Stormy's lawyer helping Trump's case say legal experts

I don't know where Stormy found that idiot attorney but before this is over she will be broke...hated...and despised...and he will go on to ruin some other persons life...for a fee of course.....She should have taken the $130000 and waited until Trump is no longer president and ask him for more for keeping quiet...but the never Trumpers got to her....
Stormy's lawyer is more interested in his piece of her future tell-all book and appearances than her bogus defamation lawsuit, which is nothing more than a publicity stunt.
I don't know where Stormy found that idiot attorney but before this is over she will be broke...hated...and despised...and he will go on to ruin some other persons life...for a fee of course.....She should have taken the $130000 and waited until Trump is no longer president and ask him for more for keeping quiet...but the never Trumpers got to her....
I suspect someone else is financing her case. Take a gander.
It was Trump's own lawyer that pointed out on national tv that if the payment hadn't been made the election result might have been different.
I don't know where Stormy found that idiot attorney but before this is over she will be broke...hated...and despised...and he will go on to ruin some other persons life...for a fee of course.....She should have taken the $130000 and waited until Trump is no longer president and ask him for more for keeping quiet...but the never Trumpers got to her....
I suspect someone else is financing her case. Take a gander.
yea, she ain't paying for this. she's more like a pawn in all this and just going alone for the publicity i imagine.

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