Stormy Daniels donating $130,000 to Planned Parenthood in Trump's and Cohen's name. Bless her!

But the evangelical protestant trash are the same ones who yell and scream about everyone else having sex and with whom. And they are homophobic, haters, misogynists, racists, fanatics, and out of touch, which is why they get called these names. They deserve what they get.

You have quite a filthy mouth for a "holy morals" princess.

"Evangelical protestant trash." You are obviously a religious bigot. You are the judge and jury of what other people "deserve" for DARING to oppose your ideology, eh? I don't think so, bud.

Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others.
Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others
Yep... you are

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

You deceive yourself, when it comes to labels.

Bigot, racist, biased, homophobic, prejudiced, sexist,
...blah blah blah, intolerance is intolerance

How are Evangelical Protestants
using religion to abuse people?

...To run everyone else's lives?

...Take away the rights of others?

Why have you singled out Evangelical Protestants?

What does religion have to do with anything?

What makes your intolerance, acceptable,
and mine, unacceptable and discriminatory?

You complain about an immoral
and preverted man, leading the free world...

Yet, at the same time, you support
what others consider, immoral and perverse,
and have the audacity, to dismiss your own intolerance?!

You have the audacity, to support and advance,
the very things that are immoral and perverse
because you are intolerant of decency.

What truly defines morals, values and decency,
suits you to measure Trump, but, becomes your weapon,
to attack decency and morals, as discrimination

Your fixated on a PORN STAR,
who was COMPENSATED FOR SEX,, there's a shocker!

...which, she didn', there's a shocker!

She's donating $130 grand to an abortion organization,, another shocker!

Your arguing for a morally bankrupt, metoo whore,
while trashing Trump, for his morals

In your own Bigotry, you justify your intolerance
somehow believing, it excuses your discrimination
and, is excluded from negative labels

No matter what, you take yourself with you

You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.

If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.

Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
Why am I not surprised that your response, totally evades
what I last posted and, to which, you are responding?
You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.
First of all, you're the one obsessed with adultery...
the fucking sex, not me

Interfering with other people's lives and decisions...

Impose and dictate lifestyles/choices....


Not only impose but, embrace

Others have to embrace what they find intolerable
because others can't tolerate, what others will not embrace?!

What does ANY of this have to do with,
you being a bigot and Trump fucking around?
If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.
A man who wants to undergo surgery
to become a 'woman', should go to counseling....
Wtf...that surgical procedure shouldn't even exist!

A 3 year old shouldn't be taking hormone blockers
A doctor shouldn't be prescribing that shit
Social workers shouldn't be advocating this shit
Parents shouldn't be getting away with that shit

So, tell me...what fucking laws are you talking about?

What has anything you stated, and I'm responding to,
have to do with your bigotry and intolerance?
Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
I'd rather point out, the same trash,
yapping about the pig in the Oval office,
and his lack of morals and decency,
and, the 'holy rollers' who support him....

are the same trash, that attack morals and decency...
they regard what is unnatural, as natural,
they claim abortion isn't legalized killing, its a woman's right
they dismiss mental illness, as competency and self awareness
they reward irresponsibility, instead of allowing consequences
they exercise their intolerance by manipulating the law
they use the term civil rights and deny their intolerance
they want others to accept, what they consider unacceptable
instead of accepting, themselves, others don't

As far as PP goes....
they advocate birth control and easy solutions
not morals, values and responsibilities

You have women, riding the metoo train,
that have made a living and millions,
portraying women as sex objects and selling sex,
through songs, movies, television, clothes and magazines.

Has PP denounced the exploitation of women,
by women, on behalf of young girls?

What the fuck has PP done to change the culture?
Nothing...they provide assistance to engage in a culture of...
promiscuous, gender confused, my body, my right, lifestyles,

Everything you have mentioned involves an obsession with what other people do and how they do it, and reveals your absurd hatred of women and your wish that they continue to be exploited. What you are writing about is an effort to undermine the freedoms of others; a true effort at social engineering. You people's persistent efforts to portray all human activity outside of a guy humping his wife at will as "promiscuous" are just disgusting and disrespectful. Many couples don't want children, or don't want one yet, or don't want another one yet. Most Americans don't just have a series of one-night stands. And Newsflash! Most Americans have premarital sex:

Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954–2003

PP has helped millions of people understand how their bodies work, to provide them with the tools to decide whether or not to have sex and with whom, according to their individual ethics, and to help couples start and maintain healthy, loving relationships.

It has helped to destroy the totally immoral sexual double standard by giving men a pass on "traditional" sexual morality and a tacit approval to be promiscuous while holding women to a much higher standard, while religion has failed to address this blatant hypocrisy at all, thus proving that sexual "morality" never had anything to do with any supreme being. PP has helped to destroy exploitation and substitute it with independence.

Yes, people do have a right to control their own bodies. If they don't, who else does?

The "Me, Too" movement has exposed exploitation, not abetted it. It has exposed many instances of perverted people who trade on their positions of power and influence to extort sex from others, but apparently you want to protect these people and allow this cancer to continue in society.

If you don't want to have sex, don't have it. If you don't want to be in a same-sex relationship, don't get into one. If you want to have an S&M relationship with some man who can order you to have sex any time in any way he wants it, which historically has been a feature of "traditional marriage," go for it. Just stay out of other people's lives, refrain from violating their privacy, and stop trying to abuse the legislative process to impose your sick views on the entire population.
Your a piece of work, to say the least....

The rest will have to wait until I get home from work!
"Evangelical protestant trash." You are obviously a religious bigot. You are the judge and jury of what other people "deserve" for DARING to oppose your ideology, eh? I don't think so, bud.

Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others.
Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others
Yep... you are

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

You deceive yourself, when it comes to labels.

Bigot, racist, biased, homophobic, prejudiced, sexist,
...blah blah blah, intolerance is intolerance

How are Evangelical Protestants
using religion to abuse people?

...To run everyone else's lives?

...Take away the rights of others?

Why have you singled out Evangelical Protestants?

What does religion have to do with anything?

What makes your intolerance, acceptable,
and mine, unacceptable and discriminatory?

You complain about an immoral
and preverted man, leading the free world...

Yet, at the same time, you support
what others consider, immoral and perverse,
and have the audacity, to dismiss your own intolerance?!

You have the audacity, to support and advance,
the very things that are immoral and perverse
because you are intolerant of decency.

What truly defines morals, values and decency,
suits you to measure Trump, but, becomes your weapon,
to attack decency and morals, as discrimination

Your fixated on a PORN STAR,
who was COMPENSATED FOR SEX,, there's a shocker!

...which, she didn', there's a shocker!

She's donating $130 grand to an abortion organization,, another shocker!

Your arguing for a morally bankrupt, metoo whore,
while trashing Trump, for his morals

In your own Bigotry, you justify your intolerance
somehow believing, it excuses your discrimination
and, is excluded from negative labels

No matter what, you take yourself with you

You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.

If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.

Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
Why am I not surprised that your response, totally evades
what I last posted and, to which, you are responding?
You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.
First of all, you're the one obsessed with adultery...
the fucking sex, not me

Interfering with other people's lives and decisions...

Impose and dictate lifestyles/choices....


Not only impose but, embrace

Others have to embrace what they find intolerable
because others can't tolerate, what others will not embrace?!

What does ANY of this have to do with,
you being a bigot and Trump fucking around?
If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.
A man who wants to undergo surgery
to become a 'woman', should go to counseling....
Wtf...that surgical procedure shouldn't even exist!

A 3 year old shouldn't be taking hormone blockers
A doctor shouldn't be prescribing that shit
Social workers shouldn't be advocating this shit
Parents shouldn't be getting away with that shit

So, tell me...what fucking laws are you talking about?

What has anything you stated, and I'm responding to,
have to do with your bigotry and intolerance?
Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
I'd rather point out, the same trash,
yapping about the pig in the Oval office,
and his lack of morals and decency,
and, the 'holy rollers' who support him....

are the same trash, that attack morals and decency...
they regard what is unnatural, as natural,
they claim abortion isn't legalized killing, its a woman's right
they dismiss mental illness, as competency and self awareness
they reward irresponsibility, instead of allowing consequences
they exercise their intolerance by manipulating the law
they use the term civil rights and deny their intolerance
they want others to accept, what they consider unacceptable
instead of accepting, themselves, others don't

As far as PP goes....
they advocate birth control and easy solutions
not morals, values and responsibilities

You have women, riding the metoo train,
that have made a living and millions,
portraying women as sex objects and selling sex,
through songs, movies, television, clothes and magazines.

Has PP denounced the exploitation of women,
by women, on behalf of young girls?

What the fuck has PP done to change the culture?
Nothing...they provide assistance to engage in a culture of...
promiscuous, gender confused, my body, my right, lifestyles,

Everything you have mentioned involves an obsession with what other people do and how they do it, and reveals your absurd hatred of women and your wish that they continue to be exploited. What you are writing about is an effort to undermine the freedoms of others; a true effort at social engineering. You people's persistent efforts to portray all human activity outside of a guy humping his wife at will as "promiscuous" are just disgusting and disrespectful. Many couples don't want children, or don't want one yet, or don't want another one yet. Most Americans don't just have a series of one-night stands. And Newsflash! Most Americans have premarital sex:

Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954–2003

PP has helped millions of people understand how their bodies work, to provide them with the tools to decide whether or not to have sex and with whom, according to their individual ethics, and to help couples start and maintain healthy, loving relationships.

It has helped to destroy the totally immoral sexual double standard by giving men a pass on "traditional" sexual morality and a tacit approval to be promiscuous while holding women to a much higher standard, while religion has failed to address this blatant hypocrisy at all, thus proving that sexual "morality" never had anything to do with any supreme being. PP has helped to destroy exploitation and substitute it with independence.

Yes, people do have a right to control their own bodies. If they don't, who else does?

The "Me, Too" movement has exposed exploitation, not abetted it. It has exposed many instances of perverted people who trade on their positions of power and influence to extort sex from others, but apparently you want to protect these people and allow this cancer to continue in society.

If you don't want to have sex, don't have it. If you don't want to be in a same-sex relationship, don't get into one. If you want to have an S&M relationship with some man who can order you to have sex any time in any way he wants it, which historically has been a feature of "traditional marriage," go for it. Just stay out of other people's lives, refrain from violating their privacy, and stop trying to abuse the legislative process to impose your sick views on the entire population.

This thread is talking about a woman who sells herself to men for money on camera. What in the hell are you talking about?
"Evangelical protestant trash." You are obviously a religious bigot. You are the judge and jury of what other people "deserve" for DARING to oppose your ideology, eh? I don't think so, bud.

Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others.
Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others
Yep... you are

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

You deceive yourself, when it comes to labels.

Bigot, racist, biased, homophobic, prejudiced, sexist,
...blah blah blah, intolerance is intolerance

How are Evangelical Protestants
using religion to abuse people?

...To run everyone else's lives?

...Take away the rights of others?

Why have you singled out Evangelical Protestants?

What does religion have to do with anything?

What makes your intolerance, acceptable,
and mine, unacceptable and discriminatory?

You complain about an immoral
and preverted man, leading the free world...

Yet, at the same time, you support
what others consider, immoral and perverse,
and have the audacity, to dismiss your own intolerance?!

You have the audacity, to support and advance,
the very things that are immoral and perverse
because you are intolerant of decency.

What truly defines morals, values and decency,
suits you to measure Trump, but, becomes your weapon,
to attack decency and morals, as discrimination

Your fixated on a PORN STAR,
who was COMPENSATED FOR SEX,, there's a shocker!

...which, she didn', there's a shocker!

She's donating $130 grand to an abortion organization,, another shocker!

Your arguing for a morally bankrupt, metoo whore,
while trashing Trump, for his morals

In your own Bigotry, you justify your intolerance
somehow believing, it excuses your discrimination
and, is excluded from negative labels

No matter what, you take yourself with you

You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.

If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.

Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
Why am I not surprised that your response, totally evades
what I last posted and, to which, you are responding?
You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.
First of all, you're the one obsessed with adultery...
the fucking sex, not me

Interfering with other people's lives and decisions...

Impose and dictate lifestyles/choices....


Not only impose but, embrace

Others have to embrace what they find intolerable
because others can't tolerate, what others will not embrace?!

What does ANY of this have to do with,
you being a bigot and Trump fucking around?
If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.
A man who wants to undergo surgery
to become a 'woman', should go to counseling....
Wtf...that surgical procedure shouldn't even exist!

A 3 year old shouldn't be taking hormone blockers
A doctor shouldn't be prescribing that shit
Social workers shouldn't be advocating this shit
Parents shouldn't be getting away with that shit

So, tell me...what fucking laws are you talking about?

What has anything you stated, and I'm responding to,
have to do with your bigotry and intolerance?
Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
I'd rather point out, the same trash,
yapping about the pig in the Oval office,
and his lack of morals and decency,
and, the 'holy rollers' who support him....

are the same trash, that attack morals and decency...
they regard what is unnatural, as natural,
they claim abortion isn't legalized killing, its a woman's right
they dismiss mental illness, as competency and self awareness
they reward irresponsibility, instead of allowing consequences
they exercise their intolerance by manipulating the law
they use the term civil rights and deny their intolerance
they want others to accept, what they consider unacceptable
instead of accepting, themselves, others don't

As far as PP goes....
they advocate birth control and easy solutions
not morals, values and responsibilities

You have women, riding the metoo train,
that have made a living and millions,
portraying women as sex objects and selling sex,
through songs, movies, television, clothes and magazines.

Has PP denounced the exploitation of women,
by women, on behalf of young girls?

What the fuck has PP done to change the culture?
Nothing...they provide assistance to engage in a culture of...
promiscuous, gender confused, my body, my right, lifestyles,

Everything you have mentioned involves an obsession with what other people do and how they do it, and reveals your absurd hatred of women and your wish that they continue to be exploited. What you are writing about is an effort to undermine the freedoms of others; a true effort at social engineering. You people's persistent efforts to portray all human activity outside of a guy humping his wife at will as "promiscuous" are just disgusting and disrespectful. Many couples don't want children, or don't want one yet, or don't want another one yet. Most Americans don't just have a series of one-night stands. And Newsflash! Most Americans have premarital sex:

Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954–2003

PP has helped millions of people understand how their bodies work, to provide them with the tools to decide whether or not to have sex and with whom, according to their individual ethics, and to help couples start and maintain healthy, loving relationships.

It has helped to destroy the totally immoral sexual double standard by giving men a pass on "traditional" sexual morality and a tacit approval to be promiscuous while holding women to a much higher standard, while religion has failed to address this blatant hypocrisy at all, thus proving that sexual "morality" never had anything to do with any supreme being. PP has helped to destroy exploitation and substitute it with independence.

Yes, people do have a right to control their own bodies. If they don't, who else does?

The "Me, Too" movement has exposed exploitation, not abetted it. It has exposed many instances of perverted people who trade on their positions of power and influence to extort sex from others, but apparently you want to protect these people and allow this cancer to continue in society.

If you don't want to have sex, don't have it. If you don't want to be in a same-sex relationship, don't get into one. If you want to have an S&M relationship with some man who can order you to have sex any time in any way he wants it, which historically has been a feature of "traditional marriage," go for it. Just stay out of other people's lives, refrain from violating their privacy, and stop trying to abuse the legislative process to impose your sick views on the entire population.

Except that Stormy Daniels was not "assaulted." She is a prostitute and had sex with Trump willingly. Obviously a whore who thought she found an easy billionaire to bag. However, he married another woman, and now is POTUS. Understandable that Stormy was a bit "insulted" that Trump gave her money, not for her sexcapades but because he was embarrassed and wanted her to not talk about, but she is a prostitute. He was expecting too much. It would be SHE who is exploiting HIM if you were to be sincere though.
"Evangelical protestant trash." You are obviously a religious bigot. You are the judge and jury of what other people "deserve" for DARING to oppose your ideology, eh? I don't think so, bud.

Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others.
Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others
Yep... you are

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

You deceive yourself, when it comes to labels.

Bigot, racist, biased, homophobic, prejudiced, sexist,
...blah blah blah, intolerance is intolerance

How are Evangelical Protestants
using religion to abuse people?

...To run everyone else's lives?

...Take away the rights of others?

Why have you singled out Evangelical Protestants?

What does religion have to do with anything?

What makes your intolerance, acceptable,
and mine, unacceptable and discriminatory?

You complain about an immoral
and preverted man, leading the free world...

Yet, at the same time, you support
what others consider, immoral and perverse,
and have the audacity, to dismiss your own intolerance?!

You have the audacity, to support and advance,
the very things that are immoral and perverse
because you are intolerant of decency.

What truly defines morals, values and decency,
suits you to measure Trump, but, becomes your weapon,
to attack decency and morals, as discrimination

Your fixated on a PORN STAR,
who was COMPENSATED FOR SEX,, there's a shocker!

...which, she didn', there's a shocker!

She's donating $130 grand to an abortion organization,, another shocker!

Your arguing for a morally bankrupt, metoo whore,
while trashing Trump, for his morals

In your own Bigotry, you justify your intolerance
somehow believing, it excuses your discrimination
and, is excluded from negative labels

No matter what, you take yourself with you

You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.

If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.

Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
Why am I not surprised that your response, totally evades
what I last posted and, to which, you are responding?
You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.
First of all, you're the one obsessed with adultery...
the fucking sex, not me

Interfering with other people's lives and decisions...

Impose and dictate lifestyles/choices....


Not only impose but, embrace

Others have to embrace what they find intolerable
because others can't tolerate, what others will not embrace?!

What does ANY of this have to do with,
you being a bigot and Trump fucking around?
If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.
A man who wants to undergo surgery
to become a 'woman', should go to counseling....
Wtf...that surgical procedure shouldn't even exist!

A 3 year old shouldn't be taking hormone blockers
A doctor shouldn't be prescribing that shit
Social workers shouldn't be advocating this shit
Parents shouldn't be getting away with that shit

So, tell me...what fucking laws are you talking about?

What has anything you stated, and I'm responding to,
have to do with your bigotry and intolerance?
Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
I'd rather point out, the same trash,
yapping about the pig in the Oval office,
and his lack of morals and decency,
and, the 'holy rollers' who support him....

are the same trash, that attack morals and decency...
they regard what is unnatural, as natural,
they claim abortion isn't legalized killing, its a woman's right
they dismiss mental illness, as competency and self awareness
they reward irresponsibility, instead of allowing consequences
they exercise their intolerance by manipulating the law
they use the term civil rights and deny their intolerance
they want others to accept, what they consider unacceptable
instead of accepting, themselves, others don't

As far as PP goes....
they advocate birth control and easy solutions
not morals, values and responsibilities

You have women, riding the metoo train,
that have made a living and millions,
portraying women as sex objects and selling sex,
through songs, movies, television, clothes and magazines.

Has PP denounced the exploitation of women,
by women, on behalf of young girls?

What the fuck has PP done to change the culture?
Nothing...they provide assistance to engage in a culture of...
promiscuous, gender confused, my body, my right, lifestyles,

Everything you have mentioned involves an obsession with what other people do and how they do it, and reveals your absurd hatred of women and your wish that they continue to be exploited. What you are writing about is an effort to undermine the freedoms of others; a true effort at social engineering. You people's persistent efforts to portray all human activity outside of a guy humping his wife at will as "promiscuous" are just disgusting and disrespectful. Many couples don't want children, or don't want one yet, or don't want another one yet. Most Americans don't just have a series of one-night stands. And Newsflash! Most Americans have premarital sex:

Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954–2003

PP has helped millions of people understand how their bodies work, to provide them with the tools to decide whether or not to have sex and with whom, according to their individual ethics, and to help couples start and maintain healthy, loving relationships.

It has helped to destroy the totally immoral sexual double standard by giving men a pass on "traditional" sexual morality and a tacit approval to be promiscuous while holding women to a much higher standard, while religion has failed to address this blatant hypocrisy at all, thus proving that sexual "morality" never had anything to do with any supreme being. PP has helped to destroy exploitation and substitute it with independence.

Yes, people do have a right to control their own bodies. If they don't, who else does?

The "Me, Too" movement has exposed exploitation, not abetted it. It has exposed many instances of perverted people who trade on their positions of power and influence to extort sex from others, but apparently you want to protect these people and allow this cancer to continue in society.

If you don't want to have sex, don't have it. If you don't want to be in a same-sex relationship, don't get into one. If you want to have an S&M relationship with some man who can order you to have sex any time in any way he wants it, which historically has been a feature of "traditional marriage," go for it. Just stay out of other people's lives, refrain from violating their privacy, and stop trying to abuse the legislative process to impose your sick views on the entire population.

Have you ever even placed a foot into one of these places or used their services? I know a woman who had an abortion set up through Planned Parenthood. She was a teenager at the time, and apparently they did not talk to her about really much of anything except for how much she could afford to pay. Lol.
A measure of if Planned Parenthood actually WORKS, is to look at the results in the cities where they are most prominent and being used most often. Not listening to silly liberals singing their praises on the internet! Silly liberals, only morons fall for your rhetoric without any proof.
A measure of if Planned Parenthood actually WORKS, is to look at the results in the cities where they are most prominent and being used most often. Not listening to silly liberals singing their praises on the internet! Silly liberals, only morons fall for your rhetoric without any proof.
They actually are very successful in accomplishing the mission laid out by Margaret Sanger.
Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others.
Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others
Yep... you are

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

You deceive yourself, when it comes to labels.

Bigot, racist, biased, homophobic, prejudiced, sexist,
...blah blah blah, intolerance is intolerance

How are Evangelical Protestants
using religion to abuse people?

...To run everyone else's lives?

...Take away the rights of others?

Why have you singled out Evangelical Protestants?

What does religion have to do with anything?

What makes your intolerance, acceptable,
and mine, unacceptable and discriminatory?

You complain about an immoral
and preverted man, leading the free world...

Yet, at the same time, you support
what others consider, immoral and perverse,
and have the audacity, to dismiss your own intolerance?!

You have the audacity, to support and advance,
the very things that are immoral and perverse
because you are intolerant of decency.

What truly defines morals, values and decency,
suits you to measure Trump, but, becomes your weapon,
to attack decency and morals, as discrimination

Your fixated on a PORN STAR,
who was COMPENSATED FOR SEX,, there's a shocker!

...which, she didn', there's a shocker!

She's donating $130 grand to an abortion organization,, another shocker!

Your arguing for a morally bankrupt, metoo whore,
while trashing Trump, for his morals

In your own Bigotry, you justify your intolerance
somehow believing, it excuses your discrimination
and, is excluded from negative labels

No matter what, you take yourself with you

You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.

If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.

Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
Why am I not surprised that your response, totally evades
what I last posted and, to which, you are responding?
You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.
First of all, you're the one obsessed with adultery...
the fucking sex, not me

Interfering with other people's lives and decisions...

Impose and dictate lifestyles/choices....


Not only impose but, embrace

Others have to embrace what they find intolerable
because others can't tolerate, what others will not embrace?!

What does ANY of this have to do with,
you being a bigot and Trump fucking around?
If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.
A man who wants to undergo surgery
to become a 'woman', should go to counseling....
Wtf...that surgical procedure shouldn't even exist!

A 3 year old shouldn't be taking hormone blockers
A doctor shouldn't be prescribing that shit
Social workers shouldn't be advocating this shit
Parents shouldn't be getting away with that shit

So, tell me...what fucking laws are you talking about?

What has anything you stated, and I'm responding to,
have to do with your bigotry and intolerance?
Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
I'd rather point out, the same trash,
yapping about the pig in the Oval office,
and his lack of morals and decency,
and, the 'holy rollers' who support him....

are the same trash, that attack morals and decency...
they regard what is unnatural, as natural,
they claim abortion isn't legalized killing, its a woman's right
they dismiss mental illness, as competency and self awareness
they reward irresponsibility, instead of allowing consequences
they exercise their intolerance by manipulating the law
they use the term civil rights and deny their intolerance
they want others to accept, what they consider unacceptable
instead of accepting, themselves, others don't

As far as PP goes....
they advocate birth control and easy solutions
not morals, values and responsibilities

You have women, riding the metoo train,
that have made a living and millions,
portraying women as sex objects and selling sex,
through songs, movies, television, clothes and magazines.

Has PP denounced the exploitation of women,
by women, on behalf of young girls?

What the fuck has PP done to change the culture?
Nothing...they provide assistance to engage in a culture of...
promiscuous, gender confused, my body, my right, lifestyles,

Everything you have mentioned involves an obsession with what other people do and how they do it, and reveals your absurd hatred of women and your wish that they continue to be exploited. What you are writing about is an effort to undermine the freedoms of others; a true effort at social engineering. You people's persistent efforts to portray all human activity outside of a guy humping his wife at will as "promiscuous" are just disgusting and disrespectful. Many couples don't want children, or don't want one yet, or don't want another one yet. Most Americans don't just have a series of one-night stands. And Newsflash! Most Americans have premarital sex:

Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954–2003

PP has helped millions of people understand how their bodies work, to provide them with the tools to decide whether or not to have sex and with whom, according to their individual ethics, and to help couples start and maintain healthy, loving relationships.

It has helped to destroy the totally immoral sexual double standard by giving men a pass on "traditional" sexual morality and a tacit approval to be promiscuous while holding women to a much higher standard, while religion has failed to address this blatant hypocrisy at all, thus proving that sexual "morality" never had anything to do with any supreme being. PP has helped to destroy exploitation and substitute it with independence.

Yes, people do have a right to control their own bodies. If they don't, who else does?

The "Me, Too" movement has exposed exploitation, not abetted it. It has exposed many instances of perverted people who trade on their positions of power and influence to extort sex from others, but apparently you want to protect these people and allow this cancer to continue in society.

If you don't want to have sex, don't have it. If you don't want to be in a same-sex relationship, don't get into one. If you want to have an S&M relationship with some man who can order you to have sex any time in any way he wants it, which historically has been a feature of "traditional marriage," go for it. Just stay out of other people's lives, refrain from violating their privacy, and stop trying to abuse the legislative process to impose your sick views on the entire population.

Have you ever even placed a foot into one of these places or used their services? I know a woman who had an abortion set up through Planned Parenthood. She was a teenager at the time, and apparently they did not talk to her about really much of anything except for how much she could afford to pay. Lol.

Yes, I have. PP helped my entire dorm at a catholic college make it to graduation without either getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant. And that was many years ago. Our Irish dorm mother had a cow when some of the girls posted information about PP, but also brought back dozens of condoms, some of which several of us filled with water and had a great water fight. It's a shame that your friend didn't go to PP earlier to learn how to avoid pregnancy. My boyfriend and I appreciated the information and the pills they gave us. We found clean conditions and a caring attitude among the staff. Services at PP are provided on a sliding scale depending on ability to pay, so of course they asked her about her finances.

How would you know how many unwanted pregnancies and abortions were prevented by PP's services in any given city?

If unwanted pregnancies, and thus abortions, are prevented, the spread of STDs is prevented or STDs treated, and people are checked for cancer, what's bugging you, anyway? People come to PP because they desire the services it offers. PP does not drag patients in off the streets.

An ounce of prevention IS worth a pound of cure, something you ninnies never seem to be able to grasp.
"Evangelical protestant trash." You are obviously a religious bigot. You are the judge and jury of what other people "deserve" for DARING to oppose your ideology, eh? I don't think so, bud.

Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others.
Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others
Yep... you are

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

You deceive yourself, when it comes to labels.

Bigot, racist, biased, homophobic, prejudiced, sexist,
...blah blah blah, intolerance is intolerance

How are Evangelical Protestants
using religion to abuse people?

...To run everyone else's lives?

...Take away the rights of others?

Why have you singled out Evangelical Protestants?

What does religion have to do with anything?

What makes your intolerance, acceptable,
and mine, unacceptable and discriminatory?

You complain about an immoral
and preverted man, leading the free world...

Yet, at the same time, you support
what others consider, immoral and perverse,
and have the audacity, to dismiss your own intolerance?!

You have the audacity, to support and advance,
the very things that are immoral and perverse
because you are intolerant of decency.

What truly defines morals, values and decency,
suits you to measure Trump, but, becomes your weapon,
to attack decency and morals, as discrimination

Your fixated on a PORN STAR,
who was COMPENSATED FOR SEX,, there's a shocker!

...which, she didn', there's a shocker!

She's donating $130 grand to an abortion organization,, another shocker!

Your arguing for a morally bankrupt, metoo whore,
while trashing Trump, for his morals

In your own Bigotry, you justify your intolerance
somehow believing, it excuses your discrimination
and, is excluded from negative labels

No matter what, you take yourself with you

You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.

If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.

Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
Why am I not surprised that your response, totally evades
what I last posted and, to which, you are responding?
You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.
First of all, you're the one obsessed with adultery...
the fucking sex, not me

Interfering with other people's lives and decisions...

Impose and dictate lifestyles/choices....


Not only impose but, embrace

Others have to embrace what they find intolerable
because others can't tolerate, what others will not embrace?!

What does ANY of this have to do with,
you being a bigot and Trump fucking around?
If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.
A man who wants to undergo surgery
to become a 'woman', should go to counseling....
Wtf...that surgical procedure shouldn't even exist!

A 3 year old shouldn't be taking hormone blockers
A doctor shouldn't be prescribing that shit
Social workers shouldn't be advocating this shit
Parents shouldn't be getting away with that shit

So, tell me...what fucking laws are you talking about?

What has anything you stated, and I'm responding to,
have to do with your bigotry and intolerance?
Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
I'd rather point out, the same trash,
yapping about the pig in the Oval office,
and his lack of morals and decency,
and, the 'holy rollers' who support him....

are the same trash, that attack morals and decency...
they regard what is unnatural, as natural,
they claim abortion isn't legalized killing, its a woman's right
they dismiss mental illness, as competency and self awareness
they reward irresponsibility, instead of allowing consequences
they exercise their intolerance by manipulating the law
they use the term civil rights and deny their intolerance
they want others to accept, what they consider unacceptable
instead of accepting, themselves, others don't

As far as PP goes....
they advocate birth control and easy solutions
not morals, values and responsibilities

You have women, riding the metoo train,
that have made a living and millions,
portraying women as sex objects and selling sex,
through songs, movies, television, clothes and magazines.

Has PP denounced the exploitation of women,
by women, on behalf of young girls?

What the fuck has PP done to change the culture?
Nothing...they provide assistance to engage in a culture of...
promiscuous, gender confused, my body, my right, lifestyles,

Everything you have mentioned involves an obsession with what other people do and how they do it, and reveals your absurd hatred of women and your wish that they continue to be exploited. What you are writing about is an effort to undermine the freedoms of others; a true effort at social engineering. You people's persistent efforts to portray all human activity outside of a guy humping his wife at will as "promiscuous" are just disgusting and disrespectful. Many couples don't want children, or don't want one yet, or don't want another one yet. Most Americans don't just have a series of one-night stands. And Newsflash! Most Americans have premarital sex:

Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954–2003

PP has helped millions of people understand how their bodies work, to provide them with the tools to decide whether or not to have sex and with whom, according to their individual ethics, and to help couples start and maintain healthy, loving relationships.

It has helped to destroy the totally immoral sexual double standard by giving men a pass on "traditional" sexual morality and a tacit approval to be promiscuous while holding women to a much higher standard, while religion has failed to address this blatant hypocrisy at all, thus proving that sexual "morality" never had anything to do with any supreme being. PP has helped to destroy exploitation and substitute it with independence.

Yes, people do have a right to control their own bodies. If they don't, who else does?

The "Me, Too" movement has exposed exploitation, not abetted it. It has exposed many instances of perverted people who trade on their positions of power and influence to extort sex from others, but apparently you want to protect these people and allow this cancer to continue in society.

If you don't want to have sex, don't have it. If you don't want to be in a same-sex relationship, don't get into one. If you want to have an S&M relationship with some man who can order you to have sex any time in any way he wants it, which historically has been a feature of "traditional marriage," go for it. Just stay out of other people's lives, refrain from violating their privacy, and stop trying to abuse the legislative process to impose your sick views on the entire population.
Oye vay...I'm still looking for some crayons...
Would you like me to put some cartoons on,
and grab you a juice box, while you wait?
Everything you have mentioned involves an obsession with what other people do and how they do it,
ROFLMFAO... you really are a piece of work!

YOU brought up morals and the lack of
I just followed your lead...

Why is it ok for you to be an idiot,
but, not ok for me to point it out?

Your problem isn't with having morals or standards,
your problem is with, what is considered immoral
...what is and is not, considered acceptable

I'm obsessed with what people do and how...
if that's the case, what makes you any different?

and reveals your absurd hatred of women and your wish that they continue to be exploited.
And you continue to reveal,
how pathetically, clueless and naive you are....

Keep never know...
you might actually type something intelligent,
and surprise the shit out of us all!

I don't harbor, an absurd hatred for all women....
let alone, wish for anyone, to be exploited

I detest women like you, who arrogantly believe,
they are strong women, who speak on behalf of the weak.

I detest women like you,
who have reduced a woman's value to a dollar amount

I detest women like you,
who exclude, choosing to be responsible,
when advocating, a woman's right to choose

I detest women like you, who rally behind women,
who, not only, allowed themselves
to be sexually harassed, but, played along...
just to get a role, or keep their job/position

I detest women like you, who have helped women
that portray women as sex objects, become millionaires
What you are writing about is an effort to undermine the freedoms of others; a true effort at social engineering.
Take your head out of your ass and get some oxygen,
because you've got that ass backwards!

I'm jumping from ^ to here...
Your nonsense is too much!
It has helped to destroy the totally immoral sexual double standard by giving men a pass on "traditional" sexual morality and a tacit approval to be promiscuous while holding women to a much higher standard, while religion has failed to address this blatant hypocrisy at all, thus proving that sexual "morality" never had anything to do with any supreme being. PP has helped to destroy exploitation and substitute it with independence
Is it your job to spread ignorance? Because you’re highly qualified.

We, as individuals, set our standards, you moron!

A guy who just wants to get laid,
isnt scooping out the girl who looks and acts respectfully...

he's got his sights on the girl, whose wearing a skirt,
that barely covers her ass and is stumbling around.

People can only do, what they're allowed to get away with.

If a woman respects herself,
she doesnt tolerate being disrespected.

Women exploit themselves,
then cry they are a victim.

She gets where she goes
Yep... you are

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

You deceive yourself, when it comes to labels.

Bigot, racist, biased, homophobic, prejudiced, sexist,
...blah blah blah, intolerance is intolerance

How are Evangelical Protestants
using religion to abuse people?

...To run everyone else's lives?

...Take away the rights of others?

Why have you singled out Evangelical Protestants?

What does religion have to do with anything?

What makes your intolerance, acceptable,
and mine, unacceptable and discriminatory?

You complain about an immoral
and preverted man, leading the free world...

Yet, at the same time, you support
what others consider, immoral and perverse,
and have the audacity, to dismiss your own intolerance?!

You have the audacity, to support and advance,
the very things that are immoral and perverse
because you are intolerant of decency.

What truly defines morals, values and decency,
suits you to measure Trump, but, becomes your weapon,
to attack decency and morals, as discrimination

Your fixated on a PORN STAR,
who was COMPENSATED FOR SEX,, there's a shocker!

...which, she didn', there's a shocker!

She's donating $130 grand to an abortion organization,, another shocker!

Your arguing for a morally bankrupt, metoo whore,
while trashing Trump, for his morals

In your own Bigotry, you justify your intolerance
somehow believing, it excuses your discrimination
and, is excluded from negative labels

No matter what, you take yourself with you

You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.

If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.

Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
Why am I not surprised that your response, totally evades
what I last posted and, to which, you are responding?
You are trying to impose your lifestyle on other people. I'm not "tolerant" of ISIS and the Taliban, either, and they certainly hold "different opinions," which they, too, want to impose on other people. You can rant all you want, particularly about your insane obsession with sex, but interfering with other people's lives and decisions is definitely out of bounds.
First of all, you're the one obsessed with adultery...
the fucking sex, not me

Interfering with other people's lives and decisions...

Impose and dictate lifestyles/choices....


Not only impose but, embrace

Others have to embrace what they find intolerable
because others can't tolerate, what others will not embrace?!

What does ANY of this have to do with,
you being a bigot and Trump fucking around?
If you aren't doing such a thing, than why are laws being passed to dictate what doctors must say to patients, to require patients to go to "counseling," to impose more stringent standards on facilities in which abortions are performed than on facilities in which more dangerous procedures are performed, and to allow merchants to break public-accommodations laws, for starters.
A man who wants to undergo surgery
to become a 'woman', should go to counseling....
Wtf...that surgical procedure shouldn't even exist!

A 3 year old shouldn't be taking hormone blockers
A doctor shouldn't be prescribing that shit
Social workers shouldn't be advocating this shit
Parents shouldn't be getting away with that shit

So, tell me...what fucking laws are you talking about?

What has anything you stated, and I'm responding to,
have to do with your bigotry and intolerance?
Why not point out the pig in the Oval Office when the same trash that goes around yapping at everyone else about "morality" and "decency," that is when they have their pants up, supports him. And PP is definitely not an "abortion organization," as the overwhelming majority of its activities is aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies and seeing to the health of women, sexual and otherwise.
I'd rather point out, the same trash,
yapping about the pig in the Oval office,
and his lack of morals and decency,
and, the 'holy rollers' who support him....

are the same trash, that attack morals and decency...
they regard what is unnatural, as natural,
they claim abortion isn't legalized killing, its a woman's right
they dismiss mental illness, as competency and self awareness
they reward irresponsibility, instead of allowing consequences
they exercise their intolerance by manipulating the law
they use the term civil rights and deny their intolerance
they want others to accept, what they consider unacceptable
instead of accepting, themselves, others don't

As far as PP goes....
they advocate birth control and easy solutions
not morals, values and responsibilities

You have women, riding the metoo train,
that have made a living and millions,
portraying women as sex objects and selling sex,
through songs, movies, television, clothes and magazines.

Has PP denounced the exploitation of women,
by women, on behalf of young girls?

What the fuck has PP done to change the culture?
Nothing...they provide assistance to engage in a culture of...
promiscuous, gender confused, my body, my right, lifestyles,

Everything you have mentioned involves an obsession with what other people do and how they do it, and reveals your absurd hatred of women and your wish that they continue to be exploited. What you are writing about is an effort to undermine the freedoms of others; a true effort at social engineering. You people's persistent efforts to portray all human activity outside of a guy humping his wife at will as "promiscuous" are just disgusting and disrespectful. Many couples don't want children, or don't want one yet, or don't want another one yet. Most Americans don't just have a series of one-night stands. And Newsflash! Most Americans have premarital sex:

Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954–2003

PP has helped millions of people understand how their bodies work, to provide them with the tools to decide whether or not to have sex and with whom, according to their individual ethics, and to help couples start and maintain healthy, loving relationships.

It has helped to destroy the totally immoral sexual double standard by giving men a pass on "traditional" sexual morality and a tacit approval to be promiscuous while holding women to a much higher standard, while religion has failed to address this blatant hypocrisy at all, thus proving that sexual "morality" never had anything to do with any supreme being. PP has helped to destroy exploitation and substitute it with independence.

Yes, people do have a right to control their own bodies. If they don't, who else does?

The "Me, Too" movement has exposed exploitation, not abetted it. It has exposed many instances of perverted people who trade on their positions of power and influence to extort sex from others, but apparently you want to protect these people and allow this cancer to continue in society.

If you don't want to have sex, don't have it. If you don't want to be in a same-sex relationship, don't get into one. If you want to have an S&M relationship with some man who can order you to have sex any time in any way he wants it, which historically has been a feature of "traditional marriage," go for it. Just stay out of other people's lives, refrain from violating their privacy, and stop trying to abuse the legislative process to impose your sick views on the entire population.

Have you ever even placed a foot into one of these places or used their services? I know a woman who had an abortion set up through Planned Parenthood. She was a teenager at the time, and apparently they did not talk to her about really much of anything except for how much she could afford to pay. Lol.

Yes, I have. PP helped my entire dorm at a catholic college make it to graduation without either getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant. And that was many years ago. Our Irish dorm mother had a cow when some of the girls posted information about PP, but also brought back dozens of condoms, some of which several of us filled with water and had a great water fight. It's a shame that your friend didn't go to PP earlier to learn how to avoid pregnancy. My boyfriend and I appreciated the information and the pills they gave us. We found clean conditions and a caring attitude among the staff. Services at PP are provided on a sliding scale depending on ability to pay, so of course they asked her about her finances.

How would you know how many unwanted pregnancies and abortions were prevented by PP's services in any given city?

If unwanted pregnancies, and thus abortions, are prevented, the spread of STDs is prevented or STDs treated, and people are checked for cancer, what's bugging you, anyway? People come to PP because they desire the services it offers. PP does not drag patients in off the streets.

An ounce of prevention IS worth a pound of cure, something you ninnies never seem to be able to grasp.
Yes, I have. PP helped my entire dorm at a catholic college make it to graduation without either getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant. And that was many years ago.
Our Irish dorm mother had a cow when some of the girls posted information about PP, but also brought back dozens of condoms, some of which several of us filled with water and had a great water fight.
It's a shame that your friend didn't go to PP earlier to learn how to avoid pregnancy. My boyfriend and I appreciated the information and the pills they gave us. We found clean conditions and a caring attitude among the staff. Services at PP are provided on a sliding scale depending on ability to pay, so of course they asked her about her finances.
Didn't you mean, they asked him about his finances?

Yeah, the Irish dorm mother, at a Catholic college,
had a cow over PP material being posted in the Dorm....
yet, brought back dozens of condoms...ummm, what...
aftering returning from checking out PP?

Filling condoms with water, having a water balloon fight...

That's shit guys do, you fucking troll

Too many freaks and not enough sideshows!
I'm sorry, but if you are college aged person and need PP to tell you that sex causes pregnancy, then you probably have no business at all being in college. :D Lol.
They aren't "teaching" women anything they don't already know about. Lol. The problem is not that people do not KNOW. It is that they do not CARE and that they want instant gratification and they make terrible decisions all the while KNOWING the facts. That is the real problem here.
If you are trying to claim that the reason why some women become pregnant with unwanted pregnancies is because some republican somewhere prevented her from using birth control, then you are one of the nuttier nuts. Most people with unwanted pregnancies are in that situation because they are irresponsible people who want instant gratification. Then, you have your men out there who don't like the "feeling" (or lack of) when using a condom. There are all kinds of reasons why a person may not use protection when having sex. My feeling is that republicans not allowing them access to birth control would rank PRETTY LOW on that list.
But the evangelical protestant trash are the same ones who yell and scream about everyone else having sex and with whom. And they are homophobic, haters, misogynists, racists, fanatics, and out of touch, which is why they get called these names. They deserve what they get.

You have quite a filthy mouth for a "holy morals" princess.

"Evangelical protestant trash." You are obviously a religious bigot. You are the judge and jury of what other people "deserve" for DARING to oppose your ideology, eh? I don't think so, bud.

Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others.

Who is taking away whose rights?
The right-wing rats. The right to freedom of speech, the right to choose one's religious views, the right to choice on whether to terminate a pregnancy. The right to be a union member. The right to protest.

Which religion did we choose for you again? Remind me

This thread almost makes me want to hide.

Is part of the left wing really this angry???
"Evangelical protestant trash." You are obviously a religious bigot. You are the judge and jury of what other people "deserve" for DARING to oppose your ideology, eh? I don't think so, bud.

Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others.

Who is taking away whose rights?
The right-wing rats. The right to freedom of speech, the right to choose one's religious views, the right to choice on whether to terminate a pregnancy. The right to be a union member. The right to protest.

Which religion did we choose for you again? Remind me

This thread almost makes me want to hide.

Is part of the left wing really this angry???

It is not the "left wing" (whatever THAT means) that is angry. The aggression of this shit-dirty version of Christianity against a society that has functioned quite well in the past according to the social rule that everyone minds their own business and makes their own choices, yet these dirty pigs have tried to manipulate our formally stable society by take-overs of our social and democratic institutions. Whole state legislatures have reneged on each legislator's duty to serve all in favor of pandering to specific religious cults. This has been going on for quite some time. For example, why has there been legislation in several states to limit the rights of LGBTs who have entered into marriage, given that our country has what we thought was a universally accepted definition of what the legal status of being married involves and what rights a legal marriage confirms on married individuals vis-a-vie the rest of the community. Why has there been legislation meant to establish the ideology that a fertilized human egg is a "person," when this belief is definitely not universally held. Government is NOT supposed to pander to sectarian ideological beliefs. Government is NOT supposed to cater overtly to one particular ideology.
"Evangelical protestant trash." You are obviously a religious bigot. You are the judge and jury of what other people "deserve" for DARING to oppose your ideology, eh? I don't think so, bud.

Nope. Not a bigot. Just a person who can't stand people trying to use religion to abuse other people, run everyone else's lives, and take away the rights of others.

Who is taking away whose rights?
The right-wing rats. The right to freedom of speech, the right to choose one's religious views, the right to choice on whether to terminate a pregnancy. The right to be a union member. The right to protest.

Which religion did we choose for you again? Remind me

This thread almost makes me want to hide.

Is part of the left wing really this angry???

Yes, and don't forget delusional.
What a sweet girl.

Stormy Daniels plotting $130K donation to Planned Parenthood

Anyone can donate to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Teen pregnancy is the lowest in decades. They do good work.

Stormy Daniels it a better role model for Evangelicals than Donald Trump.
Yep. I wonder how many penises she's sucked.

I notice that Democrats celebrate whores and criminals and attack Christians and Conservatives.


Trumpbots attack everyone who does not love Trump as much as these morons do.

Oh...and they seem to lust for their eldest daughters - like their role model (Trump) does.
What a sweet girl.

Stormy Daniels plotting $130K donation to Planned Parenthood

Anyone can donate to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Teen pregnancy is the lowest in decades. They do good work.

Stormy Daniels it a better role model for Evangelicals than Donald Trump.
Yep. I wonder how many penises she's sucked.

I notice that Democrats celebrate whores and criminals and attack Christians and Conservatives.


Trumpbots attack everyone who does not love Trump as much as these morons do.

Oh...and they seem to lust for their eldest daughters - like their role model (Trump) does.
You're full of shit, ma'am.

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