Stormfront Is Full Of Lies

Stormfront is a site where a bunch of incels who are literal Nazis spew their reprehemsible opinions. There is absolutely no reason to defend them and I cannot see anuyone but a member feeling the need to defend them.

Should they have the write their dumb shit? Absolutely, but that does not change the fact that they are disgusting people.

The solution to racism is not more racism and therefore it is flat out moronic to say "bUt WhEn BlAcKs dO iT iT iS oK."


Edit: Does Stormfront even still exist?

So, it's basically the DNC website then?
I always say that actual white supremacists are more rare than unicorns.

But I'm pretty well convinced Paul Essien is the real deal, an actual Aryan Brotherhood scumbag out of the joint, putting on black face to make colored people (POC) seem stupid. He's too over the top to be real. It's all an act to defame black people.
I'm black and dark skinned black person at that and to prove. I'm more than willing to do a livestream on zoom orstreamyard if USMB allows it or you can ask for any word or phrase that I can write ot any hand gesture and I'll post the pic in here from my smart phone
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I'm black

Sure you are.


and dark skinned black person at that and to prove. I'm more than willing to do a livestream on zoom orstreamyard if USMB allows it or you can ask for any word or phrase that I can write ot any hand gesture and I'll post the pic in here from my smart phone

All easy enough to fake.

No one on this boards slanders black people as much as you do.
You miss the point.

What makes the outrage in the killings of black people is the actions of the authorities in letting cops go free and those black people being unarmed. The fact that it took riots to get justice says something in itself.

White people don't have to riot because any blk person who kills a white person is gonna rot in Shawshank for their rest of their lives.

In fact when you read about murdered whites often they say nothing about the arrest. Because it is just assumed that the police arrest suspects. Those two whites who were murdered in those pictures two things I want you to show me

1) Show me black people running around defending those black killers of whites the way whites do with blks
2) Show me black people running round saying "Well you know more white people are killed by white people. They need to sort out white on white crime first"
2) Show me those black killers getting off the crimes

I'll Wait

You're pictures are a terrible analogy because killing by the state and killing by citizens are very difference because the police are held to a higher standard, because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's same way a Teacher can be late for a class and say "Well some of you are late too" with power comes responsibility.

First, you missed the point Black-on-White criminality How come you don't care about black-on-crime? Blacks in Chicago kill an estimated ten thousand black people every year Chicago, but All you keep focusing on is white on black? And a Hollywood actor had to fake a hate crime because we don't act like that happen anymore there are more cases like Autumn Pasquale, who was just a twelve-year-old NJ girl gone too soon in 2012 by older blacks. Cannon was five years. White lives matter too. But not to the liberal media and democrat politicians. You can't compare white kids to morons George Floyd and Jacob Blake. Those two should have cooperated with the police one stupidly pulled a knife on the cops. The other wouldn't get into the car.


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First, you missed the point Black-on-White criminality How come you don't care about black-on-crime? Blacks in Chicago kill an estimated ten thousand black people every year Chicago, but All you keep focusing on is white on black?

Are more black people killed by black people than by the police ?

Yeah you’re correct.

But guess what ?

You would have been correct 100 years ago.

But would that justified the lynching and hangings from the Klan ?

The black on black crime figure will always be higher that white on black. Why ? Because those are the people you live around.

You're argument is as stupid as me telling a woman with breast cancer, not worry about it because Lung Cancer is the biggest cancer killer.

Saying, Black people need to do A before they can do B is stupid. Why can’t blk ppl do both? The sequential nature of the argument is false. You don’t have to do one BEFORE you do the other. While some are addressing one problem, other’s can be addressing another.

You’re argument falls on its face on the grounds mere stupidity.

If I said, “This pack of wolves needs to wait until NONE of the wolves are injured before they hunt for food” would be illogical. What’s to stop the uninjured wolves from hunting for food for the pack while the injured wolves are recovering?

But I guess white people are the only people in America, that can be outraged about more than one tragedy, within their own racial group

The police are held to a higher standard. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

With great power comes greater responsibility, they are the rules

there are more cases like Autumn Pasquale, who was just a twelve-year-old NJ girl gone too soon in 2012 by older blacks. Cannon was five years. White lives matter too.

More white people kill white people than black people. Why don't you focus on that ?
Sure you are.

View attachment 585344

All easy enough to fake.

No one on this boards slanders black people as much as you do.
What kind of mental retardation makes you believe Essen is white?

Is your ass so delusional as to believe black people agree with the shit those like you think?
Essen hasn't slandered blacks.

Got off the meth.

John Reese:

View attachment 585555

Shut the fuck up about black crime and fix your own community.
Stormfront is a white website, so I could say that's the pot calling the kettle black telling me to focus on my people. White areas are much safer than black areas and, I quoted Larry Elder, so you are going to say he is not black?
First, you missed the point Black-on-White criminality How come you don't care about black-on-crime? Blacks in Chicago kill an estimated ten thousand black people every year Chicago, but All you keep focusing on is white on black?

Are more black people killed by black people than by the police ?

Yeah you’re correct.

But guess what ?

You would have been correct 100 years ago.

But would that justified the lynching and hangings from the Klan ?

The black on black crime figure will always be higher that white on black. Why ? Because those are the people you live around.

You're argument is as stupid as me telling a woman with breast cancer, not worry about it because Lung Cancer is the biggest cancer killer.

Saying, Black people need to do A before they can do B is stupid. Why can’t blk ppl do both? The sequential nature of the argument is false. You don’t have to do one BEFORE you do the other. While some are addressing one problem, other’s can be addressing another.

You’re argument falls on its face on the grounds mere stupidity.

If I said, “This pack of wolves needs to wait until NONE of the wolves are injured before they hunt for food” would be illogical. What’s to stop the uninjured wolves from hunting for food for the pack while the injured wolves are recovering?

But I guess white people are the only people in America, that can be outraged about more than one tragedy, within their own racial group

The police are held to a higher standard. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

With great power comes greater responsibility, they are the rules

there are more cases like Autumn Pasquale, who was just a twelve-year-old NJ girl gone too soon in 2012 by older blacks. Cannon was five years. White lives matter too.

More white people kill white people than black people. Why don't you focus on that ?
You BLM people only care about your race when a white person allegedly takes their life, and what I said isn't stupid. A Hollywood actor had to pay two Nigerians for a hate hoax because you can't find racist whites anymore. White areas are safer than urban areas.
You BLM people only care about your race when a white person allegedly takes their life, and what I said isn't stupid. A Hollywood actor had to pay two Nigerians for a hate hoax because you can't find racist whites anymore. White areas are safer than urban areas.
Blacks WANT to live among whites to flee the crimes of their own people. Whites avoided black areas and their crime like the covid plague
I guess Stormfront got shutdown and now there is a Stormfront II?

Just INCELs trying to sound tough and superior. Laughably wrong on most counts. I don't think most of those idiots are dangerous. They are too scared to actually do anything.
INCELs fantasize about getting revenge on their perceived enemies, but they tend to shit their pants when actually confronted with a “Stacy” or a “Chad”.
White areas are safer than urban areas.

For who ?

A white person walking through a black area is probably the safest person there. Black people know they will be severly punished for harming a white person in a black area. So whites have a much better chance of walking thru “The Hood” and not being shot or stabbed, compared to a black person doing the same in a white neighborhood. Black people don’t bother whites who live in or pass thru the neighborhood, based on personal observation.

Blk ppl can't even come in white Neignourhoods for legitimate reasons never mind nefarious ones. Whites call the police on blk ppl so much even the police themselves are sick of it.

You BLM people only care about your race when a white person allegedly takes their life, and what I said isn't stupid.

I'm not BLM.

A Hollywood actor had to pay two Nigerians for a hate hoax because you can't find racist whites anymore.

Saying the jussiesmollet disproves racism is like pointing to 50 Cent who's been shot like 7 times, and saying "see bullets won't kill you after all" If anything the Jussie smollett thing proves racism. Because when black people do something wrong ? EVERYBODY GETS TO HEAR ABOUT IT

There was no hidden camera shots. There was no "Cameras didn't work"

See white people went they got something on a black person ? They always always put it out
White areas are safer than urban areas.

For who ?

A white person walking through a black area is probably the safest person there. Black people know they will be severly punished for harming a white person in a black area. So whites have a much better chance of walking thru “The Hood” and not being shot or stabbed, compared to a black person doing the same in a white neighborhood. Black people don’t bother whites who live in or pass thru the neighborhood, based on personal observation.

Blk ppl can't even come in white Neignourhoods for legitimate reasons never mind nefarious ones. Whites call the police on blk ppl so much even the police themselves are sick of it.

You BLM people only care about your race when a white person allegedly takes their life, and what I said isn't stupid.

I'm not BLM.

A Hollywood actor had to pay two Nigerians for a hate hoax because you can't find racist whites anymore.

Saying the jussiesmollet disproves racism is like pointing to 50 Cent who's been shot like 7 times, and saying "see bullets won't kill you after all" If anything the Jussie smollett thing proves racism. Because when black people do something wrong ? EVERYBODY GETS TO HEAR ABOUT IT

There was no hidden camera shots. There was no "Cameras didn't work"

See white people went they got something on a black person ? They always always put it out
And yet over twice as many whites are murdered by blacks then blacks by whites.
White areas are safer than urban areas.

For who ?

Everyone, but particularly for black people.

I know, you fucking hate black people and want them murdered.

A white person walking through a black area is probably the safest person there.


What do you call a white man in Compton after dark?


Black people know they will be severly punished for harming a white person in a black area.


Blacks are immune to laws, and white lives don't matter.

Whites will be murdered without a second thought or glance.

So whites have a much better chance of walking thru “The Hood” and not being shot or stabbed, compared to a black person doing the same in a white neighborhood. Black people don’t bother whites who live in or pass thru the neighborhood, based on personal observation.

Nah, you're just a fucking liar.
Blk ppl can't even come in white Neignourhoods for legitimate reasons never mind nefarious ones. Whites call the police on blk ppl so much even the police themselves are sick of it.

That's a fucking lie.

You BLM people only care about your race when a white person allegedly takes their life, and what I said isn't stupid.

I'm not BLM.

A Hollywood actor had to pay two Nigerians for a hate hoax because you can't find racist whites anymore.

Saying the jussiesmollet disproves racism is like pointing to 50 Cent who's been shot like 7 times, and saying "see bullets won't kill you after all" If anything the Jussie smollett thing proves racism. Because when black people do something wrong ? EVERYBODY GETS TO HEAR ABOUT IT

There was no hidden camera shots. There was no "Cameras didn't work"

See white people went they got something on a black person ? They always always put it out

You're not BLM, you're Aryan Nations.

You tell absurd lies to make blacks look stupid and pathological.
FBI stats dont lie retard.
Getting stats from the FBI about black people is like getting stats from Ronald McDonald about vegertarians.
  • The FBI who sent a letter to Martin Luther King telling him to kill himself ? FBI–King suicide letter - Wikipedia
  • The FBI who in regards to black people have planted false stories in the press about blk ppl
  • Planted false witnesses in court trials aboiut blk ppl
  • Sent false letters to create distrust and division among blk leaders.
  • Planted informers everywhere and then falsely named others as informers.
  • Got black people fired at work.
  • Broke up black marriages.
  • Broke into black people’s houses to search them.
  • Arrested black leaders for minor traffic violations.
  • Framed black people for murder and other false charges – to lock them up or at least keep them tied up in court till something stuck.
  • Committed murder.
The FBI killed Fred Hampton (A black panther leader in Chicago) That was proved in court.


They had the Chicago police break down his door in the middle of the night and gun him down. The FBI had been keeping a file on him even before he joined the Panthers.

They framed Geronimo Pratt (Below) for murder


And they made sure one of his defence lawyers was an FBI informer

Panthers secretly working for the FBI talked about the FBI blowing up department stores and giving the police an excuse to arrest top panthers and throw them in prison.

The press and the police did the FBI’s bidding. The Panthers found much of its leadership killed, sent to prison or driven out of the country.

Dick Gregory was such a powerful opponent against systematic racism, J. Edgar Hoover ordered the FBI to use the mafia to murder him.


And J Edgar Hoover was a cross dressing gay man who hated black people and he had a lover who was one of his top FBI Agents.

Even today the FBI has just released BIE (Black Identity Extremists). Another crock of B.S

Their objective is to murder innocent black people and use this BIE thing to kill even more of us. So when black folks protest or file citizen complaints about illegal searches and seizures, police theft of property, police violence in the form of needless beatings and brutality; cases of blatant police disrespect for the dignity of black people and actual state-sanctioned murders by police, their names will be placed on the terrorist watch list by the FBI.

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