mandatory healthcare (before he was for it) and this is your rebuttal? Honestly? At least show some imagination and accuse me of arson, anarchy, racism, xenophobia, holding the american people hostage, raging a war on women, blackmail and all the other rhetoric the left has come up with. You guys aren't even trying though. Get on the ball!

You actually don't. Not in this country anyway.

If you did you'd probably not be using word like "propaganda" and statements like "Before he was for it".

In any case, over the last 2 years and because of tea baggers in congress, politics has become as binary as it is in the right wing bubble and on FOX news.

Hopefully, 2014 changes that.

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