Strange & Alarming that the GOP held The Senate and gained 7 seats in the house while....

Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)

"When Biden wins..."

Corrected it for you.

Sure. It doesn't matter to me much. You are not hurting me, with Biden winning. You are hurting you, and those like you. :)
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.
Of course there was no widespread voter fraud...
only facebook and twitter ads that brainwashed people into voting for Trump

Did Russia influence these elections too....
well, seeing how Twitter and Facebook suppressed everything from Covid to the laptops
and purged conservatives/Trump supporters, myself being one of them....I guess not
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.
Give them what they want

Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?
So far 141,000,000 people voted this year. I am guessing about 32 Million of those votes were fraudulent, dead people, illegal aliens, or fraudulent ballots with fake IDs from China like we were finding back in 2018.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.
Give them what they want

View attachment 411464
I just saw that verse the other day while watching an online teaching. 'Give them what they want' is what happens in the last days when God removes 'The Restrainer' and allows Evil to rule the world. He takes the church out of the world so there is no moral or ethical restraining influence in the world anymore and it literally becomes Hell on Earth, which is exactly what the DemNazi Globalists dream of as their Dystopian Paradise.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?
That is what the End Times, and Time of Jacob's Trouble is all about.

God removes His 'True Church' and let's Satan, the AntiChrist and False Prophet have dominion over the Earth for 7 years. God then pours his wrath on the remaining rebellious world to see if there are any who will repent out of the wicked remnant that he can save and have return to him. 70% of The Earth's Population dies within just 7 years by plague, war, famine, Earthquakes, and The Ocean and Waters being poisoned and all the fish in the seas dying.

Cheating in an election and making unjust laws and mandates, and oppressing people are one thing that makes God angry, and moves Him to decide if a Nation is Unrighteous and Unjust. He gets to that point, and only prayer and repentance will hold his judgment and wrath back and delay it. Just one verse below kind of says that nicely.

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?

In general every country everywhere, gets what it deserves. If you vote for people that are going to wreck the economy, as Biden's statements clearly indicate he would utterly destroy the entire country.....

Then yeah, eventually you get what you deserve.

Bill Clinton is a perfect example. His policies and administration pushed sub-prime loans. And Clinton was a complete bastard from the start.

Eventually that came around to wreck the economy. Biden will do the same I wager. He'll ride the wave of Trumps good policies, and eventually wreck everything. Could be years after he's out of office. Or maybe by 2021. Who knows. But eventually the American public will get what they voted for, and will blame everyone they can when the pain hits.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?

In general every country everywhere, gets what it deserves. If you vote for people that are going to wreck the economy, as Biden's statements clearly indicate he would utterly destroy the entire country.....

Or....the country won't be utterly destroyed. And you may be overreacting a bit.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?

In general every country everywhere, gets what it deserves. If you vote for people that are going to wreck the economy, as Biden's statements clearly indicate he would utterly destroy the entire country.....

Or....the country won't be utterly destroyed. And you may be overreacting a bit.

Well... Take Greece for example. All during the 1990s, people warned that their government spending on Pensions, Education, and Mass Transit, and HealthCare, were simply not sustainable.

All during the 1990s, people warned over and over, that they could not afford all the health care, pension, education, and mass transit, that people wanted.

All during the 2000s, they warned you need to reform your spending, you need to cut your benefits, you need to reduce the costs of these things.

But of course Greek health care was nothing super great to begin with. Pensions were not super luxurious either. And Greece is not known for good education.

And yet with lower quality in all areas, it was so expensive, that the Greek nation went into default, and had to be bailed out.

And worse... they voted in people who said they would increase spending, after destroying their entire country.

Well... we've been warned now for 20 years, that Social Security and Medicare are not sustainable.

All the way back in 2013, long before Trump ran for office, Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable.

Here we are 7 years later, without a single reform to either Medicare or Social Security, and the unfunded liabilities of both are now over $210 Trillion by some estimates.

And assuming Biden and his ilk has won the election.... you now have people in power who want to, not reduce Medicare, but expand it to Medicare For All, and do nothing about Social Security....... AND they want to have government pay for free universities, and mass transit, and cut oil production.... and and and and.... a whole bunch of other expensive things.

And you say I'm over reacting? History has proven me right already, with Greece and Venezuela, and a host of other examples.

You can't escape math. The amount of money coming into the government, is nowhere near the amount of money required for existing programs, let alone all the new programs they want.

In order to do this, Biden and his ilk of left-wingers will have to either bankrupt the country, by just spending until we have no money like Greece.... or double the tax rate on the lowest income people which will undoubtedly cause a recession or depression. *shrug*.... math. You can't fight math.

In Greece when they had no choice but to cut spending, the public voted for a the party that said they would increase spending. Guess what happened? They had to cut the spending. Pensions were cut, hospitals were cut, education was cut, mass transit was cut.

Facts don't care about your feelings. Math doesn't care about how we feel. You have to have the money, to pay for stuff, or you go broke. That's how life works.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?

In general every country everywhere, gets what it deserves. If you vote for people that are going to wreck the economy, as Biden's statements clearly indicate he would utterly destroy the entire country.....

Or....the country won't be utterly destroyed. And you may be overreacting a bit.

Well... Take Greece for example. All during the 1990s, people warned that their government spending on Pensions, Education, and Mass Transit, and HealthCare, were simply not sustainable.

All during the 1990s, people warned over and over, that they could not afford all the health care, pension, education, and mass transit, that people wanted.

All during the 2000s, they warned you need to reform your spending, you need to cut your benefits, you need to reduce the costs of these things.

But of course Greek health care was nothing super great to begin with. Pensions were not super luxurious either. And Greece is not known for good education.

And yet with lower quality in all areas, it was so expensive, that the Greek nation went into default, and had to be bailed out.

And worse... they voted in people who said they would increase spending, after destroying their entire country.

Well... we've been warned now for 20 years, that Social Security and Medicare are not sustainable.

All the way back in 2013, long before Trump ran for office, Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable.

Here we are 7 years later, without a single reform to either Medicare or Social Security, and the unfunded liabilities of both are now over $210 Trillion by some estimates.

And assuming Biden and his ilk has won the election.... you now have people in power who want to, not reduce Medicare, but expand it to Medicare For All, and do nothing about Social Security....... AND they want to have government pay for free universities, and mass transit, and cut oil production.... and and and and.... a whole bunch of other expensive things.

And you say I'm over reacting? History has proven me right already, with Greece and Venezuela, and a host of other examples.

You can't escape math. The amount of money coming into the government, is nowhere near the amount of money required for existing programs, let alone all the new programs they want.

In order to do this, Biden and his ilk of left-wingers will have to either bankrupt the country, by just spending until we have no money like Greece.... or double the tax rate on the lowest income people. *shrug*.... math. You can't fight math.

Or....we could raise taxes on the folks with more disposable income: the wealthy.

See how math works?
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?

In general every country everywhere, gets what it deserves. If you vote for people that are going to wreck the economy, as Biden's statements clearly indicate he would utterly destroy the entire country.....

Or....the country won't be utterly destroyed. And you may be overreacting a bit.

Well... Take Greece for example. All during the 1990s, people warned that their government spending on Pensions, Education, and Mass Transit, and HealthCare, were simply not sustainable.

All during the 1990s, people warned over and over, that they could not afford all the health care, pension, education, and mass transit, that people wanted.

All during the 2000s, they warned you need to reform your spending, you need to cut your benefits, you need to reduce the costs of these things.

But of course Greek health care was nothing super great to begin with. Pensions were not super luxurious either. And Greece is not known for good education.

And yet with lower quality in all areas, it was so expensive, that the Greek nation went into default, and had to be bailed out.

And worse... they voted in people who said they would increase spending, after destroying their entire country.

Well... we've been warned now for 20 years, that Social Security and Medicare are not sustainable.

All the way back in 2013, long before Trump ran for office, Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable.

Here we are 7 years later, without a single reform to either Medicare or Social Security, and the unfunded liabilities of both are now over $210 Trillion by some estimates.

And assuming Biden and his ilk has won the election.... you now have people in power who want to, not reduce Medicare, but expand it to Medicare For All, and do nothing about Social Security....... AND they want to have government pay for free universities, and mass transit, and cut oil production.... and and and and.... a whole bunch of other expensive things.

And you say I'm over reacting? History has proven me right already, with Greece and Venezuela, and a host of other examples.

You can't escape math. The amount of money coming into the government, is nowhere near the amount of money required for existing programs, let alone all the new programs they want.

In order to do this, Biden and his ilk of left-wingers will have to either bankrupt the country, by just spending until we have no money like Greece.... or double the tax rate on the lowest income people. *shrug*.... math. You can't fight math.

Or....we could raise taxes on the folks with more disposable income: the wealthy.

See how math works?

It doesn't. Why has no one anywhere on the entire planet, ever had that system work?

If what you said worked.... why has not a single country in the last 100 years (and actually before that), ever gotten the rich to pay for it?

Lower and middle class people in Denmark pay 40% to 60% of their income, AND they pay 25% sale tax on everything they buy.

Why didn't Denmark get the rich to pay for it? Or Sweden? Or Finland? Or the UK? Low and middle income brits pay double the taxes we do. Why didn't they just "Get the rich to pay for it"?

France. Why didn't France get the rich to pay for it?

It is estimated that, only in 2015, around 10,000 millionaires left France for tax purposes. Also, the French income tax of up to 45%, which is one of the highest in the world, has triggered an exodus of high earning financiers and caused serious harm to the investment image of the country.​

France's wealth tax contributed to the exodus of an estimated 42,000 millionaires between 2000 and 2012, among other problems. Only last year, French president Emmanuel Macron killed it.​
In 1990, twelve countries in Europe had a wealth tax. Today, there are only three: Norway, Spain, and Switzerland.​

In all of those countries, the poorest people have to pay much much higher taxes, than we do.

You want to pay $20 for some chicken nuggets and tea? That's how much my friend from Germany had to pay, when she went there a few years back. She moved here from Germany, and now she has a different view on the "free" government services in Germany.

The "get the rich to pay for it" plan has never worked. Never. No country exists where the rich pay for your free health care, and everything else.

You pay for it. You pay for it, in lower wages. You pay for it in higher taxes on your income. You pay for it when you buy 1 gallon of gasoline, for $5.70 in the UK (today's price. Just looked it up). You pay for it, when you have to pay 20% to 25% sales tax in Europe.

YOU are going to pay for it. You will pay for everything. You will live in a smaller house, you will have a tiny car, you will turn off your air conditioning in the summer, because electricity will be $300 a month, instead of $100 a month. In the US, the average cost of electricity is 9¢ per kwh. In Denmark, Germany, its 35¢, and most of Europe it's 24¢.

YOU.... YOU are going to pay for it. Every single time that you read so-and-so says they'll have a wealth tax to pay for X... you need to realize, they will have a *YOU* tax, to pay for X.

No country has ever made the wealthy pay for everything the people want... because guess what.... Rich people have the same freedom you do, and they can leave.

They can leave. You can't force other people, to pay for your demands. Welcome to the modern world, where people are not slaves.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?

In general every country everywhere, gets what it deserves. If you vote for people that are going to wreck the economy, as Biden's statements clearly indicate he would utterly destroy the entire country.....

Or....the country won't be utterly destroyed. And you may be overreacting a bit.

Well... Take Greece for example. All during the 1990s, people warned that their government spending on Pensions, Education, and Mass Transit, and HealthCare, were simply not sustainable.

All during the 1990s, people warned over and over, that they could not afford all the health care, pension, education, and mass transit, that people wanted.

All during the 2000s, they warned you need to reform your spending, you need to cut your benefits, you need to reduce the costs of these things.

But of course Greek health care was nothing super great to begin with. Pensions were not super luxurious either. And Greece is not known for good education.

And yet with lower quality in all areas, it was so expensive, that the Greek nation went into default, and had to be bailed out.

And worse... they voted in people who said they would increase spending, after destroying their entire country.

Well... we've been warned now for 20 years, that Social Security and Medicare are not sustainable.

All the way back in 2013, long before Trump ran for office, Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable.

Here we are 7 years later, without a single reform to either Medicare or Social Security, and the unfunded liabilities of both are now over $210 Trillion by some estimates.

And assuming Biden and his ilk has won the election.... you now have people in power who want to, not reduce Medicare, but expand it to Medicare For All, and do nothing about Social Security....... AND they want to have government pay for free universities, and mass transit, and cut oil production.... and and and and.... a whole bunch of other expensive things.

And you say I'm over reacting? History has proven me right already, with Greece and Venezuela, and a host of other examples.

You can't escape math. The amount of money coming into the government, is nowhere near the amount of money required for existing programs, let alone all the new programs they want.

In order to do this, Biden and his ilk of left-wingers will have to either bankrupt the country, by just spending until we have no money like Greece.... or double the tax rate on the lowest income people. *shrug*.... math. You can't fight math.

Or....we could raise taxes on the folks with more disposable income: the wealthy.

See how math works?

It doesn't. Why has no one anywhere on the entire planet, ever had that system work?

You get that we've had higher tax rates on the wealthy in our own country? And it worked fine.

Taxing the wealthy at a higher rate than the middle class and poor is practiced in most first world countries.

And the math works fine.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?

In general every country everywhere, gets what it deserves. If you vote for people that are going to wreck the economy, as Biden's statements clearly indicate he would utterly destroy the entire country.....

Or....the country won't be utterly destroyed. And you may be overreacting a bit.

Well... Take Greece for example. All during the 1990s, people warned that their government spending on Pensions, Education, and Mass Transit, and HealthCare, were simply not sustainable.

All during the 1990s, people warned over and over, that they could not afford all the health care, pension, education, and mass transit, that people wanted.

All during the 2000s, they warned you need to reform your spending, you need to cut your benefits, you need to reduce the costs of these things.

But of course Greek health care was nothing super great to begin with. Pensions were not super luxurious either. And Greece is not known for good education.

And yet with lower quality in all areas, it was so expensive, that the Greek nation went into default, and had to be bailed out.

And worse... they voted in people who said they would increase spending, after destroying their entire country.

Well... we've been warned now for 20 years, that Social Security and Medicare are not sustainable.

All the way back in 2013, long before Trump ran for office, Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable.

Here we are 7 years later, without a single reform to either Medicare or Social Security, and the unfunded liabilities of both are now over $210 Trillion by some estimates.

And assuming Biden and his ilk has won the election.... you now have people in power who want to, not reduce Medicare, but expand it to Medicare For All, and do nothing about Social Security....... AND they want to have government pay for free universities, and mass transit, and cut oil production.... and and and and.... a whole bunch of other expensive things.

And you say I'm over reacting? History has proven me right already, with Greece and Venezuela, and a host of other examples.

You can't escape math. The amount of money coming into the government, is nowhere near the amount of money required for existing programs, let alone all the new programs they want.

In order to do this, Biden and his ilk of left-wingers will have to either bankrupt the country, by just spending until we have no money like Greece.... or double the tax rate on the lowest income people. *shrug*.... math. You can't fight math.

Or....we could raise taxes on the folks with more disposable income: the wealthy.

See how math works?

It doesn't. Why has no one anywhere on the entire planet, ever had that system work?

You get that we've had higher tax rates on the wealthy in our own country? And it worked fine.

Taxing the wealthy at a higher rate than the middle class and poor is practiced in most first world countries.

And the math works fine.

But it didn't. It didn't work fine.

The politicians sold tax exemptions nonstop. If you are politician in government, and you have a 90% tax rate, you are in a position to sell tax breaks to the highest bidder. And they did. Politicians made tons of money off of selling the tax exemptions to everyone.

Watch the video. It's well known throughout the country that people were buying exemptions.

In fact... did you know.... that the origins of lobbying, was from that 90% tax rate under FDR? The very first lobbying effort, where people paid money to get politicians to push legislation was because of the high income tax under FDR.

See what happened was.... under high taxes, the rich hid their money, to avoid paying the tax. How did they do this? Usually by investing it into tax exempt bonds, or just taking a lower wage, and having the company invest the money out of the country. Either way, they didn't pay the tax.

However, this led to a problem for Universities, which were dependent on charitable donation. See with the rich, tying their wealth up in bonds and outside investments, the rich stopped donating to charity. Which harmed the universities.

So the universities banded together, and lobbied government for a tax exemption for charitable giving, which still exists to this day.

They lobbied, and avoided the tax. It didn't work "just fine". Not at all.

There is no time with high tax rates, where the government had a surplus of cash to pay for free health care, education, or pensions. Go look up the numbers. The government was not awash with cash for all those things. Not at any point.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?

In general every country everywhere, gets what it deserves. If you vote for people that are going to wreck the economy, as Biden's statements clearly indicate he would utterly destroy the entire country.....

Or....the country won't be utterly destroyed. And you may be overreacting a bit.

Well... Take Greece for example. All during the 1990s, people warned that their government spending on Pensions, Education, and Mass Transit, and HealthCare, were simply not sustainable.

All during the 1990s, people warned over and over, that they could not afford all the health care, pension, education, and mass transit, that people wanted.

All during the 2000s, they warned you need to reform your spending, you need to cut your benefits, you need to reduce the costs of these things.

But of course Greek health care was nothing super great to begin with. Pensions were not super luxurious either. And Greece is not known for good education.

And yet with lower quality in all areas, it was so expensive, that the Greek nation went into default, and had to be bailed out.

And worse... they voted in people who said they would increase spending, after destroying their entire country.

Well... we've been warned now for 20 years, that Social Security and Medicare are not sustainable.

All the way back in 2013, long before Trump ran for office, Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable.

Here we are 7 years later, without a single reform to either Medicare or Social Security, and the unfunded liabilities of both are now over $210 Trillion by some estimates.

And assuming Biden and his ilk has won the election.... you now have people in power who want to, not reduce Medicare, but expand it to Medicare For All, and do nothing about Social Security....... AND they want to have government pay for free universities, and mass transit, and cut oil production.... and and and and.... a whole bunch of other expensive things.

And you say I'm over reacting? History has proven me right already, with Greece and Venezuela, and a host of other examples.

You can't escape math. The amount of money coming into the government, is nowhere near the amount of money required for existing programs, let alone all the new programs they want.

In order to do this, Biden and his ilk of left-wingers will have to either bankrupt the country, by just spending until we have no money like Greece.... or double the tax rate on the lowest income people. *shrug*.... math. You can't fight math.

Or....we could raise taxes on the folks with more disposable income: the wealthy.

See how math works?

It doesn't. Why has no one anywhere on the entire planet, ever had that system work?

You get that we've had higher tax rates on the wealthy in our own country? And it worked fine.

Taxing the wealthy at a higher rate than the middle class and poor is practiced in most first world countries.

And the math works fine.

But it didn't. It didn't work fine.

Yes, it did. And it does. Again, your premise that higher tax rates for the rich don't work in any country is just wrong. Historically and contemporarily.

If you're looking for revenue, you go where the revenue is.

That's how math works.

The politicians sold tax exemptions nonstop. If you are politician in government, and you have a 90% tax rate, you are in a position to sell tax breaks to the highest bidder. And they did. Politicians made tons of money off of selling the tax exemptions to everyone.

The wealthy aren't constantly looking for tax cuts because the higher taxes on them benefit the wealthy. But because the wealthy pay more.

Higher taxes rates on the wealthy is a system used in virtually every industrialized county......including our own. And the wealthy can absolutely survive paying higher tax rates. As demonstrated elegantly by the fact that they have when our tax rates were higher. And do now, paying higher tax rates.

Rendering your premise that we'd have to 'double the taxes on the poor' a little silly. No, we don't. If you want revenue, go where the revenue is.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.

That's fine. If there is none, great. Either way, I'm good with the outcome at this point. If Trump wins, ok. If Biden wins, and he destroys the country, divine justice.

Either way.

So what you're saying is America may be getting what it actually deserves?

In general every country everywhere, gets what it deserves. If you vote for people that are going to wreck the economy, as Biden's statements clearly indicate he would utterly destroy the entire country.....

Or....the country won't be utterly destroyed. And you may be overreacting a bit.

Well... Take Greece for example. All during the 1990s, people warned that their government spending on Pensions, Education, and Mass Transit, and HealthCare, were simply not sustainable.

All during the 1990s, people warned over and over, that they could not afford all the health care, pension, education, and mass transit, that people wanted.

All during the 2000s, they warned you need to reform your spending, you need to cut your benefits, you need to reduce the costs of these things.

But of course Greek health care was nothing super great to begin with. Pensions were not super luxurious either. And Greece is not known for good education.

And yet with lower quality in all areas, it was so expensive, that the Greek nation went into default, and had to be bailed out.

And worse... they voted in people who said they would increase spending, after destroying their entire country.

Well... we've been warned now for 20 years, that Social Security and Medicare are not sustainable.

All the way back in 2013, long before Trump ran for office, Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable.

Here we are 7 years later, without a single reform to either Medicare or Social Security, and the unfunded liabilities of both are now over $210 Trillion by some estimates.

And assuming Biden and his ilk has won the election.... you now have people in power who want to, not reduce Medicare, but expand it to Medicare For All, and do nothing about Social Security....... AND they want to have government pay for free universities, and mass transit, and cut oil production.... and and and and.... a whole bunch of other expensive things.

And you say I'm over reacting? History has proven me right already, with Greece and Venezuela, and a host of other examples.

You can't escape math. The amount of money coming into the government, is nowhere near the amount of money required for existing programs, let alone all the new programs they want.

In order to do this, Biden and his ilk of left-wingers will have to either bankrupt the country, by just spending until we have no money like Greece.... or double the tax rate on the lowest income people. *shrug*.... math. You can't fight math.

Or....we could raise taxes on the folks with more disposable income: the wealthy.

See how math works?

It doesn't. Why has no one anywhere on the entire planet, ever had that system work?

You get that we've had higher tax rates on the wealthy in our own country? And it worked fine.

Taxing the wealthy at a higher rate than the middle class and poor is practiced in most first world countries.

And the math works fine.

But it didn't. It didn't work fine.

Yes, it did. And it does. Again, your premise that higher tax rates for the rich don't work in any country is just wrong. Historically and contemporarily.

If you're looking for revenue, you go where the revenue is.

That's how math works.

The politicians sold tax exemptions nonstop. If you are politician in government, and you have a 90% tax rate, you are in a position to sell tax breaks to the highest bidder. And they did. Politicians made tons of money off of selling the tax exemptions to everyone.

The wealthy aren't constantly looking for tax cuts because the higher taxes on them benefit the wealthy. But because the wealthy pay more.

Higher taxes rates on the wealthy is a system used in virtually every industrialized county......including our own. And the wealthy can absolutely survive paying higher tax rates. As demonstrated elegantly by the fact that they have when our tax rates were higher. And do now, paying higher tax rates.

Rendering your premise that we'd have to 'double the taxes on the poor' a little silly. No, we don't. If you want revenue, go where the revenue is.

Yes, it did. And it does. Again, your premise that higher tax rates for the rich don't work in any country is just wrong. Historically and contemporarily.

Sure. Show me one single country anywhere, that has as low taxes on the lower and middle class, as the US, that has all the things you want, paid for by the rich. Which country is that?

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