Stop ridiculing Single Payer HC insurance...and think on your own

How deep is your hatred for your fellow man when you advocate a socialized health care sysyem where people wait a year to see a doctor?
How is it non sequitur?

ACA forces employers to subsidize health care. You're arguing we should make it so employers don't have to do so. Eliminating ACA would accomplish what you claim to want.

So, fuckhead....BEFORE ACA employers did NOT subsidize HC insurance for their employees???

Who turns on your "puter for you...certainly you're not smart enough to do it yourself.
How is it non sequitur?

ACA forces employers to subsidize health care. You're arguing we should make it so employers don't have to do so. Eliminating ACA would accomplish what you claim to want.

So, fuckhead....BEFORE ACA employers did NOT subsidize HC insurance for their employees???

Who turns on your "puter for you...certainly you're not smart enough to do it yourself.

Before ACA no employer was forced to subsidize any health care. Some chose to give their employees that benefit in compensation for their labor.

I know this idea of free will is difficult for you for some reason.

Any employer with 50 employees or more before ACA worth a grain of salt provided group insurance. I guess depending on what state you are in the employer also always had to pay at 50% of the premium for the employee only. Again different states may differ.

After ACA employer's under 50 were not required to carry group health.

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