Stranded Motorist Shoots to Death Good Samaritan Trying to Help Him...

Hey this is America. If you engage a stranger, consider yourself lucky if they don't blast you to smithereens. They may fear for their lives after all.
Hey this is America. If you engage a stranger, consider yourself lucky if they don't blast you to smithereens. They may fear for their lives after all.

Yeah.....13 million people carry concealed guns for self defense, and in 2013, there were 505 accidental a real problem is it?
I doubt you ever come out from under your bed with that attitude.

I have to, from time to time. Tbough definitely not in that weather unless there is no other choice.

As someone who HAS TO be on the road in shitty weather quite often, due to my job; I have very little sympathy for people who don't have to be on the road and who get stuck or have bad things happen to them.
Good Samaritan Jefferson Heavner Shot, Killed by Stranded Driver, Say Police

Jefferson Heavner, 26, of Newton, North Carolina, was shot and killed Friday as he stopped to help a driver who spun out of control on a snow-covered road, according to police.

Heavner, along with two others, reportedly stopped to help 27-year-old Marvin Jacob Lee, whose car slid off a road outside Catawba, North Carolina, around 5:20 p.m., The Charlotte Observer noted. Lee reportedly “became belligerent,” as the three passersby tried to help, prompting the would-be Good Samaritans to call the police. At that time, Lee allegedly shot Heavner multiple times, killing him, before returning to his car and passing out, according to reports.

Lee was taken into custody and charged with first-degree murder. He's expected to appear in county court Monday.
Terrible story. I'm going to go out on a limb and say alcohol was involved though.

From the story so far.....

--we do not know his background....sounds like he probably has a long criminal history and he was allegedly drunk or high...

--we do not know if he was carrying the gun legally...considering he was drunk or high....odds are good he wasn't....

So again...not a normal gun owner......
I love the way any negative mention of guns is derailed as soon as it turns up.
In fact, this was a drunk with a gun, so no gun would have been a fight at worst, not a funeral.
Oh, but without a gun how could he have defended himself? Guns are for protection you know, which is why yet another family will be attending yet another funeral next week.

Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent attack and save lives......according to bill clinton.

There were 8,124 guns illegally used to commit murder, the majority of which were committed by violent, career criminals against other violent career criminals.......

Which number is bigger twit?

1,500,000 v. 8,124 (the majority of which were illegal uses of the gun by criminals unable to own or carry the gun)

In 2013 there were 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense.....and 505 accidental gun deaths....

11,100,000 vs. 505

Which number is you need to use your toes?

Not one statistic in this debate supports any of your beliefs or policy proposals........
I love the way any negative mention of guns is derailed as soon as it turns up.
In fact, this was a drunk with a gun, so no gun would have been a fight at worst, not a funeral.
Oh, but without a gun how could he have defended himself? Guns are for protection you know, which is why yet another family will be attending yet another funeral next week.

Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent attack and save lives......according to bill clinton.

There were 8,124 guns illegally used to commit murder, the majority of which were committed by violent, career criminals against other violent career criminals.......

Which number is bigger twit?

1,500,000 v. 8,124 (the majority of which were illegal uses of the gun by criminals unable to own or carry the gun)

In 2013 there were 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense.....and 505 accidental gun deaths....

11,100,000 vs. 505

Which number is you need to use your toes?

Not one statistic in this debate supports any of your beliefs or policy proposals........
Save the BS numbers. No one, especially me, cares.
Terrible story. I'm going to go out on a limb and say alcohol was involved though.

..and a gun?

Would it make you feel better if he picked up a tire iron and split his skull?

He could just as easily have stabbed the guy to death....a relative worked at a local hospital...a car rolled up to the E.R. and just stopped...when they went out, they found a guy in the drivers seat with a knife in his chest...he had been in a fight with another driver.....
I love the way any negative mention of guns is derailed as soon as it turns up.
In fact, this was a drunk with a gun, so no gun would have been a fight at worst, not a funeral.
Oh, but without a gun how could he have defended himself? Guns are for protection you know, which is why yet another family will be attending yet another funeral next week.

Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent attack and save lives......according to bill clinton.

There were 8,124 guns illegally used to commit murder, the majority of which were committed by violent, career criminals against other violent career criminals.......

Which number is bigger twit?

1,500,000 v. 8,124 (the majority of which were illegal uses of the gun by criminals unable to own or carry the gun)

In 2013 there were 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense.....and 505 accidental gun deaths....

11,100,000 vs. 505

Which number is you need to use your toes?

Not one statistic in this debate supports any of your beliefs or policy proposals........
Save the BS numbers. No one, especially me, cares.

Yes.......I show you are wrong, and that you have no real facts to support anything you you call actual truth, facts and reality B.S.......a very child like response to an argument.....did you kick your feet and throw things too......
Right to carry would have ensured the correct person got shot, the thug not the Good Samaritan.

As I understand it, the murderer had the right to carry, so your suggestion seems a little off the mark.

Not while drunk....and where did you find out he had the right to carry? Does he have a criminal record...? Was he drunk or high? can't carry when drunk or high....
We all have a right to carry dingbat

You have the right to carry an American child? How strange.

One of the problem with a population so sure of its absolute perfection, is it's very hard to see your own faults.
You excuse 30,000 deaths per year, but spend $ billions on 3,000 deaths in ten years.

21,000 are suicide with a gun......

19,974 are suicide without a gun.....

8,124 illegal use of a gun mostly by career criminals murdering other career criminals....

And then you have 1.5 million defensive uses of guns by normal gun owning Americans who actually stop violent criminal attacks and save lives...according to bill clinton....
We all have a right to carry dingbat

You have the right to carry an American child? How strange.

One of the problem with a population so sure of its absolute perfection, is it's very hard to see your own faults.
You excuse 30,000 deaths per year, but spend $ billions on 3,000 deaths in ten years.

Here you go...from the CDC table 10, 2013....

Gun Suicide: 21,175

Non gun suicide: 19,974

Not excusing anything....but you anti gun nuts want to focus on normal gun owners...the ones who do not break the law with guns or shoot people...

We would like to spend our time and energy and money on locking up the actual criminals who use guns to commit crimes and shoot people...You know, the thing that would actually reduce gun violence......
We all have a right to carry dingbat

You have the right to carry an American child? How strange.

One of the problem with a population so sure of its absolute perfection, is it's very hard to see your own faults.
You excuse 30,000 deaths per year, but spend $ billions on 3,000 deaths in ten years.

21,000 are suicide with a gun......

19,974 are suicide without a gun.....

8,124 illegal use of a gun mostly by career criminals murdering other career criminals....

And then you have 1.5 million defensive uses of guns by normal gun owning Americans who actually stop violent criminal attacks and save lives...according to bill clinton....

"What do these and so many other cases have in common? They are the byproduct of a tragic myth: that millions of gun owners successfully use their firearms to defend themselves and their families from criminals. Despite having nearly no academic support in public health literature, this myth is the single largest motivation behind gun ownership. It traces its origin to a two-decade-old series of surveys that, despite being thoroughly repudiated at the time, persists in influencing personal safety decisions and public policy throughout the United States.
In 1992, Gary Kleck and Marc Getz, criminologists at Florida State University, conducted a random digit-dial survey to establish the annual number of defensive gun uses in the United States. They surveyed 5,000 individuals, asking them if they had used a firearm in self-defense in the past year and, if so, for what reason and to what effect. Sixty-six incidences of defensive gun use were reported from the sample. The researchers then extrapolated their findings to the entire U.S. population, resulting in an estimate of between 1 million and 2.5 million defensive gun uses per year.
Kleck himself admitted in 1997, in response to criticism of his survey, that 36 to 64 percent of the defensive gun uses reported in the survey were likely illegal—meaning the firearm was used to intimidate or harm another person rather than for legitimate self-defense. His conjecture was confirmed by a Harvard study showing that 51 percent of defensive gun uses in a large survey were illegal according to a panel of 5 judges. This was even after the judges were told to take the respondents at their word, deliberately ignoring the tendency of respondents to portray themselves in a positive light.
We all have a right to carry dingbat

You have the right to carry an American child? How strange.

One of the problem with a population so sure of its absolute perfection, is it's very hard to see your own faults.
You excuse 30,000 deaths per year, but spend $ billions on 3,000 deaths in ten years.

21,000 are suicide with a gun......

19,974 are suicide without a gun.....

8,124 illegal use of a gun mostly by career criminals murdering other career criminals....

And then you have 1.5 million defensive uses of guns by normal gun owning Americans who actually stop violent criminal attacks and save lives...according to bill clinton....

"What do these and so many other cases have in common? They are the byproduct of a tragic myth: that millions of gun owners successfully use their firearms to defend themselves and their families from criminals. Despite having nearly no academic support in public health literature, this myth is the single largest motivation behind gun ownership. It traces its origin to a two-decade-old series of surveys that, despite being thoroughly repudiated at the time, persists in influencing personal safety decisions and public policy throughout the United States.
In 1992, Gary Kleck and Marc Getz, criminologists at Florida State University, conducted a random digit-dial survey to establish the annual number of defensive gun uses in the United States. They surveyed 5,000 individuals, asking them if they had used a firearm in self-defense in the past year and, if so, for what reason and to what effect. Sixty-six incidences of defensive gun use were reported from the sample. The researchers then extrapolated their findings to the entire U.S. population, resulting in an estimate of between 1 million and 2.5 million defensive gun uses per year.
Kleck himself admitted in 1997, in response to criticism of his survey, that 36 to 64 percent of the defensive gun uses reported in the survey were likely illegal—meaning the firearm was used to intimidate or harm another person rather than for legitimate self-defense. His conjecture was confirmed by a Harvard study showing that 51 percent of defensive gun uses in a large survey were illegal according to a panel of 5 judges. This was even after the judges were told to take the respondents at their word, deliberately ignoring the tendency of respondents to portray themselves in a positive light. haven't done your research just spew anti gun loon propaganda..........

First...the 1.5 million number I have been using is from a study commissioned by bill clinton in 1994 to refute Dr. Kleck's rsearch...I will highlight it for you .....

Second...his isn't the only study that shows defensive gun use that high...they like to single out his work because it was so detailed in his methods.........I will list all the others....

And no.....the behavior that was criminal was what Suzanah Gratia Hupp used to do....a normal citizen, who carried a gun for self defense in a state where that was not permitted......these are not career criminals using guns to commit crimes...and Kleck stated this last year in a response to a Politico article.....

Try to keep up...

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000.




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..


If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
We all have a right to carry dingbat

You have the right to carry an American child? How strange.

One of the problem with a population so sure of its absolute perfection, is it's very hard to see your own faults.
You excuse 30,000 deaths per year, but spend $ billions on 3,000 deaths in ten years.

21,000 are suicide with a gun......

19,974 are suicide without a gun.....

8,124 illegal use of a gun mostly by career criminals murdering other career criminals....

And then you have 1.5 million defensive uses of guns by normal gun owning Americans who actually stop violent criminal attacks and save lives...according to bill clinton....

"What do these and so many other cases have in common? They are the byproduct of a tragic myth: that millions of gun owners successfully use their firearms to defend themselves and their families from criminals. Despite having nearly no academic support in public health literature, this myth is the single largest motivation behind gun ownership. It traces its origin to a two-decade-old series of surveys that, despite being thoroughly repudiated at the time, persists in influencing personal safety decisions and public policy throughout the United States.
In 1992, Gary Kleck and Marc Getz, criminologists at Florida State University, conducted a random digit-dial survey to establish the annual number of defensive gun uses in the United States. They surveyed 5,000 individuals, asking them if they had used a firearm in self-defense in the past year and, if so, for what reason and to what effect. Sixty-six incidences of defensive gun use were reported from the sample. The researchers then extrapolated their findings to the entire U.S. population, resulting in an estimate of between 1 million and 2.5 million defensive gun uses per year.
Kleck himself admitted in 1997, in response to criticism of his survey, that 36 to 64 percent of the defensive gun uses reported in the survey were likely illegal—meaning the firearm was used to intimidate or harm another person rather than for legitimate self-defense. His conjecture was confirmed by a Harvard study showing that 51 percent of defensive gun uses in a large survey were illegal according to a panel of 5 judges. This was even after the judges were told to take the respondents at their word, deliberately ignoring the tendency of respondents to portray themselves in a positive light.

And here is Kleck...last year talking about the defensive gun uses...

Thus, although survey-reported defensive gun uses themselves rarely involve criminal behavior (that is, the defender did not use the gun to commit a criminal assault or other offense), most (at least back in 1993) involved unlawful possession of a gun in a public place by the defender.

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