Stop Lying Republicans, The Majority of The American People Are IN Favor of Obamacare

He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Obama never ran on health care, he ran on not being Bush.

I am sure if Bush had this plan going Ted Cruz, and the gang would be happy dancing around it..:lol:

Look. I don't care who does it. Government needs to keep its nose out of my healthcare.
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He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

The American people want honesty in medical treatment and cost. The American people want people held accountable for their own lifestyle choices. Companies that get governmental grants for medical research, should not be racking American consumers over the coals. If someone is going to smoke, the smoker should pay higher premiums and expect to get cancer. If a person is going to sleep around with whomever, that individual should pay higher premiums and expect to get HIV and other venirial diseases. They should not expect everyone else to chip in and pay for their blatant selfish behavior patterns. People that overeat should pay higher premiums. They should expect to get diabetes and heart disease. Romney is a Mormon and involved in Bain Capital with Mormon connections. McCain is a progressive government expansionist. The election had NOTHING to do with Obamacare. Some minorities voted for Obama because he was half black as did some whites.
Will you stop LYING you GD Repbulican!?!?

BOTH of Obama's election campaigned HEAVILY on Obamacare.

How do you explain Obama spending practically ALL his political capital on it when he first got into Office?

Stopy lying jackass! It's unbecoming.

I want more
1. Innovation
2. Doctors
3. Cheaper care that is just as good as today.

If Obamacare can do this = I support it. If Not then it needs worked on.
Do you really? If that's try then you shouldn't be for REPEALING it, but for IMPROVING it.

However, that's not what your party is, nor has been, spewing all this time.

Either you, or them, are out of step.
The promise here was affordable for all, not affordable for some. Now what? Still gonna spout that lie?

What "lie"? That the majority of people buying in exchanges next year will be paying less than $100/month for their coverage? That a fact is inconvenient for you doesn't make it a lie.

Sure they will. The average is $328 for all Americans. Do you have even the most rudimentary math skills liberal?

Then I can address the little shtick about how Obama said I could keep my doctor and my plan. Nope. Looks like I will have to switch doctors and move into a mid tier insurance plan.
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He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

The American people want honesty in medical treatment and cost. The American people want people held accountable for their own lifestyle choices. Companies that get governmental grants for medical research, should not be racking American consumers over the coals. If someone is going to smoke, the smoker should pay higher premiums and expect to get cancer. If a person is going to sleep around with whomever, that individual should pay higher premiums and expect to get HIV and other venirial diseases. They should not expect everyone else to chip in and pay for their blatant selfish behavior patterns. People that overeat should pay higher premiums. They should expect to get diabetes and heart disease. Romney is a Mormon and involved in Bain Capital with Mormon connections. McCain is a progressive government expansionist. The election had NOTHING to do with Obamacare. Some minorities voted for Obama because he was half black as did some whites.
Will you stop LYING you GD Repbulican!?!?

BOTH of Obama's election campaigned HEAVILY on Obamacare.

How do you explain Obama spending practically ALL his political capital on it when he first got into Office?

Stopy lying jackass! It's unbecoming.

I want more
1. Innovation
2. Doctors
3. Cheaper care that is just as good as today.

If Obamacare can do this = I support it. If Not then it needs worked on.
Do you really? If that's try then you shouldn't be for REPEALING it, but for IMPROVING it.

However, that's not what your party is, nor has been, spewing all this time.

Either you, or them, are out of step.

He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

What a load of crap. O'Bummer won what was a close election and not a mandate to shove poor legislation that the government can't afford up the American public's ass. The Republicans are only doing exactly what the Constitution allows in protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

Now the Republicans are taking the correct course by introducing an amendment to reverse the exemptions that O'Bummer illegally enacted for Congress and White House staff. If this BummerCare is so great, why does he feel that those in Washington need exemptions from the law he is forcing upon Americans. Congress must follow the laws it imposes upon the people. The Republicans are willing to go under this plan. We will see if the Dems. follow suit or show what hypocrites they really are. I am betting on the latter.

This from a poster who needs affordable care, but does not want the government and the IRS between me and my doctor.
There were two (2) STRAIGHT years of debate on Obamacare. Stop lying you Republican!

Nice assumption. I am a Libertarian who adheres to neither party. Both are duping the public. If you fall for the rhetoric and really believe the current law is what was really debated, shame on you for falling for it. Calling people liars who disagree with your slanted views only debunks your own points. HUGE FAIL!!!
What a load of crap. O'Bummer won what was a close election and not a mandate to shove poor legislation that the government can't afford up the American public's ass. The Republicans are only doing exactly what the Constitution allows in protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

Now the Republicans are taking the correct course by introducing an amendment to reverse the exemptions that O'Bummer illegally enacted for Congress and White House staff. If this BummerCare is so great, why does he feel that those in Washington need exemptions from the law he is forcing upon Americans. Congress must follow the laws it imposes upon the people. The Republicans are willing to go under this plan. We will see if the Dems. follow suit or show what hypocrites they really are. I am betting on the latter.

This from a poster who needs affordable care, but does not want the government and the IRS between me and my doctor.

Well then, you'll love ObamaCare.

Bullshit!!! I just stated that I want no government plan. Please pay attention. I would rather see a repeal of the private markets to where I could shop for insurance across state lines which is now illegal in MN among other states, before and after the so-called affordable health care act. More competition equals lower prices, Econ 101. Government interference equals price hikes and inefficiencies. This act is a sham, otherwise why would the POTUS grant exemptions to those in power? Apparently the act isn't good enough for them, and why would it be when they all get the best care in the world.

If O'Bummer care was as good as the Cadillac plan received by Congress then I would suppose I could be for it, even as it broke the back of the country's finances. Until then, they can shove the mandate up their collective ass.
If you could just simmer down for a second and put your hatred for Obama aside, you would realize that Obamacare EXPANDS and ENCOURAGES competition. What do you think opening the exchanges does smarty pants?

Come Tuesday you can go to the website and compare all the plans and CHOOSE which one is best for you. That is the DEFINITION of the competition.

He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

He ran on his healthcare plan but his healthcare plan isn't running. Thing is, the first go around, he was running on fixing an economy that Bush broke. He ain't fixed it.
I'm glad you folks are now freely admitting that. That's at least a step in the right direction. Bush and his fellow Republicans broke the economy. Almost sending America and the world into total financial collapse.

With that said, how long you think it would take to fix something that took eight years to break? Particularly considering having to deal with an opposition party that's openly hell-bent on seeing the President fail at any cost?

Think McFly...

He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Well, I'm not exactly a radical, yet every indication I get is that people are opposed to Obamacare. Maybe some who oppose Obamacare don't understand it or have heard things about it that aren't true. :dunno:
I'm 100% for healthcare reform, this country can't afford the spiraling costs and neither can the US economy. But forcing people to get insurance ala the mandate goes against my beliefs. This is America, right?
In the 80's the Heritage Foundation pushed the idea of Single Payer and that's the direction I favor even though I think the Heritage Foundation was for it before they were against it. :confused: Ah,,, ideologues.
Boy, oh boy, what a thread of revelations.

I'm so glad to see that fact so openly shared. What does that tell you? If these banksters CREATED the plan that now, because a President and Party that they hate are for it are now against what THEY created...what does that tell you?
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

the majority of the government teat sucking liberals want MORE, freebies, their interest in healthcare is the least of their concerns, the freeloaders just want MORE of anything they can get free, their healthcare is already FREE !!

yaaa, when are you left wing nut liarberals going to stop your lying........., oooops ! sorry, as long as your messiah is the country's top liar you can not quit !!
Sure they will. The average is $328 for all Americans. Do you have even the most rudimentary math skills liberal?

$328 is the average cost of the second cheapest silver plans across all the state marketplaces. The significance of those plans is that their value determines the cost to the federal government of the affordability tax credits (since they're 16% lower than the CBO expected when calculating the cost of the tax credits to the federal government, the law will be cheaper than expected).

But most Americans won't be in the new marketplaces, nor will most of those in the marketplaces be paying sticker price for a silver plan, nor is anyone required to buy a silver plan over a cheaper (bronze) alternative.

Then I can address the little shtick about how Obama said I could keep my doctor and my plan. Nope. Looks like I will have to switch doctors and move into a mid tier insurance plan.

Here's a thought: if you're switching plans anyway, choose one whose network includes the doctor(s) you want.
I want more
1. Innovation
2. Doctors
3. Cheaper care that is just as good as today.

If Obamacare can do this = I support it. If Not then it needs worked on.

Neither will happen. well, the 3 might - but it will come with a price of the much WORSE care.

1 and 2 can be guaranteed to decrease tremendously - because there won't be any incentive for that.
TemplarKormac said:
Then I can address the little shtick about how Obama said I could keep my doctor and my plan. Nope. Looks like I will have to switch doctors and move into a mid tier insurance plan.

Here's a thought: if you're switching plans anyway, choose one whose network includes the doctor(s) you want.

I'll choose whatever plan I want, dammit. Sure as hell won't be Obamacare, even with it's mandates and stuff.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Obama never ran on health care, he ran on not being Bush.
A Brief Look at Candidate Obama's 2008 Campaign Promises | Fox News

Look at at number 8 wind bag.

President Obama and Mitt Romney's campaign promises: what each said | World news |

Look at the list.

Healthcare was a MAJOR platform of BOTH elections you GD liar!

Deal with it!
This is what is happening to people's insurance rates and out of pocket expenses.

Show and tell with Shane Jansen » MacBourne's Musings

Shane Jansen said:
So I got a letter from Bluecross Blueshield, my health insurance provider, on Saturday. It explained that my current plan, the plan I chose to fit my individual needs, does not comply with Obamacare and thus had to be cancelled. It went on to say that I shouldn’t worry because I had been automatically moved to new plan that does meet the new Obamacare requirements. The details of my new plan are just excellent. My deductible went from $1500 up to $2500, that’s 66%. My limit on annual out of pocket expenses went up from $1500 to $6350, up 323%. I’m now covered for a bunch of things I don’t want or need, like mental illness inpatient and substance abuse inpatient treatment coverage. Now a rational person might assume that when something I chose to buy, and wanted to keep was taken from me, it would at least cost less to pay for the thing that was forced onto me. Well that’s the best part! My monthly premium went up from $139.50 to $229.19, an increase of 65%! I get to pay MORE for something I don’t even want… Remember when our fearless leader said if we like our current plan we can keep it?

The link shows the letter with the figures.

When I posted that on my facebook page a friend said that it had happened to her to -- similar letter, similar premium and deductible hikes -- and it priced her right out of being able to afford pain management.
There were two (2) STRAIGHT years of debate on Obamacare. Stop lying you Republican!

Nice assumption. I am a Libertarian who adheres to neither party. Both are duping the public. If you fall for the rhetoric and really believe the current law is what was really debated, shame on you for falling for it. Calling people liars who disagree with your slanted views only debunks your own points. HUGE FAIL!!!
Where were all you so-called Libertarians during the Bush Regime when you were really needed?!?!

I wonder what will become of you so-called Libertarians whenever the next Republican holds Office? How much you wanna bet that it will be an EXACT repeat of Bush II?

all the fake ones will fall back in line as proud out-of-the-closet Republicans, and all the real ones will be ignored and ridiculed...except it will be much worse the next time around.

How much you wanna bet it will go down exactly as I laid it out?
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Apparently those who support the law have no problem with the illegal exemptions the POTUS granted. The biggest sham put upon the American people. I am with Templar, I will choose whatever care I want regardless of the mandate, which is un-American. I want nothing to do with any form government controlled healthcare, which those in power seem to have sealed themselves from. Also, when government mandates what companies have to cover costs go up. Shit doesn't come for free people, you are adding costs to the system. The only way to pay it is to raise taxes or print more money, both harmful to the Republic.
There were two (2) STRAIGHT years of debate on Obamacare. Stop lying you Republican!

Nice assumption. I am a Libertarian who adheres to neither party. Both are duping the public. If you fall for the rhetoric and really believe the current law is what was really debated, shame on you for falling for it. Calling people liars who disagree with your slanted views only debunks your own points. HUGE FAIL!!!
Where were all you so-called Libertarians during the Bush Regime when you were really needed?!?!

I wonder what will become of you so-called Libertarians whenever the next Republican holds Office? How much you wanna bet that it will be an EXACT repeat of Bush II?

all the fake ones will fall back in line as proud out-of-the-closet Republicans, and all the real ones will be ignored and ridiculed...except it will be much worse the next time around.

How much you wanna bet it will go down exactly as I laid it out?
Maybe you need to get over your hatred of Bush? Christ, you won two elections, you are the biggest sore winners i have ever seen. Get over the Bush thing already.:eusa_boohoo:

My reality... My life was way better financially during the Bush years, so I have no real problem with him.
He ran on his healthcare plan on BOTH elections and won...TWICE. The Republicans ran on OPPOSING Obamacare with McCain and Romney. They were BOTH soundly rejected. SOUNDLY!

The status quo is not cutting it. The majority of the People wanted MORE, not less involvement in the healthcare situation.

When will you radicals stop lying?

Well, I'm not exactly a radical, yet every indication I get is that people are opposed to Obamacare. Maybe some who oppose Obamacare don't understand it or have heard things about it that aren't true. :dunno:
I'm 100% for healthcare reform, this country can't afford the spiraling costs and neither can the US economy. But forcing people to get insurance ala the mandate goes against my beliefs. This is America, right?
In the 80's the Heritage Foundation pushed the idea of Single Payer and that's the direction I favor even though I think the Heritage Foundation was for it before they were against it. :confused: Ah,,, ideologues.

Do you like freeloaders? Those who don't buy health insurance and get hit by a car get health care - and a bill. But not having insurance means we, the taxpayers, foot the cost for the care of the uninsured for most can't or won't pay for the service they received.
Nice assumption. I am a Libertarian who adheres to neither party. Both are duping the public. If you fall for the rhetoric and really believe the current law is what was really debated, shame on you for falling for it. Calling people liars who disagree with your slanted views only debunks your own points. HUGE FAIL!!!
Where were all you so-called Libertarians during the Bush Regime when you were really needed?!?!

I wonder what will become of you so-called Libertarians whenever the next Republican holds Office? How much you wanna bet that it will be an EXACT repeat of Bush II?

all the fake ones will fall back in line as proud out-of-the-closet Republicans, and all the real ones will be ignored and ridiculed...except it will be much worse the next time around.

How much you wanna bet it will go down exactly as I laid it out?
Maybe you need to get over your hatred of Bush? Christ, you won two elections, you are the biggest sore winners i have ever seen. Get over the Bush thing already.:eusa_boohoo:

My reality... My life was way better financially during the Bush years, so I have no real problem with him.
My life was better financially during the Clinton years and not-so-much during the Bush years.

He's been PROVEN, at this point, beyond the shadow of a doubt, to be an ABYSMAL failure as a US President. The entire world knows that.

I don't hate the man, I hate what he stood for, and I hate his Presidency with a burning passion that will never die. I almost wept when he stole both elections, and I danced like a madman the day he left Office. I hope this country NEVER puts such a Dunce in Office ever again. That was a bad, bad, bad mistake.

BTW, what you're experiencing now as decline in your financial status is the result of the Bush II Regime. Chickens coming home to roost.

The fact that you're so lackadaisical and almost praising of Bush II lets me know that you're one of those fake Republicans, not a true Libertarian by any means whatsoever.

Come out of the closet!
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If I were a House member, I would reject the Senate bill and offer an amendment making it so that Congress cannot be exempt from Obamacare. We'll see how much the dems actually really like Obamacare or if it's all just a political game.

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