Stop the illegal settlements!

Israel won the Golan Heights from Syria, Gaza from Egypt and the West Bank from Jordan during the 1967

How do you define "won"?

Does that mean if I find out where you reside and I kick in your front door and shoot you that I get to keep your house?


Crossing the line, asshole. I meant what I said to you in that rep the other day and I hope you take pictures.

Crossing what line asshole? Isn't that exactly what the jews did? They murdered civilians and stole thier property. Or are you suggesting that all that land was housing soldiers?

PS.. If anyone is crossing a line it is you bringing up your slur on a member of my family. Do you want to ask Gunny how that plays? I'll give ya a couple of hours to think it over then I'll bring it to his attention if you have not edited that crap out.

Two words: GO FUCK YOURSELF MOTHERFUCKER. Oh and make sure they're black and white photos.
If a foreign country had told the European countries to stop the illegal settlements during the 1500s, 1600s and 1700s of Native American Indian land, they would've been laughed at. Not once has America issued an apology to the Native Americans for wiping out 90% of their land through genocide and war. This country was founded through illegal settlements called COLONIES. And now America wants to tell Israel to stop doing the very same thing that the Europeans did a few hundred years ago?

I guess it's okay for the Christians to do it, but not the Jews, eh?

So you OPENLY are calling for the same treatment of Arabs as the Native Indians in the US during our colonization of the Country? And you wonder why we ALL think you are loony tunes?

What? What the fuck are you talking about? I was citing an example of how America was founded and what it did to its native culture. I haven't said a word about how to treat the Arabs.

If Israel must stop its settlements and return them to the Arabs, then America must stop its settlements and return them to the Native American Indians.

Or more to the point, when will the arab muslims living outside the arabian peninsula return their stolen land, to the Berbers in Africa, for instance?
And Israel is growing through illegal colonies called SETTLEMENTS.

They're not illegal if Israel owns the land - which it does! Again, Israel won the land during the 1967 war. Since when is owning land that you win from a war illegal??

Does Israel own the land? Or do they govern it?

Does the United States own your land?

Much of the land in question is owned by individual Palestinians.

So while Israel may lay claim to govern that land, they do not own it. And any action to remove a Palestinian from land that they own in order to settle that land with Israelis, is illegal.

Please explain how an individual "palestinian," whatever that is - can "own" land in the WB, when the UN recognizes the territory as "disputed"? Since Israel is the governing authority in the WB - and is held responsible for providing the people living there with things like water, electricity, etc., only it can duly recognize ownership rights to property.
In your badly flawed 'analysis' you're missing an important historical development - the creation of United Nations, International Law, etc. Every country that joined the UN has willingly given up a part of its sovereignty to UN and international laws (theoretically). According to the international law, a country cannot just keep somebody else's territory. Therefore, what Israel did, is illegal. You can't apply the same to 1500s or 1600s or whenever... it just simply doesn't work that way - no matter how hard you wish it to do so.

UN gave Israel existence, Israeli leaders should have enough humility and respect to follow international law if nothing else...

How dare you. You should be happy you even got a chance to build your little country and not agitate for more. Honestly, in my mind it's as if somebody handed me a cake and I started screaming on the top of my lungs how dare they not put some goddamn chocolate sprinkles on it. But I know - your Israeli leaders have repeated over and over that they consider Palestinians to be just cockroaches, dogs, etc. What else can be then expected of you if you choose to blatantly and shamelessly ignore it.

So where is your anger against the arabs who attacked israel in 1948, and have done so multiple times in violation of the UN's creation of israel?
For the time being, the State of Israel is being tolerated. This will not last forever I can assure you. If the State of Israel will not control it's brats, someone else will.

Tolerated? Do me a favor, let a complete stranger into your home who takes all your food, uses all your electricity, doesn't pay for a thing and keeps taking up more and more space in your home. Then tell me when you want to kick the guy out that YOU'RE being tolerated, asshole.

So you CAN empathize with the Pali struggle since the creation of israel!

You know, a bunch of jewish strangers who came in, took all the food, uses all the electricity, doesn't pay for shit outside of herding the natives behind an aparthied wall and KEEPS taking up more and MORe canaanized land?

shit, dave.. you are ironic and dont even know it.
If a foreign country had told the European countries to stop the illegal settlements during the 1500s, 1600s and 1700s of Native American Indian land, they would've been laughed at. Not once has America issued an apology to the Native Americans for wiping out 90% of their land through genocide and war. This country was founded through illegal settlements called COLONIES. And now America wants to tell Israel to stop doing the very same thing that the Europeans did a few hundred years ago?

I guess it's okay for the Christians to do it, but not the Jews, eh?

Fact: Israel won the Golan Heights from Syria, Gaza from Egypt and the West Bank from Jordan during the 1967 war. While we're in negotiations with Syria to give back part of the Golan Heights, neither Egypt nor Syria are interested in the respected lands they used to control. Therefore, the land belongs to Israel and is Israel's to do whatever the fuck it wants to do with it.

Look at the borders of Poland before the Soviet Union took it:


Look at Poland today


Much bigger! Where are the calls to return land to Germany that Poland stole??

Just don't ask us for help then. Go for it!! But don't cry when Iran calls for the death of Israel or when they lob mortars into your territories.

So now we see the truth from Israel though. Thanks Dave. They are bullying the Palistinians like we did the Indians.

And it is funny on USMB to see my liberal friends toe the line just like Liebermann when it comes to middle eastern policies.
They're not illegal if Israel owns the land - which it does! Again, Israel won the land during the 1967 war. Since when is owning land that you win from a war illegal??

Does Israel own the land? Or do they govern it?

Does the United States own your land?

Much of the land in question is owned by individual Palestinians.

So while Israel may lay claim to govern that land, they do not own it. And any action to remove a Palestinian from land that they own in order to settle that land with Israelis, is illegal.

Please explain how an individual "palestinian," whatever that is - can "own" land in the WB, when the UN recognizes the territory as "disputed"? Since Israel is the governing authority in the WB - and is held responsible for providing the people living there with things like water, electricity, etc., only it can duly recognize ownership rights to property.

You are clearly one sided on this issue. Let me guess, you are jewish?

PS. Are you a Republican or a Liebermann Democrat?

Is there one jewish person that sees Palistines position on this?

If the jewish people can not empathize or see the other side, that makes a world of difference.

And people wonder why we got attacked on 9-11 when we side with Isreal? Even when they are wrong?

Countries like England/France/USA haven't take over countries for 100 years. Ok, Iraq is one, but that shit isn't supposed to happen anymore. England has given up how many of their little territories over the years?

Didn't we just give back Taiwan to China? We turned it Capitalist and now Communist china owns it?

It isn't sensable to say, "look what American did to the indians in the 1700's. Today is 2009. We have a UN. We just don't do this kind of stuff anymore.

But I'm glad to see Jewish people are being honest here.

Last week Jillian and a few others were acting like they were doing no wrong and it was all the Palistinians fault.
You know, a bunch of jewish strangers who came in, took all the food, uses all the electricity, doesn't pay for shit outside of herding the natives behind an aparthied wall and KEEPS taking up more and MORe canaanized land?

You've REALLY bought the arab propaganda nonsense by hook, line and sinker.

Its more like jews moved into the neighborhood, arabs didn't like it, so they started klan-like pogroms, until the jews fought back. The arabs didn't like that they started getting their asses kicked, and realized after several major conflicts that they were not going to be able to beat up/kill all of the jews, so they tried to win friends from other neighborhoods who might be sympathetic to their (false) cause.

I have never been explained to intelligently why arab muslims can move anywhere in the world en masse, but jews and other minorities cannot.
You know, a bunch of jewish strangers who came in, took all the food, uses all the electricity, doesn't pay for shit outside of herding the natives behind an aparthied wall and KEEPS taking up more and MORe canaanized land?

You've REALLY bought the arab propaganda nonsense by hook, line and sinker.

Its more like jews moved into the neighborhood, arabs didn't like it, so they started klan-like pogroms, until the jews fought back. The arabs didn't like that they started getting their asses kicked, and realized after several major conflicts that they were not going to be able to beat up/kill all of the jews, so they tried to win friends from other neighborhoods who might be sympathetic to their (false) cause.

I have never been explained to intelligently why arab muslims can move anywhere in the world en masse, but jews and other minorities cannot.

Please, tell me more about propaganda, zionist! :thup:

No, given how israel was, in fact, carved from a land that had been populated by arabs Jews didn't exactly "just move into the neighborhood" so much as take the spoils of a civilian population that was marginalized so that Europe could feel better about ww2. Indeed, Native Americans didn't like it either. Look how that turned out. Neither did indigenous South Africans... WHOOPSY!

And, let's not talk about who was afraid of getting their asses kicked while your pet nation hides behind the pant leg of the US, ok lil guy?

And, PLEASE, tell me another joke about the, apparent, non-freedom of jews! :rofl: I mean, there is ONLY a jewish population in damn near every fucking nation wealthy enough to attract their attention! Yea, dude.. I look at Miami and New York and nothing screams poor jew quite like their giant population in THIS nation where you enjoy more equality than you are willing to allow palis in israel. You poor, POOR thing you.

You are clearly one sided on this issue. Let me guess, you are jewish? [/quote

No, but nice try to label, as if it mattered...

PS. Are you a Republican or a Liebermann Democrat?

Why is this relevent?

Is there one jewish person that sees Palistines position on this?

Position as to what?

If the jewish people can not empathize or see the other side, that makes a world of difference.

This line is hilarious. If the jews had reacted like arabs, russians, americans, or any other group of people after being massacred and attacked over and over like they have been, there would be no living arabs within 1,000 miles of Jerusalem.

And people wonder why we got attacked on 9-11 when we side with Isreal? Even when they are wrong?

Please tell me you are smarter than to believe 9-11 occurred because of US support for israel...

Countries like England/France/USA haven't take over countries for 100 years.

I guess you never heard of france's adventures in the ivory coast recently, or in algeria in the 1960s, or russia in chechnya, georgia,...etc.

Ok, Iraq is one, but that shit isn't supposed to happen anymore. England has given up how many of their little territories over the years?

And had a war with Argentina in the Falklands 25 years ago...

Didn't we just give back Taiwan to China? We turned it Capitalist and now Communist china owns it?

You must be thinking of Hong Kong...

Last week Jillian and a few others were acting like they were doing no wrong and it was all the Palistinians fault.

If you stopped buying the crap fed to you by arab propagandists, 95% of the middle east issues are the arab muslims' fault, NOT israel's.
If you stopped buying the crap fed to you by arab propagandists, 95% of the middle east issues are the arab muslims' fault, NOT israel's.

oh well we haven't heard anything like THAT from a racist apologist, eh Lieberman?


I tellya! Let's get another burning bush to legitimize the modern Canaanization of the mid east!

Please, tell me more about propaganda, zionist! :thup:

Your tone and attitude don't work well for you, you sound like a racist piece of trash from, and i am not sure what point there is to even lowering myself to respond to you...

No, given how israel was, in fact, carved from a land that had been populated by arabs

The UN split the land between arabs and jews, but as they do everywhere else in the world, arab muslims will not tolerate the sovereignty of non-muslims or their rights in the middle east, so they rejected the partition plan.

Jews didn't exactly "just move into the neighborhood" so much as take the spoils of a civilian population that was marginalized so that Europe could feel better about ww2.

You are fucking hilarious. Most of the WB/Gaza arabs today moved there from Syria, Egypt and Jordan. Deal with the facts, or ignore them at your peril.

And, let's not talk about who was afraid of getting their asses kicked while your pet nation hides behind the pant leg of the US, ok lil guy?

FYI, NOT ONE US SOLDIER has ever fought on behalf of israel, while both british and USSR troops and pilots have actively fought in wars on behalf of the arabs. It wasn't until 1973 that the US was even providing aid to Israel sweetie, so you need to buck up on your facts, ok honey?

And, PLEASE, tell me another joke about the, apparent, non-freedom of jews!

Such as their inability to vote or own land in the arab muslim middle east? Ever been there? Doubt it....

I mean, there is ONLY a jewish population in damn near every fucking nation wealthy enough to attract their attention! Yea, dude.. I look at Miami and New York and nothing screams poor jew quite like their giant population in THIS nation where you enjoy more equality than you are willing to allow palis in israel. You poor, POOR thing you.

Not sure what point you are trying to make, if there is one, but arab muslim israeli citizens have more rights in israel than they do in any of the 22 arab muslim nations. Certainly more than jews or christians do in any of the 22.

But then, an educated person with more than a 3rd-grade education arguing about the middle east would already know that, right?

Your tone and attitude don't work well for you, you sound like a racist piece of trash from, and i am not sure what point there is to even lowering myself to respond to you...

and, you sound like just another I-mossad crusader wannabe out trying to Cubanize the interwebs AIPAC-style. Don't throw stones unless you want them flying back at you, lil guy.

The UN split the land between arabs and jews, but as they do everywhere else in the world, arab muslims will not tolerate the sovereignty of non-muslims or their rights in the middle east, so they rejected the partition plan.

I'm fully aware of what the UN did. Regardless, it's not judtifyable to partition pali land for the sake of Euro ww2 guilt and the modern canaanization of jewish racism. Indeed, perhaps you should try not making the make or beark criteria of israel so JEWISH and enjoy the peace that comes from validating the isreali ****** class. You know, like what happened here in the US after we stopped insisting that this was a nation primarily for CAUCASIANS. But, hey.. you cry about encroachment just like every southern racism that cried about desegregation so...

You are fucking hilarious. Most of the WB/Gaza arabs today moved there from Syria, Egypt and Jordan. Deal with the facts, or ignore them at your peril.

Yea, lands that were put upon by a mass of refugees because of nothing less than the jewish trail of tears. Hell, who knew Andrew Jackson was a hebrew name!

FYI, NOT ONE US SOLDIER has ever fought on behalf of israel, while both british and USSR troops and pilots have actively fought in wars on behalf of the arabs. It wasn't until 1973 that the US was even providing aid to Israel sweetie, so you need to buck up on your facts, ok honey?

Yea dude.. you tell that to the men and women who died fighting nazis to get your pussy ass out of the concentration camps. YOU tell that to your zionist buddies who are BRAVE while trying to get the US to handle Iran for you. Lord fucking knows a jew has never died in the place of some dogma junkie goyim whose blood runs faster than his self preservation.

Such as their inability to vote or own land in the arab muslim middle east? Ever been there? Doubt it....

Funny, Iranian jews told you to go suck a dick.. It's funny how you totally avoid the FACT of every nation on the globe infested by jews...

Not sure what point you are trying to make, if there is one, but arab muslim israeli citizens have more rights in israel than they do in any of the 22 arab muslim nations. Certainly more than jews or christians do in any of the 22.

"having more" doesn't equate equality. Funny how you run like a bitch from the fact of your jewish equality here in the US despite that which you would never allow in isreal, eh? Maybe we here in the US should start treating jews like jews treat palies in isreal, eh buddy? I bet you wouldn't like that one lil bit, would you.

But then, an educated person with more than a 3rd-grade education arguing about the middle east would already know that, right?

Apparently not since you are, by no means, an expert on anyting outside of jewing up history to fit your nazi-like agenda.
Your tone and attitude don't work well for you, you sound like a racist piece of trash from, and i am not sure what point there is to even lowering myself to respond to you...

Few of us do, honestly, but the price of not doing so is allowing him to be so deluded as to believe that he's somehow "won." For the record, I'm in general agreement with him in condemning the Israeli government, but the abrasive and obnoxious nature of his presentation would turn anyone off to his posts, yes.
You are clearly one sided on this issue. Let me guess, you are jewish? [/quote

Please tell me you are smarter than to believe 9-11 occurred because of US support for israel..

If you stopped buying the crap fed to you by arab propagandists, 95% of the middle east issues are the arab muslims' fault, NOT israel's.

I absolutely believe that our friendship with Israel is ONE reason why 9-11 happened. Or at least if you asked an arab, that would be one of their reasons. I'm not justifying. I'm just saying.

Why do you think 9-11 happened? Do you think it was just one thing or multiple things? You dont' actually believe it is because they "hate our freedom", do you? That was just Bush bullshit. They may hate our freedoms/sinful ways, but thats not the only or main reason.

I typically hear Israel's side actually. But quite honestly, we're getting sick of it. We don't care anymore. Give them a piece of land and if they still bomb you, fuck em up and take it back. Say, "see, we tried". But damn if it doesn't seem like you guys like the conflicts.

I'm not saying you guys are 100% wrong. You are probably more right than wrong. But you simply must bend a little. Or, seperate!!!

If you were a married couple, we'd tell you to get a fucking divorce!! :lol:

I know the arabs are crazy, so what the fuck are you taking their land for and trying to "live with them". Are they your second class citizens? Like we have illegals immigrants, is this were you get your cheap labor?
Your tone and attitude don't work well for you, you sound like a racist piece of trash from, and i am not sure what point there is to even lowering myself to respond to you...

Few of us do, honestly, but the price of not doing so is allowing him to be so deluded as to believe that he's somehow "won." For the record, I'm in general agreement with him in condemning the Israeli government, but the abrasive and obnoxious nature of his presentation would turn anyone off to his posts, yes.

Is Rhodescholar a Jew?
For the time being, the State of Israel is being tolerated. This will not last forever I can assure you. If the State of Israel will not control it's brats, someone else will.

Tolerated? Do me a favor, let a complete stranger into your home who takes all your food, uses all your electricity, doesn't pay for a thing and keeps taking up more and more space in your home. Then tell me when you want to kick the guy out that YOU'RE being tolerated, asshole.

So you CAN empathize with the Pali struggle since the creation of israel!

You know, a bunch of jewish strangers who came in, took all the food, uses all the electricity, doesn't pay for shit outside of herding the natives behind an aparthied wall and KEEPS taking up more and MORe canaanized land?

shit, dave.. you are ironic and dont even know it.

You're SO funny! The Jews lived in Israel thousands of years before the word "Palestinia" ever existed. The Jews lived in Israel thousands of years before the Roman Empire existed. The Jews lived in Israel thousands of years before Islam existed.

And you somehow think that the Jews should give up their land of thousands of years to Muslims who have lived there for dozens?

#1 - Syrinia-Palestinia Provincia didn't exist until the 1700 years ago when it was ruled by ITALIANS.
#2 - Arab Muslims did not rule over Israel until 1300 years ago
#3 - Arab Muslims lost rule over Israel 1000 years ago
#3 - The first mention of land of Israel came about 3500 years ago. The first Kingdom of Israel that united the twelve tribes came bout 3000 years ago.

Do the math.
Your tone and attitude don't work well for you, you sound like a racist piece of trash from, and i am not sure what point there is to even lowering myself to respond to you...

Few of us do, honestly, but the price of not doing so is allowing him to be so deluded as to believe that he's somehow "won." For the record, I'm in general agreement with him in condemning the Israeli government, but the abrasive and obnoxious nature of his presentation would turn anyone off to his posts, yes.


when did you become a spokesman for USMB, pedobear? :rofl:

go tell it to your next 12 year old victim, sicko.

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