Stop the bs..This is about gender and NOT the 2nd amend!

The nancy boys should try taking testosterone. Maybe they'd actually grow a pair.

But their parents, teachers, and peers will encourage them to lop off bits and take estrogen so they can 'life their life'.

What a load of utter and total horseshit.
Stop the bs..This is about gender and NOT the 2nd amend!

One Undeniable Factor In Gun Violence: Men

Of the 12,996 murder victims in 2010 for which supplemental data were received, most (77.4 percent) were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)
Expanded Homicide Data
  • In 2015, most (78.8 percent) of the 13,455 murder victims for whom supplemental data were received were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)

We teach our sons to be mucho and this turns into the thinking that roughing up or killing people is cool. This is sick and we need to stop teaching our sons to be mucho!!!! It is bad for our nation. As the data above suggest about 80% of all killings in this country are done by men because we spout bs about how it is cool to be tough, violent and nasty through out his life.

Time to raise our sons the same way we raise our daughters. Want to save thousands of lives per year? Do you think it is worth it???? Maybe instead of banning guns we should teach our sons to value life and maybe some femininity.

Wrong....we have had guns in private hands all through our history, it wasn't until fairly recently that we had mass public shootings the way we have had them.......and violent crime has plagued some areas of our country more than others since the founding....

The current problem..isn't is males raised by single teenage mothers without men who are their fathers teaching them how to be adult men. that is the difference. And this isn't just our the book "Life at the Bottom" and you will see that Britain is about to experience what we experienced starting in the 1960s when crime began to sky rocket here.....

If you want to save lives...encourage 3 things.....

1) encourage all children to graduate from high school

2) encourage all children to not get criminal records.

3) encourage all children not to have children until they are married.

this will eliminate most of our problems.....especially ending the single teenage mother raising young males in an environment without fathers........

It isn't is young males who are raised without fathers.....
Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and October 2017, by shooter's gender

Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by gender 2017 | Statistic

Because hell, men need to be tough and shit!!! Most of this wouldn't happen if we taught them just like our daughters. Prove me wrong.

No, teach them how to be men. Right now, the males are being raised by single teenage girls...and it is leading to more violence in small areas or our inner cities....
Stop the bs..This is about gender and NOT the 2nd amend!

One Undeniable Factor In Gun Violence: Men

Of the 12,996 murder victims in 2010 for which supplemental data were received, most (77.4 percent) were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)
Expanded Homicide Data
  • In 2015, most (78.8 percent) of the 13,455 murder victims for whom supplemental data were received were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)

We teach our sons to be mucho and this turns into the thinking that roughing up or killing people is cool. This is sick and we need to stop teaching our sons to be mucho!!!! It is bad for our nation. As the data above suggest about 80% of all killings in this country are done by men because we spout bs about how it is cool to be tough, violent and nasty through out his life.

Time to raise our sons the same way we raise our daughters. Want to save thousands of lives per year? Do you think it is worth it???? Maybe instead of banning guns we should teach our sons to value life and maybe some femininity.

How about teaching due process and conflict resolution? Killing, issuing judgment or punishment and taking authority of law and justice into one's own hands requires bypassing or overriding any sense that the other person's deserve due process before being deprived of life or liberty.

If people want due process and protections for themselves, doesn't the Golden Rule teach that we should respect due process for others?

Science Rocks
Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and October 2017, by shooter's gender

Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by gender 2017 | Statistic

Because hell, men need to be tough and shit!!! Most of this wouldn't happen if we taught them just like our daughters. Prove me wrong.

Seriously, why do you subject yourself to this? Raise boys like girls? Have you ever had kids? Do you wish your dad had raised you to sit down to pee, is there something missing in your life? Because I care, I’ll just say it- come out of the closet, be the woman you have always wanted to be, let the inner woman out. It’s ok, most of us will have no issue with it, just own it girl.

He hasn't even reached puberty yet!
Stop the bs..This is about gender and NOT the 2nd amend!

One Undeniable Factor In Gun Violence: Men

Of the 12,996 murder victims in 2010 for which supplemental data were received, most (77.4 percent) were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)
Expanded Homicide Data
  • In 2015, most (78.8 percent) of the 13,455 murder victims for whom supplemental data were received were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)

We teach our sons to be mucho and this turns into the thinking that roughing up or killing people is cool. This is sick and we need to stop teaching our sons to be mucho!!!! It is bad for our nation. As the data above suggest about 80% of all killings in this country are done by men because we spout bs about how it is cool to be tough, violent and nasty through out his life.

Time to raise our sons the same way we raise our daughters. Want to save thousands of lives per year? Do you think it is worth it???? Maybe instead of banning guns we should teach our sons to value life and maybe some femininity.

Yeah. Women just strangle or drown their kids.

Did we forget about my body my choice? Since when did liberal women all of a sudden value life? You’ve got to be kidding me. You want to compare statistics?

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