Stop Lying Republicans, The Majority of The American People Are IN Favor of Obamacare

The promise here was affordable for all, not affordable for some. Now what? Still gonna spout that lie?

What "lie"? That the majority of people buying in exchanges next year will be paying less than $100/month for their coverage? That a fact is inconvenient for you doesn't make it a lie.

C'mon. You're really going to quote the biased Star/Tribune? That rag is as reliable as the Washington Post in it's complete support of the Administration. How can people state that we can't know the full effect of a law that has yet to be implemented but at the same time state how much we will all save on a law that has yet to be implemented? Can't have it both ways. Who is exactly saving? Not the taxpayers. Not the financial situation of the Federal Government.

This isn't rocket science: next year's premiums are now known (in fact, you can start buying the plans in four days). And Minnesota's are the lowest of any state in the nation. Which is why it was amusing to see someone essentially saying "if only Minnesotans could buy plans from other states!"

So they are going to pay less than what most people pay for Medicare? Go ahead pull the other one, it's got bells on it......
So he did run on Obamacare, great. And passed it.

Four years later, his opponent adopted all the bullshit rhetoric you're using right now to challenge him. Guess what? That opponent lost convincingly.

Health care was a huge issue in the 2008 election, and a huge issue in the 2012 election. Obama won both.

No he did not run on Obamacare.

He campaigned against mandates and said that his plan would lower the typical family's health insurance premiums by $2500.

Obamacare violates his campaign promises and other promises he made since then.
If the media had sufficiently challenged Obama in 2008, he would not have won. If the media had reported on Obama's lies after 2008 and the realities of Obamacare's implications, he would not have won reelection.

Well, he might have won reelection anyway, because if the media had reported responsibly he would have pivoted to something more palatable to the nation.

But either way, if his deceptions and broken promises had been given an appropriate airing by a responsible media we wouldn't be saddled with Obamacare now.
No he did not run on Obamacare.

He campaigned against mandates and said that his plan would lower the typical family's health insurance premiums by $2500.

Obamacare violates his campaign promises and other promises he made since then.

Given the trillion dollars in health spending that the economy's saved since that 2008 election, I'd say savings is the last place you'd want to challenge the rhetoric. The savings is $390 billion this year alone, or over $1200 per American.

That said, if the mandate had been a dealbreaker I imagine he would've been packing his bags last January instead of giving his second inaugural.
No he did not run on Obamacare.

He campaigned against mandates and said that his plan would lower the typical family's health insurance premiums by $2500.

Obamacare violates his campaign promises and other promises he made since then.

Given the trillion dollars in health spending that the economy's saved since that 2008 election, I'd say savings is the last place you'd want to challenge the rhetoric. The savings is $390 billion this year alone, or over $1200 per American.

That said, if the mandate had been a dealbreaker I imagine he would've been packing his bags last January instead of giving his second inaugural.

If the media had done their job in reporting the way they would have if a Republican was in office, then Obama's lies would have been a dealbreaker.

If the media had done their job in reporting the way the would have if a Republican was in office then the IRS might not have felt they could get away with the suppression of the voices and activities of the people who brought about the Democrats' shellacking in 2010.

It was an ignorant populace, an irresponsible media, and a dejected, suppressed right which enabled Obama to hold the office to double down on the lie that the majority of America supports Obamacare when that is patently untrue.
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It's ridiculous to argue about what Obama ran on at this point.

Obamacare passed Congress, it passed SCOTUS, and unless the Republicans suddenly gain control of both Congress and Executive Office, it's pretty much a done-deal and it's here to stay.

Time to move on folks. I'm already seeing the benefits of Obamacare..... and this is on top of my healthcare plan which I have been 100% thoroughly happy with already for well over a decade.
If the media had done their job in reporting the way they would have if a Republican was in office, then Obama's lies would have been a dealbreaker.

Sure, nobody knew there was an individual mandate last year. That's why Obama cruised to victory. Thoughtful analysis. :clap2:
So he did run on Obamacare, great. And passed it.

Four years later, his opponent adopted all the bullshit rhetoric you're using right now to challenge him. Guess what? That opponent lost convincingly.

Health care was a huge issue in the 2008 election, and a huge issue in the 2012 election. Obama won both.

Keep dreaming.
It's ridiculous to argue about what Obama ran on at this point.

Obamacare passed Congress, it passed SCOTUS, and unless the Republicans suddenly gain control of both Congress and Executive Office, it's pretty much a done-deal and it's here to stay.

Time to move on folks. I'm already seeing the benefits of Obamacare..... and this is on top of my healthcare plan which I have been 100% thoroughly happy with already for well over a decade.

No, it is not time to move on. Not for all of us.

Good for you for being able to keep your plan. Too many other people haven't been so lucky thanks to O-care.

You go ahead and move on. Those of us seeing and feeling the negative effects will keep protesting. It's never too late to stand up for what is important to us.

And those of us who object to "the ends justify the means" way in which a briefly held Democrat majority played parliamentary tricks to get around a nation yelling "slow down", we will continue to protest.

Obama has successfully shown one thing -- that the more expansive government he favors is too big. Even with good intentions, abuses occur. This is the perfect moment for those of us who warned from the beginning about this boondoggle to stand up and say, "This is what we were talking about."

Eternal vigilance is the key. Took longer than it should have, but Obama has made the case for curbing the expansion of government and we're trumpeting it to the world. Well, some of us are just trumpeting it to forums like this. But Ted Cruz and a few other brave individuals are trumpeting it to the nation, and you're here talking about it. So we're doing something right.
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Obama used a regulatory loop hole to exempt Congress and federal employees from ObamaCare.

That's really all we need to know regarding how Galactically Awful Obamacare truly is.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?
Personally, I reject this original premise...

The only reasons why the VERY Junior Senator from Illinois won in 2008 were because (1) the Pubs had phukked things up badly enough with two wars and a trillion in new debt, (2) the Pubs ran John McSame, who seemed likely to give us a Third Bush Term which nobody wanted, and (3) because the Dums had built-up Obama into the Next Messiah Rock Star in a very short timeframe...

The only reasons why Obama won a second time in 2012 were because (1) the public had still not completely forgiven the Pubs for the previous phukk-up and (2) they ran Mittens, who inspired even LESS confidence that McSame...

Those two Obama wins had VERY little to do with some kind of a Fevered-Imagination Convoluted Logic Segue to a Nationwide Mandate to Implement a National Healthcare Plan, and FAR more to do with political conditions and lackluster and uninspiring opponents.

If ObamaCare were to be submitted to the American Voting Public for a yes/no vote, it's a good bet that the 'No' folk would take the field by a considerable margin...

We'll never know...

But, please, spare us the several hops of logic required to conjure-up the rationalization that because the nation voted Obama into office twice, that they were serving-up a one-issue vote and that they are overwhelmingly behind the President in this matter.

Self-serving lib-media polls to the contrary notwithstanding...

I call bullshit...
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Show me one campaign speech where he laid out Obamacare.

His health care plan was a standard feature of his stump speech. But if you want one of the health care-only speeches, fine:

Barack Obama: Remarks in Newport News, Virginia

I can't tell if you folks actually believe people just found out this year that Obama favors health care reform and universal health care. Sadly, it's plausible (I remember the coming Romney landslide you willed yourselves to believe in).

Show me one campaign speech where he laid out Obamacare.

His health care plan was a standard feature of his stump speech. But if you want one of the health care-only speeches, fine:

Barack Obama: Remarks in Newport News, Virginia

I can't tell if you folks actually believe people just found out this year that Obama favors health care reform and universal health care. Sadly, it's plausible (I remember the coming Romney landslide you willed yourselves to believe in).

Funny, that doesn't sound anything like what we ended up with. I guess that makes me right.
I see posts like this and it makes me wonder what planet the poster or source is living on!!
No he did not run on Obamacare.

He campaigned against mandates and said that his plan would lower the typical family's health insurance premiums by $2500.

Obamacare violates his campaign promises and other promises he made since then.

Given the trillion dollars in health spending that the economy's saved since that 2008 election, I'd say savings is the last place you'd want to challenge the rhetoric. The savings is $390 billion this year alone, or over $1200 per American.

That said, if the mandate had been a dealbreaker I imagine he would've been packing his bags last January instead of giving his second inaugural.

BS, I'm paying more than ever.......And expect to pay even more next year and the year after that and don't ever expect to pay the same from one year to the next.
He did run on Obamacare in 2008.

If you found yourself surprised that he pursued a universal health plan once in office, perhaps you should've paid attention during the campaign.

He ran on a healthcare proposal that was trotted out in glowing terms--only children would be required to have health coverage; everybody who liked their doctors could keep their doctors; costs would go down for all; everything would be more affordable.

Had he run on a national mandate for everybody--that was NEVER in his campaign rhetoric--had he told us that many would not be able to keep our doctors or their current healthcare plans, that many would lose their jobs, many would lose opportunity to have jobs, and many of those employed would have their hours and wages sharply reduced, taxes would go up for just about everybody, and benefits would be reduced for all, and the deficits and the national debt would swell. . . .

. . . .in other words if he had honestly laid out his healthcare plan, do you honestly think anybody but his most slavish worshippers would have voted for it?

He specifically campaigned against mandates. He said Hillary's plan was bad because it involved a mandate.

Flashback: Obama Argued Against Mandate in 2008

A mandate was made in the New Health Care Bill and the Supreme Court changed it to a tax and said mandates are unconstitutional.
He knew that when he campaigned in 2008, yet he signed the bill with a mandate.

Show me one campaign speech where he laid out Obamacare.

His health care plan was a standard feature of his stump speech. But if you want one of the health care-only speeches, fine:

Barack Obama: Remarks in Newport News, Virginia

I can't tell if you folks actually believe people just found out this year that Obama favors health care reform and universal health care. Sadly, it's plausible (I remember the coming Romney landslide you willed yourselves to believe in).

Someone who thinks Obamacare is consistent with what Obama ran on in 2008 being condescending about what others believe .... hmmmmm .....

It's a little frustrating that he'll never have the perception to grasp that he's an example of the Utopian fantasies which allowed the Obama-phenomenon to happen. But hopefully people are waking up enough to help 2014 be like 2010 was. I think they are. If the right stands up for their principles enthusiastically without going full Sharron-Angle, then 2014 could be very good.

Show me one campaign speech where he laid out Obamacare.

His health care plan was a standard feature of his stump speech. But if you want one of the health care-only speeches, fine:

Barack Obama: Remarks in Newport News, Virginia

I can't tell if you folks actually believe people just found out this year that Obama favors health care reform and universal health care. Sadly, it's plausible (I remember the coming Romney landslide you willed yourselves to believe in).

Sorry, I'm having trouble getting past Obama's opening lie about how his mother spent her last days. But I'm trying.

The next paragraph gives me another sick laugh -- that's the one where he talks about people whose insurance premiums have doubled over 8 years as if it were a bad thing-- while now he's standing by his actions which have caused peoples' premiums and deductibles to double in the past year.

But I'll forge on.

... now slogging through more pretty words with the power to convince people like Greenbeard that Obama has said something worth linking to ......

That part about Cadillac plans is a gem. Unions are now wishing they hadn't put so much faith in Obama's promise not to penalize them for their Cadillac plans.

And this perennial classic, "So if you have insurance you like, you keep that insurance. If you have a doctor you like, you keep that doctor. The only thing that changes for you is that your health care costs will go down."

Democrats have seen that line over and over and still claim that Obamacare is what Obama campaigned on.
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