Stormy Daniels Changes Her Story AGAIN?

Not once.

You're lying as usual, world's shittiest lawyer.

When the story first broke, he denied meeting her -- then photos surfaced.

Then when the details of Cohen paying her broke, he denied knowing about it -- then his reimbursement checks surfaced.
Yes. But guess what, it's not a legal expense when it's to break a law. Legal expenses are for legal matters.
What law was broken by paying your lawyer for him to draw up a legal contract?
They effed up big time on the Stormy Daniels court case.

It's pretty much over, Trump won this one.
What law was broken by paying your lawyer for him to draw up a legal contract?

How many times do you need me to repeat the same answer to the same question?

An illegal campaign contribution.
Nah, I think I will stay and keep telling it how it is, no matter what rightwing trump trolls crawl out of their holes. You see, trump is getting what trump calls for, by word, deed and action. If it were a democrat that did the same actions, you would be clamoring for action, wondering what took so long. So, here we are, another day in court and more of the true trump character coming to the surface, along with the background on how his miscalculations and desire to be above the law (along with his usual desires) brings him to another day in court, not even supported by any wife or family, as they all know he fucked her, authorized the payoff, attempted to launder the money through corporate accounts as a business expense, was aware of every facet of the attempted coverup, and now facing what normal people would face if they committed the same and tried to blame it on his lawyer, who served time for his conspiracy to cover up Don's peter track to hide his cheating on his marriage from the voters. The cover up hush money was effective in the time frame it was needed, to secure the religious vote, but it all came out later, anyway.
Now tell us what the underlying crime here is troll boy. Your hero Fat Alvin can't find it. The judge is also refusing to allow the FEC representative to testify about anything related to the case. That's how it is, no matter what lefturd liars like you claim.
Serial Lairs rarely testify Under Oath. They wait until they get out of the court house and whine about other's testifying under oath.
Sexual abuser, fraudster in business, serial adulter. Geeeshhh. The perfect candidate for MAGA. There is no repub party anymore.
Not entirely irrelevant. If the jury believes they did, that will factor into Trump's credibility.
Well, if the judge were really a judge he would instruct the jury that the case has nothing to do with whether Trump slept with her or not. It is irrelevant to the case.
And Caroll claimed Trump raped her and held that she was lying. Yer point?
After the trial, it sounds as if the Jury and the judge figure Trump is the liar.
Nah. The whole process was geared to Fuck Trump. It worked. At the trial level. It will be reversed.
Nah, he uses Republican lawyers. He would probably do better hiring new lawyers from the public defenders.

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