Zone1 Stories Untold

Why reported? Are we not allowed to discuss the factors that led to this young man’s success? These factors were in the article.

The article proves what I’ve been saying: that racism does not explain the failures in the black community, but rather single-parent homes and poor choices. This kid is a prime example of the benefit of a solid home, married parents who instill good values, and wise lifestyle choices.
I want everybody to read these lines:

"There are thousands of stories that are positive about events and people in the black community. But they don't get the exposure the shootings and killings do. And this is done by the same media some people falsely claim that's hiding black crime."

***Mod Edit: RED color is reserved for MODS.***

This thread is not about the white racist opinion of the black family. This is about the lack of media coverinng positive stories in the black community. It is because of that lack of coverage that we blacks must consistently endure ignorant opinions about "black culture."
Last edited by a moderator:
I want everybody to read these lines:

"There are thousands of stories that are positive about events and people in the black community. But they don't get the exposure the shootings and killings do. And this is done by the same media some people falsely claim that's hiding black crime."

This thread is not about the white racist opinion of the black family. This is about the lack of media coverinng positive stories in the black community. It is because of that lack of coverage that we blacks must consistently endure ignorant opinions about "black culture."
Do not use red font to issue instructions to whites. That indicates a moderator has issued a direction, and it is misleading. You are in no position to give commands to whites.

If you want to talk about the lack of media coverage of positive stories for blacks, PUT IT IN THE MEDIA FORUM. If you put it in the racism forum, then we are free to discuss racial issues surrounding the stories.
That's an awesome story, but to graduate college at 15? With autism? So, did he start college at 11? Who graduates from high school at 11?

I hope his emotional development can keep up, as oft times those with autism struggle with that aspect of life. He's going to medical school now? You have to wonder if all this academic success is coming too fast for his own good, but he sounds like Doogie Howser. Very neat story.
You are right autistic kids generally are behind at developing emotionally and with relationships. With living at home and being taught by his parents he may not yet have experienced and learned to deal with some of the difficulties ahead which to a child without autism are just 'natural'.
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That's an awesome story, but to graduate college at 15? With autism? So, did he start college at 11? Who graduates from high school at 11?

I hope his emotional development can keep up, as oft times those with autism struggle with that aspect of life. He's going to medical school now? You have to wonder if all this academic success is coming too fast for his own good, but he sounds like Doogie Howser. Very neat story.
I thought he was just starting college. Here to qualify as a Dr you need to spend 7 years but it is a higher course which you start after school - not when you have done a degree beforehand so that sounds a bit weird to me.

OK so you probably know that one of the core ingredients of Aspergers or high functioning autism is to have some interest that they will not let go of. I am wondering if this boy had that with his school work. He almost certainly will have problems with emotion/relationships when he gets to college except he apparently already has.
Why reported? Are we not allowed to discuss the factors that led to this young man’s success? These factors were in the article.

The article proves what I’ve been saying: that racism does not explain the failures in the black community, but rather single-parent homes and poor choices. This kid is a prime example of the benefit of a solid home, married parents who instill good values, and wise lifestyle choices.
Frankly I would see him as a prime example of what Autistic kids can do, nothing to do with race.
Frankly I would see him as a prime example of what Autistic kids can do, nothing to do with race.
Actually, that’s an excellent point. He is a role model for kids with autism - white, black, or purple.
Urban schools get almost 120% more funds then private schools
Wow in the UK kids in the poorer areas have the worst schools and worse teachers. When people have kids more and more they move to the areas with the best schools so that they can get their kids in there and hence a place at the school. Obviously poorer parents can't afford this.
Do not use red font to issue instructions to whites. That indicates a moderator has issued a direction, and it is misleading. You are in no position to give commands to whites.

If you want to talk about the lack of media coverage of positive stories for blacks, PUT IT IN THE MEDIA FORUM. If you put it in the racism forum, then we are free to discuss racial issues surrounding the stories.
I'm pretty sure the mods can speak for themselves.
Wow in the UK kids in the poorer areas have the worst schools and worse teachers. When people have kids more and more they move to the areas with the best schools so that they can get their kids in there and hence a place at the school. Obviously poorer parents can't afford this.
The left wing narrative about bad performing schools is that they don’t get funding , until you look at the slush fund per student.
That wasn’t the OP highlighted. OP made it all about race.
I'm not too sure how this happens but the headline for the black guys story is

Graduating at 15, overcoming adversity in the classroom with autism​

Now I don't know if you only get that headline if you have pressed the link but when I went there just now it wasn't there. After I pressed the link it was the first thing.

I understood the argument to be that not enough reports are given of black kids who succeed though more than enough when they do not.

Possibly with this particular person his achievement would appear to be more connected to his autism and that in itself is worth of a lot of looking into but the OP was complaining about bias in newspapers which he believes presents black people in a negative way. If I am wrong I am sure he can set me right.
I'm not too sure how this happens but the headline for the black guys story is

Graduating at 15, overcoming adversity in the classroom with autism​

Now I don't know if you only get that headline if you have pressed the link but when I went there just now it wasn't there. After I pressed the link it was the first thing.

I understood the argument to be that not enough reports are given of black kids who succeed though more than enough when they do not.

Possibly with this particular person his achievement would appear to be more connected to his autism and that in itself is worth of a lot of looking into but the OP was complaining about bias in newspapers which he believes presents black people in a negative way. If I am wrong I am sure he can set me right.
I’m not talking about the article itself. I’m talking about what the OP made it about - RACE. He never mentioned the young man’s autism, only that the kid was black.

As far as the media presenting blacks in a negative light, in many if not most cases race Is not mentioned if the perpetrator of a crime is black. Sometimes it is so obvious that the perp is black. Right now, in my neighborhood, someone was attacked on the walking path last week - and shot! - and we have a description: a young man, about 5’ 10, about 180 pounds, with dark brown hair, and wearing a dark blue jacket. No mention of race, and this happens ALL the time.
I’m not talking about the article itself. I’m talking about what the OP made it about - RACE. He never mentioned the young man’s autism, only that the kid was black.

As far as the media presenting blacks in a negative light, in many if not most cases race Is not mentioned if the perpetrator of a crime is black. Sometimes it is so obvious that the perp is black. Right now, in my neighborhood, someone was attacked on the walking path last week - and shot! - and we have a description: a young man, about 5’ 10, about 180 pounds, with dark brown hair, and wearing a dark blue jacket. No mention of race, and this happens ALL the time.
It is looking like neither of us is right, IM2 does say what the thread is about, twice

But the point of this thread is about positive sories about blacks missed by the media. That is what I stated in the OP.
post 15

This thread is not about the white racist opinion of the black family. This is about the lack of media coverinng positive stories in the black community. It is because of that lack of coverage that we blacks must consistently endure ignorant opinions about "black culture."
post 22
so I guess we have to go by what he says as it is his thread.

But the point of this thread is about positive sories about blacks missed by the media. That is what I stated in the OP.
post 15

On this one I didn't pick up on that though I know he did say that was the position. I am guessing it would be for people who knew black people who have over achieved to put it in.

This thread is not about the white racist opinion of the black family. This is about the lack of media coverinng positive stories in the black community. It is because of that lack of coverage that we blacks must consistently endure ignorant opinions about "black culture."
post 22

Here he is saying it is not about racism but the lack of coverage of positive achievements in the black I guess this thread is to stay here and whenever anyone spies something positive that they didn't know/expect of black people they put it in here..

Is this right IM2?
I want everybody to read these lines:

"There are thousands of stories that are positive about events and people in the black community. But they don't get the exposure the shootings and killings do. And this is done by the same media some people falsely claim that's hiding black crime."

***Mod Edit: RED color is reserved for MODS.***

This thread is not about the white racist opinion of the black family. This is about the lack of media coverinng positive stories in the black community. It is because of that lack of coverage that we blacks must consistently endure ignorant opinions about "black culture."
While positive stories are great, there tends to be a lack of media attention when a white person has a bad encounter with cops, leading black people to believe that it doesn’t happen.

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