Stop with your BS Vaccine threads


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Dana7360 Mac1958 JimH52

Stop conflating those who never had the virus or the vaccine to those who had the virus and are waiting for more data to get the vaccine. You are sick, evil and dishonest people.
Dana7360 Mac1958 JimH52

Stop conflating those who never had the virus or the vaccine to those who had the virus and are waiting for more data to get the vaccine. You are sick, evil and dishonest people.

They are terrified of this bug.
Tbh I'd ban all vaccine chat if it was upto me.

Conspiracies and bullshit from folk on each side of the debate and no good ever comes of it.

If you want a vaccine and think it will protect you then take it and get the benefits that go with it.
If you're unsure and worried about long-term health implications that you think haven't been considered then don't take it and take your chances.

No sweat either way. It's the bullshit that makes my head thump.
Dana7360 Mac1958 JimH52

Stop conflating those who never had the virus or the vaccine to those who had the virus and are waiting for more data to get the vaccine. You are sick, evil and dishonest people.

One more interesting piece of research points to the fact that those who have had covid probably have immunity well beyond that offered by vaccines:

"The findings, published May 24 in the journal Nature, suggest that mild cases of COVID-19 leave those infected with lasting antibody protection and that repeated bouts of illness are likely to be uncommon."

An article definitely worth reading.

They are terrified of this bug.
What terror? An outsider's sees terror, while an individual who has had both just sees it as a reasonable precaution, more likely to help than hurt, as they go on about their normal lifestyle.
I got mine.
What terror? An outsider's sees terror, while an individual who has had both just sees it as a reasonable precaution, more likely to help than hurt, as they go on about their normal lifestyle.
I got mine.

The terror is revealed in the desire to shame those who don't take it. If you have had your shots then you have no reason to fear being around those who haven't.
The more hate, shame and demonization they push for those who are hesitant, which is NOT anti vaxx BTW, the more wary and hesitant I become.
They are horrible spokespersons for big Pharma and should just shut the hell up.
They are not helping their cause.
What terror? An outsider's sees terror, while an individual who has had both just sees it as a reasonable precaution, more likely to help than hurt, as they go on about their normal lifestyle.
I got mine.

I had covid and have immunity. I don't want the vaccine, so what's the problem?

Dana7360 Mac1958 JimH52

Stop conflating those who never had the virus or the vaccine to those who had the virus and are waiting for more data to get the vaccine. You are sick, evil and dishonest people.

*Important Notice​

medRxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information

My state is not giving away 10k to get the vaccines I will enjoy blowing that wad in front of Azogthetaxreturnfiler..
AssGotDefiled is butthurt, but that goes without saying considering.
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With respect Zog, I think it's a tad early to definitively state that those who have previously tested positive have adequate antibody protection. That probably varies person to person and we also don't know how long the protection lasts.

Some idiot stated the other day that having had the virus would give them a lifetime of protection. Maybe, maybe not.

And sorry, but there will be more vax shaming threads until a sufficient number of southern idiots have done their patriotic duty. ;)
lol. again with this?

let's ask the cleveland clinic

1. Vaccines for Covid are limited in their function and does not prevent someone from contracting the virus or prevent people that had Covid from contracting a new variant of the virus.

What the vaccine is for is to lessen the sickness and hopefully keep people from overwhelming the Hospital system.

2. The Covid Vaccine is still experimental and is for emergency use only which mean it is not clear how long or effective the Vaccine will last or be against newer variants of the virus as Covid mutates at a rapid rate.

Also it should be noted the vaccine does not have final approval from the FDA and until it does those claiming the Vaccine is safe should think long and hard on why the FDA has yet to give a final approval.

3. Living in the United States of America we have personal choices and freedoms unlike other parts of the World and even though I have gotten the vaccine I can not nor will I demand another person get it.

It is a person personal choice but some on here think that this Vaccine will stop Covid when in fact every month we have a newer variant out that sooner or later make the experimental vaccine obsolete.


So do as you wish and just understand we are free to make stupid choices in life…

*Important Notice​

medRxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information

And the vaccines aren't FDA approved sans for emergency use. So stop with your biased threads. How many people have gotten COVID-19 twice? Very few. STFU.
With respect Zog, I think it's a tad early to definitively state that those who have previously tested positive have adequate antibody protection. That probably varies person to person and we also don't know how long the protection lasts.

Some idiot stated the other day that having had the virus would give them a lifetime of protection. Maybe, maybe not.

And sorry, but there will be more vax shaming threads until a sufficient number of southern idiots have done their patriotic duty. ;)
Maybe and maybe not. We know as much about that as we know how long the vaccines last. The Cleveland Study illustrates at best that we need more data.
Vaccinated people are dying. They are getting covid, and they are dying.

Because lefties have pushed the vax so hard, I have had to buy special t shirts.





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