straight talk on race relations

Nice try. I see I am breaking you down! First of all what is a Negro and where did the term come from? Now lets have a laugh at your childish attempts to rewrite history. We are homo sapiens not homo erectus. Homo erectus died off. A chinese researcher in China attempting to prove your theory had the honor to admit he was wrong and showed that his research reaffirmed that Asians are descendants of Black Africans. Whats really funny is you mentioned the people they are descended from the Khoe and referred to them as the San-bushmen (which is racist). They are 2 different tribes with the Khoe being the original people. Again words are powerful and trip up the unknowing. The Sumerians were labeled as Caucasian so whites would feel superior. Just like they try to label the Aborigines and the Melanesians as Cacausoid. The Sumerians were black skinned people and nowhere near white. The proof however shows that during that time white Europeans were still dwelling in caves by the time Black Africans founded the Sumerian civilization. The Sumerians were descendents of a race that also spawned the Egyptians and Nubians. I'll ask you the same question I ask all illiterates regarding Euro-Egyptians. Why would whites move to Africa to start a great civilization instead of building one where they were already living?

A Negro is a member of the race that evolved in Africa. The races can be distinguished by forensic science and DNA testing.

I never said that the Chinese are evolved from the Homo Erectus people who lived in China 750,000 years ago. I said the Chinese are descended from modern humans who left Africa about 60,000 years ago.

Agriculture, even the primitive agriculture of the neolithic era, can support more people per square mile than hunting and gathering. Consequently, agricultural populations expand. As the Caucasians who invented agriculture in the Fertile Crescent expanded in number some of them migrated across the Sinai Peninsula, displaced the Negroes who were living in the Nile Delta, and began farming there. Sometime later they began the Egyptian civilization.

The ancient Egyptians were Caucasians, as one can plainly see from the two ancient Egyptian sculptures I am following this comment with.


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Nice try. I see I am breaking you down! First of all what is a Negro and where did the term come from? Now lets have a laugh at your childish attempts to rewrite history. We are homo sapiens not homo erectus. Homo erectus died off. A chinese researcher in China attempting to prove your theory had the honor to admit he was wrong and showed that his research reaffirmed that Asians are descendants of Black Africans. Whats really funny is you mentioned the people they are descended from the Khoe and referred to them as the San-bushmen (which is racist). They are 2 different tribes with the Khoe being the original people. Again words are powerful and trip up the unknowing. The Sumerians were labeled as Caucasian so whites would feel superior. Just like they try to label the Aborigines and the Melanesians as Cacausoid. The Sumerians were black skinned people and nowhere near white. The proof however shows that during that time white Europeans were still dwelling in caves by the time Black Africans founded the Sumerian civilization. The Sumerians were descendents of a race that also spawned the Egyptians and Nubians. I'll ask you the same question I ask all illiterates regarding Euro-Egyptians. Why would whites move to Africa to start a great civilization instead of building one where they were already living?

A Negro is a member of the race that evolved in Africa. The races can be distinguished by forensic science and DNA testing.

I never said that the Chinese are evolved from the Homo Erectus people who lived in China 750,000 years ago. I said the Chinese are descended from modern humans who left Africa about 60,000 years ago.

Agriculture, even the primitive agriculture of the neolithic era, can support more people per square mile than hunting and gathering. Consequently, agricultural populations expand. As the Caucasians who invented agriculture in the Fertile Crescent expanded in number some of them migrated across the Sinai Peninsula, displaced the Negroes who were living in the Nile Delta, and began farming there. Sometime later they began the Egyptian civilization.

The ancient Egyptians were Caucasians, as one can plainly see from the two ancient Egyptian sculptures I am following this comment with.

You have your timeline all distorted to try and support your rapidly decaying position. Whites were in caves during the civilization of the Fertile Crescent which was brought about by Black Africans.

The first Chinese dynasties were Black Africans. The Xia, Zhou, and Shang dynasties were founded by Black Africans from the Fertile Crescent. By your own admission you know Black Africans populated the earth first then environmental elements and mutations shaped the appearance.



In regards to Egypt youre looking at statues that are probably faded. Even still they are definitely not white. Lets look at pictures. Hell of a tan for some white guys which is what you are trying to imply by saying Caucasian.



You still haven't answered the question of why White people moved to Africa to start a great civilization when they could have just stayed home and built one? Please answer that. :lol:
by Roger Claig
DetailsPublished on Monday, 27 May 2013 08:05 Written by Roger Clegg

Here’s an excerpt from a recent column I wrote (you can read the whole thing here) and that I thought you might enjoy:
Race relations in the United States are good, have never been better, and in all likelihood their future is even brighter. And the key for continued progress is not complicated: don’t discriminate, and don’t screw up.
Martin Luther King, Jr., dreamed of the day that his children would “not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” The first part of that statement gets the most attention these days, but the last part is important, too: isn’t it stating an expectation, a hope even, that we will have standards and that we will judge people by them?
As W.E.B. DuBois wrote in The Souls of Black Folk: “Draw lines of crime, of incompetency, of vice, as tightly and uncompromisingly as you will, for these things must be proscribed.” Again: color line, definitely not — but character standards, definitely.
Or, to look at it another way, for black advancement there is a legal side (the color of your skin should not be an impediment), but also a cultural side (the content of your character mustn’t be an impediment either).
It is ironic — tragic, really — that just as opportunities began dramatically to open up for African Americans in the 1960s, the ability and willingness of too many African Americans to take advantage of those opportunities began to decline, and in particular with the implosion of the black family.
… [And not] to sound too Andy Rooney-ish, but why is it that so many young African Americans adopt hoodlum-style dress, demeanor, and music, and then complain that people “profile” them as possible hoodlums? Many go to a lot of trouble to pin a very specific label on themselves, and then are surprised and indignant — and demand our sympathy — when people read it.
This is not the first time this has happened, of course. Teenage boys have always wanted to look tough and menacing, and teenage girls have always wanted to look, um, available. But they want the labels read only by their own cohort, and not by their elders. Sorry, kids, but it doesn’t work that way. Never has, and never will, and it’s not “blaming the victim” to point out that fact.
Consider: in the late 1960s, adolescents would grow their hair long to show their rejection of authority and the war and all that, and then complain when the less enlightened looked askance at them. A popular song back then implored: “We shouldn’t care about the length of his hair.”

While I agree that society has improved in offering greater acceptance and opportunity
1. Poor minorities and Blacks are still BEHIND on the learning curve and experience in owning/managing businesses and property, which also affects the "ownership of laws and government". EX: for 20 years I have been struggling to help a community save a historic Freed Slave district that has been discriminated against politically since its foundation; even AFTER the Civil Rights act, this community had to fight to defend equal protections under law that were not protected from political destruction due to lack of equal legal defenses.
So unfortunately this showed me that people are still not equal in this country; land was TAKEN AWAY by govt by eminent domain, and taxmoney was GIVEN to corporate interests to seize property. The plans for restoring this district to TEACH minorities especially poor Blacks to OWN and MANAGE property for financial independence as a SCHOOL were instead DEMOLISHED and CENSORED by govt bought out by special interests.

2. This background coming from behind the learning curve of more educated families with a history of owning homes and businesses and participating in govt
WASN'T HELPED but was eclipsed further by the criminal justice system that has perpetuated the cycle of crime and addiction at a profit to private contractors running the prisons. The focus has NOT been on rehab and restitution to pay back society/taxpayers, but has been a drain on the economy and taxpayers. Instead of making people work to restore their citizenship rights after committing crimes, people are UNABLE to work, creating an endless cycle of poverty and welfare that taxpayers are forced to pay for.
Where is the money going? Look at the prison industrial complex and bureaucracy.
So you will see where your tax money is going instead of schools and training that could have helped families to recover from ruin and become financially viable to contribute and pay back society instead of being stuck in poverty, then expressing this frustration by rebelling against the system in all the ways you mention that make the problem worse.

3. Proposed solution is to reinvent the public housing, prisons, schools, welfare and other programs by registering citizens or corporations that owe restitution to taxpayers, under work-study programs or a credit system to serve the public and/or earn and pay back costs. Legal teams should also be hired to collect on behalf of taxpayers for govt funding abused or misallocated, instead of getting crooks off where taxpayers absorb the costs.
You have your timeline all distorted to try and support your rapidly decaying position. Whites were in caves during the civilization of the Fertile Crescent which was brought about by Black Africans.

Agriculture began in what is not Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. It was begun by people who had left Africa about 50,000 years ago. By then the Caucasian race had already evolved.
The first Chinese dynasties were Black Africans. The Xia, Zhou, and Shang dynasties were founded by Black Africans from the Fertile Crescent. By your own admission you know Black Africans populated the earth first then environmental elements and mutations shaped the appearance.



These photos are of San Bushmen. As I have already pointed out, this is an African race.

By the time Mongoloids began to experiment with agriculture in what is now China their ancestors had left Africa about 50,000 years earlier. They had already evolved into a different race.
In regards to Egypt youre looking at statues that are probably faded. Even still they are definitely not white. Lets look at pictures. Hell of a tan for some white guys which is what you are trying to imply by saying Caucasian.



You still haven't answered the question of why White people moved to Africa to start a great civilization when they could have just stayed home and built one? Please answer that. :lol:

They are certainly not faded. Moreover, they show Caucasian features. The DNA from nearly all of the Egyptian mummies is more similar to the DNA of Europeans than of Negroes.

These paintings are of Nubians. As I have already pointed out, the Nubians were a Negro nation living south of Egypt. For one century there was a Nubian dynasty in Egypt. Otherwise, Egypt was governed by Caucasians.
You have your timeline all distorted to try and support your rapidly decaying position. Whites were in caves during the civilization of the Fertile Crescent which was brought about by Black Africans.

Agriculture began in what is not Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. It was begun by people who had left Africa about 50,000 years ago. By then the Caucasian race had already evolved.

I'm always willing to learn something new. You have a link or something? You are still avoiding my question. Why did white people moved to Africa to start a great civilization when they could have just stayed home and built one?
The first Chinese dynasties were Black Africans. The Xia, Zhou, and Shang dynasties were founded by Black Africans from the Fertile Crescent. By your own admission you know Black Africans populated the earth first then environmental elements and mutations shaped the appearance.



These photos are of San Bushmen. As I have already pointed out, this is an African race.

By the time Mongoloids began to experiment with agriculture in what is now China their ancestors had left Africa about 50,000 years earlier. They had already evolved into a different race.

I know that. I posted so you can see where Asians got their looks from. Can you explain why there are "Negroid" skeletal remains in China? Can you also explain the linguistic matches with African languages? Can you explain away the DNA evidence that directly links Asians to Africans?
In regards to Egypt youre looking at statues that are probably faded. Even still they are definitely not white. Lets look at pictures. Hell of a tan for some white guys which is what you are trying to imply by saying Caucasian.



You still haven't answered the question of why White people moved to Africa to start a great civilization when they could have just stayed home and built one? Please answer that. :lol:

They are certainly not faded. Moreover, they show Caucasian features. The DNA from nearly all of the Egyptian mummies is more similar to the DNA of Europeans than of Negroes.

These paintings are of Nubians. As I have already pointed out, the Nubians were a Negro nation living south of Egypt. For one century there was a Nubian dynasty in Egypt. Otherwise, Egypt was governed by Caucasians.

Try again. The Nubians were the first Egyptian dynasty. They were competing Black African cultures and The Egyptians eventually regained control. There were 2 other subsequent Nubian ruled dynasties. However, that has nothing to do with the point. The Egyptians themselves never saw "whites" until the Greeks came looking for wisdom. I love how you use the term Caucasian to give the impression of "white". I however know my history. Arabs and whites did not come to Egypt until much later at the end of the great dynasties. I already mentioned that very dark skinned people that originated in Africa were labeled as Caucasian to confuse people. Are you in the confused camp or the blatant racist camp?
The first Chinese dynasties were Black Africans. The Xia, Zhou, and Shang dynasties were founded by Black Africans from the Fertile Crescent.

If you're trying to prove you can be just as stupid as Friendless there and all the idiots who get worked up insisting the ancient Egyptians looked like Swedes, you're doing a hell of a job, dopey.
The first Chinese dynasties were Black Africans. The Xia, Zhou, and Shang dynasties were founded by Black Africans from the Fertile Crescent.

If you're trying to prove you can be just as stupid as Friendless there and all the idiots who get worked up insisting the ancient Egyptians looked like Swedes, you're doing a hell of a job, dopey.

Move along Unk unless you wish to help Friendless out.
The first Chinese dynasties were Black Africans. The Xia, Zhou, and Shang dynasties were founded by Black Africans from the Fertile Crescent.

If you're trying to prove you can be just as stupid as Friendless there and all the idiots who get worked up insisting the ancient Egyptians looked like Swedes, you're doing a hell of a job, dopey.

Move along Unk unless you wish to help Friendless out.

It seems that YOU are doing a fine job of that. Makes sense considering you are both just two sides of the same coin.
If you're trying to prove you can be just as stupid as Friendless there and all the idiots who get worked up insisting the ancient Egyptians looked like Swedes, you're doing a hell of a job, dopey.

Move along Unk unless you wish to help Friendless out.

It seems that YOU are doing a fine job of that. Makes sense considering you are both just two sides of the same coin.

Are you implying that what I am saying is not factual?
In regards to Egypt youre looking at statues that are probably faded. Even still they are definitely not white. Lets look at pictures. Hell of a tan for some white guys which is what you are trying to imply by saying Caucasian.



You still haven't answered the question of why White people moved to Africa to start a great civilization when they could have just stayed home and built one? Please answer that. :lol:

They are certainly not faded. Moreover, they show Caucasian features. The DNA from nearly all of the Egyptian mummies is more similar to the DNA of Europeans than of Negroes.

These paintings are of Nubians. As I have already pointed out, the Nubians were a Negro nation living south of Egypt. For one century there was a Nubian dynasty in Egypt. Otherwise, Egypt was governed by Caucasians.

Try again. The Nubians were the first Egyptian dynasty. They were competing Black African cultures and The Egyptians eventually regained control. There were 2 other subsequent Nubian ruled dynasties. However, that has nothing to do with the point. The Egyptians themselves never saw "whites" until the Greeks came looking for wisdom. I love how you use the term Caucasian to give the impression of "white". I however know my history. Arabs and whites did not come to Egypt until much later at the end of the great dynasties. I already mentioned that very dark skinned people that originated in Africa were labeled as Caucasian to confuse people. Are you in the confused camp or the blatant racist camp?

LOL, do you mean these "Greeks"?


Yeah, yeah and the ancient Egyptian dynasties fell because of severe sunburn. :rolleyes:

You are EXACTLY like Friendless and all your other ignorant, idiotic, ill-motivated racist cohorts.

All of you racist idiots here are a disgrace.
Yeah, yeah and the ancient Egyptian dynasties fell because of severe sunburn. :rolleyes:

You are EXACTLY like Friendless and all your other ignorant, idiotic, ill-motivated racist cohorts.

All of you racist idiots here are a disgrace.

I asked for you to point out one falsehood not berate me because you didn't like what I said. You are typical of those that pretend to not be racist but cannot stomach when truth has a light cast on it for all to see.
by Roger Claig
DetailsPublished on Monday, 27 May 2013 08:05 Written by Roger Clegg

Consider: in the late 1960s, adolescents would grow their hair long to show their rejection of authority and the war and all that, and then complain when the less enlightened looked askance at them. A popular song back then implored: “We shouldn’t care about the length of his hair.”

The reason for long hair in the restricted upper-class youth movement of the 60s was an in-your-face attitude of the spoiled-rotten degenerate generation of the guillotine-fodder rich trash. At that time, nobody who looked like that could get a job, revealing to the wise that the Hippies were merely trust-fund babies who didn't need a job.

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