Stop Lying Republicans, The Majority of The American People Are IN Favor of Obamacare

It's ridiculous to argue about what Obama ran on at this point.

Obamacare passed Congress, it passed SCOTUS, and unless the Republicans suddenly gain control of both Congress and Executive Office, it's pretty much a done-deal and it's here to stay.

Time to move on folks. I'm already seeing the benefits of Obamacare..... and this is on top of my healthcare plan which I have been 100% thoroughly happy with already for well over a decade.

No, it is not time to move on. Not for all of us.

Good for you for being able to keep your plan. Too many other people haven't been so lucky thanks to O-care.

You go ahead and move on. Those of us seeing and feeling the negative effects will keep protesting. It's never too late to stand up for what is important to us.

And those of us who object to "the ends justify the means" way in which a briefly held Democrat majority played parliamentary tricks to get around a nation yelling "slow down", we will continue to protest.

Obama has successfully shown one thing -- that the more expansive government he favors is too big. Even with good intentions, abuses occur. This is the perfect moment for those of us who warned from the beginning about this boondoggle to stand up and say, "This is what we were talking about."

Eternal vigilance is the key. Took longer than it should have, but Obama has made the case for curbing the expansion of government and we're trumpeting it to the world. Well, some of us are just trumpeting it to forums like this. But Ted Cruz and a few other brave individuals are trumpeting it to the nation, and you're here talking about it. So we're doing something right.

Curious to know what negative effects you personally have experienced so far from the implementation of Obamacare.
It's ridiculous to argue about what Obama ran on at this point.

Obamacare passed Congress, it passed SCOTUS, and unless the Republicans suddenly gain control of both Congress and Executive Office, it's pretty much a done-deal and it's here to stay.

Time to move on folks. I'm already seeing the benefits of Obamacare..... and this is on top of my healthcare plan which I have been 100% thoroughly happy with already for well over a decade.

No, it is not time to move on. Not for all of us.

Good for you for being able to keep your plan. Too many other people haven't been so lucky thanks to O-care.

You go ahead and move on. Those of us seeing and feeling the negative effects will keep protesting. It's never too late to stand up for what is important to us.

And those of us who object to "the ends justify the means" way in which a briefly held Democrat majority played parliamentary tricks to get around a nation yelling "slow down", we will continue to protest.

Obama has successfully shown one thing -- that the more expansive government he favors is too big. Even with good intentions, abuses occur. This is the perfect moment for those of us who warned from the beginning about this boondoggle to stand up and say, "This is what we were talking about."

Eternal vigilance is the key. Took longer than it should have, but Obama has made the case for curbing the expansion of government and we're trumpeting it to the world. Well, some of us are just trumpeting it to forums like this. But Ted Cruz and a few other brave individuals are trumpeting it to the nation, and you're here talking about it. So we're doing something right.

Curious to know what negative effects you personally have experienced so far from the implementation of Obamacare.

Our deductibles increased. I can't prove it is because of O-Care. We didn't get a letter attributing the increase to O-care the way some others have.

I care more about the principle. If our policy stayed exactly the same, I would still object to the way O-care was lied and backdoored into law and to the media complicity which allowed this to happen.

The lack of accountability from the media is the scariest thing of all. A vital, non-shilling press is imperative to protect our democratic principles.
It's ridiculous to argue about what Obama ran on at this point.

Obamacare passed Congress, it passed SCOTUS, and unless the Republicans suddenly gain control of both Congress and Executive Office, it's pretty much a done-deal and it's here to stay.

Time to move on folks. I'm already seeing the benefits of Obamacare..... and this is on top of my healthcare plan which I have been 100% thoroughly happy with already for well over a decade.

No, it is not time to move on. Not for all of us.

Good for you for being able to keep your plan. Too many other people haven't been so lucky thanks to O-care.

You go ahead and move on. Those of us seeing and feeling the negative effects will keep protesting. It's never too late to stand up for what is important to us.

And those of us who object to "the ends justify the means" way in which a briefly held Democrat majority played parliamentary tricks to get around a nation yelling "slow down", we will continue to protest.

Obama has successfully shown one thing -- that the more expansive government he favors is too big. Even with good intentions, abuses occur. This is the perfect moment for those of us who warned from the beginning about this boondoggle to stand up and say, "This is what we were talking about."

Eternal vigilance is the key. Took longer than it should have, but Obama has made the case for curbing the expansion of government and we're trumpeting it to the world. Well, some of us are just trumpeting it to forums like this. But Ted Cruz and a few other brave individuals are trumpeting it to the nation, and you're here talking about it. So we're doing something right.

Curious to know what negative effects you personally have experienced so far from the implementation of Obamacare.

Anxiety, depression, persistent nausea.
His health care plan was a standard feature of his stump speech. But if you want one of the health care-only speeches, fine:

Barack Obama: Remarks in Newport News, Virginia

I can't tell if you folks actually believe people just found out this year that Obama favors health care reform and universal health care. Sadly, it's plausible (I remember the coming Romney landslide you willed yourselves to believe in).

Here's another one:

[ame=]BuzzFeed: Obama on the Mandate in 2008 - YouTube[/ame]

Hmmmm..... what did voters vote for?
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

How can anyone be "for" something that nobody read before they past it? Has anybody read the thing?

Don't you find it odd that since the basics for the plan were drawn by the Republicans in early 1990's as the alternative to "Hilarycare" and during the subsequent negotiations in 2009 the Republicans added 166 amendments that they never 'read' any of it, Sheila?

The deliberate misquoting of Pelosi is misleading. She was asked about the reconciliation between the House and Senate versions before it was finalized.

So the canard that "nobody read before they past it" is just deliberate disinformation.
I want the Republicans to embrace it. 100%..... But make the Democrats own it and follow it; to the letter.

No exemptions, no extensions. implement it as planned and watch the votes on the left melt away.....

Good point, Ollie. If the GOP is right that the voters dislike Obamacare the more they find out about it then let it go into effect and the GOP can subsequently reap the rewards at the ballot box in 2014 and 2016.
I want the Republicans to embrace it. 100%..... But make the Democrats own it and follow it; to the letter.

No exemptions, no extensions. implement it as planned and watch the votes on the left melt away.....

Good point, Ollie. If the GOP is right that the voters dislike Obamacare the more they find out about it then let it go into effect and the GOP can subsequently reap the rewards at the ballot box in 2014 and 2016.

The problem is, the dangers of dependency are insidious and not easily corrected. Would you offer the same advice to someone considering taking up a heroin habit?
I want the Republicans to embrace it. 100%..... But make the Democrats own it and follow it; to the letter.

No exemptions, no extensions. implement it as planned and watch the votes on the left melt away.....

Good point, Ollie. If the GOP is right that the voters dislike Obamacare the more they find out about it then let it go into effect and the GOP can subsequently reap the rewards at the ballot box in 2014 and 2016.

There is certainly a "civl war" in the republican party about how best to get rid of Obamacare. One part of the republican party DOES say we should implement Obamacare for the reasons you cited. The other part is worried for the reason dblack just gave. Not all republicans agree on the methodology of removing Obamacare even though they all agree with the goal.
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Just because so many of you are believing the Dem's that it is the tea party, and that Obama & Democratic Senators were elected, you should look at the polls.
Don't forget they also elected the Republicans in the House and they control the purse strings.

Total votes for House Democrats in 2012: 60,252,696
Total votes for House Republicans in 2012: 58,541,130

The GOP's majority is an unhappy accident of geography, not some ringing endorsement from "the people" for them to burn down the nation.

What a statist- mob rule tool you are.

The GOP majority in the House is exactly according to the design of government specified by the Founders in the Constitution.

I don't recall the Founding Fathers including gerrymandering of districts in the Constitution.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?
Project much? :lmao:
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

How can anyone be "for" something that nobody read before they past it? Has anybody read the thing?

Don't you find it odd that since the basics for the plan were drawn by the Republicans in early 1990's as the alternative to "Hilarycare" and during the subsequent negotiations in 2009 the Republicans added 166 amendments that they never 'read' any of it, Sheila?

The deliberate misquoting of Pelosi is misleading. She was asked about the reconciliation between the House and Senate versions before it was finalized.

So the canard that "nobody read before they past it" is just deliberate disinformation.

Nothing in Obamacare is based on anything the Republicans proposed to counter Hillarycare.
Total votes for House Democrats in 2012: 60,252,696
Total votes for House Republicans in 2012: 58,541,130

The GOP's majority is an unhappy accident of geography, not some ringing endorsement from "the people" for them to burn down the nation.

What a statist- mob rule tool you are.

The GOP majority in the House is exactly according to the design of government specified by the Founders in the Constitution.

I don't recall the Founding Fathers including gerrymandering of districts in the Constitution.

I don't recall you complaining about it when the Supreme Court mandated it.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Obabble made and indelible bullshit print on Marc's impressionable mind. He's in desperate need of reprogramming.
If the media had sufficiently challenged Obama in 2008, he would not have won. If the media had reported on Obama's lies after 2008 and the realities of Obamacare's implications, he would not have won reelection.

Well, he might have won reelection anyway, because if the media had reported responsibly he would have pivoted to something more palatable to the nation.

But either way, if his deceptions and broken promises had been given an appropriate airing by a responsible media we wouldn't be saddled with Obamacare now.

To be fair, Amelia, McCain threw away the 2008 election when he panicked over the economic collapse. Instead of taking charge and telling everyone that the problem was under control (even when it wasn't) he failed to show leadership in a crisis. Couple that with it happening under an unpopular (by that stage) incumbent of the same party and McCain was playing catch up from there to the finish line. No amount of media attention on Obama would have altered the perception that McCain had made on the voting public during that crisis in my opinion.

And speaking of never allowing a good crisis go to waste Romney dropped the ball with Hurricane Sandy too. He should have made the time and effort for the photo ops and been standing shoulder to shoulder with Christie looking out for the people who had lost their homes. By ceding the platform to Obama he failed to show leadership in a crisis. That perception hurt him too.
His health care plan was a standard feature of his stump speech. But if you want one of the health care-only speeches, fine:

Barack Obama: Remarks in Newport News, Virginia

I can't tell if you folks actually believe people just found out this year that Obama favors health care reform and universal health care. Sadly, it's plausible (I remember the coming Romney landslide you willed yourselves to believe in).

Here's another one:

[ame=""]BuzzFeed: Obama on the Mandate in 2008 - YouTube[/ame]

Hmmmm..... what did voters vote for?
I heard the cutest thing the other day. The stuff Obama says that isn't on the up and up is now referred to as "Happy Talk." :lmao:
Total votes for House Democrats in 2012: 60,252,696
Total votes for House Republicans in 2012: 58,541,130

The GOP's majority is an unhappy accident of geography, not some ringing endorsement from "the people" for them to burn down the nation.

What a statist- mob rule tool you are.

The GOP majority in the House is exactly according to the design of government specified by the Founders in the Constitution.

I don't recall the Founding Fathers including gerrymandering of districts in the Constitution.

You mean like the Dem's have been doing for 60 years?
It's the only way that they got Feinstien, Pelosi and Rangle in the first place and has continued to keep them there.
The Executive Branch is exempt from ObamaCare?

The Legislative Branch is exempt from ObamaCare?

The Judicial Branch is exempt from ObamaCare?



As a kid in the US Army, I learned the principle of Leadership by Example.

As a noncom or officer in the field...

You did not sleep until your troops slept...

You did not eat until your troops ate...

You did not ask your troops to do anything that you would not or could not do yourself...

So, if ObamaCare is so phukking great...

Why are our Leaders not Leading by Example?

Why are they not the first ones to take the ObamaCare plunge?

Rather than setting themselves up like a Privileged Class?

Rather than Do-As-I-Say-and-Not-As-I-Do?

Rather than being too chickenshit to take their turn on The Point once in a while?

For that reason alone, ObamaCare deserves to die.
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