Stormfront Vs. World Star Hip Hop

Which site agitates its fanbase into committing violent acts the most?

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Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Both are undeniably ethnocentric websites, yet Stormfront attracts unparalleled scorn and stigmatisation from the media, whilst World Star Hip Hop avoids negative coverage. When a White Nationalist attacked a sikh temple in 2012, the media went out of its way to claim that Stormfront, its content and users encouraged the murderer to carry out the attack. But in spite of World Star Hip Hop being mentioned in a growing number of "knockout game" videos of White people being assaulted by Black youths and men, how often does World Star Hip Hop come under attack? Never.

On Stormfront there are aggressive and offensive content and users, but I've never seen anyone on there post material featuring them attacking minorities in the name of Stormfront, whereas users of World Star Hip Hop often post violent, real life material, sometimes with fatal consequences.

So, I put it to you: which sites agitates its fanbase into committing violence the most?
I have yet to see any YouTube fight video where the guy holdin' the camera is sayin'; "Stormfront yo! Stormfront ya'll!".

SF is careful with how its name is used, but yes it houses people who would kill in the name of race.
Another day, another reason swagger adds another nail to his legacy <coffin> which will be: I thought my culture was better than everyone else's to the point where I was obsessive and bitter.

But chill out there, wooden teeth. There's never been a knockout video posted on WSHH that wasnt UNIVERSALLY shunned in the comments.

Also, stormfront is a hate site in its very nature whereas WSHH is just random videos about everything. Kind of a non-comparison. WSHH is a generic, low nutrient garbage cereal and stormfront is the rotten milk with worms in it.
I have yet to see any YouTube fight video where the guy holdin' the camera is sayin'; "Stormfront yo! Stormfront ya'll!".


That's because they don't exist.

But let's take a minute to review both sites.

Stormfront plays host to a lot of worthless idiots and conspiracy theorists, and there is a lot of racist and inflammatory content, but thankfully that's mostly relegated to the current events section. Surprisingly, however, a poll conducted on Stormfront revealed that most of its visitors and regular contributors are parents who are concerned about how much "diversity" there is in the classrooms of their local schools, and how it's affecting their children's happiness and prospects. Besides that there's plenty of topics covering finances (a particular favourite), business, foreign affairs, homemaking, relationship advice and so on. Yet the media would have you believe that it's a hotbed of Naziz sharpening their knives for a coming race war. It's founders and staff have all been profiled by the ADL and SPLC.

World Star Hip Hop is a site whose users encourage each other into violence and murder, and celebrates a culture of extreme criminality, which almost always spills out onto the street. It's never mentioned in connection to any blood spilt on the street, evidential videos are often edited by the media to remove explicit references to World Star Hip Hop (the full versions are often posted on Stormfront) and the ADL and SPLC doesn't promote a negative profile of its founders and staff.
I have been a member of Stormfront for several years although I rarely post anything.

The people there seem to be above average in intelligence; much more so than the denizens of USMB.

It's an interesting place with some excellent posters and very informative posts. .. :cool:
Another day, another reason swagger adds another nail to his legacy <coffin> which will be: I thought my culture was better than everyone else's to the point where I was obsessive and bitter.

But chill out there, wooden teeth. There's never been a knockout video posted on WSHH that wasnt UNIVERSALLY shunned in the comments.

Also, stormfront is a hate site in its very nature whereas WSHH is just random videos about everything. Kind of a non-comparison. WSHH is a generic, low nutrient garbage cereal and stormfront is the rotten milk with worms in it.

Foaming from the mouth and hurling insults is usually a sure-fire way of exposing the fact that you've got nothing in reply. But that's typical of pampered, privileged little wiggers and manlets like you.
Just because you dress it up and pussify your racism doesnt mean your entire post history isnt just one gigantic insult there, skip.

You should look in a mirror.

'Concerned' with 'diversity'

Cultures and traditions survive and die based on their strength.

And swagger is rlly rlly concerned with 'diversity.'

Tells one all they need to know about your insecurities lil guy.
Even in his lame attempts at running interference, G.T. still can't offer an explanation as to why a website that agitates its users into violence, racism and extreme criminality doesn't attract anywhere near as much media negativity as Stormfront, where violence is openly discouraged and racial epithets are forbidden.
WSHH doesnt do anything of the sort. Its not an internet forum, dunce. Its a video site with a comments section. You know? Sort of like youtube.

Apples and tire irons.

Plus, who the fuck bitches about prissy little shit like this? Grow up.
Both are undeniably ethnocentric websites, yet Stormfront attracts unparalleled scorn and stigmatisation from the media, whilst World Star Hip Hop avoids negative coverage. When a White Nationalist attacked a sikh temple in 2012, the media went out of its way to claim that Stormfront, its content and users encouraged the murderer to carry out the attack. But in spite of World Star Hip Hop being mentioned in a growing number of "knockout game" videos of White people being assaulted by Black youths and men, how often does World Star Hip Hop come under attack? Never.

On Stormfront there are aggressive and offensive content and users, but I've never seen anyone on there post material featuring them attacking minorities in the name of Stormfront, whereas users of World Star Hip Hop often post violent, real life material, sometimes with fatal consequences.

So, I put it to you: which sites agitates its fanbase into committing violence the most?


Stop crying, you little Aryan faggot.

Black people are just tougher than you racist white douchebags, therefore they get more respect.
I swear to god theres a pussification of men going on in this world - starting with these old men who become bitter little bitches who failed to suck it up in life so all they do is whine and bitch about change. Its their boogy man.

If youre one of those bitter old sacks of skin, chances are youre a failure. You dont just lose your pragmatism magically, it takes YEARS of epic fail.
I have a question for Mr. Swagger.

Would a trip through the internets to either of these web sites add to my enjoyment or education?

Stupid people jokes like Bass or LoneStar haven't been proven by the Surgeon General to cause like mindedness but one can't be too carefull.
I swear to god theres a pussification of men going on in this world - starting with these old men who become bitter little bitches who failed to suck it up in life so all they do is whine and bitch about change. Its their boogy man.

If youre one of those bitter old sacks of skin, chances are youre a failure. You dont just lose your pragmatism magically, it takes YEARS of epic fail.

Says the wigger who began emulating Black culture to avoid being bullied when he was in school.

But your reply is typical of those who can't answer difficult questions.
Hate sites and violence sites arent the best place to learn, unless youre looking to learn about hate and violence.

Both sites are shitstains.
I swear to god theres a pussification of men going on in this world - starting with these old men who become bitter little bitches who failed to suck it up in life so all they do is whine and bitch about change. Its their boogy man.

If youre one of those bitter old sacks of skin, chances are youre a failure. You dont just lose your pragmatism magically, it takes YEARS of epic fail.

Says the wigger who began emulating Black culture to avoid being bullied when he was in school.

But your reply is typical of those who can't answer difficult questions.

Fail, on the basis of being flat out incorrect.

Man, like I said - a life full of fail is why youre the racist anti semite that you are. Hope that burns, adolph.
I have a question for Mr. Swagger.

Would a trip through the internets to either of these web sites add to my enjoyment or education?

Stupid people jokes like Bass or LoneStar haven't been proven by the Surgeon General to cause like mindedness but one can't be too carefull.

Visiting Stormfront would stimulate your mind, whereas World Star Hip Hop would cause you to recoil at the disturbing material that is uploaded by so many of its knuckle-dragging fanbase.

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