Stop pushing climate change and focus on cleaning up the oceans.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
While Liberals like Al Gore bang the climate change drum to fill their pockets, our oceans are turning into a floating garbage dump. It is estimated that 8 million TONS of garbage is dumped into the rivers and oceans every year. Landfills are piling up with plastics that will be there for decades if not hundreds of years.The food industry does not want any restrictions on packaging because it affects their profit. It would be far more productive to focus on cleaning up the oceans and coming up with plastic alternatives than continue pushing the climate change agenda.
How bout clean water drinking water across the globe....think of the money that would save just in disease prevention
Check it out. Another pack of deniers who can't grasp the concept of working on more than one thing at the same time. They can't hold more than one thought in their own heads, so they assume nobody else can do it either.

Normal people, obviously, are not so handicapped, and thus we can work on clean water AND plastic pollution AND global warming.
Check it out. Another pack of deniers who can't grasp the concept of working on more than one thing at the same time. They can't hold more than one thought in their own heads, so they assume nobody else can do it either.

Normal people, obviously, are not so handicapped, and thus we can work on clean water AND plastic pollution AND global warming.

And lets not forget the idiots flushing their CAT litter down the toilet, causing viruses that are deadly to our sea mammals to cause devastating diseases affecting their populations.

Sure people can do more than one thing at a time yet the only thing we hear about is GW being shopped to the world, while the OP has raised a good point. The Ocean is really in a fragile state, even more so now with the Fukushima reactor leak. It would be good to see a little more emphasis. Nothing wrong with the OP here.
And lets not forget the idiots flushing their CAT litter down the toilet, causing viruses that are deadly to our sea mammals to cause devastating diseases affecting their populations.

No intelligent person tosses stuff specifically designed to form clumps into their toilet. Must be a conservative thing.

Sure people can do more than one thing at a time yet the only thing we hear about is GW being shopped to the world,

You mean the only thing _you_ hear about. You need to look at more balanced news, like the liberals do. If you did, you'd hear about all environmental issues, instead of only the ones that your conservative masters want you to hear about.

while the OP has raised a good point. The Ocean is really in a fragile state, even more so now with the Fukushima reactor leak.

Fukushima is entirely irrelevant to ocean health. It never had any significant effect. If you didn't just read conspiracy blogs, you'd know that.
Litter is a drop in the ocean compared to Global Warming. And it doesn't matter at all that a hand full of derps in the US continue to carry the water for the fossil fuel industry. China is already far ahead of everyone else in developing and installing solar power to take fossil fuel plants offline.

Yes pick up litter, in the water and on land. But just as someone picking up litter in a room filled with 100 smokers the litter isn't the real problem. Not by a million miles.
Check it out. Another pack of deniers who can't grasp the concept of working on more than one thing at the same time. They can't hold more than one thought in their own heads, so they assume nobody else can do it either.

Normal people, obviously, are not so handicapped, and thus we can work on clean water AND plastic pollution AND global warming.
Why waste resource on something that is a lie?
Litter is a drop in the ocean compared to Global Warming. And it doesn't matter at all that a hand full of derps in the US continue to carry the water for the fossil fuel industry. China is already far ahead of everyone else in developing and installing solar power to take fossil fuel plants offline.

Yes pick up litter, in the water and on land. But just as someone picking up litter in a room filled with 100 smokers the litter isn't the real problem. Not by a million miles.
Wow, you can be so uninformed.

You might have plastic in your blood stream affecting your health, and you think it is a matter of a little bit of litter?

Seriously? :bang3:

In all seriousness, if you had done your due dilligence research, you would realize that the Milky Way Galaxy is currently in the process of colliding with another galaxy. On top of that, over 94% of all star systems are binary, and those that aren't, surely have a shit load of extra mass that off set the star that form, meaning, a lot of matter counter balancing that star. IOW, there is a lot of matter out in the Oort cloud that counter our sun. Do you even know what causes the Periodic mass extinctions in our Earth history, or punctuated evolution? Do you have any idea the cosmic forces that cause pole shifts?

I can't believe you are so intellectually dull as to fall for corporate/government propaganda to believe climate change is caused by CO2. Seriously.

OTH, we are staring at the disaster of microplastics in the water and in the food we eat, we KNOW this is a catastrophe in the making. . . .

Microplastics in the sea a growing threat to human health, United Nations warns
More than a quarter of fish in markets in Indonesia and California contain plastic particles

The growing threat from plastic pollution to human health
Check it out. Another pack of deniers who can't grasp the concept of working on more than one thing at the same time. They can't hold more than one thought in their own heads, so they assume nobody else can do it either.

Normal people, obviously, are not so handicapped, and thus we can work on clean water AND plastic pollution AND global warming.

Like I always say.........costs don't matter to progressives. Its fascinating. Like all of their shit........they believe there is this endless supply of money and we just have to tax the rich to make everything hunkey dorey. How do people miss the memo on this?:ack-1:

Thankfully, the last election showed that most of the people are not confused about costs........they of course, live outside the bubble.:2up:

We have mental cases..............and people who are not mental cases.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

We have this guy MAMOOTH here who calls climate skeptics a "cult" but he's part of a fringe political ideology known as a progressive = less than 20% of the population. Politically, climate alarmists are getting their nut sacks kicked in. People who are mental cases cannot connect the dots on simple stuff with thought processing. This guy cant even understand the concept of what a bell curve illustrates!!:spinner:
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Litter is a drop in the ocean compared to Global Warming. And it doesn't matter at all that a hand full of derps in the US continue to carry the water for the fossil fuel industry. China is already far ahead of everyone else in developing and installing solar power to take fossil fuel plants offline.

Yes pick up litter, in the water and on land. But just as someone picking up litter in a room filled with 100 smokers the litter isn't the real problem. Not by a million miles.
Wow, you can be so uninformed.

You might have plastic in your blood stream affecting your health, and you think it is a matter of a little bit of litter?

Seriously? :bang3:

In all seriousness, if you had done your due dilligence research, you would realize that the Milky Way Galaxy is currently in the process of colliding with another galaxy. On top of that, over 94% of all star systems are binary, and those that aren't, surely have a shit load of extra mass that off set the star that form, meaning, a lot of matter counter balancing that star. IOW, there is a lot of matter out in the Oort cloud that counter our sun. Do you even know what causes the Periodic mass extinctions in our Earth history, or punctuated evolution? Do you have any idea the cosmic forces that cause pole shifts?

I can't believe you are so intellectually dull as to fall for corporate/government propaganda to believe climate change is caused by CO2. Seriously.

OTH, we are staring at the disaster of microplastics in the water and in the food we eat, we KNOW this is a catastrophe in the making. . . .

Microplastics in the sea a growing threat to human health, United Nations warns
More than a quarter of fish in markets in Indonesia and California contain plastic particles

The growing threat from plastic pollution to human health

Your tinfoil hat awaits. Holly shit.
While Liberals like Al Gore bang the climate change drum to fill their pockets, our oceans are turning into a floating garbage dump. It is estimated that 8 million TONS of garbage is dumped into the rivers and oceans every year. Landfills are piling up with plastics that will be there for decades if not hundreds of years.The food industry does not want any restrictions on packaging because it affects their profit. It would be far more productive to focus on cleaning up the oceans and coming up with plastic alternatives than continue pushing the climate change agenda.

Nothing is going to happen insofar as any real effort to clean up the environment so long as the climate change scam is sucking all the air out of the room and all the treasure out of the coffers.
Litter is a drop in the ocean compared to Global Warming. And it doesn't matter at all that a hand full of derps in the US continue to carry the water for the fossil fuel industry. China is already far ahead of everyone else in developing and installing solar power to take fossil fuel plants offline.

Yes pick up litter, in the water and on land. But just as someone picking up litter in a room filled with 100 smokers the litter isn't the real problem. Not by a million miles.

Man made global warming is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on humanity...but hey, show me that I am me a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability....just one. Can you do it? I bet not.
While Liberals like Al Gore bang the climate change drum to fill their pockets, our oceans are turning into a floating garbage dump. It is estimated that 8 million TONS of garbage is dumped into the rivers and oceans every year. Landfills are piling up with plastics that will be there for decades if not hundreds of years.The food industry does not want any restrictions on packaging because it affects their profit. It would be far more productive to focus on cleaning up the oceans and coming up with plastic alternatives than continue pushing the climate change agenda.

Are you afraid it's possible man's output can be the cause of Climate Change?
Or you know it is real, but you can't rationalize others (the living), not any types of 1 - 600+ gods can make/ destroy the earth only. But we can very slowly do this as well? And you are even more afraid of it being true? One thing is very clear, man's output of pollution and cutting down the forest is and are changing the environment. They're 7.5+ billion people now. Needing unnaturally available supplies. This has a YUGE impact on the environment. Which does impact the lessor neutral changes that are slowly generated by the earth, on its own!
These (7.5B+) are adding YUGE positive amounts of NEGATIVE outputs on the earth's ECO systems. Accelerating us to what they call in science (here's that Dirty WORD) that's not the ice ages.

Are you afraid of real man/women (some 7B+) are more powerful than fake gods? Is the issue?

Btw. Note the Yuge growth of humans, in a very short period.


The main things that will stop this growth are wars, lack of food, and the Ozone is mostly gone, killing everything.
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Litter is a drop in the ocean compared to Global Warming. And it doesn't matter at all that a hand full of derps in the US continue to carry the water for the fossil fuel industry. China is already far ahead of everyone else in developing and installing solar power to take fossil fuel plants offline.

Yes pick up litter, in the water and on land. But just as someone picking up litter in a room filled with 100 smokers the litter isn't the real problem. Not by a million miles.

Man made global warming is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on humanity...but hey, show me that I am me a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability....just one. Can you do it? I bet not.


The mountain of evidence is well known and available in countless places for anyone that wants to understand it.

For those who think it too scary to believe no amount of evidence is enough. So you simply choose your own route.
The mountain of evidence is well known and available in countless places for anyone that wants to understand it.

Sure it is...which is why neither you, nor any other warmer has been able to produce that single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting AGW over natural variability in the 20 plus years that I have been asking.

The fact is that if such data existed, you wouldn't be able to escape would be everywhere...

For those who think it too scary to believe no amount of evidence is enough. So you simply choose your own route.

The amount I asked for was a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability. I am not asking for proof...I am not asking for an overwhelming amount of evidence...I am asking for a single piece and you can't even provide that; nor will you....not to worry one can because no such evidence exists.
The mountain of evidence is well known and available in countless places for anyone that wants to understand it.

Sure it is...which is why neither you, nor any other warmer has been able to produce that single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting AGW over natural variability in the 20 plus years that I have been asking.

The fact is that if such data existed, you wouldn't be able to escape would be everywhere...

For those who think it too scary to believe no amount of evidence is enough. So you simply choose your own route.

The amount I asked for was a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability. I am not asking for proof...I am not asking for an overwhelming amount of evidence...I am asking for a single piece and you can't even provide that...not to worry one can because no such evidence exists.

No amount of evidence will change your OPINION. Ten thousand PH.D's to you are just some nonsense to be ignored.

The problem isn't with them, it's you. If ten thousand medical doctors agreed on a diagnosis and cure you wouldn't question them once. PH.D's are doctors in fields other than medicine.

You really don't know how ridiculous you sound contradicting the world's PH.D's? Really? I quit discussing this with people that refuse to acknowledge reality a while ago. It's a waste of my time. Believe in a Flat Earth, that is as valid as any other nonsense you espouse. Now run along.
Fox News actually acknowledged that climate change is real
A funny thing happened just before Trump’s climate speech yesterday.
But on Thursday, just a few minutes before President Donald Trump’s announcement that the United States would back out of a major international climate agreement, Fox did something startling and utterly off brand.

Viewers tuning in to watch the president’s speech saw anchor Shepard Smith lecturing them that climate change was not, in fact, a hoax:

Climate change is real and our activities do contribute to it.

As the New York Times reports today, scientific studies show if the world's carbon emissions continue unchecked, atmospheric temperatures will continue to rise. The planet will not just be hotter but also suffer from rising sea levels, more powerful storms, droughts that lead to food shortages and extreme conditions.

Supporters of the accord argue it's the right thing to do for the environment, and for people — future generations.

On the matter of climate change, Smith has been one of the few dissenting voices at Fox News. In 2014, he stirred up a
minor controversy
when he declared, on air: “Climate change — it is real. The science is true.”
Fox News actually acknowledged that climate change is real

:happy-1:Really, see the video at that link above.. He said these things!

Here's another link to more, after.
No amount of evidence will change your OPINION. Ten thousand PH.D's to you are just some nonsense to be ignored.

So now you are just dodging...I ask for a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports AGW over natural variability....and you can't produce it. So now you are going to build a whole logical fallacy blaming your inability to produce that single shred of evidence on me.

The problem isn't with them, it's you. If ten thousand medical doctors agreed on a diagnosis and cure you wouldn't question them once. PH.D's are doctors in fields other than medicine.

No..the problem is that there is not a single shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports AGW over natural variability.

But speaking of doctors and diagnoses and cures...I was diagnosed some decades back with stomach ulcers...and was told that they were due to stress and was prescribed a "cure" the time, practically every MD on earth would have agreed that my ulcer was due to stress and the "cure" prescribed was as good as medicine could do. I told my doc that stress was not the issue and his cure which was aimed at alleviating stress would not do my ulcer any good at all.

Now some decades later, it turns out that my ulcer and everyone else's ulcers were not due to stress...they were due to gut bacteria....had I asked my doctor at the time for a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data supporting his claim that my ulcer was due to stress, he couldn't have produced it...he might have given me some line about consensus, or some other such pseudoscientific nonsense, but he could produce any real evidence to support his diagnosis, or his remedy.

Science isn't infallible...they get more wrong than they get right.

So again..I am asking for a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports AGW over natural variability...and you can't produce it...not even one single piece.

You really don't know how ridiculous you sound contradicting the world's PH.D's? Really?

I am asking for a single shred of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...You can't produce ridiculous are you for claiming that they must be right when no evidence exists that supports their claims?

And it isn't that unusual to be right while standing against the world's PhD's...cholesterol, salt, coffee, artificial sweeteners, quasi crystals, consumption of natural fats vs polyunsaturated fats...and on and on and on in practically every field....and if the field is relatively new, as is the case with climate science, the consensus is damned near always your history.

I quit discussing this with people that refuse to acknowledge reality a while ago.

I can't say that I blame you...I mean when people start asking for just one piece of observed, measured, quantified that supports one hypothesis over another, what is the world coming to....hell, you can't talk to people who want a tidbit of actual evidence...especially when there is none...what other option do you have? You can A) stop talking to them and tell yourself that they are just not worth talking to, or B) continue talking and trying to explain why you can't produce even one single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports AGW over natural variability..and that just makes you look like a stupid dupe who believes anything he is told. Running away would seem to be your best bet if you want to hold on to your present point of view.

It's a waste of my time. Believe in a Flat Earth, that is as valid as any other nonsense you espouse. Now run along.

I am afraid that it will be you who runs along...tail tucked firmly between your legs...because I will keep asking for that bit of data and you will never be able to produce it because it doesn't exist...

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