Stormy Daniels Changes Her Story AGAIN?

Donald Trump can’t say it, so I will: Juan Merchan is a clown, a cartoon character, a political hack.

There. I feel better already.

Wednesday marked the weekly off day in the former president’s hush-money show trial — the one Judge Merchan has inexplicably allowed to continue despite the fact that no one even knows what Donald Trump is being charged with.

It’s true. No one knows. If you don’t believe me, find a Democrat and ask him. If he says “hush money,” tell him nondisclosure agreements aren’t a crime. If he says “falsifying business records,” tell him that’s a misdemeanor unless there’s a more serious crime attached to it.

Tell him you’ll wait.

“Perhaps the weirdest, and by far the most unjust, thing about former President Donald Trump’s trial in New York,” writes the always insightful Byron York, “is that we do not know precisely what crime Trump is charged with committing. We’re in the middle of the trial, with Trump facing a maximum of more than 100 years in prison, and we don’t even know what the charges are! It’s a surreal situation.”

Don’t get me started on that “impartial jury” crap, not when the jury pool is from a city that voted for his once and (likely) future opponent, Joe Biden, by an 85-15 margin. There’s not a city in the United States that hates Trump as much as New York City does, except maybe Washington, which isn’t technically a city. What we want to know, and what Donald Trump has a constitutional right to know, is precisely what he’s being charged with. Even Lavrentiy Beria, Joseph Stalin’s notorious secret police chief, said, “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”

I thought that she already admitted that their affair was a lie. So now she's going back on it? Can somebody just please dismiss this darn case!? :rolleyes:

"Daniels is not central to prosecutors’ case, which accuses Trump of covering up a hush-money payment his fixer made to her. There is little question about whether she received that payment, and the defense did not take issue with it. Instead, they tried to show her not to be credible. But Daniels fought back." - quote
The payment to Stormy was criminal.
quotes --
What happened?

In January 2018, the Wall Street Journal broke the story
that Michael Cohen – who was President Trump’s personal lawyer and a self-described Trump “fix-it guy” in 2016 – had set up a shell company in Delaware (Essential Consultants LLC) back in October 2016. He then arranged a $130,000 payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels through that shell company right before the November 2016 presidential election.

Ms. Daniels had earlier alleged that she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006. In the fall of 2016, she was in talks with one or more national media outlets to go on the record with her story.
How did Common Cause respond?

On January 22, 2018, Common Cause became the first organization to file a complaint with the Department of Justice and a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that the payment of $130,000 from Essential Consultants LLC to Ms. Daniels was an unreported and illegal in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign. According to the complaints, the payment was:

For the purpose of influencing the 2016 presidential general election.
Made in coordination with the campaign via Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen.
Donald Trump can’t say it, so I will: Juan Merchan is a clown, a cartoon character, a political hack.

There. I feel better already.

Wednesday marked the weekly off day in the former president’s hush-money show trial — the one Judge Merchan has inexplicably allowed to continue despite the fact that no one even knows what Donald Trump is being charged with.

It’s true. No one knows. If you don’t believe me, find a Democrat and ask him. If he says “hush money,” tell him nondisclosure agreements aren’t a crime. If he says “falsifying business records,” tell him that’s a misdemeanor unless there’s a more serious crime attached to it.

Tell him you’ll wait.

“Perhaps the weirdest, and by far the most unjust, thing about former President Donald Trump’s trial in New York,” writes the always insightful Byron York, “is that we do not know precisely what crime Trump is charged with committing. We’re in the middle of the trial, with Trump facing a maximum of more than 100 years in prison, and we don’t even know what the charges are! It’s a surreal situation.”

Don’t get me started on that “impartial jury” crap, not when the jury pool is from a city that voted for his once and (likely) future opponent, Joe Biden, by an 85-15 margin. There’s not a city in the United States that hates Trump as much as New York City does, except maybe Washington, which isn’t technically a city. What we want to know, and what Donald Trump has a constitutional right to know, is precisely what he’s being charged with. Even Lavrentiy Beria, Joseph Stalin’s notorious secret police chief, said, “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”

I really appreciate your post, but these people do not care, they only care that Trump loses in the election, that is all this is about, they want to continue to give more power to their rich overlords, who call other rich people villains because it gets votes, then their rich overlords laugh at the plebes in back offices for being so ignorant!
"Daniels is not central to prosecutors’ case, which accuses Trump of covering up a hush-money payment his fixer made to her. There is little question about whether she received that payment, and the defense did not take issue with it. Instead, they tried to show her not to be credible. But Daniels fought back." - quote
Did she lay down and open her legs trying to engulf the entire courtroom into her vagina, is that how she fought back?
The payment to Stormy was criminal.
How Cohen acted was, but what Trump wanted done wasn't, nor was it illegal to pay a legal bill went it sent to you.

Cohen was a bad lawyer, that did his job poorly, and even criminally.....that doesn't fall on his clients
Why was it illegal for a client to pay their legal bill?
On January 22, 2018, Common Cause became the first organization to file a complaint with the Department of Justice and a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that the payment of $130,000 from Essential Consultants LLC to Ms. Daniels was an unreported and illegal in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign. According to the complaints, the payment was:

  • For the purpose of influencing the 2016 presidential general election.
  • Made in coordination with the campaign via Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen.

At that time, the source of the $130,000 was unknown – and Common Cause named both the Trump Organization and “John Doe” as possible sources. In March 2018, however, based on public statements by Micheal Cohen claiming that he paid the funds to Ms. Daniels, Common Cause amended its complaints to allege an illegally large in-kind contribution from Cohen to the Trump campaign.

It’s clear the money was paid because the Trump team feared that the emergence of her story just before the 2016 election would torpedo Trump’s chance of becoming president. That makes the payment a campaign contribution – and the Trump campaign’s failure to disclose it to the Federal Election Commission illegal.

And if the money came from Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, as Cohen claims, it exceeded the legal limit for campaign gifts by more than $127,000.
On January 22, 2018, Common Cause became the first organization to file a complaint with the Department of Justice and a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that the payment of $130,000 from Essential Consultants LLC to Ms. Daniels was an unreported and illegal in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign. According to the complaints, the payment was:

  • For the purpose of influencing the 2016 presidential general election.
  • Made in coordination with the campaign via Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen.

At that time, the source of the $130,000 was unknown – and Common Cause named both the Trump Organization and “John Doe” as possible sources. In March 2018, however, based on public statements by Micheal Cohen claiming that he paid the funds to Ms. Daniels, Common Cause amended its complaints to allege an illegally large in-kind contribution from Cohen to the Trump campaign.

It’s clear the money was paid because the Trump team feared that the emergence of her story just before the 2016 election would torpedo Trump’s chance of becoming president. That makes the payment a campaign contribution – and the Trump campaign’s failure to disclose it to the Federal Election Commission illegal.

And if the money came from Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, as Cohen claims, it exceeded the legal limit for campaign gifts by more than $127,000.
Yeah, the FEC investigated and cleared Trump of any wrong doing.

The FEC did however find that Clinton violated the law, when she tried to cover up here payments to a foreign agent, Michael Steele, by claiming they were legal fees to Perkins Cole. She was fined.

Why isn't the NY DA prosecuting her?

Oh yeah, because this is a political prosecution
It will not be dismissed. Trump "The Horndog" fucked Stormy, "The Stripper slut" then had his fixer pay her off to keep it quiet, so it would not affect his standing in the 2016 election with the Baptists and Presbyterians. It was claimed as a business expense (tax write-off), but was actually a person expense item. As it was hush money to influence his standing in the election, it was also an undisclosed campaign finance violation, secretly made to affect the Election for President of The United State. You can take your pic of applicable laws broken and fight it out with the Judge and Jury. It is quite likely, Donald Trump will be found guilty on felonies, to cover up the fact, he cannot keep his dick in his pants, as the man has no self-control, no commitment to oaths before God, or to any of his wives, or any other oaths he takes, which is a really, really shitty character flaw for anybody seeking a leadership position of any kind, much less President of the United States and leader of the Free World (which he is not too big on the free world, anyway, as all his heroes are top down strongmen or outright Communists). And, this is just the start. He will most likely be found guilty of other felonies in Georgia, as well as the Federal Documents case, and may be charged with election charges in Arizona. He bills himself, now as "Al Capone", which fits him. Within 45 days, he will most likely be a convicted felon. Have a Nice Day. :cool:
Yeah...why couldn't Trump be more like a Democrat...right, White! You John F. Kennedy! Now there was a man who knew how to keep it in his pants! Or JFK's biggest fan? Slick Willie Clinton? Another man of high moral character who never strayed? Your hypocrisy is palpable!

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