Stoptober: The Numbers You Need To Help You Stop Smoking


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Here are some more figures from Action on Smoking and Health highlighting why you should quit smoking:
Is how much the average smoker will save themselves a month by not purchasing cigarettes.
Is how much a 20-a-day smoker will spend annually on tobacco.
£2.7 billion
Is what is costs the NHS on average each year to treat smoking related diseases.
Is the number of people who die from smoking related causes in the UK each year.
Is the number of adults and children who die each year from secondhand smoke exposure.
£12.3 billion
Is how much the Government earned in revenue from tobacco tax between 2012 and 2013 (including VAT).
Is the number of chemical compounds contained in tobacco smoke.
Anyone who wishes to get involved in Stoptober can order free tool kits by calling 0800 678 3173 or by registering online

Video: Stoptober

Stoptober The numbers you need to help you stop smoking - Health News - Health Families - The Independent
Stopped cigs a few years back now as they'd gotten ridiculously expensive (might as well buy weed, prolly be cheaper I joked.) Switched back to a pipe as I smoked in college. But for a few ciggy dreams nic-fitting it's made giving up cigs relatively easy. Still get enough nicotine from pipe tobacco that when smoking such blends I don't miss cigs at all. But trying aromatic blends which usually have no appreciable nicotine you really notice the absence.

Cigs were $70/carton every week. Pound of tobacco is about $35 once a month.

Plus, the quality of pipe tobacco being so much higher than the equivilent quality of cig tobbaco being like the difference between filet mignon and a hot dog from gas station (hehe) studies show pipe smokers live longer than non-smokers. Relaxation and lower stress probably more to credit than anything havng specificly to do with the tobbaco.
Why quit? We are all going to die sometime anyway, right? My answer to that is that "it's not how long you live but how well you live while you are alive. Keep smoking and those last five to ten years may be really miserable rather than enjoyable and productive.
I don't smoke anymore, nor do I drink intoxicants. I'm too athletic for that. I never liked tobacco, but I always loved Mary Jane.

But now...

Now I like to experience life in all of its agonizing glory. I don't want to dull the sensation for a second.

If you are going to smoke, go with Marijuana instead of tobacco. It tastes sooooo much better and is definitely healthier than tobacco.
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