Straight up...Should we amend our Constitution to better suit Mexicans?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I mean isn't that what Liberals really want? They want Americans to compromise their livelihoods and quality of life to make the livelihoods and quality of life better for I right?
Lets not beat around the bush and play not so clever semantics. That's really it not?

For you scholars...I know, I know...Mexican is not a race. Hopefully nobody's confused.
The U.S has it coming, they first wished to build a wall, now they named a Hurricane called Jose, which is often Mexican, even if some Jose's are not Mexican.... But the bottomline is Hurricane Jose is a racist creation of the U.S, and therefor they must help all Mexicans before they do their own people.
WOW...that's so Liberals will engage in this thread.
Hmmm...there has to be at least one sitting behind their keyboard working diligently to come up with a clever
If Dems votes were counted as 2 votes, and Republicans as 1 vote, I am sure the Dems would let up on their insistence that all of Mexico move to the USA.

Let me tell you something: if Mexicans (or an other minority group) were known to vote Republican and conservative at that, the wall would have been built decades ago. The only reason Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to bring these people in is because every group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat.
If Dems votes were counted as 2 votes, and Republicans as 1 vote, I am sure the Dems would let up on their insistence that all of Mexico move to the USA.

Let me tell you something: if Mexicans (or an other minority group) were known to vote Republican and conservative at that, the wall would have been built decades ago. The only reason Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to bring these people in is because every group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat.

2 Bushes, and Reagan who did not build walls against Mexico, but rather appeased them bad too.

You know why? Because there's Capitalists who profit off of the backs of illegal Mexicans....

Not, that I don't deny the weak Democrats pandering to Mexicans for votes.

But, to say it's just one side is truly ridiculous, both sides have long sucked.
I mean isn't that what Liberals really want? They want Americans to compromise their livelihoods and quality of life to make the livelihoods and quality of life better for I right?
Lets not beat around the bush and play not so clever semantics. That's really it not?

For you scholars...I know, I know...Mexican is not a race. Hopefully nobody's confused.

This is what's so aggravating about it. When Republicans (or Democrats) want to address the problem, they say we need immigration reform.

So what is immigration reform exactly? It means changing our immigration laws to accommodate those who don't want to obey our laws. it means changing our laws to make it easier for them so they don't have to work so hard to get in this country or become a citizen.

Reform my ass. Anybody that pays the least attention to politics knows exactly what immigration reform means. You can put lipstick on a pig...................
If Dems votes were counted as 2 votes, and Republicans as 1 vote, I am sure the Dems would let up on their insistence that all of Mexico move to the USA.

Let me tell you something: if Mexicans (or an other minority group) were known to vote Republican and conservative at that, the wall would have been built decades ago. The only reason Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to bring these people in is because every group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat.

2 Bushes, and Reagan who did not build walls against Mexico, but rather appeased them bad too.

You know why? Because there's Capitalists who profit off of the backs of illegal Mexicans....

Not, that I don't deny the weak Democrats pandering to Mexicans for votes.

But, to say it's just one side is truly ridiculous, both sides have long sucked.

Well Reagan, Bush I and part of Bush II terms were all under a Democrat Congress. Jeb Bush (GW's sister in law) is a Mexican immigrant. But even if GW wanted to do something about a wall, we were already spending too much money fighting terrorism. The immigration problem was kind of on the back burner.

Ronald Reagan made a deal with the Democrats which included amnesty. Reagan later said it was one of the worst mistakes he made as President.

The problem here is that the Democrats want to make whites a minority in this country ASAP. Every other group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat. Once they get us out of the way, they will have the path to a one-party government forever.
I mean isn't that what Liberals really want? They want Americans to compromise their livelihoods and quality of life to make the livelihoods and quality of life better for I right?
Lets not beat around the bush and play not so clever semantics. That's really it not?

For you scholars...I know, I know...Mexican is not a race. Hopefully nobody's confused.

American liberals want America to be an open borders state and for American citizens to subsidize their existence here.
Liberals don't want an immigration policy. They want open borders.
If Dems votes were counted as 2 votes, and Republicans as 1 vote, I am sure the Dems would let up on their insistence that all of Mexico move to the USA.

Let me tell you something: if Mexicans (or an other minority group) were known to vote Republican and conservative at that, the wall would have been built decades ago. The only reason Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to bring these people in is because every group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat.

2 Bushes, and Reagan who did not build walls against Mexico, but rather appeased them bad too.

You know why? Because there's Capitalists who profit off of the backs of illegal Mexicans....

Not, that I don't deny the weak Democrats pandering to Mexicans for votes.

But, to say it's just one side is truly ridiculous, both sides have long sucked.

I agree that much of the GOP has been complicit in this too.
If Dems votes were counted as 2 votes, and Republicans as 1 vote, I am sure the Dems would let up on their insistence that all of Mexico move to the USA.

Let me tell you something: if Mexicans (or an other minority group) were known to vote Republican and conservative at that, the wall would have been built decades ago. The only reason Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to bring these people in is because every group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat.

2 Bushes, and Reagan who did not build walls against Mexico, but rather appeased them bad too.

You know why? Because there's Capitalists who profit off of the backs of illegal Mexicans....

Not, that I don't deny the weak Democrats pandering to Mexicans for votes.

But, to say it's just one side is truly ridiculous, both sides have long sucked.

I agree that much of the GOP has been complicit in this too.

The nutless establishment GOP'ers have toed the line on...let's call it what it really is...illegal Mexican immigration for years. They went from hero when Reagan fucked us over to zero when the Democrats fought for more free shit for them. The pander to beaners contest has to stop. If the GOP doesn't sack-up and end the bullshit now the party will die on the vine.
I mean isn't that what Liberals really want? They want Americans to compromise their livelihoods and quality of life to make the livelihoods and quality of life better for I right?
Lets not beat around the bush and play not so clever semantics. That's really it not?

For you scholars...I know, I know...Mexican is not a race. Hopefully nobody's confused.

American liberals want America to be an open borders state and for American citizens to subsidize their existence here.

It won’t be long before they stop all the side stepping and just flat out admit it. All their bullshit excuses have been countered too many’s time to come clean Loons....just spit it the fuck out.
I mean isn't that what Liberals really want? They want Americans to compromise their livelihoods and quality of life to make the livelihoods and quality of life better for I right?
Lets not beat around the bush and play not so clever semantics. That's really it not?

For you scholars...I know, I know...Mexican is not a race. Hopefully nobody's confused.

Were Mexicans in this country BEFORE the White Man?
Oh hell yes. You remember the Alamo? The Mexicans were attacking there, because we were the invaders of THEIR land. In fact the entire southwest, and half of California was owned by Mexico. Any Republican running in the states of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Nevada & California now have a target on their backs for the midterm

In fact, the DNC has announced that it is running democrats for every congressional seat in Texas. Ted Cruz is up for reelection this year. Why? Because Texas has a 40% legal American Hispanic voting population in that state.
There's A Democrat Running For Every Texas Congressional Seat Next Year

31 House Republicans have already announced their early retirement, and will not seek reelection in 2018.
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

So you're intent on sending kids that grew up in this country and that were educated in this country--to a foreign country--so they can stimulate the economy there, not here, and pay taxes there, not here,and compete against American commerce there, not here.

I mean isn't that what Liberals really want? They want Americans to compromise their livelihoods and quality of life to make the livelihoods and quality of life better for I right?
Lets not beat around the bush and play not so clever semantics. That's really it not?

For you scholars...I know, I know...Mexican is not a race. Hopefully nobody's confused.

Were Mexicans in this country BEFORE the White Man?
Oh hell yes. You remember the Alamo? The Mexicans were attacking there, because we were the invaders of THEIR land. In fact the entire southwest, and half of California was owned by Mexico. Any Republican running in the states of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Nevada & California now have a target on their backs for the midterm

In fact, the DNC has announced that it is running democrats for every congressional seat in Texas. Ted Cruz is up for reelection this year. Why? Because Texas has a 40% legal American Hispanic voting population in that state.
There's A Democrat Running For Every Texas Congressional Seat Next Year

31 House Republicans have already announced their early retirement, and will not seek reelection in 2018.
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

So you're intent on sending kids that grew up in this country and that were educated in this country--to a foreign country--so they can stimulate the economy there, not here, and pay taxes there, not here,and compete against American commerce there, not here.


Thanks for the history lesson.....BUT, your ignorance is confusing....are you saying we should trash the U.S. Constitution?

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