Store employees in Portland fired because of whiney Triggered snowflake

Looks like that store got a lot of free advertising, what a deal.
unfortunately Rod that store no longer deserves any plug of any kind because the owner sided with that triggered snowflake and fired the 2 employees.
I'm sorry for the families of the two unemployed slobs.
What kind of idiot employer would keep those two knuckleheads working for them? Forget about the politics and issues, employees that work in sales are supposed to have people skills. Those two can't do anything but hurt business. All they had to do was say "Sorry mam, I will make sure your complaint is heard by the boss".
Conservative men feel strong when threatening or punching women. It's their thing.

Too scared to face a man but they'll beat up a woman with children with her on the spot. Cowardly conservative snowflakes.
Liberal snowflakes feel strongest when they are many against few. If the odds aren't at least 10-1, they slink away with their tails between their legs. Just watch any of a number of videos made during snowflake "protests" (aka: riots) during which they attack en mass.

You mean when a few cons show up to instigate at a progressive event? Or are you talking about the one or two progressives at a Trump rally that are sucker punched for having an opposing viewpoint?

As I said, conservatives men are cowardly when faced with other men. The sucker punch is another tactic of the coward, it is no different than the knock-out game that young punks use on elderly women.
There must be a "thinny" between your universe and mine. You certainly don't function in the same dimension.

In your universe your 'team' can do no wrong, anything anyone does that you like is right and good and dripping with honey and anyone that opposes you or just doesn't believe as you do even on the slightest level is evil and Satan on Earth. Your right, you and I live in different universes. In my universe there are no perfect people. Republicans on nearly every issue claim to do one thing but do the opposite. To them Reagan was this great leader when in reality he was one of the worst criminals to ever hold office. Reality is a bitch but it is reality.
You can tell she had been bitching at them (from the front of the store) prior to turning on the camera, the clerks finally got fed up with her bullshit and told her to get out.

I agree the clerks handling was rude, but having dealt with customers of this flavor (although mine didn't break into tears under the weight of their self-inflicted emotions) there is a point at which there is no point to dealing with a customer who is hell bent on disparaging your business to everyone in there - I've even had customers try to take carts away from other customers to prevent them from making purchases (not saying this gal did, just saying that some folks - like this chick - are mentally unstable and can't let things go.)

The proper action for the clerks would have been to call their manager/boss and request backup/guidance on the situation. But frankly that's just not something most clerks get because this is a very rare occurrence and folks that are clerks (aka low skill employees) don't usually have the wherewithal to put "If you have any questions give me a call" into play with something like this.

I actually make a habit of specifically asking the CEO/manager/owner what their views are on customer service and where they draw lines so I know how to advise their employees. And that is my take-away advice for any underlings on this - if you cannot quickly and easily answer the question "what would my boss/the owner do in this situation?" with confidence then call your boss/the owner and ask. The quickest way to getting fired is to do something your boss/the owner doesn't agree with you on, especially in matters that can damage public relations and political or religious strife/controversial issues.
wow, seems to be a lot of traitors and backstabbers that want to praise a nation that killed hundreds of thousands of American troops.

Funny to see modern libs harsher than the vets that fought the war.

Almost like you have an ulterior motive....
Confederate sympathizers delight in shitting on southern culture.

For the sake of those slavery-loving snowflakes, I shall explain.

German culture and Nazism are very different things. If someone equates German culture with Nazism, he's shitting on German culture.

Southern culture and the Confederacy are very different things. If someone equates southern culture with the Confederacy, he's shitting on southern culture.

Nazi-symps all shit on German culture, Confederate-symps all shit on southern culture.

You are full of shit.
There are people walking around who are perma-triggered, just looking for a reason to be offended and to go off and attack.

Not coincidentally, there's a Starbucks™ on damn near every street corner.

Maybe we need to outlaw caffeine.
I agree that the workers could've handled that lady in a better way, but because she most likely did not have their permission to film the interaction, I don't believe that being fired should've been their punishment if one had to be given to them at all. What about their rights along with the rights of those who may have fallen witness to what happened? Being a customer does not give a person the right to go into another person's place of business and intentionally cause a disturbance which is exactly what that woman is guilty of no matter how you try to white wash her choice of action.

God bless you and the fired employees always!!!


P.S. Oh and if that lady ended up walking out of there empty handed, then maybe she wasn't a customer after all. In my opinion. a person is not labeled a customer until they have purchased something.

You bear false witness.
But let's get back to your statement that Confederates were just like NAZIs. I'm an historian and I like to use my vacations to visit Civil War sites. Please tell me where I can visit Confederate gas chambers which I'm sure, according to you, are scattered all over the South where the Confederates exterminated Jews. In all my reading and traveling, I've somehow missed this. Thank you in advance for pointing out these new travel destinations.

You can't be that stupid. You're just desperately trying to change the topic here to anything except the fact that the Confederacy was entirely about keeping blacks enslaved.

That is, the Confederacy thought certain groups people were subhuman. That's a lot like Nazis. deal with it.
Abortion loving Liberals think unborn babies are sub-human. That is a lot like Nazis. Deal with it.
The customer told the employee that he should read our history. She's right in that respect, except that she needs to go back and read our history. The plantation owners, influential politicians and rich southern businessmen in the south that had slaves, didn't want to lose the free forced labor after paying an initial price for a human and didn't want to lose that and thus fomented the secession from the union, BUT....the vast majority of southerners that joined the confederate army were poor farmers who didn't own so much as one slave and were just told by those in power in the south, that the north wanted to take states freedoms away from southerners, as well as their land. Thus, those fallen confederate soldiers in confederate gravesites were merely pawns in the southern rich aim to keep humans in bondage. They are a part of our history and so to is the flag under which they fought. The true confederate flag was a white flag with the stars and bars in the upper corner and the white portion representing white superiority. The solid stars and bars was simply a battle flag which the poor fought under. As it is a part of our history, it should be left be and if you don't like it, don't buy it.
Glad these horrible employees were fired. They were as wrong as wrong can be.

All you crybabies need a safe space.

The employees didn't handle it well that is true.
They should have just let the flake rant on and on, then have the authorities take her out in a straight jacket.
...and wave the flag as she was loaded into an ambulance. Lol
Fucking bitch. She had her hissy fit and got two people fired.
Sounds like they got themselves fired by name calling and harassing her. All they had to do is tell her they just sell the stuff, not select it for political correctness, and to contact the store owner if it was that bothersome. She may be the kind of customer that stores dread having, but that doesn't excuse the employees for not maintaining professional conduct.
I agree that the workers could've handled that lady in a better way, but because she most likely did not have their permission to film the interaction, I don't believe that being fired should've been their punishment if one had to be given to them at all. What about their rights along with the rights of those who may have fallen witness to what happened? Being a customer does not give a person the right to go into another person's place of business and intentionally cause a disturbance which is exactly what that woman is guilty of no matter how you try to white wash her choice of action.

God bless you and the fired employees always!!!


P.S. Oh and if that lady ended up walking out of there empty handed, then maybe she wasn't a customer after all. In my opinion. a person is not labeled a customer until they have purchased something.

You bear false witness.

P.S. Oh and if that lady ended up walking out of there empty handed, then maybe she wasn't a customer after all. In my opinion. a person is not labeled a customer until they have purchased something.
Good reminder Holly, thank you!
You're welcome. :) :) :)

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

Seems to me that this thread is full of whiny loserterians and traitors that wish violence against the United states.
Fucking bitch. She had her hissy fit and got two people fired.
Sounds like they got themselves fired by name calling and harassing her. All they had to do is tell her they just sell the stuff, not select it for political correctness, and to contact the store owner if it was that bothersome. She may be the kind of customer that stores dread having, but that doesn't excuse the employees for not maintaining professional conduct.

Being an employee doesn't, or should NOT mean you have to put up with that kind of shit.

The store should back up it's employees, when the costumer is a bat shit crazy asshole.

Here's a question, wtf was the manager? How long did this go on in his store with him completely missing it?
Fucking bitch. She had her hissy fit and got two people fired.
Sounds like they got themselves fired by name calling and harassing her. All they had to do is tell her they just sell the stuff, not select it for political correctness, and to contact the store owner if it was that bothersome. She may be the kind of customer that stores dread having, but that doesn't excuse the employees for not maintaining professional conduct.

Being an employee doesn't, or should NOT mean you have to put up with that kind of shit.

The store should back up it's employees, when the custu
Seems to me that this thread is full of whiny loserterians and traitors that wish violence against the United states.

Nothing in this thread supports that bullshit statement.

You are merely engaged in smearing your enemies.

Conservative men feel strong when threatening or punching women. It's their thing.

Too scared to face a man but they'll beat up a woman with children with her on the spot. Cowardly conservative snowflakes.

I missed that part.

Do you mind making it available?
Does the store sell Nazi symbols too?

Confederate, Nazi, same kind of anti-liberty thing.

And I know that will trigger the snowfalkes.
And to think the NAZI "heritage" lasted twice as long as the Con-federate "heritage".

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