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Straight From Dr. King's Mouth!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P35JQPMUyPM]A Supporter of Israel, Martin Luther King Jr. - YouTube[/ame]
:clap2::clap2::clap2:Clarence B. Jones, a friend and advisor to King, recalled King's opposition to anti-Zionism in a 2008 Op-Ed,
"I can say with absolute certainty that Martin abhorred anti-Semitism in all its forms, including anti-Zionism."​
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuiuZrQkCgk]Ambassador Oren on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - YouTube[/ame]
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In formal logic, Argumentum Ad Verecundiam refers to arguing a point with an appeal to authority. This type is categorized as a logical fallacy. Citing one seemingly authoritative source is simply not conclusive evidence, even if the authority is seen as an expert on the given subject.

For the sake of clarity, there are three degradations of this maxim enumerated in this essay. First, it is especially fallacious as proof when the quoted authority demonstrates no special knowledge on the subject. Second, when the authority who is not an expert on the given subject is also quoted out of context, the argument is even weaker. Third, the lowest violation of this formal logic principle is when an advocate uses a false rendition, or a fabricated quote, by the same authority who can claim no expertise.

This is the best framework for understanding how various exponents of Israel have used Martin Luther King Jr. to promote their cause.
Israel's apologists and the Martin Luther King Jr. hoax | The Electronic Intifada
In formal logic, Argumentum Ad Verecundiam refers to arguing a point with an appeal to authority. This type is categorized as a logical fallacy. Citing one seemingly authoritative source is simply not conclusive evidence, even if the authority is seen as an expert on the given subject.

For the sake of clarity, there are three degradations of this maxim enumerated in this essay. First, it is especially fallacious as proof when the quoted authority demonstrates no special knowledge on the subject. Second, when the authority who is not an expert on the given subject is also quoted out of context, the argument is even weaker. Third, the lowest violation of this formal logic principle is when an advocate uses a false rendition, or a fabricated quote, by the same authority who can claim no expertise.

This is the best framework for understanding how various exponents of Israel have used Martin Luther King Jr. to promote their cause.
Israel's apologists and the Martin Luther King Jr. hoax | The Electronic Intifada
Bwahahahahah! "the electronic intifada"? Even his words are not enough, are they? You are a true heyvoun.
In formal logic, Argumentum Ad Verecundiam refers to arguing a point with an appeal to authority. This type is categorized as a logical fallacy. Citing one seemingly authoritative source is simply not conclusive evidence, even if the authority is seen as an expert on the given subject.

For the sake of clarity, there are three degradations of this maxim enumerated in this essay. First, it is especially fallacious as proof when the quoted authority demonstrates no special knowledge on the subject. Second, when the authority who is not an expert on the given subject is also quoted out of context, the argument is even weaker. Third, the lowest violation of this formal logic principle is when an advocate uses a false rendition, or a fabricated quote, by the same authority who can claim no expertise.

This is the best framework for understanding how various exponents of Israel have used Martin Luther King Jr. to promote their cause.
Israel's apologists and the Martin Luther King Jr. hoax | The Electronic Intifada
Electronic Intifada: Propaganda or Education?
Should the Middle East Cultural and Charitable Society lose its 501(c)(3) tax exemption?

Electronic Intifada Cozies Up To Hamas*Propagandists
January 18, 2012

This kind of comment is what you’d get when you collaborate quite openly with the Jew-hating Hamas terrorist group:

“The reason of this would be briefly put up into two theories. Some people say Israel plays an important role in U.S Imperialism, in allowing it controlling the Middle East and its resources. Meanwhile, there are other people (theory) that say there are powerful organizations and networks that consider support for Israel very important and they influence the politics of the United States through elections and contributions to political campaigns to make candidates adopt to Israel’s position.”
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In formal logic, Argumentum Ad Verecundiam refers to arguing a point with an appeal to authority. This type is categorized as a logical fallacy. Citing one seemingly authoritative source is simply not conclusive evidence, even if the authority is seen as an expert on the given subject.

For the sake of clarity, there are three degradations of this maxim enumerated in this essay. First, it is especially fallacious as proof when the quoted authority demonstrates no special knowledge on the subject. Second, when the authority who is not an expert on the given subject is also quoted out of context, the argument is even weaker. Third, the lowest violation of this formal logic principle is when an advocate uses a false rendition, or a fabricated quote, by the same authority who can claim no expertise.

This is the best framework for understanding how various exponents of Israel have used Martin Luther King Jr. to promote their cause.
Israel's apologists and the Martin Luther King Jr. hoax | The Electronic Intifada
Bwahahahahah! "the electronic intifada"? Even his words are not enough, are they? You are a true heyvoun.

For Nazi Hezbollah rats like Jos, that's a credible site. The actual truth hurts him too much.
Had M.L.K. lived a few more years. He would have undoubtably been one of Israel's strongest critics.

Israel was one if the strongest supporters of the apartheid South African government. And was an active trading partner of weapons and goods long after most countries of the world had boycotted that racist and fascist state.

"Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi wrote in 1988 that the alliance between South Africa and Israel was one of the most underreported news stories of the past four decades and that Israel played a crucial role in the survival of the apartheid regime. Israel's collaboration with Apartheid South Africa was mentioned and condemned by various international organizations like the UN General assembly (several times since 1974".

Israel?South Africa relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
that's funny sunni----I heard about the fact that Israel traded with South africa
INCESSANTLY from muslims I have known since 1962 (when I first encountered
is----of course IDIOTIC -----Israel simply traded with south africa during the time
that the entire UMMAH ----all the islamo nazi pigs of the world,, were engaged in
a COMPREHENSIVE boycott on all things Israeli and even refused to trade with companies
in the US which did any business at all with Israel-----the objective of this FILTH---
were the same as the starvation siege the ISLAMO NAZI PIGS imposed on BIAFRA which
left more than a million biafran babies dead in the dust------try to be honest for a change----the actions of the pigs of mecca were designed to starve Israel out of existence----so Israel
was forced to trade with any country that did not coooperate with the ass lickers of the
nabi kanzeer. Now ---the good news for YOU----the economic boycott of Israel by
the FILTH OF MECCA-----did create a criticial food shortage in Israel----but Israel survived---the steps taken to overcome the JIHADIST filth-----can be reviewed in the PUBLIC HEALTH literature-----for those who know how to read it. Sad news for you----the islamo nazi boy-
cott was not all that bad for everyone-----some smart businessmen in islamo pig
countries ----got rich CHANGING LABELS and sneaking Israeli products in----
the Israeli products became something like FORBIDDEN FRUIT ---for muslims.
Even in the USA----christians from arab lands who opened "arab grocery" stores--
did and STILL DO a bang up business selling Israeli products to ---arab-muslim
women------it is actually a bit comical. Even now I have to climb over veiled sluts
to get to the Israeli products over there in the LEBANESE "ARAB" GROCERY
Had M.L.K. lived a few more years. He would have undoubtably been one of Israel's strongest critics.

Israel was one if the strongest supporters of the apartheid South African government. And was an active trading partner of weapons and goods long after most countries of the world had boycotted that racist and fascist state.

"Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi wrote in 1988 that the alliance between South Africa and Israel was one of the most underreported news stories of the past four decades and that Israel played a crucial role in the survival of the apartheid regime. Israel's collaboration with Apartheid South Africa was mentioned and condemned by various international organizations like the UN General assembly (several times since 1974".

Israel?South Africa relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Those comments are after the 1967 war, so that makes you totally and utterly wrong. Apparently Dr. king saw the Muslims as the criminals and aggressors. It didn't take a giant leap of faith either.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F01Hw3UTkpo]Martin Luther King's Letter to an Antizionist Friend. - YouTube[/ame]
Those comments are after the 1967 war, so that makes you totally and utterly wrong.
M.L.K. was killed in 1968.

"By 1987 Israel found itself alone among the developed nations in still maintaining strong, even strategic relations with apartheid South Africa. (Among African nations, only Malawi maintained diplomatic relations with South Africa throughout the Apartheid era.)

Israel?South Africa relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yawn, you Muslim donkeys never give up will you. Even when you hear Martin Luther King Jr. saying Israel has a right to exist, calls it the only democracy in a region filled with shithole Muslim barbaric states, calls anti Zionism anti semetism, you keep your futile efforts to distort and discredit the obvious. It's truly enjoyable watching you Islamist cocksuckers squirm when confronted with the truth. Ha ha ha.
Those comments are after the 1967 war, so that makes you totally and utterly wrong.
M.L.K. was killed in 1968.

"By 1987 Israel found itself alone among the developed nations in still maintaining strong, even strategic relations with apartheid South Africa. (Among African nations, only Malawi maintained diplomatic relations with South Africa throughout the Apartheid era.)

Israel?South Africa relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look idiot, 1967 was the war that Israel captured all those territories that you animals dispute as occupied. Despite all the wars Dr. King witnessed, he was still a Zionist and supporter of the state of Israel as of 1968 before his death.. Eat shit. God Bless Dr. King's soul.
The older black people in the U.S. still remember how the Jews and Israel continued to support and fund the apartheid government of South Africa.

Which is one of the many reasons why African Americans don't like jews. :cool:
The older black people in the U.S. still remember how the Jews and Israel continued to support and fund the apartheid government of South Africa.

Which is one of the many reasons why African Americans don't like jews. :cool:
Nah, you're thinking of Nation of Islam animals like yourself. Most blacks and Jews are close friends and know that Jews were and are the most active in civil rights causes.

King and the Jews, beyong Heschel

If there is one thing that captures popular understanding of the Jewish community’s relationship to the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., it’s an image from Selma, 1965. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel links arms with a line of activists that include Rev. King, a shoulder’s breadth away, on their historic march to Montgomery. Heschel’s comments afterward have taken on a similarly iconic status: “I felt my feet were praying.”

But if the role Jews played in King’s civil rights movement is well known — of all whites who participated, between half and two-thirds were Jewish — the full complexity of it remains less understood. As the nation prepares to celebrate Martin Luther King Day this Monday, some scholars suggest that it’s time for a deeper engagement with the issue.

“Everyone in the Jewish community wants to present its credentials,” said Elliot Ratzman, a professor of religion at Temple University who teaches a course on Judaism and race. “Heschel and King have become the symbol of Jewish activism."
Black Jewish Relations - In The South

As far back as the 19th century, Jewish storekeepers were virtually the only Southern merchants who addressed black customers as "Mr." and "Mrs." and permitted them to try on clothing. By the early 20th century, a few Southern Jews even ventured to speak out against the evils of white supremacy. In 1929, Louis Isaac Jaffe, editorial writer for the Norfolk Virginia-Pilot won the Pulitzer Prize for his denunciation of lynching and the reactionary Harry Byrd political machine.

Julius Rosenwald chairman of Sears Roebuck, contributed more generously in behalf of Southern blacks than did any philanthropist in American history. Rosenwald was Chicagoan, but his munificence was continued by his daughter, Edith Stern of New Orleans, whose Stern Family Fund in later years contributed vast sums to civil rights activities in the South. It was known, too, that Southern Jews privately tended to be more liberal on the race issue than Southern gentiles, and often quietly provided manpower and funds for civil rights causes.

Individual Heroes

Jewish participation in the Civil Rights movement far transcended institutional associations. One black leader in Mississippi es*timated that, in the 1960s, the critical decade of the voting-registration drives, "as many as 90 percent of the civil rights lawyers in Missis*sippi were Jewish." Large numbers of them were recent graduates of Ivy League law schools. They worked around the clock analyzing wel*fare standards, the bail system, arrest procedures, justice-of-the-peace rulings. Racing from one Southern town to another, they obtained parade permits and issued complaints on jail beatings and intimida*tion.

Jews similarly made up at least 30 percent of the white volunteers who rode freedom buses to the South, registered blacks, and picketed segregated establishments. Among them were several dozen Reform rabbis who marched among the demonstrators in Selma and Birming*ham. A number were arrested. Others were taken into custody for attempting to desegregate a swimming pool in St. Augustine, Florida. One of the demonstrating rabbis, Arthur Lelyveld, was severely beaten in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. A young physician, Edward Sachar, vol*unteering his medical services to the freedom marchers, nearly lost his life as his automobile was forced off a Mississippi back road by local rednecks.
Poor Sunni boy, he just repeats the garbage he hears in the mosque.

American Jews played a significant role in the founding and funding of some of the most important civil rights organizations, including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee (SNCC). In 1909, Henry Moscowitz joined W.E.B. DuBois and other civil rights leaders to found the NAACP. Kivie Kaplan, a vice-chairman of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (now the Union for Reform Judaism), served as the national president of the NAACP from 1966 to 1975. Arnie Aronson worked with A. Philip Randolph and Roy Wilkins to found the Leadership Conference.

From 1910 to 1940, more than 2,000 primary and secondary schools and twenty black colleges (including Howard, Dillard and Fisk universities) were established in whole or in part by contributions from Jewish philanthropist Julius Rosenwald. At the height of the so-called "Rosenwald schools," nearly forty percent of southern blacks were educated at one of these institutions.

During the Civil Rights Movement, Jewish activists represented a disproportionate number of whites involved in the struggle. Jews made up half of the young people who participated in the Mississippi Freedom Summer in 1964. Leaders of the Reform Movement were arrested with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in St. Augustine, Florida, in 1964 after a challenge to racial segregation in public accommodations. Most famously, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel marched arm-in-arm with Dr. King in his 1965 March on Selma.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were drafted in the conference room of Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, under the aegis of the Leadership Conference, which for decades was located in the RAC's building. The Jewish community has continued its support of civil rights laws addressing persistent discrimination in voting, housing and employment against not only women and people of color but also in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and the disabled community. Rabbi David Saperstein, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, is currently the only non-African-American member of the NAACP board.

Religious Action Center - Jews and the Civil Rights Movement
"During the 2000 Presidential election, Lee Alcorn, president of the Dallas NAACP branch, criticized Al Gore's selection of Senator Joe Lieberman for his Vice-Presidential candidate because Lieberman was Jewish. On a gospel talk radio show on station KHVN, Alcorn stated, "If we get a Jew person, then what I'm wondering is, I mean, what is this movement for, you know? Does it have anything to do with the failed peace talks?" ... "So I think we need to be very suspicious of any kind of partnerships between the Jews at that kind of level because we know that their interest primarily has to do with money and these kind of things."

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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