Stop Lying Republicans, The Majority of The American People Are IN Favor of Obamacare

Just because so many of you are believing the Dem's that it is the tea party, and that Obama & Democratic Senators were elected, you should look at the polls.
Don't forget they also elected the Republicans in the House and they control the purse strings.

Total votes for House Democrats in 2012: 60,252,696
Total votes for House Republicans in 2012: 58,541,130

The GOP's majority is an unhappy accident of geography, not some ringing endorsement from "the people" for them to burn down the nation.

What a statist- mob rule tool you are.

The GOP majority in the House is exactly according to the design of government specified by the Founders in the Constitution.
Just because so many of you are believing the Dem's that it is the tea party, and that Obama & Democratic Senators were elected, you should look at the polls.
Don't forget they also elected the Republicans in the House and they control the purse strings.

Total votes for House Democrats in 2012: 60,252,696
Total votes for House Republicans in 2012: 58,541,130

The GOP's majority is an unhappy accident of geography, not some ringing endorsement from "the people" for them to burn down the nation.

the nation is being "burned down" by the reckless spending of congress--both parties.

Only the tea party has the fiscal interests of the nation as a priority.
What a statist- mob rule tool you are.

The GOP majority in the House is exactly according to the design of government specified by the Founders in the Constitution.


Yes, the most hated and embarrassing House in memory has its proponents on USMB, I realize that.
Just because so many of you are believing the Dem's that it is the tea party, and that Obama & Democratic Senators were elected, you should look at the polls.
Don't forget they also elected the Republicans in the House and they control the purse strings.

Total votes for House Democrats in 2012: 60,252,696
Total votes for House Republicans in 2012: 58,541,130

The GOP's majority is an unhappy accident of geography, not some ringing endorsement from "the people" for them to burn down the nation.

I'd be curious to know just how many blue dog conservative democrats are included in that approval vote? Remember how Nancy Pelosi was oh so confident the new ACA would pass, she kept those representatives from speaking with their constituents? Gotta love those Democrat back room deals, the threat of financial reelection support of fellow democrats if they don't "tag along", and special interests..... in order to ram it down America's throat.
What a statist- mob rule tool you are.

The GOP majority in the House is exactly according to the design of government specified by the Founders in the Constitution.


Yes, the most hated and embarrassing House in memory has its proponents on USMB, I realize that.

you have it wrong once again, the people hate congress in total, not one house or one party. The american people are fed up with the corruption and do-nothing attitude combined with spending like a drunk sailor in a Thai whorehouse.

If partisans like you would stop the hate-rhetoric, we might be able to force the entire congress to do the will of the people. your one sided lies do nothing but increase the divisions in the country.
What a statist- mob rule tool you are.

The GOP majority in the House is exactly according to the design of government specified by the Founders in the Constitution.


Yes, the most hated and embarrassing House in memory has its proponents on USMB, I realize that.

Embarrassing is you lefties pushing for this fascist Federal government program...

the hell with the peoples right, right?

you are two faced hypocrites...wail how Bush was stepping your rights, then in comes your Dear Leader, you walk in LOCKSTEP like the fascist you all are
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

he wasn't elected by a majority of americans

you stop lying
Just because so many of you are believing the Dem's that it is the tea party, and that Obama & Democratic Senators were elected, you should look at the polls.
Don't forget they also elected the Republicans in the House and they control the purse strings.

Total votes for House Democrats in 2012: 60,252,696
Total votes for House Republicans in 2012: 58,541,130

The GOP's majority is an unhappy accident of geography, not some ringing endorsement from "the people" for them to burn down the nation.

I'd be curious to know just how many blue dog conservative democrats are included in that approval vote? Remember how Nancy Pelosi was oh so confident the new ACA would pass, she kept those representatives from speaking with their constituents? Gotta love those Democrat back room deals, the threat of financial reelection support of fellow democrats if they don't "tag along", and special interests..... in order to ram it down America's throat.

Those aren't "approval" votes, those are vote votes. As in more Americans went to the polls last November and pulled the lever to send a Democrat to Congress than a Republican. There's no popular mandate for the House GOP's agenda, if they ever decide to come up with one. The People's House doesn't currently represent the People's Electoral Preference, again thanks to quirks of (political) geography. The weariness with their incompetence is growing by the day.
Total votes for House Democrats in 2012: 60,252,696
Total votes for House Republicans in 2012: 58,541,130

The GOP's majority is an unhappy accident of geography, not some ringing endorsement from "the people" for them to burn down the nation.

I'd be curious to know just how many blue dog conservative democrats are included in that approval vote? Remember how Nancy Pelosi was oh so confident the new ACA would pass, she kept those representatives from speaking with their constituents? Gotta love those Democrat back room deals, the threat of financial reelection support of fellow democrats if they don't "tag along", and special interests..... in order to ram it down America's throat.

Those aren't "approval" votes, those are vote votes. As in more Americans went to the polls last November and pulled the lever to send a Democrat to Congress than a Republican. There's no popular mandate for the House GOP's agenda, if they ever decide to come up with one. The People's House doesn't currently represent the People's Electoral Preference, again thanks to quirks of (political) geography. The weariness with their incompetence is growing by the day.

our country doesn't rule by popular mandate and for good reason. why should large groups on the west and east coast decide what is good for the rest of america? they shouldn't, hence why the house is not voted on by popular vote overall, rather, by DISTRICTS which is the true representation of the people of america.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Obama never ran on health care, he ran on not being Bush.
A Brief Look at Candidate Obama's 2008 Campaign Promises | Fox News

Look at at number 8 wind bag.

President Obama and Mitt Romney's campaign promises: what each said | World news |

Look at the list.

Healthcare was a MAJOR platform of BOTH elections you GD liar!

Deal with it!

Campaign promises are not campaigns, are they? Obama ran on one thing, he is not Bush.
Obama never ran on health care, he ran on not being Bush.
A Brief Look at Candidate Obama's 2008 Campaign Promises | Fox News

Look at at number 8 wind bag.

President Obama and Mitt Romney's campaign promises: what each said | World news |

Look at the list.

Healthcare was a MAJOR platform of BOTH elections you GD liar!

Deal with it!

Campaign promises are not campaigns, are they? Obama ran on one thing, he is not Bush.

This is true. Had he run on Obamacare in 2008, he never would have been elected. If he had allowed Obamacare to go into effect before 2012, he never would have been re-elected. He may be an idiot on many foreign and domestic issues, but he is no fool when it comes to fooling the public and winning elections.
As lazy as our politicians are, there's no way in hell they've read it.

I wasn't particularly referring to politicians but I would certainly expect a whole shitload of economists and financial analysts to pore over it before, during and after the vote.

The unions finally read it, and they don't want it. They now realize that obama lied to them too.

"We're concerned that employers will be increasingly tempted to drop coverage through our plans and let our members fend for themselves on the health exchanges," said David Treanor, director of health care initiatives at the Operating Engineers union.

Wendy N. Powell: Union Support Waning for the Affordable Care Act: Look for the Union Label on Obamacare? Perhaps Not

Why employers need to be so heavily involved in healthcare is beyond me. It's just one more layer of intrusive bureaucracy as far as I'm concerned. I don't see the downside to individuals handling their own healthcare on an individual basis. I've been managing my own healthcare insurance for years without incident and it's been ridiculously easy. I'm sure lots tons and tons of businesses would love to free up their human resource departments and drop the responsibility of managing their employees healthcare. Just another step towards a single-payer system.
Just because so many of you are believing the Dem's that it is the tea party, and that Obama & Democratic Senators were elected, you should look at the polls.
Don't forget they also elected the Republicans in the House and they control the purse strings.

Total votes for House Democrats in 2012: 60,252,696
Total votes for House Republicans in 2012: 58,541,130

The GOP's majority is an unhappy accident of geography, not some ringing endorsement from "the people" for them to burn down the nation.

What a statist- mob rule tool you are.

The GOP majority in the House is exactly according to the design of government specified by the Founders in the Constitution.

Plus the Republicans have to depend on votes from freedom loving, working, responsible, self-supporting Americans as the Democrats are successful in receiving most of the votes for those they have made dependent on government. And the Republicans don't have as many dead people and such to vote either.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Stop lying? You might as well ask a snake to stop slithering and start walking.
Had he run on Obamacare in 2008, he never would have been elected.

He did run on Obamacare in 2008.

If you found yourself surprised that he pursued a universal health plan once in office, perhaps you should've paid attention during the campaign.

He ran on a healthcare proposal that was trotted out in glowing terms--only children would be required to have health coverage; everybody who liked their doctors could keep their doctors; costs would go down for all; everything would be more affordable.

Had he run on a national mandate for everybody--that was NEVER in his campaign rhetoric--had he told us that many would not be able to keep our doctors or their current healthcare plans, that many would lose their jobs, many would lose opportunity to have jobs, and many of those employed would have their hours and wages sharply reduced, taxes would go up for just about everybody, and benefits would be reduced for all, and the deficits and the national debt would swell. . . .

. . . .in other words if he had honestly laid out his healthcare plan, do you honestly think anybody but his most slavish worshippers would have voted for it?
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Had he run on Obamacare in 2008, he never would have been elected.

He did run on Obamacare in 2008.

If you found yourself surprised that he pursued a universal health plan once in office, perhaps you should've paid attention during the campaign.

In 2008, he said that a mandate would be wrong. He did not run on Obamacare in 2008.

Foxfyre is correct.
So he did run on Obamacare, great. And passed it.

Four years later, his opponent adopted all the bullshit rhetoric you're using right now to challenge him. Guess what? That opponent lost convincingly.

Health care was a huge issue in the 2008 election, and a huge issue in the 2012 election. Obama won both.
Had he run on Obamacare in 2008, he never would have been elected.

He did run on Obamacare in 2008.

If you found yourself surprised that he pursued a universal health plan once in office, perhaps you should've paid attention during the campaign.

He ran on a healthcare proposal that was trotted out in glowing terms--only children would be required to have health coverage; everybody who liked their doctors could keep their doctors; costs would go down for all; everything would be more affordable.

Had he run on a national mandate for everybody--that was NEVER in his campaign rhetoric--had he told us that many would not be able to keep our doctors or their current healthcare plans, that many would lose their jobs, many would lose opportunity to have jobs, and many of those employed would have their hours and wages sharply reduced, taxes would go up for just about everybody, and benefits would be reduced for all, and the deficits and the national debt would swell. . . .

. . . .in other words if he had honestly laid out his healthcare plan, do you honestly think anybody but his most slavish worshippers would have voted for it?

He specifically campaigned against mandates. He said Hillary's plan was bad because it involved a mandate.

Flashback: Obama Argued Against Mandate in 2008

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