Stop Lying Republicans, The Majority of The American People Are IN Favor of Obamacare

He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Malcolm X (/ˈmælkəm ˈɛks/; May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965), born Malcolm Little and also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz[1] (Arabic: الحاجّ مالك الشباز*), was an African-American Muslim minister and human rights activist. To his admirers he was a courageous advocate for the rights of blacks, a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans; detractors accused him of preaching racism and violence. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history.

When Malcolm X was six his father died—killed by white supremacists, it was rumored. After his mother was placed in a mental hospital when he was 13, he lived in a series of foster homes. In 1946, at age 20, he went to prison for larceny and breaking and entering.

While in prison Malcolm X became a member of the Nation of Islam, and after his parole in 1952 quickly rose to become one of its leaders. For a dozen years he was the public face of the controversial group; in keeping with the Nation's teachings he espoused black supremacy, advocated the separation of black and white Americans and scoffed at the civil rights movement's emphasis on integration.

By March 1964 Malcolm X had grown disillusioned with the Nation of Islam and its head Elijah Muhammad, and ultimately repudiated the Nation and its teachings. He embraced Sunni Islam and, after a period of travel in Africa and the Middle East, returned to the United States to found Muslim Mosque, Inc. and the Organization of Afro-American Unity. Though continuing to emphasize Pan-Africanism, black self-determination, and black self-defense, he disavowed racism, saying, "I did many things as a [Black] Muslim that I'm sorry for now. I was a zombie then ... pointed in a certain direction and told to march".

In February 1965, shortly after repudiating the Nation of Islam, he was assassinated by three of its members.
The majority are not in favor of defunding it that is true polls bear that what however what the polls also bear out is a majority are dissatisfied with the law and feel they will be worse off under it. Half truths are also lies so feel free to stop with them anytime.

You're right.

Half truths are lies.

Most of the people not happy with the law, feel it didn't go far enough.

Don't you mean most liberals feel that way?
The majority are not in favor of defunding it that is true polls bear that what however what the polls also bear out is a majority are dissatisfied with the law and feel they will be worse off under it. Half truths are also lies so feel free to stop with them anytime.

You're right.

Half truths are lies.

Most of the people not happy with the law, feel it didn't go far enough.

Don't you mean most liberals feel that way?

The pure statists do feel that way for sure. They want the government to take over everything and dole out everything people need from cradle to grave regardless of whether they work for it or not. Such people really do think the government is a bottomless pit of goodies there for the taking if the eeeeeeeeevul conservatives would just go away and let everybody else have them. The public teat is far more attractive to them than individual liberties--most especially when the government approves of all liberal stuff and opposes anything conservative. And they can't even define unalienable rights, much less understand what those are and why they are so zealously defended by conservatives.

But thinking liberals are also concerned about Obamacare and are no longer supporting it. Evenso, I think almost all of those who do still support Obamacare are either totally brainwashed liberals or numbnuts who don't have a clue what it is all about and so they vote yes in the polls because it sounds good.

Almost nobody with common sense and any education on what this turkey is all about--now supports it. Even the unions are jumping ship. However the big corporations, most especially those Obama has exempted, like it because it will eliminate some competition from the little guys. And politicians wantiing more and more government control over everything so they can better solidify their own self interests are of course not wanting to give it up.
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As lazy as our politicians are, there's no way in hell they've read it.

I wasn't particularly referring to politicians but I would certainly expect a whole shitload of economists and financial analysts to pore over it before, during and after the vote.

We know opponents of the ACA haven’t read the legislation based on the contrived, incorrect information they relate concerning the Act. Or if they have read it they’re clearly lying as to its provisions.
It is a proven fact that the advocates of Obamacare have not read it, nor do they even understand it.

They simply follow where Obama leads.
All I want is my constitutional right to not be forced to buy something. Obama, the SC and congress failed in upholding the constitution and instead gave themselves more power... shocking, I know.

They could have made this very simple and easy. All they had to do is allow people to opt out if they wanted to, with the stipulation that anyone opting out would not receive treatment in an emergency if they do not have the ability to pay at the time of service. In other words, if you come into the emergency room and are having a heart attack, you must be able to pay for your services right then. If not, they let you go home and take some aspirin.
This is what will happen when Obamacare becomes entrenched in the American economy. Only it won't be the ability to pay, it will be "Vote Democrat or go home and take an aspirin."
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Well, I'm not exactly a radical, yet every indication I get is that people are opposed to Obamacare. Maybe some who oppose Obamacare don't understand it or have heard things about it that aren't true. :dunno:
I'm 100% for healthcare reform, this country can't afford the spiraling costs and neither can the US economy. But forcing people to get insurance ala the mandate goes against my beliefs. This is America, right?
In the 80's the Heritage Foundation pushed the idea of Single Payer and that's the direction I favor even though I think the Heritage Foundation was for it before they were against it. :confused: Ah,,, ideologues.

Do you like freeloaders? Those who don't buy health insurance and get hit by a car get health care - and a bill. But not having insurance means we, the taxpayers, foot the cost for the care of the uninsured for most can't or won't pay for the service they received.

What about those who can't afford to pay into the "mandate" of Obamacare, those that are on the poverty level or homeless? Who actually PAYS for their insurance coverage? Obamacare does not get rid of those freeloaders, the only difference here is now it's the government who ALLOWS it.
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It's been in effect now for three and a half years. I'm sure someone's read it by now.

As lazy as our politicians are, there's no way in hell they've read it.

I wasn't particularly referring to politicians but I would certainly expect a whole shitload of economists and financial analysts to pore over it before, during and after the vote.

The unions finally read it, and they don't want it. They now realize that obama lied to them too.
You evidently have no idea how politics work.

Seriously people? This is the retort? I get a link to Obama's propaganda page and accused of not knowing how politics work? This is it? I give you clips of Obama expressing his views against mandatory healthcare (before he was for it) and this is your rebuttal? Honestly? At least show some imagination and accuse me of arson, anarchy, racism, xenophobia, holding the american people hostage, raging a war on women, blackmail and all the other rhetoric the left has come up with. You guys aren't even trying though. Get on the ball!

You actually don't. Not in this country anyway.

If you did you'd probably not be using word like "propaganda" and statements like "Before he was for it".

In any case, over the last 2 years and because of tea baggers in congress, politics has become as binary as it is in the right wing bubble and on FOX news.

Hopefully, 2014 changes that.

Are you having some sort of fever dream? Is your post supposed to make some sort of sense? I don't understand politics because I use words like "propaganda"? What does that even mean? Are you suggesting propaganda doesn't exist or are you just fixated on "tea bagging" because you're lonely on saturday nights? Oh yea, thanks for bringing up FOX news. A hyper partisan nonsensical post rife with knee jerk reactionary incoherencies is always better when adding a straw man.
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It's been in effect now for three and a half years. I'm sure someone's read it by now.

As lazy as our politicians are, there's no way in hell they've read it.

The only "lazy" politicians in Congress are the Conservatives and Tea Baggers.

They've done nothing for 2 years.

Try Harry Reed getting around to passing something as simple and basic as a budget, I believe he has that "nothing done" accomplishment beat. Then again, Obama doesn't want to be restrained from having to campaign on another stimulus, Chevy Volt subsidy, or contributing to a downward spiraling solar green energy pet project.
Just because so many of you are believing the Dem's that it is the tea party, and that Obama & Democratic Senators were elected, you should look at the polls.
Don't forget they also elected the Republicans in the House and they control the purse strings.
Just because the people re elected Obama and Dem's to the Senate, does not mean that they favor the way this Health Care Bill is right now. Most want it repealed or changed.
President Obama has changed it or delayed things in it 19 times.
The left keep talking about Democracy, but having the President change it all by himself without input from all is not Democracy.

35% favor or somewhat favor the Health Care Law.
43% have an unfavorable to somewhat unfavorable.
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He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

An overwhelming majority (a landslide) oppose Obamacare.

Learn something:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law
As lazy as our politicians are, there's no way in hell they've read it.

I wasn't particularly referring to politicians but I would certainly expect a whole shitload of economists and financial analysts to pore over it before, during and after the vote.

The unions finally read it, and they don't want it. They now realize that obama lied to them too.

The Federal government is exempt from ObamaCare. That fact alone shows what an epically bad program it is.
bs, poll after poll has shown they are NOT happy about it and don't understand a damn thing about it's SO COMPLICATED...Many understand they are being FORCED to participate in O-tax or BE FINED by you wonderful OBAMBAM IRS

You libs never saw a guberment program you don't love, have you? AND of course it's STEPPING on other people's RIGHTS so you are double for that
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I wasn't particularly referring to politicians but I would certainly expect a whole shitload of economists and financial analysts to pore over it before, during and after the vote.

The unions finally read it, and they don't want it. They now realize that obama lied to them too.

The Federal government is exempt from ObamaCare. That fact alone shows what an epically bad program it is.

technically wrong, they are not exempt from the act, they are exempt from the financial impacts of the act on them. WE, the taxpayers are subsidizing 72% of the cost of obamacare on congress and govt employees.

said another way, congress and the govt is having their health insurance paid for by taxpayers, while taxpayers get no equivalent help.

sound like tyranny? well, it is.
I wasn't particularly referring to politicians but I would certainly expect a whole shitload of economists and financial analysts to pore over it before, during and after the vote.

The unions finally read it, and they don't want it. They now realize that obama lied to them too.

The Federal government is exempt from ObamaCare. That fact alone shows what an epically bad program it is.

Yep! It's pretty bad when staffers could not afford it. What are the rest of Americans in that same situation suppose to do? They certainly won't have the Government bail them out.
The unions finally read it, and they don't want it. They now realize that obama lied to them too.

The Federal government is exempt from ObamaCare. That fact alone shows what an epically bad program it is.

technically wrong, they are not exempt from the act, they are exempt from the financial impacts of the act on them. WE, the taxpayers are subsidizing 72% of the cost of obamacare on congress and govt employees.

said another way, congress and the govt is having their health insurance paid for by taxpayers, while taxpayers get no equivalent help.

sound like tyranny? well, it is.

Well, that is the Material Exemption...and I expect that the standard federal employee benefits program array will be redefined as an ObamaCare exchange in order to preserve their choices.
The unions finally read it, and they don't want it. They now realize that obama lied to them too.

The Federal government is exempt from ObamaCare. That fact alone shows what an epically bad program it is.

Yep! It's pretty bad when staffers could not afford it. What are the rest of Americans in that same situation suppose to do? They certainly won't have the Government bail them out.

Senators making $174K a year will get more of a subsidy than a family of four with $100k of income. It's quite shocking.
The Federal government is exempt from ObamaCare. That fact alone shows what an epically bad program it is.

technically wrong, they are not exempt from the act, they are exempt from the financial impacts of the act on them. WE, the taxpayers are subsidizing 72% of the cost of obamacare on congress and govt employees.

said another way, congress and the govt is having their health insurance paid for by taxpayers, while taxpayers get no equivalent help.

sound like tyranny? well, it is.

Well, that is the Material Exemption...and I expect that the standard federal employee benefits program array will be redefined as an ObamaCare exchange in order to preserve their choices.

right, I just wanted to clarify before some raving ass libtard jumped in screaming like a scalded ass ape.
Just because so many of you are believing the Dem's that it is the tea party, and that Obama & Democratic Senators were elected, you should look at the polls.
Don't forget they also elected the Republicans in the House and they control the purse strings.

Total votes for House Democrats in 2012: 60,252,696
Total votes for House Republicans in 2012: 58,541,130

The GOP's majority is an unhappy accident of geography, not some ringing endorsement from "the people" for them to burn down the nation.

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