Stop with your BS Vaccine threads

Yes or no? Give me your opinion.
"My degrees are not in the Medical Field, so I don't know."

Yes or no is a loaded question.

Since this example is a yes/no question, there are only the following two direct answers:
  1. "Yes, I have stopped beating my wife", which entails "I was beating my wife."
  2. "No, I haven't stopped beating my wife", which entails "I am still beating my wife."
I hope this example is not too abstract for you to understand.
I live in your empty head. It is so satisfying.
I'm glad you know your name AssGotDefiled, good boy!

Now which one of us has been so mentally abused by the other's posts that they've been forced to put the other's name in their signature?

"My degrees are not in the Medical Field, so I don't know."

Yes or no is a loaded question.

Since this example is a yes/no question, there are only the following two direct answers:
  1. "Yes, I have stopped beating my wife", which entails "I was beating my wife."
  2. "No, I haven't stopped beating my wife", which entails "I am still beating my wife."
I hope this example is not too abstract for you to understand.
So you believe that those who had COVID are just as likely to catch as those that never had COVID. You're a fucking idiot
I'm glad you know your name AssGotDefiled, good boy!

Now which one of us has been so mentally abused by the other's posts that they've been forced to put the other's name in their signature?

LOL you made my wall of shame and it eats at you. You also envy me because I am white. Pretty pathetic
Yes, I read the study. I also read that it was not peer reviewed and shouldn't be taken as gospel. The vaccines were approved for emergency use. Given the fact that there have been millions of doses given with little in the way side effects and given the fact that the vaccines work, I'm not sure how many more infections or dead bodies of "data" you would be looking for here? The FDA will approve the vaccine. In the meantime, best to get one so you don't end up a statistic. Every person I know that had COVID is carrying some effect of long term baggage as a result of the virus.
study was also done for triage reasons. cleveland clinic has issued clear instructions on how to interpret this study. op knows this as this has been explained to him several times. he is just trolling, throwing a tantrum while spreading misinformation.
With respect Zog, I think it's a tad early to definitively state that those who have previously tested positive have adequate antibody protection. That probably varies person to person and we also don't know how long the protection lasts.

Some idiot stated the other day that having had the virus would give them a lifetime of protection. Maybe, maybe not.

And sorry, but there will be more vax shaming threads until a sufficient number of southern idiots have done their patriotic duty. ;)

Almost all illnesses provide essentially life long future immunity.
The few that don't are known, like pertussis and tetanus.

But you said "antibody protection" and antibodies only live about a month, so a discussion of immunity has to be about T-cells and B-cells that have memory and will produce the antibodies later, when and if needed.
Almost all illnesses provide essentially life long future immunity.
The few that don't are known, like pertussis and tetanus.

But you said "antibody protection" and antibodies only live about a month, so a discussion of immunity has to be about T-cells and B-cells that have memory and will produce the antibodies later, when and if needed.
Dr Rigby weighs in yet again. How might we thank you Dr Rigby? :laughing0301:
Dr Rigby weighs in yet again. How might we thank you Dr Rigby? :laughing0301:
This is an important distinction between antibody duration and T-cell duration, because a lot of articles were claiming covid immunity only lasted as long as the antibodies, which is not true.

This long-term immune protection involves several components. Antibodies—proteins that circulate in the blood—recognize foreign substances like viruses and neutralize them. Different types of T cells help recognize and kill pathogens. B cells make new antibodies when the body needs them.
The only thing I believe within this thread is you are a stupid asshole.

He has an abrasive discussion style, but he is right on this one, which is that his acquired immunity from recovery is way better than anything one can get from these weird vaccines.
study was also done for triage reasons. cleveland clinic has issued clear instructions on how to interpret this study. op knows this as this has been explained to him several times. he is just trolling, throwing a tantrum while spreading misinformation.
The OP linked the study. We are still in the infancy stage in terms of understanding how our antibodies work and such. Why should I not wait a bit longer to get my vaccine? Are you ever not a cretin who always gives smiley emojis?
What’s funny is that if I get the vaccine I can no longer donate my plasma to help others with COVID.

No, the vaccine does not decrease your antibody production.
In fact, you likely stopped producing antibodies a couple of months after you got infected.
The vaccine instead should temporarily slightly increase antibody production.

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