Store employees in Portland fired because of whiney Triggered snowflake

Southern culture and the Confederacy are very different things. If someone equates southern culture with the Confederacy, he's shitting on southern culture.
Incorrect Poindexter

I was born and raised in the south.

We southerners are proud of our Confederate heritage, southern culture, and our ancestors who fought for "states rights" while flying the Stars & Bars flag. ... :cool:
Same here, Tarheel born and raised. If they'd respect Southern culture, heritage, and history they way the worship black, hispanic, etc...
What a whiny, pissy shit head this bitch is...
I guess I'm not the only person sick and tired of this bullshit, manufactured narrative about evil, hating people who display the Stars and Bars. What a phenomenal piece of work this c**t it!
Oh, given those two employees chased down and threatened that woman, so they damn well better have been fired.

And the confederate thugs here all love it.

Just goes to show the violent and thuggish nature of most conservatives. Any decent human being would have condemned those two scumbags, but not a single conservative will do so. They all either support the thuggery, or they're whupped pussies who are too scared of their violent brethren.

I watched the video and didn't see the employees getting anywhere near the poor, mentally ill lady. So that's off the table.

But let's get back to your statement that Confederates were just like NAZIs. I'm an historian and I like to use my vacations to visit Civil War sites. Please tell me where I can visit Confederate gas chambers which I'm sure, according to you, are scattered all over the South where the Confederates exterminated Jews. In all my reading and traveling, I've somehow missed this. Thank you in advance for pointing out these new travel destinations.

And can you recommend good hotels nearby?
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wow, seems to be a lot of traitors and backstabbers that want to praise a nation that killed hundreds of thousands of American troops.
Oh, given those two employees chased down and threatened that woman, so they damn well better have been fired.

And the confederate thugs here all love it.

Just goes to show the violent and thuggish nature of most conservatives. Any decent human being would have condemned those two scumbags, but not a single conservative will do so. They all either support the thuggery, or they're whupped pussies who are too scared of their violent brethren.

Oh, given those two employees chased down and threatened that woman, so they damn well better have been fired.

And the confederate thugs here all love it.

Just goes to show the violent and thuggish nature of most conservatives. Any decent human being would have condemned those two scumbags, but not a single conservative will do so. They all either support the thuggery, or they're whupped pussies who are too scared of their violent brethren.

I watched the video and didn't see the employees getting anywhere near the poor, mentally ill lady. So that's off the table.

But let's get back to your statement that Confederates were just like NAZIs. I'm an historian and I like to use my vacations to visit Civil War sites. Please tell me where I can visit Confederate gas chambers which I'm sure, according to you, are scattered all over the South where the Confederates exterminated Jews. In all my reading and traveling, I've somehow missed this. Thank you in advance for pointing out these new travel destinations.

And can you recommend good hotels nearby?

There were death camps in the Civil War, where hundreds of thousands, maybe as many as a million, of undesirables died in horrible conditions; they were the 'property camps' of the Union armies, where 'freed slaves' were sent to starve and die of diseases and malnutrition rather than be allowed to flee north..
The woman had the wrong tone from the beginning. She should not have been talking to the fat men in t-shirts but could have asked to speak with the manager. The fatties are typical of those who voted for the billionaire Trump but this is America and it is not against the Constitution to be ignorant.
Confederate sympathizers delight in shitting on southern culture.

For the sake of those slavery-loving snowflakes, I shall explain.

German culture and Nazism are very different things. If someone equates German culture with Nazism, he's shitting on German culture.

Southern culture and the Confederacy are very different things. If someone equates southern culture with the Confederacy, he's shitting on southern culture.

Nazi-symps all shit on German culture, Confederate-symps all shit on southern culture.
Since you are pointing stuff out how about you point out that is not the Confederate flag for CSU!
It's a battle flag. Educate your idiot self please!
Does the store sell Nazi symbols too?

Confederate, Nazi, same kind of anti-liberty thing.

And I know that will trigger the snowfalkes.
The nazi symbol is not nazi. It is thousands of years old symbol the nazi's used for their nefarious club. Google it.
I think the employees' poor handling of the situation did just as much as the woman's complaint itself to convince the owner to take down the flag and request wholesaler not send along any more. I thought 2nd video said the employees were suspended, which seemed appropriate. If they were indeed fired, I could see why but I would have given them a 2nd chance after first providing some customer service training.
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For decades center republicans and conservatives have been enabling this PC bullshit from the left and letting them take away our freedom of speech, freedom of association, and even our freedom of thought. Ya'll righties failed to protect our constitutional freedoms by letting it get to this point, and... okay well straight up the lefties are just emotionally unhinged, but I think it's it's partially the rights fault to letting them get away with it.

I find it absolutely rediculious that the sight of a flag so upsets these twits, these people are unable to function in the real world. It's just pathetic and instead of walking away, not spending their money there, whatever, they have to make a fuss and get their 15 minutes of fame on the internet. This woman actually thinks that she can tell these folks to stay off their /own/ place of employment's property after being told to leave /repeatedly/ when she continued to hang out in the parking lot bitching about the store having a flag for her YouTube post (see 2:42 they're telling her to leave for the third or fourth time - which she ignores for at least a while, note she's walked across the /front/ of the business at least twice in the video /after/ being asked to leave folks) In fact, she considers it /assault/ because the guy came out of the building to ask her to leave /yet/ again. Then she fucking /loses it/ over absolutely fucking nothing. -- Tell you what, those poor kids are going to fucking die if anything "actually" bad happens because snowflake here is going to completely loose it. These people are so emotionally weak/unstable that they are practically dangerous, to themselves and others.

And when we look at the broader ramifications of this bullshit? Lets say snowflake here is a teacher, is she going to save our fucking kids in a fire or a school shooting? Lets say snowflake here is a stewardess, is she going to fucking help get us off the plane in an emergency? THIS emotional instability is why these people are practically un-hireable as anything other than service twits or teachers, they cannot handle the real world, people who "confront" them in any way shape or form because they're given "safe spaces" at school and shit. Ya'll didn't do /any/ favors being so fucking tolerant of this crap and now we've got entire generations of emotional fruit loops with no respect for /freedom/ - thus all the fucking socialists and communists and anarchists that have taken over the Democrat Party.

~sigh~ I guess on the plus side there might be hope to get back to a realistic world. If we can get through the next 8 years then the "next generation" will be old enough to vote and I think America can avoid being taken advantage of by the left again; the next generation of teens is generally leaning right cause they're not liking being called racists for voicing their opinions one bit. I suppose we can laugh about the irony until then, becuase it'll be the liberals attempt to shut down free speech/thought/association in school that ultimately defeats them... Come to think of it the left never has been very good at understanding the future consequences of their actions so its not much of a surprise they failed to foresee the coming of "Gen Z".
Yanno? Fuck that bitch! She can find some other place to shop. If I owned the shop, I'd tell her to piss up a rope, find some place more to her liking.
We have to stop giving in to these assholes. Seriously
These SJWs only goal is to wipe out American culture. Fuck them!
The woman is a c*nt but the employees deserve to be fired. Could you imagine if a Walmart employee flipped off and called names to every insufferable bitch they encountered each day? There would be no store clerks left.
Does the store sell Nazi symbols too?

Confederate, Nazi, same kind of anti-liberty thing.

And I know that will trigger the snowfalkes.
The nazi symbol is not nazi. It is thousands of years old symbol the nazi's used for their nefarious club. Google it.

Somewhat; it's actually a reverse image of the ancient Indian symbol.
The woman is a c*nt but the employees deserve to be fired. Could you imagine if a Walmart employee flipped off and called names to every insufferable bitch they encountered each day? There would be no store clerks left.

You make that sound like it's a bad thing.
Does the store sell Nazi symbols too?

Confederate, Nazi, same kind of anti-liberty thing.

And I know that will trigger the snowfalkes.

Weird how these loserterians support fascism and nations that were enemies of the united states.

It is call freedom choice.

I know Trostkies like you believe the only choice is the one you approve but alas not everyone agree with you...

Now is it illegal to own those flags and if not then who are you to tell someone if they can buy or sell the product?

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